In the original book, it simply mentions "send someone to come earlier". In fact, there is no specific explanation for how long it will be. As for the concept of time, this work is undoubtedly very vague.

In fact, this work is definitely a wonderful work among countless works, because not to mention the supporting roles, even the two protagonists have never appeared by name, and they have continued to use their titles from beginning to end.

Therefore, the tool man Zhang Qing wanted had to wait for a very long time.

In fact, when he suddenly discovered the fact that this world itself is the world of "The Demon King and the Brave", it really disrupted Zhang Qing's original plan. He originally wanted to set up an experimental field to grow potatoes and sweets.

But if he does this, it will undoubtedly hinder the layout of the cow devil. If there is no such high-yield crops to prove himself, then the other party will never be able to gain the prestige like in the original work. Once the plot collapses, it is very likely The war between demons and humans in this world will continue forever.

Although the war did bring benefits, whether it is the same for the top leaders of the two races in this world, or for Zhang Qing, don't be surprised, Zhang Qing has indeed gained benefits, just because of the war, no one will It is a great advantage to come to this poor country suddenly.

Without the disturbance from outsiders, Zhang Qing can farm steadily and live a comfortable life instead of wasting time dealing with all kinds of people.

This point alone is very important, otherwise "Red Jade Eye" would not have chosen this place.

It is also because of this that even if the variable Zhang Qing suddenly appeared, this "Xanadu" has a local lord, and the lady who is dressed as a maid still chooses to stay here instead of leaving to find another place.

As long as Zhang Qing doesn't appear to be too "troublesome", it doesn't matter whether there is a lord or not. It's just that the matter that should be discussed with the village chief has changed to discuss with the lord Zhang Qing.

In fact, the head maid did not leave and stayed in the village, and she was also observing the lord Zhang Qing, assessing whether it would become an obstacle.

Of course, Zhang Qing didn't think too much about these things. Now he has made some changes and plans to plant peanuts, corn and vegetables. The fields are ready, so naturally there will be no waste. The promotion is left to The future Miss Demon King, after having the sharp weapon of potatoes, I believe that the other party should do well.

As for whether those villagers will have to continue to live a hard life because of Zhang Qing's delay, it is impossible, because Zhang Qing has countless jobs waiting for these people to work hard, and it's not that they don't pay.

After having money, even if the harvest does not increase, it is always better than before.

Of course Zhang Qing also built a store in the territory. It is specially used to sell some products from Blue Star, so there is no need to worry about the problem of having money but no place to spend it. Compared with those nobles who only know how to steal all the money from civilians and kill chickens to get eggs, Zhang Qing is certainly smarter More, know how to make your own wealth more, and it is benign.

Although some people have always said "If you want to get rich, build roads first", but in an era of war, if you build roads, you will actually cause trouble for yourself and the villagers here. The arrival of outsiders may drive the economy, but the premise It is you who are capable enough to protect yourself.

Obviously, Zhang Qing's territory has no guards and no soldiers. Basically, except for Zhang Qing, for other villagers, it is not a good thing to be unimpeded with the outside world. It may even make the devil decide to find another place to farm, which is undoubtedly a good thing. A very big loss.

In this different world, people like "Red Jade Eyes" have ideals and aspirations, and more importantly, they are willing to do it by themselves. It is still free, but there is no second one at all. If it is in the game, this is an SSR Role.

So no matter what, it is impossible for Zhang Qing to build roads, at least until his territory is strong enough and has become his shape, he will try to minimize the contact between the winter village and the outside world, otherwise he will The laws promulgated cannot be implemented at all, those outsiders will not listen to him, and the villagers' floating minds will hinder the implementation, not to mention, Zhang Qing's set of ruling methods is undoubtedly challenging the world The old system will stand opposite the old era of the whole world.

The reason why a game is a game is that it is fun to win step by step according to the rules. If someone flies over with a general to eat the opponent's handsome at the beginning of chess, this game is meaningless, so Zhang Qing would rather choose this game. A cumbersome and slow way, rather than direct violence to suppress everything.

With enough strength, he has already jumped out of the chessboard and become a chess player, so naturally he will not turn the table and return to the chessboard as a pawn.

"This thing called 'cement' is really useful, maybe we can use it to repair this Lord's Mansion......"

Marlene and the other maids could not help but stop and watch as they watched from afar the young men of Yuedong Village constructing the orchard requested by Zhang Qing in full swing on the construction site.

Among them, Marlene was the most knowledgeable. Regarding the miraculous effect of the "cement" that Zhang Qing brought out, she was simply stunned by this "talented woman" who always thought she was knowledgeable.

Of course, after the shock, she soon realized what this thing could do.

To be honest, the lord's mansion where Zhang Qing and the others live is left by the previous generation of lords. Due to the long period of disrepair, no matter how you clean it inside, it will give people a sense of dilapidation and obsolete, let alone Yuedong Village as a pioneer village. , It is equal to a very small pioneering territory. This kind of pioneering lord is generally not from a noble family, or even a nobleman.

