Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

160 Academy City Ability Development!

The potential of the human brain is huge. Many psychologists believe that only 3% of the human brain is used, some people think that it uses 5%, and some people think that it uses 9%. But there is a consensus that 90% of the human brain is used. All of the above are dormant.

The ability development of Academy City is actually to open the restricted area of ​​the brain and utilize more than 90% of the dormant areas of the human brain. explode.

Because too many experimental subjects died at the beginning, the method of gradually activating potential was used later.

That's why there is a classification of superpowers: 1. Level 0 (powerless: 29~0 points) abilities that cannot be measured or have extremely weak effects. 60% of all students

2. Levell (persons with low ability) can barely bend a spoon, which is basically useless for daily life.

3. Level2 (supernatural power user) is slightly more useful than Levell.

4. Level 3 (powerful person): the degree to which it can be flexibly used and brought convenience in daily life.

5. The degree to which Level 4 (those with great ability) embody the tactical value in the army.

6. The degree to which Level 5 (superpowers) can fight an army alone. Only 7 people.

7. Level 6 (Person with Absolute Capability) No one has yet reached the level of a person who listens to the will of God with a non-God body.

As for the judgment of literacy, it is also determined by the difficulty of activating the dormant area of ​​the brain or the degree of brain activity. In other words, people like Misaka Mikoto are not allowed to use it. The walls of the dormant area are made of wood, and Saten Ruiko This kind of Lv0 incompetent who cannot advance to Lv1 is made of super alloy walls. It is too difficult to open a door or window, and the waste of resources is dozens or even hundreds of times that of Misaka Mikoto. It’s fine if the abilities are rare and have great value, but unfortunately most of them are unknown or useless abilities, so naturally no one will spend their thoughts and huge resources on these LVOs.

After all, capital still values ​​profit and value, and they are not philanthropists.

In fact, if you look at it from another angle, you will find that in Academy City, none of the children from rich families with a good family background is LVO. up.

The fantasy hand is a trick. Its principle is to apply the current computer Internet method to connect a large number of human brains in series through a group of common network protocols to form a huge network, that is, the fantasy hand network.

It is broadcast on the Internet in the form of audio files, and its real face is through a program that uses the human brain as a calculator. The network constructed with the AIM diffusion force field as the medium is processed by multiple brains to make the calculation of complex codes possible.

Because there is no such supercomputer as the 【Designer of Tree Diagram】, Mushan Chunsheng wins with quantity, and quantitative change leads to qualitative change [Achieving ten supercomputers.

It's a pity that she failed in the end, even if Misaka Mikoto didn't stop her, it was the same because the amount was not enough.

It's a trick because it doesn't occupy more than 90% of everyone's dormancy, but the less than 10% of people's daily use. This is far from enough, unless she can draw all IV5 into it, otherwise absolutely will fail.

The part that is less than 10% is actually what we can use every day, which is actually enough for a person’s daily needs, so the development of the brain and the acquisition of more computing power are actually out of a state of excess. Just like a car, one engine is enough, but you have to have one for the front and rear wheels, which can only be said to eat too much.

This will not make you faster, but will make you worse than the beginning, so in order to consume this part of the excess computing power, the human body has extended another limb. Yes, this is the truth of personal reality .

Of course, what Zhang Qing wants to do is not to make an advanced version of the fantasy hand, does he want to clone a brain for Satoko as an external equipment!? This is too crazy, and normal people can't accept it.

Zhang Qing’s method is to collect and store the computing power during sleep and other idle times. After reaching a certain threshold, it becomes the energy that stimulates the dormant area by itself. Slowly pry open the solid wall to create a small hole, and then slowly Slow expansion, that's why he said that the time is very long. In fact, someone has thought of this method long ago, but no one has used it. It is because it takes too long, and everyone is quick. If this method is used, It is absolutely impossible for Academy City to have such a scale in less than 100 years.

And as mentioned above, this requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Those capitalists don’t even want to spend this money. Only when capable people become rare, it is the most valuable thing, so let’s not talk about large-scale promotion. They will kill whoever gets it out.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Qing to let Leizi really wait for 30 to 50 years to take her time and wait until she becomes Lv1 and becomes an aunt. I guess few people will want it, the time is too long , So Zhang Qing and the others improved this method to make it faster. Of course, it is not possible to provide redundant computing power by myself, but there is no problem in providing redundant computing power by borrowing the way of fantasy masters.

