Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

157 The Layout Of The Former Dream And Shokuhou Misaki!

Under the cold incandescent light, a young man in a hospital gown was struggling to support the metal railings on both sides, clenching his teeth so that his legs could slowly walk.

The green roots on the hands protruded, which was shocking, and one could imagine how hard it was.

But the more he exerted himself on his hands, the more weak and vain his feet appeared.

The same people, and many more, are in the recovery room below.

At this time, somewhere above, a doctor in a white coat and a little girl with brown hair are quietly watching everything below.

"Is his foot...... injured!?" The little girl asked a little puzzled.

"No, he just has muscular dystrophy."

However, the doctor standing aside with his hands behind his back denied the little girl's conjecture that day, and uttered an unfamiliar term.

Because of the unfamiliarity, the little girl couldn't understand what it meant and what it represented, so she tilted her head and murmured softly, this strange term, "Muscle atrophy!?"


However, at this moment, the faltering boy suddenly fell to the ground like a dog eating shit, lying on the ground, and made a heavy sound, which scared the little girl and made her utter an "ah!"

"People with this disease will lose their muscle strength little by little, and they are born with this helpless disease......"

"That's why he fought the disease so hard."

Seeing the young man get up again, the doctor's indifferent voice of explanation slowly carried a hint of imperceptible sarcasm, "But no matter how hard we try, it won't help, because we can't stop the decline of muscle strength. According to the medical level, the disease cannot be cured, and he will not even be able to stand up in a short time."

"at last…….…………"

"He even has difficulty breathing or beating his heart on his own, do you understand what that means!?"

Seeing the little girl's excited expression because the boy got up again, the doctor's words were undoubtedly like a bucket of cold water being poured on her head, which made the little girl feel chilled from the bottom of her heart.

His face couldn't help being a little dignified and uneasy, and he kept swallowing his saliva.

She still couldn't understand what the doctor's words meant, but she felt fear and sadness for no reason.

The doctor smiled. He stretched out his hand and gently touched the little girl's head, saying, "But, that's just based on the current situation."

"Because of you, or your power, we have found new hope, if we borrow your power, we may be able to help them.

"My power!?" The little girl looked at each other in confusion.

"The commands from the brain can be conveyed to the muscles through electrical signals, and if the biological currents can be manipulated, the muscles can be activated even without passing through ordinary nerves.

"So, if you can figure out the source of your electric power and [transplant] it to them, maybe it can help them overcome muscular dystrophy

That's what we guessed, and we both thought there was a good chance of success. "

"So, are you willing to provide us with your DNA!? For these patients who have been struggling with the disease!"

The doctor looked down at the little girl's eyes quietly, and looked at each other.

Looking at the patients of different ages below, the little girl didn't think too much, she nodded briskly and agreed.


"Thank you, you are such a good boy."

"Good boy..."


"Is it a dream.........!?"

"Why are you dreaming about the past again!?" Misaka Mikoto, who was holding a life-sized bear puppet on the bed, slowly opened her eyes, a little confused.

During this time, she would have this dream every three days, which troubled her very much.

Maybe it's because of the rumors. Although Misaka Mikoto doesn't believe the urban legend about her clone, she still pays attention to it after hearing it a lot.

In particular, she did provide her DNA free of charge.

Speaking of which, how is that medical research institute doing now!?

It seems that since that time, I haven’t been there again. I don’t know if there is a cure for muscular dystrophy. Should I take some time to learn about -F!?

It's not that she doesn't trust those doctors and researchers, she just wants to feel at ease.

Make an appointment to see it.

Misaka Mikoto, who made up her mind, was in a better mood, but soon she frowned again, because she felt that she was being hugged tightly from behind.

And I also felt someone kissing on my back non-stop, making a "chirp, chirp, chirp" sound.

Misaka Mikoto felt her fist harden again!


On the other side, after receiving the call notification that Netherland Chasing Soul had finished adjusting Misaka sister, Zhang Qing contacted Shokuhou Misaki, and together they arranged people to go around the world.

For this reason, Shokuhou Misaki also controlled a large consortium.

