During these days of rest every day, Zhang Qing took her to train with her every day.

But even so, the time is only three days.

On this day, after reluctantly waving goodbye to Zhang Qing every day, he rushed to the meeting place of the third class. Today will be the day when Mai Tekai takes Tian Tian and the three of them out to do missions.

So there will be a long period of time, and it will change back to only Hongdou and him in the guidance training again.

At noon, Zhang Qing, who wanted to be lazy, had no intention of cooking by himself, and was hesitating whether to choose to have a barbecue or go to Yile Ramen for consumption, but saw Iruka passing by.

Iruka seemed a little surprised when he saw him, but he still came up to say hello.

As the teacher of Konoha Ninja School, Iruka is considered a celebrity in Konoha. Konoha said that it is not big, the circle is so small, there is only one school in the village, and the teachers in it are basically everyone in the village. will know.

Iruka is about the same age as Hongdou, but Hongdou was a top student at the time, a young genius, and happened to be in that period, so he naturally skipped a grade. After graduation, Leng Jun, one of the three ninjas at that time, fell in love with Orochimaru , even more in the limelight, while Iruka was mediocre, and his grades were only in the middle at the time, so he was a bit inconspicuous.

So let’s not talk about Hongdou. Under normal circumstances, even Zhang Qing is not very familiar with this junior, because there is no intersection.

However, before Asuma returned to Konoha, Zhang Qing was relatively free in Konoha, at least much more free than now, and Uchiha Itachi could pick up Uchiha Sasuke to and from school. Zhang Qing, the little one, is of course almost the same.

I have been to the school a lot, so naturally there will be intersections after coming and going. Although they are just nodding acquaintances, at least they are not completely strangers who can't talk to each other.

After seeing Iruka, Zhang Qing didn't worry any more. He pulled the red beans and invited Iruka to Yile Ramen to solve the lunch problem. He just needed to ask Iruka if he had any inside information. So far, he still doesn't know which three his students will be, and it seems that this morning is the graduation exam of Ninja School.

"Zhang Qing Jōnin, it's been a long time." Iruka said with emotion, this male Jōnin who doesn't look like a woman is still very famous in Konoha Village.

It's just that it is a bit lethal for men, and it is very stressful to look at each other, and Iruka dare not look directly.

After all, a man is afraid of being turned around. It’s because the other party is too androgynous. It’s okay now. It seems that when he was young, no one would think he was a boy even if he was wearing men’s clothes. Now he is more neutral. If he is transformed, it will not make people think that he is a woman disguised as a man.

Hongdou was only focused on eating, and didn't care what the two people over there were talking about.

Zhang Qing smiled and thanked the calamus who handed him his share of char siu ramen, and then asked curiously, "Why did you look so sighing just now? Could it be that there are still people in your class who can't graduate?" !?"

You must know that the class taught by Iruka is the top student class in Konoha Ninja School, and there are children of this generation's big family patriarchs in it. Although there are commoner students, but thinking about Haruno Sakura, you know that you can enter this class The students here are definitely not idiots, at least they are not a little better than other ordinary students.

The ninja school graduation exam has always been three-body jutsu. This kind of basic ninjutsu has been learned for five or six years, but it has not been mastered. It can only be said that you are not suitable to be a ninja at all. This is just an exception. After all, Sanshenju does not mean anything. The most important thing for a ninja is strength. If your comprehensive strength reaches the level of ninja before graduation, of course there will be no problem.

And in a class like Iruka, under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to fail to graduate.

Iruka put down his teacup and sighed, "You have been away from Konoha for a long time, of course you don't know, that Uzumaki Naruto in my class is notoriously noisy, he plays pranks every day, and I refuse to work hard for him every day Studying and worrying about whether he will fail to graduate, and the result..."

"If that's the case, it's his own business. Do you have to frown!?" Although Zhang Qing knew about it, he didn't have anything to say. It was indeed Naruto Uzumaki's choice Depravity, if he spends more time practicing ninjutsu in making mischief and making troubles, even if there is Nine-Tails interfering, he won't still look like a ghost after graduation.

Now that he can use the transformation technique, and even create the harem technique, it proves that the interference of Nine Tails is not insurmountable.

If you give up because of the difficulty, then people like Rock Lee who can't use ninjutsu at all can commit suicide.