It can be said that the appearance of Fantasy Royal Hand has turned this long process into a turning point.

The only problem is that because it borrows the computing power of others, there is a certain risk of rejection, and there is a sudden surplus, which may cause brain pain and psychological problems.

That's why Zhang Qing said that this is still an experimental version, and there are certain risks.

"How is it!"?" Zhang Qing couldn't help asking when she saw Renzi put on the bracelet and closed her eyes for a long time before opening them.

Renzi scratched her head, stuck out her little tongue, and said with some embarrassment, "I don't feel anything special! I thought there would be a sudden 'bang—', and the brain was a little heavier, but it turned out Nothing at all!"

Zhang Qing is speechless, then what are you doing with your eyes closed for so long!?

"Of course I don't feel anything, and it's not instant. Its biggest effect is to stimulate the dormant areas of the brain a little bit after wearing it for a long time, so that they can slowly become active and work. This process is very slow. You If you want to become IV1, if there are no problems, it will take at least ten weeks.

"By the way, is there any discomfort now!?" Zhang Qing didn't say that the extra computing power was provided by him. He was more concerned about whether the tears would have any adverse reactions, because it is a foreign thing, and it is not necessary to be cautious. Big mistake.

Renzi shook her head, "That's not true. Instead, I feel very excited, as if I have endless energy."

"This is a sign of excess computing power (mental power). You may not be able to fall asleep normally at night at first. You have to be mentally prepared. I also installed a sleep aid function on it, but it hurts. You have to have a Mentally prepare."

Corona doesn't feel good after all.

Saten blinked: "Is this a stimulant!?"

"No! You won't have this problem if you take it off, but you still have to wear it until you advance to Iv1." Zhang Qing explained.

"... `That's right! You can use your mobile phone to link with this bracelet. There is a function in it, which is an agreement. You need to apply for permission to borrow more computing power. After obtaining the permission, you can experience lv1 Feeling, but it is not recommended for you to use it for a long time, because it is not your own after all, it will form a wrong understanding of your brain, and it will increase the time for you to advance to v1. It is like not doing your homework and copying It's the same with homework, don't say that the grades have improved, and it is possible to regress, if it lasts for a long time.

"Besides, you have heard about the incident of Fantasia Yushou. Don't rely too much on that thing. What is borrowed is always borrowed. You have also seen the state of Haruno Muyama at that time. Don't be greedy if you don't want seven holes to bleed and your brain explodes. Other people's computing power is gone, people are not computers after all, and people's brains are more sensitive and fragile, I hope you can understand!"

Hearing Zhang Qing's advice, Leizi nodded solemnly, "I will, but I still want to experience the feeling of using abilities, can you!? Senior!"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have installed this function on it. You can do it yourself." Zhang Qing touched Leizi's head and said.

"Then..." After Laizi took out her mobile phone and linked the bracelet, she also saw an application page appear on the screen of the mobile phone. After clicking Confirm, she was waiting for approval

Then she saw Zhang Qing took out his mobile phone and clicked on it, and then he saw the words that the application was approved on his mobile phone.

Suddenly I couldn't laugh or cry, "This feels so stupid, senior..."

(Wang Nuohao) "What are you talking about? It's just because we're sitting face to face!" Zhang Qing put away his phone and rolled his eyes, then said, "Okay, let's try it out, we only have 3 minutes to experience it. After that, you have to reapply!"

"Then how do I try!?"

"How about blowing up the skirt!?" Zhang Qing suggested after touching his chin.

Renzi instantly looked at Zhang Qing with perverted eyes, and then sighed, "Senior, have you been single for too long!?"

"Sorry, I'm not wearing a skirt today, I've let you down!"

"What are you talking about!? I have a girlfriend!" Zhang Qing pinched the other person's face and said angrily, "Didn't you keep lifting Chuchun's skirt!? I'm just giving you a direction!"

"It hurts~~~ I was wrong!"

"It's a pity, Chuchun isn't here..." After Zhang Qing let go of her hand, Leizi rubbed her face and said regretfully.

She also thinks Zhang Qing's suggestion is very good, when she becomes lv1, she can have a new way of greeting, Chuchun will be very happy.

"Wipe your drool..."

"Hey! I just thought of something delicious, really."


"Okay, now try it with these scraps of paper, it's easy."


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