Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

220 Big Light Ball: I Want To Be A Good Person!

Le Zhengling didn't expect such an answer. Her brain was short-circuited for a moment, and her mind went blank. She couldn't remember the questions she had prepared.

The truth is astonishing.

Luo Tianyi shook Le Zhengling's little hand, and then asked, "Every time before, did you choose the savior like this!? And is the savior one person, or multiple!?

The big light ball spun around, this time it didn't answer right away, but it seemed like a second or two later.


"This time is the last order of the previous savior, and I just carry it out."

"'If you can't save the majority, then just fight for a few to survive.' These are his exact words."

"There is only one savior. When I was born, I was given the ability to lock the person with the strongest luck in the current world. In your understanding, it is the 'protagonist'

When Luo Tianyi and Huang Yuan heard the word "protagonist", their brows twitched. They couldn't be the protagonists of novels like they understood!?

If it is such a protagonist, then there is nothing surprising in failure.

To give a simple example, take a protagonist like "The Crooked Mouth Dragon King", if you choose him as the savior, you can basically imagine how the world will save the world.

But in reality, it shouldn't be so outrageous, right?!

"The previous savior thought that it was not enough to rely on one person's strength. He wanted more people to participate in the savior, instead of choosing one person to be the 'behind the scenes', so he set up a selection process at the end. The assessment also uses the legacy of the previous saviors as a reward. According to his estimation, no one will be able to come here until at least the tenth secret realm, but your performance has exceeded his expectations."

Luo Tianyi and the five immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Did we do anything!?"

Luo Tianyi asked puzzledly, "Can you answer the content of the assessment!?"

"Unity, reason and unyielding!"

"At any time, you have enough calmness, you will not be impulsive for profit, it is for reason, and you have perfectly met this requirement."

"Then there is unyielding. There are too many difficulties in the process of overcoming the crisis. If you don't have the spirit of not giving up easily, you will never be able to complete it. Almost all players have achieved this, because this is survival, and life will be instinctive." of survival."

"The final unity. Originally, the previous savior wanted to unite all the players, including the country behind them, but in the end he changed the standard. He only needs to prove the unity of the team and the country behind them."

To be honest, the five of Luo Tianyi and the others have not had the slightest conflict because of the distribution of benefits and other issues. It is estimated that the previous savior did not expect that the process of becoming powerful is actually more terrifying than smoking DP [it is very easy to get pain and lose your mind of.

Compared with personal strength and collective strength, most people tend to choose the former, even the previous saviors are different, most saviors harvest others as leeks, selfish, even before the crisis, he is the only strong person in the whole world , as the existence of the gods on earth to rule the world.

What is stronger is to give the leftovers to other people. Even so, there will be a wave of harvest regularly, so that when the crisis comes, the overall strength is still not enough.

The last savior was a saint, but he thought the world was too good, ignored the shortcomings of human nature, and made the whole world into a mess, and finally the world would kill itself first.

It may also be the blow of "betrayal". The majority, instead, choose the minority.

Perhaps in the end, he found that too many people are a burden and a drag!

Luo Tianyi and the others understand the reason. Indeed, there will definitely be conflicts among the other teams, because they all regarded this forbidden secret place as an "opportunity" or "opportunity". Of course, it is impossible for everyone to face benefits I don't even care.

Not to mention, there are still some people who regard this place as an extraterritorial place, and they will not be able to return to Blue Star anyway, so what if they go crazy at the end!? Acting with this mentality, even if all the members of the team are wicked, It is also impossible to be united all the time.

Not to mention, teams from other countries also took the initiative to attack their Xia Guo team. From the perspective of Da Guangqiu, this is a point deduction item, while Luo Tianyi and the others are just self-defense, which naturally does not count as a breach of unity.

As for why Luo Tianyi and the others never quarreled over the distribution of benefits, it can only be said that there are more gangsters in the team. Feng Baobao, who sounds like a child, is actually an idiot with a long-term blank mind, not to mention , Rewards or something just let nature take its course.

As for the charter wife, she has long passed the age of being competitive, and she also lives a secluded life on Blue Star, and for some reason, she is more fond of Le Zhengling and Luo Tianyi, two beautiful and smart little girls. Girl, I'm afraid that in my heart, I want to get out alive and have a similar daughter.

