Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

192 The World Of Naruto Has A Lot Of Neurosis!

Because Konoha's current situation is very bad, Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas who is the representative of the highest deterrence, naturally cannot bring Uruto out to look for Tsunade like in the original book.

As for sending other ninjas, I am afraid that when they see Tsunade, they will be beaten away by her. Konoha's previous news can't be hidden at all. As long as Tsunade doesn't go to the deep mountains to live an isolated life Must have heard of it.

Do you think the other party will be angry!? Certainly, anyone who knows that the tragic death of his family members, even the death of his lover and younger brother is related to his teacher and the others, cannot be indifferent, especially Hiruzaru Sarutobi The last words were like treating her Tsunade as a tool to give birth to the blood of the Senshou and even the Uzumaki clan.

What kind of master-student relationship, it is very ridiculous to say so now.

Unless Tsunade is also planted as another god, but with Tsunade's strength back then, no matter how talented Uchiha Shisui is, it is impossible to directly crush Tsunade at that age. Don't be a god, you don't have to think about it, you can't do it at all.

If it is really so powerful, and it can be obtained without a sound, Uchiha Itachi would have already attacked Payne, so there is no need for an undercover agent!?

And Uchiha Shisui will also want to use this method to deal with Tsunade, just as he has never given birth to using other gods to deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen and them, Uchiha's neuropathy will take action against his close relatives, and would rather Using other gods to deal with the patriarch and not wanting to attack Hokage, is this not a disease or something!?

Regarding the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha, isn’t it that Uchiha has been giving way all the time!? As one of the two major clans that founded Konoha, no one of Uchiha has been Hokage so far. Is this wrong!? Wrong is wrong This family is full of neuropathy. If it weren't for the many neuropathies, Konoha would have been taken as his own. After all, if Uchiha Madara was not crazy, he would not have left, and the genius ninja would not be able to deal with his own people in turn.

You said that back then, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Obito who had rebelled a long time ago, there were four Kage-level powerhouses with kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes, and they directly rebelled against the current Isn't going to Naruto the solution to the problem!?

Hehe, in the end, one by one clearly had the advantage, but they themselves conceded defeat first. It's not a disease, what is it!?

The so-called will of fire is actually used to brainwash Uchiha, just as Konoha is talking about the Senju clan, and Hokage is talking about the Uchiha clan who are good at using fire to escape, so the so-called will of fire is naturally aimed at Uchiha It's a family, and the effect is very good.

The Uchiha family loves to eat this set.

Pulling away, back to the topic.

Since Jiraiya couldn't leave, and other ninjas would have little effect, this matter could only fall on Zhang Qing, who had been in correspondence with Tsunade's only disciple, Shizune, in the end.

With the relationship of Mute, Tsunade will definitely not kill Zhang Qing, so there is absolutely no one more suitable than Zhang Qing, but it may still have to suffer a little bit...

Yuhihong was very dissatisfied with this, because Shizune liked Zhang Qing when she was in school, but after the third ninja war, she followed Tsunade and left Konoha, otherwise it would not be the turn of Yuhihong and Zhang Qing. Good job Zhang Qing!

Yuhihong naturally felt a little emotional. Although there is no such thing as monogamy in the world of Hokage, in most cases there is still only one wife. As for the mistress

Of course, it is impossible to appear in the open. It is very likely that a single woman you see is actually a powerful ninja or the mistress of a powerful man behind the scenes. Many families do not have a father, not because the father is dead, but because It's just that you can't see the light.

It's rare for those aristocratic families to have such a situation, because they must maintain a pure blood relationship, and they will not have an affair with a commoner ninja or a foreign ninja, otherwise it is a violation of the clan rules, which is a felony, but before the clan, there are still some.

The population is small in this day and age, let alone family planning. It is right for you to have more children. Naturally, it doesn’t matter how many wives you have, unless your wife is too strong and the mother’s family is strong, otherwise such a free situation Under the circumstances, there are very few truths that men can restrain themselves.

So Xi Hihong is just a little emotional, but even if Zhang Qing really gets back with Jingyin, she will at most only ask for her to be her for the first time. The four concubines are all ninjas, and they don't know when their heads will fall off. If they want the family to prosper, of course it is impossible to rely on her as a woman, otherwise the family will be exterminated later. If there are more brothers and sisters, they can help each other in the future. And it can't be that all mothers are dead!

As long as there is one wife alive, all the children can be taken care of by others. This is also the default rule of this era. When a ninja dies, it is only a matter of time. So if you are entangled in monogamy, the clan will be exterminated long ago. Where is there Uchi? Big families like the Wave Clan and the Hyuga Clan!?

Other families want to grow up but don't allow love among their own clansmen, especially when the population is thin and there is only one seedling.

On the contrary, it's not normal for an old bachelor like Jiraiya to be single until now.

In this way, Zhang Qing took Haruno Sakura and the others of his team to go out to find Tsunade, and by the way brought a few small and long-term insights to complete several tasks at the same time. After all, Konoha is short of manpower now.

The accumulated tasks have to be completed by someone, and it is impossible to leave Hokage alone for a day without doing it.

If Tian Tian said it, she also followed closely. There was no other way. Her teammate Xiao Li was still paralyzed. It was impossible for her team to do missions. Apart from helping civilians build houses, there was nothing else.

