Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

185 The Wave That Is About To Change The World!

"Is it still too much freedom!?"

Looking at the players lined up below the lord's mansion to exchange the world's currency with Feili, Zhang Qing couldn't help but raise his forehead. He warned repeatedly, but there were still some people who made their faces look ugly, even if they were inhuman. .

And watching those guys get their IDs, Zhang Qing feels ashamed for them, isn't there a little bit of shame when he introduces himself and is called by others!?

If it weren't for the fear of restricting too much and making these players find doubts, Zhang Qing really wanted to do it across the board.

Now, even if he had vaccinated the people in advance, seeing these monsters, Zhang Qing felt that his people might not be afraid, just look at what's there, cats, cats and dogs, COS anime characters Forget it, but what do you want to do with an alien!?

Are you afraid that it will be too easy to increase the favorability of npcs!?


"Is this the puppet you mentioned!?" Nuo Si covered her mouth and couldn't believe it, "Master will scare the villagers like this!"

Of course, North also looked down. These guys were in a mess before, and they didn’t know what happened and they suddenly started to line up, but they didn’t hear it. That's basically it, there is no order at all, after all, they have not been educated.

However, there are humans and monsters in these "golems", and it is very strange to mix them together.

Especially those monsters, they look more demons than most people think of the demons, and they are very evil at first glance. With this kind of aesthetics, North wonders if there is something wrong with his master's brain, otherwise, how could he do such a thing? Magic sale!?

The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, "Don't think too much, these puppets have their own spirits from the moment they are born, what they look like is the result of their own choice, but it has nothing to do with me, and It is indeed a puppet, and the material is the most common clay. As long as someone cuts off their hands and feet with a sword, the fallen parts will turn into clay again. Now it looks like a real person, that is just the effect of magic.

Although they don’t pretend to have a digestive system and can’t replenish energy through eating, these players still have a degree of satiety, that is, they still have to bring glory points to Zhang Qing to exchange magic power every day. Of course, these are all operated through the system interface. It's not necessary to find Zhang Qing personally.

As a game, of course it is impossible to upgrade by doing quests. Although this real world is destined to be quest-based, but for players who are keen on farming monsters and upgrading, Zhang Qing cannot ignore them. Unfortunately, there are no wild animals in this world. Monsters and the like, especially in the human world, there are only ordinary animals in the wild.

So Zhang Qing created a crime value system, as long as the crime value exceeds a certain limit, it will become a famous monster. I hope that the nobles in this world will not die all of a sudden!

Of course, it is unrealistic to rely entirely on killing nobles, so Zhang Qing also created a few small different spaces in a few border areas of his territory, as the entrance of the dungeon, and then generated virtual monsters inside, yes, this time it was real They are all fake, but with Zhang Qing's ability to make these illusions real enough, it is actually very simple. In fact, it is similar to the player's current puppet body, but the real AI is installed inside instead of the soul. So you can kill with confidence.

Not to mention the equipment, Zhang Qing has a lot of them, anyway, they are all fakes, they are just enchanted by him, and it does not mean that killing monsters will drop equipment, equipment, skills and so on need to be used Drawn from the glory point card pool.

"North, wait for you to appease the villagers, I'm a little worried that some people will be frightened..."

Zhang Qing just wanted to sigh. He obviously thought a lot before letting the players in, but he didn't expect that this would make him feel tired on the first day. Fortunately, he was cautious and let in a hundred places, otherwise it would be really scary I can't control myself anymore, not everyone is obedient.

If it wasn't for Zhang Qing's plan to break into the lord's mansion at will and be banned for 3 days, the favorability of the green-named NPC would be too low, and he would never be able to accept tasks from the opponent, and it would even affect other NPCs' perception of the player. Sensitivity and other measures, I am afraid that these players will have to be even more lawless.

"I...I see..." Although Nuo Si felt a little difficult, she did not refuse.

Now she only hopes that the villagers' psychological endurance is strong enough!

On the other side, they are building a few fields. By the way, they hired villagers to listen to their orders. The demon king and the brave man also noticed the riots in the Lord's Mansion. Although Zhang Qing bought a wave of slaves to serve as the leaders, the Winter Village also expanded. , It has gradually become the size of a small town in this era, but it is still not so big that you can't see the side at a glance.

So the devil king and the others can still see the situation in the lord's mansion with their eyesight, not to mention that the two are not ordinary people, a king of the devil clan, a strongest brave man of the age, and their eyesight is even more superhuman.

The Demon King couldn't help but cover his mouth, "Is this... the puppet that the lord mentioned before!?"