As for Le Zhengling, first of all, she is the eldest daughter of the Le Zheng family, the richest man in the Xia Kingdom. Growing up in this kind of family, how could she be greedy for small profits? Anyway, no one else has money like her family, you Say there is a job that can make a lot of money!? Sorry, my family has money, so I don't need to work for you.

Of course, this is the wealth on Blue Star, but Le Zhengling also has self-knowledge. In the secret realm, she is just an ordinary girl, and she is protected by other people in the team. Accept that, in a situation like Sakura Country, she might not struggle to survive in order to survive, but this is not the case, and she doesn't need to fight for it, which makes everyone unhappy.

It is enough to be able to eat the leftovers, and she is also satisfied.

As for Huang Yuan and Luo Tianyi, they didn't care about such a thing at all, they all had their own cheats, and these rewards were more like novelty toys to them.

So after all, it naturally broke the expectations of the previous savior.

It was originally estimated that after enough people died and despaired enough, the remaining people would naturally unite, but this time it was really unexpected.

"Then the next question, what is the crisis you are talking about!?" Luo Tianyi continued to ask.

The big ball of light stopped spinning suddenly, and the arc on its body disappeared for a long time, before everyone thought it was down, and said again, "I don't know!"

"The world just perceives a strong crisis and responds spontaneously. In fact, the world itself doesn't know what kind of crisis it is!"

Luo Tianyi was speechless, what is this, isn’t it like, I feel that someone might want to murder me, so am I ready to deal with it!? Is this considered persecuted Benzene syndrome!?

But this kind of thing should not be a joke, so it is likely to be true.

Huang Yuan rubbed his temples and asked, "Then so many restarts, didn't one of them stick to that time!?"

The big ball of light said directly without pausing this time, "No, every time human beings are self-destructed first, for example, in the second secret realm before, this is actually the layout of the third savior, burying ancient ruins, and then lead humans to discover them, hoping that humans at that time could create gods..."

"However, because most people don't realize that the real opponent is not those weird by-products, but another crisis, so the final result deviates from the third savior's expectation, and it is out of control. Human beings are becoming more and more maliciously weird and powerful."

At the same time as the explanation, the big ball of light also played some records of this secret realm at that time. The world where the second secret realm is located, because the third savior chose to save the world in this way, so in modern times, it was in the folk world. With the appearance of demons and ghosts, all countries in the world have set up some special agencies to deal with these situations, and the news is blocked.

The third savior, the savior, just wanted to use these ghosts to train all mankind, but with the passage of time, the world pattern has changed, and it tends to get out of control, because human beings themselves do not have the ability to deal with these things. The third savior, His own plan to save the world allows human beings to make up their minds to create gods when they are unable to deal with it. In his opinion, no matter what the real crisis is, as long as there are powerful gods, it should be enough to deal with it. If one is not enough, more Come to a few, rather than cultivating humans, wouldn't it be nice to directly create the gods of the ceiling!?

But he underestimated the "respect" or "rejection" of human beings for gods. Even if they are willing to create gods, they are still cultists. They are not righteous gods but evil gods created by bloody methods, more like those of the weird side.

The red moon is the evil god, and it is also the god worshiped by the cultists.

Then humanity is finished.

All human beings in the world have become sacrifices.

"Then why didn't he add a way for humans to deal with weirdness when he realized the problem!?" Since they can do so much, why not (Wang's) more!? Huang Yuan and the others are very do not understand.

The video played by the big light ball disappeared, and the pure white space returned to its original state again.

It said, "The original energy of the world needs a long process to recover, and it is not used as you want. The savior can only transform the world with limited energy. Once transformed, it needs to spend additional energy if you want to change it again. , and every time the world is restarted, it is also a lot of expenses."

"The recovered energy was also thrown into the god-making plan by him. When he realized something was wrong, the energy he could control was not enough for human beings to protect themselves, and as the world was destroyed more and more The more, the more chaotic, the longer the process of energy recovery."

Huang Yuan and the others understood the meaning of the big light ball, that is to say, it wasn't that the third savior didn't want to, but that he was powerless. In the end, even if you want to make a change, you will lose your chance.

In the final analysis, throwing the problem to short-sighted human beings or solving it alone is a big problem in itself, and I don’t know what the world thinks! Bundle?

[The author has something to say: I can’t connect to the Internet, I don’t know what’s going on, the speed of the Internet is very slow, it’s stuck all the time, I’m dying of anxiety. 】.

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