Naturally, it is impossible to be too rich, so to be honest, the Lord's Mansion will not be very good.

If there is no Demon King's mansion for comparison, Marlene and the others wouldn't think there is anything. Anyway, the lord's mansion in the overwinter village is the most beautiful boy. It is much better than the thatched house of the villagers, but what people fear most is Compared.

Compared with the beautiful and majestic aristocratic courtyards and mansions of the Demon King, Zhang Qing's lord's mansion is like a bigger doghouse. As the nominal housekeeper of the lord's mansion, Marlene is very aware of how amazing her lord's wealth is. But the things in the treasury are priceless.

In this day and age, salt and sugar are worth even more than gold, let alone anything else.

If she hadn't known that rebuilding the Lord's Mansion would be a big project, Marlene would have suggested Zhang Qing to do it a long time ago. Now she sees that there is such a big killer as "cement", a treasure that can make construction easier, and it seems that it is not Under very rare circumstances, how could Marlene not be moved.

After hearing Marlene's whisper, Feili was so shocked that the melon seeds in her hand fell to the ground, "This... is not necessary, I think the current Lord's Mansion is good enough, and if we start construction, don't we just No place to live!?"

"Don't pick it up, it will be dirty after dropping it on the ground." Seeing that Feili wanted to pick up the melon seeds on the ground and crack them again, Marlene frowned and stopped her, ignoring the other person's heartache, and said, "What's the matter!? You also think about it, if other people come to our territory, where will their first impression be that the lord's mansion is!?"

The overwinter village is not big, and you can basically see the whole picture by standing on a slightly higher place.

After looking around, Feili seemed to understand what Marlene meant, "Indeed, that house is much more grand and beautiful."

"Very good, then when those people know that this is the master's mansion, what will those people think in their hearts?" Marlene asked the second question, this time she did not specifically go to see Fei Li, Instead, he looked at all the maids.

●Ask for flowers......

Nuo Si and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say for a moment. To be honest, they really didn't think so much before this.

Marlene sighed, "Those people only think that the master is a weak and incompetent lord who can't even manage his own territory well, because no matter how you look at the lady who is coming, he is overwhelming the master!"

Not to mention the outsiders, even the residents here may subtly feel that the lady is stronger and has the right to speak than the lord over time. This is undoubtedly very bad for the rule of a lord.

North and the others were a little surprised, but after thinking about it, they found that Marlene was right.

"Then what to do!?"

Soon Marlene led a group of maids to find Zhang Qing who was writing and drawing in the study.

Seeing the menacing maids, Zhang Qing's first reaction was that the army of demons or humans was coming, and then quickly realized that this is impossible, because this place is too remote, and it is thankless to come here. It's also very likely that you won't get anything, it's just a matter of being full.

The second reaction is that the migrant worker is asking for salary, but he doesn’t seem to owe the maids salary, right?

After Zhang Qing listened to Marlene's narration, he realized that he was thinking too much. He stroked his chin, thought for a while, and then nodded, admitting that Marlene had thought very well, but he had overlooked this point. The Demon King's mansion will indeed make him, the lord, face a hard time.

But it can’t be said that the other party is wrong in this matter. If someone has money and wants to live better, is there something wrong!?

Do you have to be wronged to build a thatched house just because Zhang Qing, the lord, has a poor house!? Even Zhang Qing would not want to, and the other party does not rely on Zhang Qing to get money for food

Naturally, there is no need to get used to Zhang Qing, the lord's face.

And anyway, for the Demon King, even if she was willing to wrong herself, the head maid would not agree.

So in the end, it was Zhang Qing's fault. He didn't think about building a better mansion, but moved into the dilapidated mansion abandoned by the previous lord. This was the cause of all this.

Sighing, "Then build another one next to it. After the other side is built, this place will be flattened."

"However, will it delay the villagers' busy farming!? If it is delayed, then postpone it for a while, anyway, there is no rush."

Marlene nodded, "I shouldn't have any objections. After all, you have given enough, master. In fact, if you only rely on farming, it is better to work for you! Otherwise, there will be no complaints. Give the master every day. Build this, build that..."

"As long as the owner's shop still has enough goods to sell, the villagers will never have any complaints!"

Zhang Qing was taken aback when he heard the words, and realized something. If he did this, if there is no one in Yuedong Village to farm, what will the devil king do? Will the devil do it himself!?

But after thinking about it, it seems that I don't have so many jobs to provide those villagers all the time, and it is unlikely that everyone will give up farming.

"You can arrange this matter, remember to explain it clearly to the villagers, and you have to pay enough!"

After carefully writing down Zhang Qing's request, Marlene asked again, "Then master, do you have any requirements for your lord's mansion!? Or do you have any preferences!?"

After seeing Zhang Qing shaking her head, Marlene thought for a while and said, "Then I'll find someone to design it."

At any rate, she was the daughter of a big businessman before, and Marlene knew some famous architects. Designing a lord's mansion is still very simple. As long as there is enough money, all problems will not be a problem. .


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