Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

19 Naruto Zhang Qing: Actually, I Have Done A Lot Of Things!

How big is the gap between a human being and a lawyer! ? There is no need to think about this question at all, because there is no comparison at all. The stronger the human civilization, the stronger the Herrscher. This is a trial opponent and judge in the test of whether civilization can continue.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for humans to defeat the Herrscher.

After all, this is an endless loop in itself. If civilization does not enter the next stage and technology is more advanced, Herrscher cannot be harmed or even eliminated. However, Herrscher is the stronger the human civilization, the stronger she will be. Therefore, the relationship between humans and Herrscher The battle in the world can only be sustained, not won.

In fact, it can be seen from the plot of the game that human civilization was almost destroyed in the end, and only a few cities were left struggling. At that time, it was not so much that Herrscher was eliminated, it was better to say that Herrscher became weaker, and human civilization was almost over. , the mission of the Herrscher is gone, so the arrival of the Herrscher is not a redemption and rebirth from the ashes! ?

Human beings have never been able to defeat the Herrscher!

Whether it's a Valkyrie or a Fusion Warrior, it's just a matter of having the courage to punch.

That's after these Valkyries and Fusion Warriors, are they actually human beings! ? So even if you win, so what! ?

Ordinary people are like this, so what about ninjas who are stronger than ordinary people! ?

Zhang Qing from Naruto World tells you that you can't avoid it, you can't beat it! He is a Jonin, and he was approached by the other party just like that.

Hokage Zhang's face turned green, of course not because of fear, but because of anger, "I said, why do you have to say those things that are misunderstood!?"

Yes, Sirin didn't kill him, she just touched him with her hand and exchanged memories and abilities.

However, look at the other party's every move and tone of voice before, how like a villain who kills people if they disagree with each other! ? Hokage Zhang Qing was taken aback, and of course complained a lot now.

But after the physical contact between the two, they basically understood what was going on!

Just angrier.

"You're timid, blame me!?" Sirin crossed her arms and looked at this guy very contemptuously. She was so tossed by the mere third Hokage and didn't fight back. What a useless man.

Girlfriends had to be reluctant to accompany other men, which made Xilin not want to talk to this guy.

This is the hottest one among Zhang Qing she has seen.

Hokage Zhang Qing rolled his eyes, "Am I willing to!? It's impossible to really be a rebel, in that case, I will definitely not survive three days without Konoha, and it is impossible for Hong to like Asma Yes, that guy just looked annoying. He really crossed the line. I am afraid that the identity of the son of Hokage is useless. Do you really think that Konoha belongs to their Yuan Fei family!? It is impossible for women from other families to agree, otherwise by then Does it mean that if anyone surnamed Yuan Fei takes a fancy to you, you have to obediently agree!?"

If not, the third generation would not always transfer him away, just to give Asma a chance, just to make Hong compromise. Well, even if he survived for three generations, he would have to go on a blind date after that, so Zhang Qing naturally endured it.

Otherwise, he would have brought the red traitor with him, and he would hold back only because he knew that the third generation was about to die.

But now that cheats are coming, naturally he doesn't need to continue to swallow his anger, at least he has the ability to take the initiative to do something instead of passively waiting and seeking from it.

"By the way, where are the others, are you the only one!?"

Although Sirin still didn't want to talk to this guy, she still replied, "You came early, they didn't come here so early."

Hokage Zhang Qing also understands that the feeling is that Sirin has nothing to do, so she has a lot of time to come here. For others, they usually come here at night before going to bed.

But if you look at it this way, the time in this foggy space is a bit strange. It is obviously not synchronized with reality, but in the end, there will be similar time intervals here according to the time in reality.

But leaving the foggy space and returning to reality is another moment of time difference.

So weird! Naruto Zhang Qing thought.

Just as he was thinking this way, Zhang Qing, the divine sculpture, arrived. Seeing Hokage Zhang Qing's eyes lit up, he smiled and came over to say hello, and then directly patted him.

Hokage Zhang Qing was a little speechless, "Can't it be changed to shaking hands or something!?"

It's frightening to come up one by one, especially Sirin. I'm afraid that if things go on like this, every newcomer will be frightened, and a Herrscher will come to kill you. Are you lucky! ?

Divine sculpture Zhang Qing shrugged, "This is tradition, tradition!"

"But let me tell you, you kid is really miserable enough to be in the world of Naruto, and you are still a commoner, tsk tsk..."

"And it turned out to be a man. I thought it was a woman again! Sirin should be happy for nothing!"

Hokage Zhang Qing touched his face, and sighed, "You are so handsome, I have been troubled by this face for a long time! I'm really afraid that someone will suddenly come to confess something, but fortunately, I didn't have it when I was in school." That stupid boy came running."

