Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

162 Zhang Qing: I Like Sending People On Trips The Most!

"It's really troublesome..."

Zhang Qing didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly. He thought that it was impossible for someone to know that he had defeated the British Puritan Church of Necessary Evil. Among the ten "sages", the top nine Kanzaki Kaorihou dared to try to take Himigami Ayusa away from him.

Although, Kanzaki Kaori really didn't do his best at the time, and he didn't even count as drawing a sword to fight, it was just thrown thousands of miles by him with superpowers, but it doesn't mean that Zhang Qing was there In battles that are not counted as battles, there are also those who shot with all their strength. He and Kanzaki Kaori are also tentatively flat A.

It is obvious that Zhang Qing has the upper hand, although this is a fool with space ability, but space ability users are like this. You said that Zhang Qing just took advantage of the strangeness of the ability, but you can never ask a space ability user to be with you Let's play hand-to-hand combat!? Are you really stupid!?

The space element is recognized as difficult and difficult to deal with. Even if Kanzaki Kaori really tried his best, he would be able to take advantage of it. This is why Kanzaki Kaori gave up the idea of ​​continuing so easily. , as a rational person, she knows very well that no matter how fast she is, it is impossible to get close to a space-type ability user. If the other party only has IV4 of the science-side ability user level, it will be fine. After reaching IV5, she can almost compete with top magicians. The teachers are on par.

The reason why I am so pissed at Iv5 who stood up in Academy City can only be said that the growth environment is different, and the establishment of the subject side is too short, and the background is not enough. A person with superpowers is also just a frog watching the sky from a well. Her field of vision is too small, and she always thought that the world was only as big as Academy City, otherwise she wouldn't have been stuck because of the name of a person with superpowers.

If it wasn't for various reasons, if they grow up on the world stage, no one with superpowers is worse than a magician, and the same is true for saints. If they are in the game world, they just have different occupations. In fact, where Kanzaki Kaori and Misaka Mikoto are The levels are above 50 and below 60, and above 60 is an absolute ability user, and it is impossible to defeat no matter how many saints come.

So this is the main reason why in just a few decades of development, the subject side can make the magic side afraid.

The top ones like Fang Accelerator are all top-level existences among superpowers, and this is even more so. If you can't defeat him by surprise at the first time, after he reacts, the next time the same attack will be impossible It worked, and with his super calculation power, it is very difficult for the magician to come up with new countermeasures after the old methods are exhausted, because he probably already has a great understanding of the magic side. It has even started to deduce ~ the source.

However, superpowers have a fatal weakness, that is, poor physique, poor durability, and insufficient physical strength. In fact, the same is true for magicians, but they have been developing for countless years, and this weakness has long been realized. Most still live the campus life of an ordinary school, and the only opportunities to exercise are physical education classes, but even so, there are still a lot of people who skip classes, yes, Shokuhou Misaki, she is indeed born with poor physique, but she became Now there is also a reason for being lazy, not to mention Fang Accelerator, he is a guy who has been under sub-health for a long time, and his physical strength is absolutely poor-to the extreme.

There is no way, after all, these people are still students on the surface, not soldiers, let alone fighters, and Aleister didn't want to make a boy who is capable of stabbing him in the end. Of course, it is impossible to use superpowers in all directions. strengthened.

So if it's a real fight, nine out of ten people who lose at the beginning are those with superpowers.

Apparently this young man dressed as an exorcist and with lines on his face who stopped Zhang Qing and the others thought so. Perhaps in his opinion, Zhang Qing was just a delicate flower carefully cultivated in a greenhouse.

Well, it's really disgusting for a big man to be considered a delicate flower! 4

Sighed, in fact, Zhang Qing realized the problem when he noticed that there were no pedestrians on the road before. This is the most commonly used "to drive away idlers" on the magic side. Suggestive magic can make people hypnotized unconsciously. Subconsciously stay away from a certain area, and don't think there is any problem with it.

It’s like you obviously went out to buy milk tea, but suddenly changed your mind halfway and planned to go to a convenience store to buy a can of Coke. You can’t feel that you have been influenced by others

Just thought I wanted a change of taste.

It is very easy to use, but it is not easy to use for some people whose mental strength is different from ordinary people.

Of course, the same is true for people like Misaka Mikoto whose body is also surrounded by electromagnetic fields in daily life, even if she is lv1 instead of lv5, it is the same.

Generally speaking, it is just that the weak (miscellaneous fish) exit the stage, which can be regarded as a kind of testimonial for the strong.

"Are you alone, uncle!?" Zhang Qing yawned in surprise, seeing that only one person came out, and couldn't help asking.

