Homokaze Junko, a third-year student at Tokiwadai Middle School, the No. 2 figure in the Shokuhou faction. Ability is the electrical signal that manipulates body cells, and the power generation ability that improves the body's ability is "clothed with clothes", and the intensity level is "great ability (Level 4)". Assisting Shokuhou Misaki, who pursues laissez-faire, is the actual operator of the faction. Her beauty, temperament and breasts can be said to be on par with Shokuhou.

Of course Zhang Qing knew each other. Speaking of which, when she met Shokuhou Misaki several times, she also followed behind, so the other party knew that Zhang Qing was Shokuhou Misaki's boyfriend.

Of course, Zhang Qing is more aware of the extraordinaryness of this girl than most people. Just like Yubia Danxi, Fanfeng Junzi is also one of the people mentioned in the original book who can achieve Iv5 superpowers, if Academy City does not allow it There are too many superpowers, so as not to break the existing balance, so that the battle between the magic side and the subject side will happen in advance, maybe the current number of superpowers in Academy City will have to double.

After all, the science side is not like the magic side, which needs to be hidden from the world. The geniuses that can be found depend on fate. Almost all the people in Academy City are sent here from all over the world. With the huge population, If there were no human interference factors, it would be absolutely impossible for there to be only seven top combat power superpowers, and there is still one whose identity has not been known so far, and it is not known whether it really exists.

Ability is the electrical signal that manipulates the cells of the body, so that the body's strengthening ability, including the five senses, is "clothed in perfect clothes". Born in the third research room of "Cai Artificial House" "Inner Evolution (Ideal)". Affected by the ability development is very large, within two months from a superpower (Level 2) to a great power (Level 4), this point most people with 20 ability can not match her speed.

At the same time, she can also use a high degree of physical regeneration. Her regeneration rate is particularly impressive, as injuries heal instantly, but this ability comes at a price.

The rapid cell division and injury recovery will force the body and mind to be overloaded. Such load manifests itself mainly in the form of a "headache" and interferes with the use of capacity.

The feedback and damage caused by Junzi's ability to the body, and the further strengthening to treat the damage, once these effects exceed the limit, there will be hellish headaches hitting her. Not only will it seize her consciousness, but it will also erode her body and mind in a long way. So she must actively limit her abilities.

However, even so, her ability has the potential to be recognized as a superhuman.

It's just that the unconscious defensive instinct is preventing her from displaying her original ability.

For her to grow further, she needs dedicated care, but because she was not approved for an additional budget, she was forcibly removed from the growing shoots.

But Zhang Qing knows that these are just excuses. Thinking about it, as a student to be able to enter Tokiwadai Middle School, not only must the ability level be above IV3, but also must have a superhuman family background. If there is no additional budget from the upper management, the opportunity to continue training will be lost!?

Not to mention, with her special ability, becoming an Iv5 is easy, even becoming an LV6 absolute ability is not impossible, the probability of success is even higher than that of Accelerator, and the cost is less, how can it be possible to just give up and give up. Turn to challenge the high difficulty, come up with a stupid experiment of killing clones and upgrading!?

In fact, as long as you think about it, you can understand that there is definitely a problem here.

After Fanfeng Runzi sat down, there were four women at Zhang Qing's table, especially a beautiful girl on the left and right next to Zhang Qing, who was so envious of others and immediately attracted many people in the store. human gaze.

The seats in this store are "U"-shaped sofas, so they can accommodate many people. The current order from left to right is Kiyama Haruhime, Jigami Akisa, Zhang Qing[Shokuhou Misaki and Hofaka Junko.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Qing not only hugs left and right, but also hugs two with one hand.

Especially when the four women have their own strengths and are all very outstanding in appearance, it is impossible not to attract people's attention.

So when Misaka Mikoto and the others arrived, they basically noticed the existence of the people at Zhang Qing's table without any effort.

Yes, wherever there is Guta, there is Misaka Mikoto, and of course Junko Hokaze is the same.

Saten Reniko and Chuchun Shili didn't think too much. After seeing Zhang Qing, they happily stepped forward to say hello, and immediately attracted many more strange eyes.

"Isn't it!? Not enough, there are 4 more girls!? Is this guy the king of the sea!?"

"I'm so envious, damn it..."

Feeling the infinite malice, Zhang Qing feels a little helpless, he wants to keep a low profile, it's not his fault.

But he still greeted Saten and the others, but fortunately there was no more people, so Saiko and the others finally sat down at Zhang Qing's table.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko's gazes are quite weird, Misaka Mikoto's eyes have been staring at Shokuhou Misaki and Zhang Qing, looking back and forth, looking like a ghost, Shirai Kuroko is staring at Zhang Qing, full of resentment, It seems to be blaming the bloated stomach for appearing in this kind of place.

"You...you..." Misaka Mikoto looked at Zhang Qing and Shokuhou Misaki stutteringly, especially the way Shokuhou Misaki held Zhang Qing's arm intimately, which was abnormal no matter what.

