"Then the first guess is that the ancient seal has been opened!"

As Luo Tianyi's voice fell, everyone also discovered what the book she had been reading before was "The Myth of the Painting Country".

"Hey, what kind of old-fashioned novel routine is this!?" Huang Yuan fumed his forehead, and he didn't know how Luo Tianyi's little head could think like this. Even the ancient seal, is this enough fantasy, okay? exist!?

Luo Tianyi shrugged, "I originally wondered about the recovery of spiritual energy, but the facts have proved that the current known information can prove that this world was originally a modern technological civilization like Blue Star, and there were no abnormalities. Capable and such."

When he said this, he glanced at Huang Yuan, you, a superpower, don't think that everyone is the same as you.

"It's just a guess anyway, isn't it!?"

Of course, that's no problem.

So Le Zhengling asked, "Then how do I find it, relying on mythological records!?"

Luo Tianyi dropped the book and said, "Don't bother, as I said before, the scope only needs to be in Rongcheng. If there is really an ancient seal, it must be related to the excavation of ancient tombs or the discovery of ancient ruins." , might as well see if there are related reports.”

"The reason why I read these books on purpose before was just to see if they were different from Blue Star. In fact, they are basically the same, so it is clear that this is a parallel world.

"Related reports!?" 20

The three of Huang Yuan immediately looked at each other, and it was true that the scope had shrunk a lot, and it was still only in Rongcheng.

Luo Tianyi saw that everyone was starting to work, and he did not forget to remind, "Remember not to leave any reports of accidents at some construction sites."

After seeing everyone nodding their heads and starting to get busy, Luo Tianyi couldn't help but cast his gaze outside the room. It was almost night, and the contestants from other countries spent most of the day in such a peaceful state without causing any trouble. Very unexpected.

The term "self-discipline" cannot be applied to these people.

In fact, it was true, Luo Tianyi's actions here naturally couldn't be hidden from the eyes of those foreign friends who stayed behind in Xiaguo's live broadcast room, so now most of the players can't complete the route.

Running to deal with Xia Guo's team, not to mention Huang Yuan's difficulty in dealing with them has been verified several times, and this kind of self-sacrifice, interrupting the progress of Xia Guo's team's strategy, just to gain an advantage for other countries, naturally no one is willing to do it .

Now whoever is the first to clear the level will be able to get the rich reward of the first place. Naturally, no one wants to give up. This is the key to being able to live and live better in the future. Then in some countries where father and son have reached the secret realm, everyone On an equal footing, the interests of the countries outside Blue Star have long been ignored by these players.

Now it is personal interests that come first, licking the toes of players from certain countries!? Is it necessary!? You have to rely on yourself to be able to live.

So if you want some players to give up their lives, you can't count on them.

Teacher Tony from the Bald Eagle Country, after receiving the message from the White Eagle Country, was also amazed, "That little girl from the Xia Country was wrong, I didn't expect to be so powerful..."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Mr. Stark would sometimes praise others!" Black Widow and the others couldn't help showing teasing smiles.

Tony Stark withdrew his hands from the computer keyboard, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Am I that kind of blind and arrogant person!?"

Others smiled and said nothing, you are, stinky Tony Stark.

Tony doesn't think about these teammates anymore, it's annoying.

The captain of country M became a little worried, "I've run out of information that can be sent this time!?"

Steve Rogers doesn't understand why his country is so irrational. If something unexpected happens later, there will be no foreign aid, not even a little information. It is equivalent to them becoming blind. Bogey.

Tony didn't take it seriously, "It's enough, now I have a clear direction, I still have Jarvis here, that's enough, that little girl has a very good way of thinking, and my future daughter must be so smart...... "

Black Widow, Hulk and others were speechless.

And when most people are racing, there are also many people who are secretly doing things.

Yes, Le Zhengling's worries were correct. Compared with customs clearance, the current relatively safe environment is enough to make some people's minds start to float.

For example, making a "god" and then killing all the other people here to rule here is actually good, there is no need to clear the level.

And maybe you can take this god to the next secret realm!

This is equivalent to mastering invincible power, who is not tempted!?

After the extreme fear, it is worship. This is a typical mental illness. Some people even put their minds on the red moon, hoping to master this powerful force.

As for how to control the opponent, hehe, self-confidence is enough.