With a strong capital backing you, you don’t have to worry too much about the safety of Misaka sisters. As long as you don’t encounter a magician by accident, ordinary people are definitely not Misaka sister’s opponents

And because Zhang Qing used part of the artificial human technology of the moon world Einzbern to make up for Misaka sister's defects, in fact Misaka sister's growth space will definitely not be limited to the currently known level.

However, there is still a problem that after the personality is awakened, the ability that may be born in the end may not be the same ability as Misaka Mikoto, and even the [Defective Power] may disappear. What kind of ability will become depends on them. .

This is the personal reality, which only belongs to the individual reality, and it is absolutely impossible for the exact same personal reality to exist.

At the same time, due to the increasing differences, Misaka Network will eventually collapse due to compatibility issues, but it is not easy for all Misaka sisters to give birth to their own independent personalities in a short time, at least it is impossible in a short period of time , although it is not ruled out that there will be a few lucky ones who can do it in a short period of time, but it is impossible for the vast majority of Misaka sisters to cross this long period of time.

Especially before some knowledge was roughly poured into the brain with learning devices, which will definitely have an impact on the birth of Misaka sister's independent personality, and it is an obstacle that cannot be ignored. The reason Leicester let others take Misaka sister away.

Instead, he has already done it.

And he is not without a backhand, such as the last work.

"Why don't you find a place to put people together, and have to spread them all over the world!?" Shokuhou Misaki didn't understand Zhang Qing's operation.

0 looking for flowers......

For example, if you buy a private island, there is no problem at all with living there together.

Zhang Qing looked at Sister Misaka who was sent to each transport plane one by one, "This is part of the deal. Their birth is not as simple as it seems on the surface. You guessed wrong from the beginning. As for the real reason, I'm sorry. I can't tell you now, or I can't say it, or some existence will know, this world is not as simple as you see."

"Don't worry, I won't let them get hurt, I can guarantee it!"

Shokuhou Misaki stared at Zhang Qing's face for a long time, and then looked away, "Okay, I believe you! But is there a deeper mystery!? This Academy City is as exciting as ever. I'm not happy..."

"Just get used to it." Zhang Qing said with a smile.

Shokuhochi gave Zhang Qing a white look, "At this time, I should say 'for the sake of the beautiful princess, I will wipe out everything you are dissatisfied with'!"

Zhang Qing shrugged, "It's too nasty and greasy, I can't say it, but there is good news, the day you want will not be too long, but it is very likely that at that time, you will find that it is not as good as it is now !"


The war between the two old and new forces is not a joke, it is not much worse than the third world war.

"I figured it out, you're the final big boss, right!?" Shokuhou said with a sigh of relief.

"You say yes!" Zhang Qing did not deny it, because he will indeed become the final boss in the future. If Aleister fails, he will have to kill all the demon gods, or kill the demon gods. Become a mortal again.

"Do you want to be a heroine!?"

Shokuhou Misaki took Zhang Qing's arm and said helplessly, "I want to be one, but who told me to follow a certain big devil early!? So I can only become the final boss

"Speaking of which, I recently asked someone to talk about that urban legend near that guy in Misaka, and it seems to have worked. It shouldn't take long for her to investigate. I really want to see the expression on that guy who found out the truth soon. ! I can't wait."

"You are really a bad woman, fuck!"

"You who cooperate with me, aren't you a bad man!? We are a good match!" Shokuhou Misaki said indifferently, she had been upset with Misaka Mikoto for a long time, and finally she was able to let the other party understand her pain back then, Shokuhou Misaki Qi is very happy.

Although Shokuhou Misaki also knew that this was not Misaka Mikoto's fault, but the other party's ignorant and happy appearance every day made her unhappy enough. Yes, Shokuhou Misaki vented her anger precisely because The friend is irretrievable, so she can't treat Misaka Mikoto normally at all.

In fact, Shokuhou Misaki also has complicated feelings about the other Misaka sisters.

"There's no reason why I'm the only one who is worrying, she's obviously the one involved..."

Shokuhou Misaki said with gritted teeth.

Zhang Qing was a little amused, "I thought your relationship was very good!"

"Who has a good relationship with her!?"

"But you're always talking about her! Are you denying it after thinking about it!?"

" short, there is no such thing!"

"Well, if you say there is no, then there is no!"


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