"Hmph, unlike you who have no charm at all, I already have a boyfriend!" Shokuhou Misaki looked at Misaka Mikoto proudly with the attitude of a winner, and deliberately puffed out her chest, revealing A mocking look.

When his eyes fell on Misaka Mikoto's airport, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Misaka Mikoto's face turned dark immediately, and all the good mood she had in the early morning disappeared. She really hated this guy very much, and somehow targeted herself, obviously she hadn't offended her.

Seeing the electric arc coming out of Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko and the others quickly persuaded them, and Zhang Qing also pulled Shokuhochi Misaki, but they didn't want the two to really fight quickly.

"Well, for Darling's sake, I won't argue with you, a kid today!" Shokuhou Misaki said pretendingly.

"Who is a child!?" Misaka Mikoto became even more angry. They were of the same age, so big breasts are a big deal!? Look down on who, she just hasn't developed yet.

Misaka Mikoto believes in her mother, because her mother has a proud figure. As her daughter, she must have inherited the other's excellent genes. In a few years, no, only one year, she will be able to have two developed again.

If Zhang Qing knew what Misaka Mikoto was thinking, she would definitely tell her that it was impossible, because she was always charged with electricity. It is estimated that the bioelectricity in her body had already affected the normal development of her body. Still the same.

Of course, when she discovers it by herself, it will probably be in time. With the ability to control electric current, it is definitely not difficult to stimulate development.

Renzi smiled wryly, and after persuading Misaka Mikoto, who was furious again, she asked Zhang Qing, "Is this the girlfriend Zhang Qing you mentioned earlier!?"

Seeing that the other party is wearing the same Tokiwatai Middle School uniform as Misaka Mikoto, Saten has a weird expression on her face, isn't she too young!?

Just as Zhang Qing was about to explain, Shokuhou Misaki answered first, "Probably not, I'm his second girlfriend, who made me young!"

He also sighed.

Zhang Qing's head was full of black lines, he didn't need to look anymore, the eyes around him had already started to get hotter "There are still whispers.

"Ah!?" Leizi didn't expect such an answer, she was stunned, and then looked at Zhang Qing strangely, the meaning in her eyes was: I didn't expect you to be such a senior!?

Then his gaze passed over Ji Shen Qiusha and landed on Fanfeng Junzi, could it be this!?

Teacher Mushan is definitely not, the age difference is too far.

"Huh!? By the way, Mr. Mushan, are you alright!?" At this moment, Lienzi remembered that Mushan Chunsheng should be arrested and locked up. Before that, he was so focused on reminiscing with Zhang Qing that he completely forgot about it.

Chuchun said, "Teacher Mushan has been released on bail. As for the matter of the day before yesterday, I visited him and forgot to tell you."

After finishing speaking, Chuchun Shili said with some embarrassment.

At this time, Kiyama Haruno also calmly nodded to Misaka Mikoto and the others, as a greeting.

To be honest, she didn't know what to talk about with Misaka Mikoto and the others, and she wasn't very good at talking, so she was a bit bored, especially after those children had accidents, she became even more taciturn.

"Mr. Mushan, have you settled your affairs!?" Misaka Mikoto was obviously very happy that Haru 070 Mushan could come out. To be honest, she knew the truth at the beginning, but she was actually a little bit reluctant to continue to be hostile to the other party, especially for the other party. Being arrested and imprisoned is a bit complicated.

If possible, "Misaka Mikoto wants to let her go.

Mushan Chunsheng laughed when he heard the words, and then turned his head to look at Zhang Qing and the others, "Not yet, but I have found someone who can help me."

Misaka Mikoto remembered the ability of Shokuho Misaki's deadly enemy. Although she hated him, she nodded, "That guy's ability is indeed very suitable, but does it have anything to do with Zhang Qing-senpai!?"

It is obvious that Haruki Kiyama just referred to not only Shokuhou Misaki, but also Zhang Qing. This made Misaka Mikoto and the others very puzzled and curious. They knew that Zhang Qing's ability was the same as that of Shirai Kuroko. The same space system, logically speaking, can't help, in this matter.

It has never been heard that the space department can also develop healing-related abilities.

Even the most absurd novelist would not dare to make such a random setting, because it is beyond normal thinking, and it is undoubtedly a lunatic.

However, Zhang Qing's ability can indeed be cured, as long as the distance between the disease and the human body is widened, it can also achieve immortality.

Because his ability is actually a concept, not a real space.

So the author is crazy.

Zhang Qing smiled and fooled, "I'm a good thug, I can guarantee that no one can disturb the treatment, can't I!?"

As he said that, Zhang Qing made a classic movement of Popeye, showing several people his strong arms.

Saten just ignored it, and then turned to Misaka Mikoto and the others and explained, "It is estimated that senior Zhang Qing's research and development capabilities are needed, and senior Zhang Qing is not inferior to those professional researchers in this regard."

Misaka Mikoto and the others suddenly realized that Zhang Qing is only a lv3 on the surface. If Haruno Kiyama needs a strong guard, he might as well find them, at least one Iv5 and one Iv4, right?!

Zhang Qing sighed, telling the truth, no one would believe it. .

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