Xilin let out a soft "hum". She really thought she finally had a companion when she came up, but she didn't expect it to be a Xibei, so she was so upset. It was simply cheating her feelings, an unforgivable crime .

Naruto Zhang Qing smiled wryly when he saw this.

Zhang Qing twisted the shoulders of Hokage Zhang Qing, "Okay, let's have a good reunion when Moban Zhang Qing and the others come. It's rare to have a newcomer, so we have to celebrate!"

Hokage Zhang Qing was a little surprised when he heard this, "Can food and beer be conjured here!?"

"Ahem, it's just a few words of congratulations verbally!" Zhang Qing explained embarrassingly.

If it was really so comfortable here, they wouldn't just clock in and go online for a while every day, or they wouldn't be interested in staying longer because they didn't have anything.

That's why Xilin had a lot of time, so she came up to take a look from time to time, for fear that some newcomers would come at another time and they would miss it.

Hokage Zhang Qing's mouth twitched when he said that, he seemed a bit skinny!

There is no free and easy, but there is escape. It's just a joke. Is it so easy to drive people crazy in the ancient martial arts world! ? Look at this kid is not normal.

"By the way, brother, the enchanted sword thing you made is really good, and my Dugu Nine Swords finally has a direction." Zhang Qing, the divine sculpture, couldn't help but nodded when he remembered the ability he had just obtained from the other party. , very satisfied, although no one is more capable than Sirin.

But the Herrscher's ability is still less subtle, and it's not the route humans should take. Unless there is no choice, it's better to go out of your own way.

Sirin's existence is special, so it doesn't matter, but they are not, maybe there is a possibility of sudden gender change, and Houkai is more adaptable to women. When you use it, Houkai in your body can suddenly feel your Your body is not suitable enough, I will give you a makeover, I am afraid that the second brother will die.

Therefore, the power of the Herrscher can only be used as a trump card, and if it is not necessary, no male Zhang Qing will use it unscrupulously.

Hokage Zhang Qing was also very happy to obtain the Dugu Nine Swords and Nine Yin Scriptures, and even Zhang Qing, the divine sculpture, gained the trust of the ancient tomb sect. Except for the Jade Heart Sutra, almost all of them were open to him, so Naruto Zhang Qing Suddenly became rich.

The swordsmanship he created himself in the world of Naruto is actually just the change of Chakra properties added to the blade. To really say how good the swordsmanship is, it can only be said that it can barely be seen in the world of Naruto, because it is about the same level there, and Compared with the swordsmanship in the martial arts world, it is like a child playing with a sword.

Not to mention other aspects, like the soft fist of the Hyuga family, basically relying on supercilious eyes. If you want to say how clever it is, after putting aside the energy of Chakra, it is the same thing. If it is changed to the fairy world , I am afraid that people from Naruto World will not be able to get on the board at all, and the use of power is too rough.

The masters in the world of martial arts can do flying flowers and picking leaves to hurt people, but for Hokage, stare and play with tattoos! ?

But what satisfies Naruto Zhang Qing the most is that his current physical fitness and soul strength are much stronger than before. It is only because of Xilin and Zhang Qing, the divine sculpture. One small step further, yes one small step, there is no way that Sirin's bonus is too great, the other Zhang Qing cannot compare to the other party alone.

But mosquito meat is also meat, Hokage Zhang Qing will not dislike it.

And he also wants to obtain Zhang Qing's abilities in other worlds. After all, although Xilin and the other two downloaded each other's abilities from other Zhang Qings, Naruto Zhang Qing found that he could not obtain other Zhang Qing's abilities from each other. You have to come in person to get in touch.

This is the second rule that Naruto Zhang Qing discovered in the foggy space.

"But it's a pity that you didn't take Bai and Xianglin's mother and daughter to the duck, they are all hard-working people..." Zhang Qing, the divine sculpture, sighed.

Sirin curled her lips, "boring sympathy..."

Hokage Zhang Qing explained with a wry smile, "There's no way, whether it's Shiro or Karin, if they really come to Konoha, I'm afraid it's not much better than the outside, and it's impossible for Sandai and Danzo to let them What a happy childhood, I'm a commoner ninja, I don't want Namakaze Minato to have a teacher like Jiraiya who can't keep them, it's more about harming them than saving them."

Of course, Hokage Zhang Qing also wanted to make up for the regrets of watching animation in his previous life, but his mind is still clear, knowing that what he did will only bring more tragedies, so he can only suppress it, but he didn’t bring people along. Back to Konoha, but he didn't really care about it, he just placed people in the country of ghosts, and Uchiha Izumi and her mother were also secretly placed there by him. After all, there is no place safer than the country of ghosts. At this time.

Even Bai Jue and Hei Jue would not go there without incident.

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