Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

230 Zhang Qing: Relying On Others Is Worse Than Relying On Oneself! I Have Always Worked Hard On My


Although Zhang Qing was nervous, he still grasped the key words in the other party's words. In fact, the other party only said these two words.

Could it be that he was retaliated by a mysterious organization, but that he was dragged again!?

Is this the real world or the conscious dream world. ,

After coming to this strange place, Zhang Qing suspected that he might have been ambushed by a space-type or dream-type ability user. The former brought him to a real and strange world, while the latter was like an Inception dream space. Do it in your sleep.

These are all very rare, and there are no gate ability users that have even appeared before, but the fact that they have not been found and recorded does not mean that they do not exist.

In fact, it is very difficult to capture the existence of these two abilities, because they can hide very deep without being discovered.

Come on, ah, Zhang Qing doesn't know if this is a person or not.

When the other party got close, Zhang Qing realized that this was not a human being at all, not even a human figure, but a dark jelly-like unknown creature.

And there are many tentacles waving.

To be honest, compared to those intruders, this guy on the opposite side is more like an alien creature, no, Cthulhu is also possible.

Zhang Qing felt that his san value seemed to be dropping rapidly.

As if aware of Zhang Qing's strange gaze, the black jelly creature stopped waving its tentacles, and retracted the tentacles at the same time, turning into a round black ball. Then, under Zhang Qing's gaze, the black ball squirmed for a while. , was stretched, and then slowly turned into a humanoid creature.

Oh, very familiar, isn't this the little black sauce in the world of Detective Conan!? Then from the beginning to the end of the plot, who committed numerous crimes and was framed by Conan on other people, who can stand side by side with Xia Guozhangsan , super criminal!?

"Sigh, I haven't learned how to become a human, so I can only make do with it like this. Come on, newcomer, the world you come from should not be an ordinary world. Do you have the art of transformation? What I am most looking forward to now is to meet a demon family."

Comrade Xiao Hei, his mouth didn't move, but his voice sounded blandly, oh, by the way, it doesn't have a mouth.

Zhang Qing: "Stop! Tell me first, what are you, and where is this place!?"

Comrade Xiao Hei stopped talking after hearing the words, and looked at Zhang Qing who was still on guard, with a rare serious look on his face. Of course, how to see seriousness from the darkness is beyond normal people's ability to understand.

"The newcomer is very good. I didn't let down my vigilance because of my kindness and enthusiasm. I hope you can continue to maintain this. This is the main god's space. I hope you can continue to live with caution now.

"Lord God Space!?" Zhang Qing gasped.

"Then may I ask who you are!?"

Xiao Hei showed an inscrutable smile, and said, "Just call me Chu Xuan."

As he spoke, he conjured up a pair of glasses and put them on.

Zhang Qing has a black thread, "Oh!"

"Your attitude is very cold, newcomer! But it is very good, it proves that you have seen through my disguise, yes, I am not Chu Xuan, you did not believe it at the first time, it proves that your intelligence is not a problem, this is very good , my team does not need mental retardation, you are qualified as a rookie~!"

"I will be your future captain, my name is...

"Sorry, you can't hear my real name, let me use a name you can hear, my name is Thanos!"

The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, did this guy play him for a fool!? Thanos!?

To be honest, now Zhang Qing doesn't even believe the so-called "Lord God Space" that the other party said before.

"Go away, you can't do this little thing well, waste!" Just as the atmosphere fell into awkward silence, a Herrscher of the Sky flew over and kicked the little black man away.

Then he turned his head to the stunned Zhang Qing and snorted coldly, "Humans, are you ready for the coming of Houkai!?"

The cold and majestic golden pupils looked directly at Zhang Qing below.


Zhang Qing was full of question marks, what happened to his own world!? Aren’t those intruders created by those with Fallen Gate abilities!?

Wait, can door-capable users fight against Honkai!?

Obviously it is impossible, maybe it will be dead in less than three seconds.

"Surrender, or, die!"

Sirin ignored Zhang Qing's shock, and coldly threw out two choices, just floating in the sky, looking at Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing gritted his teeth, "I...I...


"I'm the captain!!!!!!!"

Zhang Qing erupted, two silver-white concentric circles were spinning in his eyes, he looked up at Sirin, "Human beings never give up!"

"Puff———————!" Just as Zhang Qing spoke passionately in the second grade, several laughter suddenly resounded around the foggy space.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I couldn't bear it anymore, hahaha, do you still have such a middle school self!?"

"Haha, I thought the two unscrupulous selves before were already weird enough, but I didn't expect that there is such a self, who even claims to be the captain, I'm dying of laughter!"

"Hey, don't be like this, I'm still an admiral, and I'm not bad, it's not funny, it's not funny, it's not good, let me laugh three times first."

"Haha, sure enough, every time Sirin makes a move, she can scare newcomers."