Human beings are inherently full of death talent, but some people have enough self-control ability, but some people don't have this at all, even if they have it, they will abandon it.

Of course, there are some players who don’t want to do this subjectively, but their own identities are quite special, such as a young lady from Sakura Country, or a nun player, these people are destined to have faith in their profession, It can be said that this secret realm itself is not friendly to them.

It's equivalent to being full of inspiration in the weird world of Cthulhu. Maybe they don't do anything, and they can make a false god faster than those lunatics who want to make gods.

So now is really a race against the clock.

As for whether one or two people can be enough to create gods, or create some strange monsters, there is not much difference in itself.

Immortality alone and the contagiousness of the information level are enough to cause headaches.

Return the perspective to Luo Tianyi again.

Because of the weather, after Feng Baobao brought back a bunch of newspapers again, everyone let her stay and don't have to go out anymore, who knows if she will be in danger alone at night!?

It's safer to stay together.

Huang Yuan and Le Zhengling were also a little surprised, because they really found a lot of reports from Rongcheng.

For example, a construction accident in a certain place caused all kinds of casualties and losses, and then ancient tombs were discovered, which really abounds.

The most ridiculous thing is that there are really any ancient ruins discovered.

"Really, is this world so mysterious!?" Huang Yuan was dumbfounded. He said it was unreliable before, so he was slapped in the face on the spot.


Huang Yuan couldn't help but look at Luo Tianyi, can this girl guess all of this!? She still guesses right.

Huang Yuan even suspected that Luo Tianyi was the person behind the scenes, maybe he was the creator of this forbidden land and secret realm, otherwise how could he explain it!?

If Luo Tianyi knew that Huang Yuan was able to come up with such a ridiculous idea, she would definitely give him a big blank stare. If she is really behind the scenes, is it necessary for her to play in person!?

Can lie down comfortably, who wants to stand!?

If she was the person behind the scenes, she would definitely drink Kuo Le and eat potato chips, watching others exhausted, how could she end up in person and play monkey games for others!?

"Since we found these, it proves that the direction is right!" Luo Tianyi finalized.

Others have no opinion, although they think it is nonsense, but it is the truth.

"But if that's the case, shouldn't we be considered to have found the truth now? Why.........!?" Le Zhengling was also a little confused, since Luo Tianyi's guess was right , why the system did not prompt to complete the task?!

Others were also puzzled, this is very unreasonable, unless they guessed wrong, but the fact that there are so many underground ruins in Rongcheng itself is not normal.

Luo Tianyi didn't have too many surprises, "Because we just confirmed that the conjecture in this direction may be correct, but the real truth is that the ancient seal was opened and we don't know, or is it something else!?"

"What we need 583 now is to prove this 'cause'.

Huang Yuan felt a toothache, "Grave robbers!?"

Luo Tianyi rolled his eyes, "How do you know about tomb robbery!? You are still a law enforcement officer, can you stop being so dark!?"

"At least it has to be called 'archaeology'!"

Huang Yuan is speechless, isn't that a meaning!?

Speaking of which, it wasn't long before the local officials sealed off those ancient tombs and ruins before something happened. They didn't find the connection before, and Huang Yuan sighed secretly.

If you discovered these at the beginning, where would you need to go around such a big circle!?

But fortunately, it was rewarding. After going through a few dungeons, the cards of several people increased, and even Le Zhengling could say that he had enough self-protection ability.

"Shall we go now!?" Huang Yuan looked at the dark night outside and asked.

Luo Tianyi looked at the other party strangely, "How is that possible!? Of course I will go in the daytime, and run to die at night!?"

"Who knows if there might be something wacky in there!?"

Huang Yuan was speechless, and after a long time, he asked, "Then we just sit like this!?"

Luo Tianyi threw a few books in the past, "You can read the books, these are all history books, see if there is any historical records in Rongcheng, you should find something."

"Reading again!?" Huang Yuan rubbed his eyebrows, feeling that he had never worked so hard in school in his life.

Le Zhengling and the charter woman also smiled wryly.

To be honest, of course they thought about being the first to clear the level, but their desire to win was not so strong.

As Luo Tianyi said, it was already night, and it was impossible to go out desperately.

If other people are so brave, so what if the first place is given to them!?

And some people explored the way ahead for themselves. To be honest, they made money. .

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