Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

179 The Idea Of ​​The Fourth Natural Disaster!

War has catalyzed the darkness of this world.

Some people benefit from this process, and some people must lose heavily in this process. The winner takes everything, and the loser has nothing.

However, this is not the most desperate.

When it prospers, the people suffer; when it perishes, the people suffer.

No matter who takes turns to be the masters of the family, only the thousands of people at the bottom have suffered. The more they live their own lives dutifully, the more they will be manipulated by others at will.

If this is a normal world with a medieval background, then there is still a slight possibility of peasant uprisings and the like. Unfortunately, this is a big world with a Western fantasy background. Because of the existence of magic, the people at the bottom of this world never The opportunity to resist was lost from the very beginning.

Magic is a weapon only possessed by the upper-class rulers. In this world where we don’t know whether industry can be developed, mastering the right to use magic is equivalent to consolidating one’s own ruling class. This is why after so many years, no matter how Changes, rulers come and go are also the reason for so few families.

This world is already rotten.

When Zhang Qing came to the slave trading market and saw slaves with empty eyes, he thought so, and even thought that it would be better if the scale of the war was bigger, because the small fights now will make the rear The nobles who only care about pleasure still have the mood to torment the people at the bottom.

"Perhaps... I should do something!?"

Suddenly, Zhang Qing couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart, maybe because he had too much contact with Nuo Si and the others, he unconsciously felt a little bit of 20 sympathy for this strange world that he didn't have before.

"How about a fourth natural disaster!?"

Zhang Qing didn't think about or worry about the reason for his sudden idea, he hated to let it happen, so he continued to think about how to realize this idea.

Now that he had an idea, he abandoned the previous idea of ​​completely following the plot. Although the devil's plan is very sweet, it will indeed allow the two clans to achieve peaceful co-governance in the end. The war is over and the world is peaceful.

But in fact, this may only be a short-term result.

The story itself is very beautiful, but it is a pity that reality is not a story, reality will continue to write chapters after the end of the story, and often new stories need new waves or breaking point climaxes and the like, a story without a turning point is not attractive.

Maybe there is such a god in the dark, and he is appreciating the joys and sorrows of the world.

Because Zhang Qing didn't have the slightest feeling for this world at the beginning, so he didn't think about changing anything in the past at all. The development of territory and farming was really played by him as a game. As for the devil and the brave, he regarded it as It's a story character, not a real person.

Now the words……………

"Sure enough, people can't escape..." Zhang Qing sighed, but he didn't feel troubled by it, "Sometimes it's actually good to find a target for yourself."

Zhang Qing thought so.

Then he began to think about how to make the final ending of this world more perfect. To be honest, the current war between the demons and humans is just a small fight. Look at the human army is the so-called Holy Key Army. That is, the Holy Expeditionary Force formed by the crisis meeting of the countries in the Central Continent.

The purpose is to annihilate the evil demons and end the war. In the past 15 years, two expeditions have destroyed two important cities of the demons. However, due to insufficient protection of the gods, they failed to capture the city of the demon king.

In fact, the so-called expeditionary army is a guard of honor that looks glamorous and beautiful, but it is useless. The so-called two expeditions destroyed the attacks on two important cities of the demon clan. .

Yes, within fifteen years, it is not only the brave man who is considered brave today, but the brave man of this generation who is hooking up with the devil king now, and the last two generations are really under the army of the demon clan.

The upper echelon of human beings never thought of ending this war, because they were not the ones who died anyway, but the continuation of the war would have innumerable benefits for them, and the same was true for the demons.

If it is really a big war that is enough to endanger a family, in fact, no matter whether it is the demon race or human beings, people in the rear are already in panic. How can those nobles have the heart to engage in such things!? Returning slaves!? When life and death, slaves There is no market at all, and it is useless except to be sent out as one-time cannon fodder, but there is extraordinary power in this world, and ordinary slaves even lose their use as cannon fodder, so there is no way to play a delaying role.

So this so-called war between the two clans is just a show at the front and rear of the car. It is a trick by the top leaders of the two clans to turn internal conflicts into external conflicts. They are consuming excess manpower.

At the same time, it is also consolidating its own rule.

Crimson Jade Eyes understood the truth behind this through economics, but she can only do that. As long as she doesn't drag all the upper classes into the water, and pull the whole world into a real war, then the so-called Even HappyEnding is only false or short-lived, which is simply deceiving oneself and others.

