Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

153 Netherland Chasing Soul: It's Wrong To Hit A Woman, Boy, Learn It Hard!

Academy City, School District 7, inside the "Windowless Building".

In the enclosed space, there is only the light of the data stream that flashes from time to time on the optical cable of the instrument. The center of the room is made of tempered glass, with a diameter of four meters and a total length of ten meters. It is filled with red liquid (a kind of weak alkaline culture solution). In the life-support device, a person suspended in the life-support device with his head upside down and his feet in the sky is closing his eyes as if he has fallen into a long sleep.

With long silver hair and a green surgical gown, he looks like both male and female, both adult and child, both saint and prisoner. .

In the silent twilight, it seemed to be eternity.

However, a vague figure slowly appeared in the darkness, and a voice that was also somewhat difficult to distinguish between men and women sounded, breaking the silence.

"I thought you'd do something, it's not like you!"

Aleister, who was standing upside down in the life support device, opened his eyes, and suddenly several bubbles appeared around him floating upwards.

Aleister didn't look at the blurry figure that suddenly appeared, but said indifferently: "I'm observing, I'm thinking!"

"It's not like you. Being able to defeat Accelerator has proved that the existence has at least IV5 or more strength. You have tried your best to prevent the birth of "350" in this academy city. The uncontrollable factors still appeared. , A space system can definitely leave the final cleansing easily, superpowers are also magic, don't forget!"

The owner of the voice seemed to be reminding Aleister, but with a trace of interest that couldn't be ignored, he seemed to be watching a good show, standing from the perspective of the audience.

"Space system, what a terrible loophole..."

Aleister seemed to be laughing, "But have you forgotten!? You told me that he is as special as you, isn't he!? He will eventually stand by my side, right!? I have already It took more than ten years to judge."

"He is omniscient and omnipotent, and he even walks ahead of me, seeing all the future in his eyes, and now he has become even more special. Xiaguo is indeed a mysterious place. What kind of existence do you think he would be? !? The sages or gods in the mythology of Xia Kingdom!?”

"But it doesn't matter. Since he didn't stop me from the beginning, it means he also wants to see me erase magic from this world. An enemy's enemy is a friend. I like this sentence very much!"

"And how didn't you know he was watching your joke, your ridiculous ending!?"

"I remember you once said that you are a person who has been cursed by fate, no matter what you want to do, you will end up with nothing in the end.

The mysterious voice seemed to be mocking, but also seemed to be persuading the warning prompt.

However, Aleister closed his eyes again, and in the claustrophobic space, a sentence resounded softly, "Whether you succeed or fail, the result will definitely lead to the same direction.

Failure is doomed, but the result is the same.

As long as the trend is directed to flow in the same direction no matter what develops, all is equal.

Maybe he is a loser who is doomed to accomplish nothing, but this is just himself.

"Oh, dare I say it! I hope it's what you want! I'll keep watching."

Said that the vague figure slowly disappeared, as if melting into the darkness.

When the silence in the building returned to before, Aleister opened his eyes again, without any emotion in them, but closed them again soon.

Zhang Qing, who was visiting Kamijou Touma in the hospital, couldn't help but sneezed, unaware that he was being talked about, and almost regarded him as some kind of indescribable existence.

To be honest, Zhang Qing has always felt that Aleister had a deep misunderstanding of him, but Zhang Qing forgot that as a time traveler, even if he did not participate in the plot, his behavior alone is enough to attract people thought deeply.

In the eyes of some, there is only one explanation for his behavior, omniscience, mastery of past and future.

If other worlds are okay, but the world of the forbidden world, especially Academy City, is almost full of such stagnant loops. Zhang Qing's every move, even a subtle expression, will be carefully analyzed by caring people, especially when seeing Shang Qing for the first time. When Tiao Toma was young, he was still too young, even though he was a human being, but acting skills were not trained and studied, and he couldn't control his micro-expressions at all.

It's the same when meeting other characters, even if he avoids contact, it's not suspicious to other people, but for Aleister who knows how many key pieces he has in his hand , it is extremely strange, because Zhang Qing seems to know everything, even Aleister's next move, which makes people think deeply.

So it's not that Aleister's brain was suddenly trapped by the door and he had to be Dihua, but that Zhang Qing was already very peculiar. Zuodi, he is so high-profile that I seem to be number one in the world, but the world of Moban is also very strange. If Zhang Qing hadn't come to Academy City, his low-key would definitely not attract anyone's attention. He was sent by Xia Guo as an undercover agent.

Doesn't this mean that he has entered the eyes of a certain Hanged Man who has been monitoring every move of the entire Academy City!?

That's why there was a series of unreasonable arrangements later. Kamijou Touma was arranged to come to Zhang Qing by Aleister as a bait to test Zhang Qing's purpose.