This is of course nothing to a ninja like Ningci who has a family inheritance and someone from above teaches him, but it delays a commoner ninja like Tiantian, not to mention that Maitkai has nothing to teach Tiantian. The years are wasted.

From here, we can see that Hiru Sarutobi talked about how to be good to the common people, but what he said was a trick behind the scenes. Think about Haruno Sakura in the original book, Kakashi didn't teach her at all , Whether climbing trees or treading water, it is useless to her. If it is not for Naruto's relationship in the end, apprenticeship with Tsunade, I am afraid that it will be cannon fodder in the end.

Not to mention Tian Tian, ​​​​you can see from the back of the original book that it has not become much stronger at all, and there is not even any ninjutsu killer. One of the well-behaved Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang is basically at the bottom.

Is her talent bad!? Definitely not as good as Namikaze Minato, but she is definitely better than most people, but she ended up with that kind of ending. It can only be said that if ordinary ninjas can't find a good teacher, their future achievements will be basically the same. It is doomed, the so-called ninja school is actually subtly brainwashing, and the only thing that can teach you is the three body skills.

In the final analysis, education has not been thoroughly popularized, and it is still in an uncivilized state.

I don’t know what these people are worried about. I have blood, and I’m born with a higher starting point [Are you afraid that there will be geniuses who can threaten your status among the common people!? I really think it’s impossible for Ping Kangli to catch a lot of Namikaze Minato!?

Not to mention Hinata's soft boxing, which is a unique family skill, without rolling eyes, it's basically just flamboyant fists and embroidered legs.

The same is true for Zhuludie. Their family's secret technique is basically created according to their own family's situation. If other people learn it, it will only have half the effect at most. If it can be used 100%, you can consider recognizing relatives.

0 looking for flowers...

Of course, after you said to prevent being learned by outsiders, you can also target yourself, but no one told you to teach everything. Isn’t it a custom to keep one hand!? Where do honest people really teach everything to others without reservation? other's.

Generally speaking, it is wrong that the ninja school only teaches the three-body technique. In fact, some low-level escape techniques with various attributes can be added.

If you really rely on the mere three-body technique, if you are afraid of not dying, you are really lucky. Is it really useful to cultivate this kind of cannon fodder!?

"So, why did you assign me to Teacher Kai? I'm not saying that Teacher Kai is not good, but Teacher Kai really has nothing to give me!" Looking at Haruno Sakura and the others enviously, she said, if she hadn't If she had been born a year earlier, she would definitely be in Zhang Qing's class now.

Unless Hiruzaru Sarutobi did it on purpose, Haruno Sakura wouldn't be able to turn at all.

Although Tiantian was Zhang Qing's neighbor, she was too young to train at all. When she was almost grown up, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent Zhang Qing outside to perform missions for a long time, which made Tiantian, a neighbor, a little closer to the water. Deyue didn't have any advantages, and when he graduated, he was still not much different from the original book.

Fortunately, when Haruno Sakura and the others graduated, Zhang Qing had a lot of time to stay in Konoha. Finally, Tiantian got what she wanted. The only problem is that she has her own team, and she always gathers less and leaves more, so she can follow Zhang Please study time is short.

That hate!

"You, although Hiruza Sarutobi is really not a good person, but in fact, even if he assigns you to other ninja leaders, there will be no big results. After all, Konoha is really good at teaching you every day. No, maybe the Uchiha who exterminated the clan is one of them, but unfortunately the Uchiha clan rarely teaches outsiders."

Zhang Qing touched the little girl's ball head and comforted him. After all, Tiantian's talent is all about ninja tools, and other aspects can only be regarded as mediocre. If you have a good teacher, of course, if you work hard, you will certainly have results. Those who are geniuses in this area grow a lot.

Of course, the reason why I have been with Maitekai for so long, and the physical skills are still so hip, I can only say that Maitekai’s set is suitable for strong men, and basically no girls can accept it, so on this point, you can rest assured and bold There is absolutely no wrongdoing in scolding Hiruza Sarutobi as an old immortal.

He just regards Tiantian as a supporting mascot, which is a waste. It is better to listen to Tsunade's words and have a medical ninja in the three-person team. Anyway, the three-person team usually has a woman, and most They must be civilian ninjas. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to drive people to learn medical ninjutsu. At least they will contribute a little to the team, so they can be regarded as learning something.

But why don't you do that, is it not because of a brain disease!?

"Actually, you can try the puppet technique. A puppet is also a kind of ninja tool. It is very easy for you to control it. But at present, the puppet technique is only good at Sand Ninjutsu. You can collect it there in the future... ………”

In fact, thermal weapons are also considered, but Tiantian is not a scientist, so she has better hands-on ability. It is impossible for her to develop ninja tools such as electromagnetic guns by herself, so she can only put it aside for the time being.

"Teacher Zhang Qing, don't just focus on teaching Tian Tian-senpai, there is me too!" Haruno Sakura reminded the two that she is still alive, and she is also a commoner ninja, so she doesn't want Hinata and Yakumo to have her own inheritance .

After passing the Chunin Exam, Haruno Sakura is also determined to become stronger, after all Sasuke has defected.

"Okay, okay, I haven't forgotten you, but we're still on our way... Nai".

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