Ji Shen Qiusha tugged at the corner of Zhang Qing's clothes and whispered, "I'm hungry."

The meaning is to solve it quickly, don’t waste time, just now I was delayed with Kanzaki Kaori for a while, and now it’s much later than usual, let alone getting up a bit late this morning, if you delay a little longer, breakfast will be served It became lunch.

Zhang Qing scratched his head, "Uncle, do you want to travel somewhere!?"

If there is a world map now, Zhang Qing would not mind learning from a certain Shichibukai from the world of One Piece. He also likes to throw enemies on various maps. Of course, forget about outer space, that would be too boring.

"You baffling boy, if you are sensible, just hand over the girl next to you to me. I can save your life, or I will let you, a kid who hasn't left school, see how big the world is!" The aged young man pointed at Jishen Qiusha with a sneer, then looked at the emaciated Zhang Qing with disdain.

If the non-space system ability user was a bit troublesome, he wouldn't waste his time talking, just killed him and took him away.

From the other party's point of view, he has already given Zhang Qing, the sixth or eighth suspected superpower, a lot of face.

This young man can be regarded as one of the factions on the magic side who despise the subject side, and treat the superpowers with the highest combat power on the subject side with a contemptuous attitude. This is understandable, because the existence of the subject side is mere Ten years, the time is too short. You said that you can surpass the thousands or even ten thousand years of magic development in just a few decades or even ten years. This is impossible in the perception of many magicians.

At most, I think that the so-called superpower is a catalyzed parallel import. Judging from the report, the hip-pull combat power of the superpower has indeed proved this. It is too immature, and the methods are too single. People on the magic side really take it seriously. ,

0 looking for flowers......

Aleister just used her magic side's arrogance to grow.

"Uncle, your attitude makes me very uncomfortable, but I am a big-hearted person! What do you think of Death Canyon, it is one of the S-level tourist places!" Zhang Qing showed a very friendly smile, honestly Honest and honest, it definitely makes people able to show vigilance and kindness.

But if someone who is familiar with him appears here, he will know that Zhang Qing is planning to deceive people.

Having been in this world for so long, Zhang Qing still knows a little about the restricted areas. In his previous life, it might be an exaggerated rumor, but in this magical world, that's another story.

The Death Canyon mentioned by Zhang Qing is just one of the places where dark creatures gather. Many legendary monsters can be found there, and naturally there may also be vampires.

Since the other party thinks about the other party's vampire so much, Zhang Qing will naturally be a good man to the end, sending the Buddha to the West, and sending the man to his ideal land.

Zhang Qing snapped his fingers, and in an instant the young man dressed as an exorcist was able to do even the slightest struggle, and disappeared in front of him in an instant.

"Okay, let's keep going, I hope the enchantment that guy created won't be too big..." Zhang Qing didn't want to go there and find out that the shop was closed.

Jigami Ayusha nodded, she never cared about the person who appeared out of nowhere just now, and what happened to him now was not in her scope of consideration.

"Then go eat a burger."

The corner of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, "Forget this, it's not good to eat that early in the morning."

Zhang Qing dismissed Ji Shen Qiusha's suggestion. Since he took her there last time, Ji Shen Qiu Sha has fallen in love with it, and he would usually order this when ordering takeout.

"It ended very quickly. As expected, the space system is too difficult to deal with......"

"Can you see the approximate strength of him!?"

"It's difficult. The system on the subject side is different from ours, and the battle is too short, it's not even a battle. I can't see anything with such little information."

"It seems that we have to reconsider the strength of the superpowers on the subject side."

After Zhang Qing and Jishen Qiusha walked away, several figures slowly came to the place where the male exorcist was standing before, and started talking.

To be honest, at this time in the original book, there are definitely not so many outsiders entering Academy City. Everyone sent a chess spy to lurk in. It was simply to collect information, but it didn't pay much attention to it. It was probably just the beginning. I took a few glances at the time, and then I didn't bother to look at it and threw it aside.

The reason why it became like this this time is that Aleister did not completely block the news. This summer vacation was very exciting. It was a big monster like a fantasy beast, and it was the first to be defeated. Even one of the saints missed. , so it attracted a little attention from the magic side, and sent people in to find out.

Suddenly, Kamijou Touma felt neglected and hid himself.

On the contrary, Zhang Qing, a passer-by, has gradually attracted the attention of all forces. This is why Zhang Qing has always hated high-profile, because he was afraid of being used as a shield. survived.

Now, I can only say that fate tricks people.

There is also the reason for the change in mentality after the strength has grown, which is because of the widening. .

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