So whether they are in the same class or in the same dormitory, or even become neighbors, it is Aleister's temptation.

He confirmed that Zhang Qing clearly knew Kamijou Touma's true identity, but he needed to know what exactly Zhang Qing was planning to do with the text? Would he become an enemy!?

Sister Misaka's contact was Aleister's last trial. Fortunately, Aleister made the right bet. Zhang Qing's handling method can be said to coincide with what Aleister wanted to do.

As for Zhang Qing's purpose of helping him!? Hehe, it doesn't matter, as long as he gets what he wants in the end, that's enough. Aleister doesn't care what benefits Zhang Qing gets by the way!

Zhang Qing didn't know anything about this, and he didn't even think that he could make the other party think so much and play so much. You must know that before the cheat came, he was really just a cannon fodder. Apart from knowing a little about the plot, Zhang Qing also There is really no advantage, not to mention, Zhang Qing has not finished watching "Magic Forbidden" and "Super Cannon" in his last life, and he basically relies on fan fiction to make up for the rest, which can be said to be really half-knowledgeable.

However, it is precisely because of this half-knowledge that he has no sense of security. That's why he is so cautious and obstinate. He tries not to get in touch with certain key characters, for fear of being involved. It was lucky, but there was no way to be sure whether he could retain the memory and live out the third life, so Zhang Qing was actually very resigned to his life at that time.

In fact, it’s not bad. If he was reborn in a world like Dragon Ball, where people on the entire planet die once in a while, that would be really hopeless. There is no cheat, and he can only wait to die. At least this world is relatively safe. , as long as you don't risk your life, don't play the role of a hero and take the leading role, basically as a passerby, you can live without any problem. 0

So there is nothing wrong with him resisting contact with plot characters.

But how could he know that he would be targeted even though he was such a slut!? Didn’t he just look at the little Kamijou Touma in the crowd when he entered Academy City!?

Isn't it a little shock to meet the protagonist so quickly!? What a big deal!?

It is estimated that Zhang Qing knew that it was because of his extra glance that he caused trouble, and he would regret it to death.

Otherwise, he would definitely be able to get to the end of the plot, and he would still be an unknown little passerby.

"The little nun is here too, excuse me..."

When Zhang Qing opened the door of Touma's ward and looked at Index lying on Kamijou Touma's body inside, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then quickly rushed to the door.

As long as there is a certain silver-haired little nun whose clothes are a little messy, and her face is abnormally red.

Then Kamijou Touma anxiously shouted from inside, "Wait, I said it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it!? Listen to my explanation——!!!!"


"The world is going down..." Zhang Qing sighed, since this guy is living so well, he is relieved, Zhang Qing was about to leave when he suddenly remembered that his mobile phone was still in the hands of Heizi Shirai , turned around and walked upstairs.

As for Touma's explanation, he is not the other party's girlfriend, who wants to listen to a man's explanation!? Explain it to your future wife!

"The visit is over!?"

When Zhang Qing came upstairs again, he happened to see Nether Earth Chasing Soul coming out of the ward next to Baijing Heizi. When the other party saw Zhang Qing, he greeted Zhang Qing with a smile.

Zhang Qing nodded, "That guy is alive and well, I believe he will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, but you should keep the ward, I am afraid that if he is discharged from the hospital, he will come in again, cleaning and disinfection will be troublesome, won't he?" !?"

Having said that, Zhang Qing just glanced at scene 5.2 in that ward, and the open door just allowed him to see the figure of the patient on the hospital bed inside.

"Jubia Danxi!?"

Zhang Qing didn't expect such a fate, is this woman still lying next to Heizi!?

"What's the matter!? Do you know this one too!?" Mingtu Zhuhun noticed Zhang Qing's surprised expression, and the corners of his eyes twitched, "I said, what kind of place do you think my hospital is!? Jinwu Zangjiao You didn't do that!"

This is not the ancient palace of Xia Kingdom, why did you send so many girls to the hospital one by one!?

This one was even worse, all the teeth were knocked out, and there were many fractures in the body.

Zhang Qing had a black line, "I said, what kind of scum am I in your eyes, can't you think in a better way?"

This Academy City is only that big, is it strange for him to recognize it!?

Not to mention that this woman caused Shirai Heizi's injury, he even sent Shirai Heizi to the hospital, you know it's not a strange thing!?

Speaking of him like some kind of pervert, the thinking of this frog face is too dangerous.

Mingtu Zhuhun patted Zhang Qing's shoulder, and said earnestly, "A good man shouldn't hit a woman. Remember, no matter how good a girl is, he can't do it, especially in her face!"

Zhang Qing:

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