With her knowledge, she can easily see the real situation inside through the appearance. Even if she is not a demon king who studies the way of magic, the long years have given her enough experience. Her strength is not really weak, but compared to Those who specialize in combat are weak.

So she was still able to see the clay doll behind the magic camouflage.

It has to be said that it is so superb that the devil can't even imagine how it is done, especially in terms of intelligence, it is almost the same as a real person.

The red light in the demon king's eyes faded and the red pupils returned to normal, looking at the appearance of those puppets with black lines, "I feel that I have seen the real 'devil' in the mouth of human beings!

It's not that she hasn't heard the rumors about the demons spread by the nobles to deceive the common people. Among them, the ugly, brutal and infiltrating images of the demons are the most and most effective.

Looking at it now, some of these puppets, the devil thinks that he may be a fake demon.

The brave man was also a little speechless. If the Demon King really looked like that, he promised that he would never give her the time to talk, and he would kill the other party with a single sword, regardless of whether you have any truth.

It looks so evil.

"What do you want to do, Your Excellency!?"

The brave man also has black hair, but he is not afraid, because he can see that these puppets are very weak, he can kill them easily, and his combat power is almost the same as that of ordinary people, so the brave man can't figure out what Zhang Qing intends to do with these puppets.

Apart from being really good in intelligence, "I really don't see any effect.

In fact, not only the devil and the brave, but many villagers have already looked around. Even the little kids who are studying in the school are looking in the direction of the lord's mansion from the classroom window.

The children laughed and commented one by one, but the adults were worried, because not all the players went to the lord's mansion to report, but some went to the village, and asked if they had any missions and if they could do it. Where to help, directly let the villagers know what to do.

Enthusiastically scary.

Because these players look at people's eyes, it's not like looking at a living person.

Moreover, these players don't follow the rules very much, and even want to break into other people's houses directly. Fortunately, Zhang Qing has been prepared. As long as there is no consent from the owner of the house, an air wall will appear. It's causing even more trouble.

At the same time, some players who had already been to the lord's mansion and found that they could not receive the quest and gave up leaving also came to the overwinter village in twos and threes.

Those who wanted to fight monsters followed the system navigation, went outside the village, found the entrance of the dungeon, and then found that they couldn't even beat a mob, and were sent back to the spring to wait for resurrection.

Thinking about it, I know that I used to play keyboard games, most of which were 3D games, and I couldn’t do without the mouse and keyboard. Now that I’ve switched to a fully immersive game that’s the same as the real world, I’m blind and I don’t know how to fight.

It's impossible for everyone to be a special soldier!? Most of the players are ordinary people who came out of peacetime. Even if they have fought, they are the kind who pull their hair, you punch me, what? Sometimes you need to fight with people. If Zhang Qing didn't dare to create monsters with too terrifying appearance considering the player's psychological acceptance ability, the player would be weak when he entered, let alone have the courage to punch.

The AI ​​level of the monsters is the level of Blue Star's artificial mental retardation. Unfortunately, even with such a low difficulty, the players still cannot deal with it. I have to say that Zhang Qing somewhat overestimated the combat power of the fourth natural disaster.

Fortunately, this is a bit too difficult, and it didn't dispel the enthusiasm of the players. On the contrary, they became more frustrated and courageous, and they couldn't help but put on a perverted excited smile on their faces.

On Bluestar's network, at this moment (Li Hao) made many cloud players excited, wanting to enter the game to experience a battle full of reality, but unfortunately the official website customer service of "Dawn" is dead, except for replying ""` Dear, we have received your words and will resolve them as soon as possible. ", there are no other replies, making many netizens think that this is a robot.

That anger!

It's a pity that people are just pretending to be dead, and they have no choice but to rely on the live broadcast of the closed beta players to relieve the pain of lovesickness and hope for plum blossoms to quench their thirst.

In fact, Zhang Qing made the employees of Tiandi Company more worried than the players. People called and searched for customer service on the Internet all the time, which made their mouths dry and their throats sore, but their fingers hurt a little. There is no other way, so I have to copy a standard reply that can never be wrong to deal with it.

What's even more worrying is that Zhang Qing, the big boss, can't be found yet. If he calls, he will give a steady answer.

If it weren't for the good salary, the workload alone would be enough to make people want to quit.

It’s obviously a game in internal testing, so how come it looks like a vegetable market with a 10% discount, attracting crazy buying!? Most of the employees who don’t play games very much don’t understand.

All of a sudden, the Blue Star Xia Country and the Overwinter Village in another world were in commotion because of these 100 players.

Absolutely no one thought that this was the beginning of a new era, two worlds alike.

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