"However, if I lower my standards, maybe Naruto will be able to graduate. Mizuki said that to me at the time, saying that I am too serious, and Naruto is only poor in avatar skills. If this time It's the transformation technique, maybe he can graduate..." Iruka explained why he was frowning, of course, what he didn't say was that when he looked at Naruto, he felt that he saw the past So I substituting myself unconsciously.

Although it is for the sake of responsibility, I don't want students who fail to meet the standards to graduate and then die outside.

But for orphans like him and Naruto who have no father and no mother, if they can't even graduate, it is conceivable how sad the future will be. Iruka may still be able to live as an ordinary person, but Naruto This kind of situation of being hated by the whole village and not even willing to sell him things, I'm afraid it will be very sad.

It is precisely because of this realization that Iruka feels remorse.

"Then how is his overall strength!?" Although Zhang Qing has watched the animation, Zhang Qing still wants to ask. After all, there is no mention of Naruto's overall strength in the animation. Bad, "I remember that you don't have to pass the three body skills to graduate!"

Iruka's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the words, he couldn't help but quickly disappeared, and smiled wryly, "But Naruto's grades in other subjects are not satisfactory, I have told him many times to focus on his studies, even if the written test His grades are excellent, and I can intercede with him, and not all ninjas have to go to the battlefield, there are also enchantment classes, but..."

At this time, Hongdou put down his chopsticks, burped, patted his stomach, and said indifferently, "I've seen that kid before, but let me just say, in his situation, it's impossible for him to be interested in studying." ..."

The child's situation is not much different from my own back then. She has already graduated anyway, and Hong and Zhang Qing are helping, but for Naruto, if you don't have enough food and clothing, it's good if you don't die. How can you have the energy to study? ! ?

She didn't believe that Iruka couldn't see it, even if he was a Chunin, he still had the vision he should have.

Iruka was a little surprised, Hongdou interrupted suddenly, but the smile on his face was even more bitter after hearing the words, "I have tried my best to invite Naruto to dinner for various reasons, but I can't do too much , I have had the same experience, and I know that if Naruto finds out that this is sympathy for him, then he will never accept it again."

Iruka doesn't want to help more, but he can't, and the third Hokage will not allow it, although Iruka doesn't know why the third generation doesn't let him adopt Naruto.

Zhang Qing waved his hand and suppressed the topic. It is too sensitive. Although there are no other customers in Yile Ramen at this time, it is better not to talk too much about Naruto, or they may have to be taken away. I took a trip to the interrogation room, and things related to Injuriki will not be trivial.

"Then let him repeat the grade for one year. I believe he will understand after this lesson. You can excuse that the repeater still has a subsidy, and it will be canceled only after successful graduation, but it will only be postponed for one year. Just treat it as the last chance, and it's up to him to catch it or not..." After Zhang Qing gave a suggestion, he planned to summarize this topic.

After Iruka heard this suggestion, he smiled from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you for your suggestion, this is indeed a good idea! I will consult with the third-generation master, and I hope the third-generation master will not refuse."

Stopping Iruka from thanking you again and again, Zhang Qing turned around and asked, "When I come back this time, the three generations of adults planned to let me be the teacher of the team. Since you are the teacher of the ninja school, do you have any inside information!? I still don’t know which three my student unions are!?”

Iruka shook his head, "I may not be able to help you with this, sorry, we just submitted the report of the graduates just now, presumably we have to wait for the third generation to think about it before we have anything to say."

"But Zhang Qing, Jonin, you are a Junin anyway, and you should be the teacher of the children from the big families in my class. Although I don't know which three it will be, there should be no mistakes in general. Let me wait Let me show you the information of these children!"

Originally, these internal materials should not be shown to outsiders, but since the other party is the teacher who was called back by the Third Hokage, he naturally has the right to view the materials of this year's top students.

Zhang Qing really wanted to say that he might be assigned a few bad students, but after thinking about it, this old man of three generations has always done a good job of superficial skills, so he shouldn't embarrass himself too much. So he will really give him the children of the big family! ?

Or is it that there are still children from big families who are separated this year! ?

It shouldn't be possible. When I watched the animation back then, I realized that the Twelve Xiaoqiang's two years were very special. There were no separated children of the big family at the same age. The only separated child was Neji.

"Thank you, Iruka!" Although he thought a lot in his heart, Zhang Qing still did not forget to thank Iruka on the surface.

"No, you already invited me to eat ramen, I should be thanking you!"

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