Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

226 Zhang Qing: Hide Your Identity, Big Sister, Don't Be So Aboveboard!

"Wait! We actually have our own combat uniforms."

When Riko Ikuzawa heard Zhang Qing's perfunctory words, she became impatient and wanted to solve the misunderstanding quickly. With this plan, she couldn't help but stop, and turned to face Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing was taken aback by the girl's sudden action, and couldn't help but backed up half a step, not understanding why the other party was so excited!?

"I see."

"No, you don't know!" Ruriko puffed up her cheeks.

"No, did you misunderstand something!?" Zhang Qing asked strangely, are you talking about combat uniforms now!? And why are you shouting so loudly!?

Didn't you see that many people came to see it!?

Looking at the students who were whispering, Zhang Qing was quite speechless.

Is the secrecy work done so laxly here in Sakura Country!?

Zhang Qing lowered his voice and said, "Many people are watching us secretly now, do you want to be heard about these things!?"

Riko Ikusawa was taken aback when she heard the words, then turned her head to look around, and she really noticed that many eyes fell on this side.

"That... I'm sorry!"

"I'm really, really sorry!"

Ruriko Ikuzawa bowed and apologized instantly.

Zhang Qing forced a smile and said, "It's nothing, just pay attention in the future, you don't need to be so cautious, we will be companions in the future."

To be honest, Zhang Qing rarely took the initiative to make friends with others, let alone girls, and actually didn't know how to deal with them.

Now I just want to hurry to the dormitory arranged by the Far East branch.

"No, I did something stupid, so I should apologize." Ruriko Ikuzawa said seriously after standing up.

Then he also lowered his voice and assured, "What I said before is also true, the gate guardians of our Far East branch have special combat uniforms, don't get me wrong!"

Can you pass this topic quickly!? Miss Ruriko 487.

Zhang Qing raised his forehead, "I know, and I also know that you must have misunderstood something. I just think it's not good for you to wear school uniforms like this. I didn't say that you have to wear combat uniforms."

Seeing that the other party still didn't understand, Zhang Qing sighed, "Could it be that the person in charge here didn't explain to you when you joined the job that our door guardians can't be known by the public!? There are also intruders the same thing, so..."

"If you wear a school uniform like this, wouldn't you be directly revealing your identity information to the enemy!?"

"If you are an orphan, just pretend I didn't say anything, but if you have a family..."

Having said that, Zhang Qing gave Ruriko a meaningful look.

Immediately, Ikuzawa Ruriko's face became very ugly, "This..."

Zhang Qing knew about Ikuzawa Riko's situation. Because of Ukiya Shun, her childhood playmate and crush, Ikuzawa Riko might join in on impulse when she heard that saving the world was a hero's responsibility.

In addition, people of this age have more or less secondary illnesses, which is very normal.

But Zhang Qing never imagined that the other party didn't even know about this kind of thing. Looking at Liu Lizi's face, she knew that she definitely didn't think so much.

I couldn't help but raised my forehead again, "It's not true, I didn't tell you anything, did I!?"

Riko Ikusawa nodded with a mournful face, "I just joined, the commander gave me the rules and regulations manual, but I haven't had time to read it, it's too bad...

"I won't be exposed, will my parents be implicated!?"

Seeing Riko Ikuzawa who suddenly panicked and was about to cry, Zhang Qing was also a little speechless, and the animation didn't say when the other party joined. Soldiers also wear sailor suits, how strange!?

"Don't cry, you haven't performed the task of dealing with intruders yet, have you?" Zhang Qing hurriedly handed over a pack of tissues, dragged him to a place where no one would see him, and asked aloud.

I'm really afraid that if I continue to stay, there will be some terrible rumors.

His innocence was still precious, and he had no interest in Ruriko Ikusawa.

"Well, I have been receiving training at the base before." Ruriko Ikuzawa wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and answered Zhang Qing's question in a low voice.

"Then there's no problem!?" Zhang Qing thought he had revealed his identity. Now that he has never gone out to perform missions, what are he afraid of if he has faced those intruders directly!?

"Really, really!?" Ruriko Ikusawa asked worriedly.

She regretted it very much, because she put most of her energy on being a bright student and maintaining her excellent personality. In addition, she devoted herself to training her door ability whenever she had free time during this time, so she didn't take the time to read it carefully. Isaac's handbook.

If Zhang Qing hadn't reminded her, she might have gone out to fight the intruders in the uniform of Shield God High School in a short time, and she would be terrified even thinking about it.

Zhang Qing nodded and assured, "That's right."

"Then after that, do I still have to wear a mask!?" Ruriko Ikuzawa asked by analogy.

Zhang Qing didn't expect the other party to react so quickly, and continued to nod and admitted, "Our Xia country is like this, but the beautiful country doesn't seem to care much about it, and there are also some countries that don't care about it, it depends on you It's my own idea."

"My suggestion is that if you can hide your identity, don't bother it. Who doesn't have relatives and friends in this world!? You know what I mean!"