Because the fundamental problem has not been solved, food is not the main reason.

The real reason is the backwardness of the old system, which can be solved with sufficient food.

No matter how much food there is, it will not fall into the pockets of the people. This is the tragedy. As long as the old system remains the same, it will be the same whether there is high-yield food. The nobles will only intensify their exploitation.

How many people can be the masters of the people!? After the brave dies of old age, the devil king will never continue to live forever. At that time, after the death of the strongest brave man in history, this sword of Damocles, the world will return to The way it was before.

It's ridiculous, but it's definitely the inevitable result.

Doesn’t the devil know it!? No, this smart woman knows this better than anyone else. It’s a pity that they have too few companions, and even fewer people understand and agree with their thoughts. Relying on her and the hero is not enough to change the world , The brave can't fight against the high-level alliance of the two races in the entire world.

What she did was more just to leave a seed, waiting for a miracle to happen. Maybe one day in the future, a new successor will appear, and more and more awakened ones will come together. "Unfortunately, this is just an expectation.

Whether she can get what she wants, she herself doesn't know.

But no matter what, she is respectable, because she did it, although not so perfect.

And Zhang Qing's idea is that since both the demons and humans are unwilling to fight with all their strength and are just showing off, then he should find an opponent for both of them, and the triangle is the most stable.

When thinking of an opponent who can cause headaches and despair, the first word that pops up in Zhang Qing's mind is "player".

Touching the "Boundary Piercing Stone" on his neck, Zhang Qing felt that he could completely allow Blue Star's human consciousness to accurately locate and enter this world, turning this world into a game world.

But there is a problem, that is, the player's body.

It must be able to withstand the consumption of players, otherwise players who cannot be immortal are not worthy of being called the fourth natural disaster.

Whether the collapse can be vetoed, once there is a collapse in this world, then it goes without saying that it will be destroyed.

The Einzbern man-made...vetoed, it's too bloody, too inhuman, and God knows what the player will do with this body that's not the slightest difference from a normal person, Zhang Qing doesn't want to be blinded yet.

The body of a slime...!? It's feasible, but I always feel that if I do this, the world will be over, so let's stay for a while.

The body of a puppet... It seems to be okay, but it may be a little fragile, but it can be a wave of krypton gold for the later stage of pretending to be a digestive system, so that I can harvest a wave of IQ tax from Blue Star, and with There is no problem with his ability to make clay ceramics or wood and metal dolls. It is fine to install magic circuits inside, and then he can harvest another wave, the players' wallets.

Hiss————! The more I think about it, the more excited I become, and if it is a doll, then you can pinch your face, you don’t need to worry about it yourself, you can leave it to the player, and create a limit at 417

If you want to adjust it bigger, you have to buy a restriction release card.

And if it's a puppet, then there is no need to make a mosaic after death, there is not even blood, and there is no need to turn it into a green liquid, it is simply not too perfect.

The doll can be bound (fixed) to the underwear itself, and those players will not be able to make indecent actions with their naked bodies at that time, which is simply perfect.

I think so, but there is still a problem, that is, the technological level of Blue Star has not reached the level of stealth games at all, at most it is a VR game” and you have to wear a bulky glasses.

This is quite bad. With the sudden emergence of this kind of black technology, the country cannot remain indifferent. Zhang Qing still wants to live a quiet life, so he can't reveal his true identity, but if he doesn't reveal his true identity , the country may not be able to let it go, and this has become an endless loop.

If it is a foreign capital country, there is no problem at all. Anyway, the capital is above the country. As long as Zhang Qing's game company can make money, what will people care about you!?

It's a pity that Zhang Qing didn't want to give the first batch of players to foreigners.

"Looking at it this way, it seems that a real technology has really been created and applied for a patent, and it can only be handed over to the country..."

This is not difficult, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve a game world that is exactly the same as the real world. The current overall technological level of Blue Star does not allow it, but it is enough. It just makes the country think that he has this ability. It's just ability, it's beyond the obvious.

As for why the games produced by Zhang Qing’s company are so realistic!?

In all odds, quantum mechanics.

Unexplainable, travel through time and space.

Not enough space, parallel universe.

The law is insufficient, this dimension human race.

Don’t understand!? Just don’t understand, this is a unique secret recipe, this is black technology, understand!?

Still don’t understand!? Sigh, it’s really tiring to talk to a pighead like you. If you don’t understand, just go and figure it out yourself. .

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