Hearing the laughter all around, Zhang Qing, who defends the world, blushed. What happened to the second-year illness? He is a second-year high school student, and he was born in a world with superpowers, and he just became a superpower. Can't be a little fancy!?

He was not reincarnated in the forbidden world, so there is no need to be cautious, does the second disease eat your rice!?

After everyone exchanged information and abilities, Zhang Qing, the defender of the world, gritted his teeth with hatred. He didn't have a good guy, so he played himself like this: "Is it interesting!?

"Huh!? Door ability, it's a very old anime..." Moban Zhang Qing was somewhat surprised by the door ability he got from defender Zhang Qing.

Unlike the super powers of the Forbidden World, the door power does not strengthen the brain, it is more like magic.

"Isn't it just heat!? Does anyone have this ability!?"

It should be known that heat means that when the change of the system state comes from the destruction of thermal equilibrium conditions, that is, when there is a temperature difference between the system and the outside world, we say that there is a thermal interaction between the system and the outside world. As a result of the action, energy is transferred from a high-temperature object to a low-temperature object, and the energy transferred at this time is called heat.

However, Zhang Qing thought about the constant temperature preservation that Chuchun Shili in his own world had, and he was relieved.

It is also a very buggy ability.

"By the way, I remember that in the setting of this anime, after the person with the door ability falls, the door ability will be reversed. If it is heat, what will it be after the reversal!?"

Defender Zhang Qing rolled his eyes, "You ask me who I ask, how could I know such a thing!?"

It is impossible to let him try it, but he has no bitterness and hatred, how could he become black!?

Except for the pros and cons of Ikuzawa Riko's Gate of Life, which is easy to guess, it is very difficult to estimate what other people's abilities will be after the reversal, because not everything has pros and cons.

Take nature as an example, if you are a flame, can you turn into water after being reversed!? Impossible.

How do you guess this!? There are too many possibilities, so it is necessary to blacken the ability user of the family, kill his whole family, and give the other party a green hat!?

Does it make sense!?

I took a look at myself, who is also a superpower. He also develops the brain at the same time, and can cooperate with scientific research, which is much stronger than the door ability in my world. The door ability user of the defender world is only equivalent to a door. That's all, it's more like a summoning, and because the ability is extracted from another world, it doesn't have the reference significance for studying the science of the world itself.

Otherwise, science and technology would have made a great leap forward. How can it be similar to the original historical development like now!? It’s just that there are some more black technologies, and these black technologies are only because of the threat of invaders and the development of military technology products. .

Because of the existence of the invaders, the unprecedented unity of human beings and the transformation of internal conflicts into external conflicts are actually much more peaceful than in the original history. Although there are still some idiots making troubles, the peace has indeed been done very well.

Zhang Qing of the Forbidden World also rolled his eyes, "I still envy you, at least your world is peaceful, and there are no demon gods on your head. I was always worried about my side before. Before the cheats appeared, you can do whatever you want, you It's much easier."

Slime Zhang Qing skipped a few times and sighed, "I thought there would be a monster boss, I want to change form!"

Luo Tianyi picked up Slime and said, "Don't you have that kind of magic in your world, don't use it like this."

"That ghostly magic is very difficult to obtain if it is not a witch's profession, and only high-level monsters will appear after leveling up. Slimes don't have this kind of treatment." Shamate's whole slime was decadent. up.

In its world, slime is set as a low-level monster, even if it is turned on, it can't change this reality, it's just a supermodel on the panel.

And the magic from monsters to humans is still a very special kind of magic. It is basically a normal existence among those high-level monsters, and there is no way to teach it at all. So now Shamate can only hope that here can come a person with this ability. Ability of their own.

Relying on others is not (maybe) like relying on yourself, isn't it!?

"By the way, I remember that Ribera can transform into a human form in Honkai San, right!?" Shamat asked Sirin.

Sirin knew what the other party wanted to ask, so she curled her lips, "I'm not her, how do I know how to do it, don't ask me!"

Shamat sighed, sure enough, I can't even count on it.

"It's useless, don't think about the power of the collapsed world, because the collapsed power is omnipotent, and it's useless if you learn it, unless you want your own world to be GR by the collapsed world, otherwise don't defeat the power of the collapsed world I have an idea." Hokage Zhang Qing said.

The little broken ball also flew over at this time, "I still want to transform, wait, I can always wait, don't be in such a hurry, we have plenty of time."

"And don't you have a chat group in your hand!? There is always a way!"

Shamate nodded, "Okay, I'll just wait, I hope that after three hundred years, I won't be a slime!"

"However, it's fine if you transform into a small broken ball. I'm afraid that all the human beings in you will die."

Mo Yi Zhang Qing said with a smile, "Maybe it won't die, but it really turned into bacteria on the skin, that picture is so beautiful!"

Zhang Qing from Witch's Journey suggested, "Ball, you might as well consider avatars instead of avatars."

As human beings, we still don't want the earth we live in to suddenly become human.

The little broken ball was convinced, "Well, I won't change my shape, you are right.".

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