It’s not easy to be a hero, let alone a savior. The morals of the world are not as good as family members, and only animation novels exist. Who will tell you this in reality!? And the other party is still an intruder, an enemy, let alone have So kind.

"Probably, you in Sakura Country are the first member to join the Isas Far East branch, so you have no experience. Like me, you are usually led by seniors, so you won't make such mistakes. "

Not to mention that after the intruder knows your identity, targeting your relatives and friends, those ordinary people who inadvertently discover your identity will also bring endless troubles to your normal life, so Xia Guo sent out missions Sometimes, no matter how tightly wrapped it was, how it came about, I was afraid that people would see through my real body.

Like the situation in the original book (cadh) where you wear high school uniforms and fight, how should I put it, this is because you dislike yourself for living too easily.

When Riko Ikuzawa heard this, she also knew that she had wrongly blamed the Commander and the others in her heart just now. It was probably the same as what Zhang Qing said. With no experience, Riko Ikuzawa had already made a decision. As a senior, she must warn her juniors immediately They pay attention to hiding their identities.

Relieved, Ruriko bowed to Zhang Qing again, "Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Zhang Qing."

"Hurry up and take me to the dormitory, my luggage is still very heavy." Zhang Qing waved his hand.

"Yes! It's all because I was late. I'm sorry, I'll take you right away." After bowing and apologizing again, Riko Ikusawa continued with Zhang Qing to the dormitory building of Dunshen High School ahead.

After taking Zhang Qing to visit the school, Riko Ikuzawa breathed a sigh of relief after watching Zhang Qing return to the boys' dormitory, then turned around and ran to find the commander Tetsuya Shidu who was staying in the principal's office, the mustache uncle.

"Commander, I think there should be a set of special combat uniforms, and it's best to hide your identity.

After entering the principal's office, Riko Ikuzawa didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained her reason for coming.

There was still a bit of sullenness on his face, although he knew that he was the first member of the Gate Guardian in the Far East Branch, and he could explain it by inexperience, but it was one thing to know clearly in his heart, and another to be angry or not.

If it wasn't for Zhang Qing's reminder this time, I'm afraid that when Liu Lizi is trained enough to perform the task, he may have to face danger.

In the original book, the reason why Reiji Kageyama, the fallen guardian of the door, came to the door is also based on this point. From top to bottom, the Far East branch has never concealed its identity. In the beginning, it dared to fight the invaders in front of ordinary people in public. Just nonsense.

Just like some Long Aotian are the villains in the novels, kidnapping the heroine and then doing nothing, is this possible in reality!? So wearing school uniforms, fighting openly, I am afraid that it is not because he dislikes his family and lives too much alright!?

The commander was taken aback by Ruriko, and after hearing the other party's words clearly, he asked a little strangely, "We have special combat uniforms for this, I remember showing you."

Riko gritted her teeth, "I'm not ashamed of that kind of tights, but it's not a qualified combat uniform because of the fact that it's very troublesome to put on...

"And what I need is a combat uniform that can hide my true identity, do you understand what I mean!? I don't want to just defeat a wave of invaders, and my family will be attacked the next day."

Yes, the Far East Branch does have so-called combat uniforms, but they are similar to the Black Widow's combat uniforms in Marvel, that is, tights, with a zipper on the back, which is quite inconvenient to wear. And wearing it is almost the same as not wearing it, which is why Riko has never planned to wear it. This is a more shameful outfit than wearing a sailor suit and short skirt, and it is still a bit exciting for a girl of Riko's age.

Before, I asked the commander if I could not wear that suit, and the other party said yes, but she didn't think much about it. Now that I think about it, I really cheated my mother! I almost regretted it for the rest of my life.

"I understand what you mean, but don't you just need to prepare a mask!? Originally, the combat uniform was specially designed for combat. Don't you think this combat uniform is lighter and less likely to affect the action!?" After pushing the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, the commander carefully analyzed the advantages of the combat uniform he designed for Ruriko.

"I'm far superior to an archer, you tell me to move flexibly!?" Riko rolled her eyes directly, "In short, I don't know how to wear that kind of combat uniform. If people know that I wear it like this, what will I do in the future? To see people!?"

"Okay, I'll think about it."

"It's not thinking about it, but it must be resolved, otherwise I will quit." Ruriko was angry, what is there to consider about this kind of thing, as a wearer, isn't her opinion important!?

"Wait, don't get excited, I know, I'll have it redesigned when I go back."

"It's better that way."

"Wait!" Seeing that Ruriko was about to leave, the commander hurriedly stopped him and asked, "What do you think of him!?"

"What's the matter!? You are a very good person, at least you have taught me a lot." Liu Lizi rolled her eyes, and she really wanted to go back, so she went to entertain people by herself, and she had to let her go, which made her feel embarrassed. Made a lot of jokes.

The commander sighed, "I have my own pressure, forget it, these things are not something you should understand at your age.

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