After the day's lecture was over, Zhang Qing returned to his dormitory, and saw that Lily, the big ice bird, had returned, and even looked at Joshua with a very disgusted look.

It made Joshua confused.

"Has the letter been delivered!?" Joshua asked while taking off his robe, searching for clothes in the closet without looking back.

Lily flapped her wings, and immediately the temperature in the room dropped several minutes. If it was in the past, she would shiver with Joshua's small body, but now, there is no reaction at all.

But Lily didn't realize this Yiyang, she raised her head proudly and said, "Of course, don't even look at who it is!?"

But soon he lowered his proud head again, stared fiercely at Joshua's back and said, "Also, this lady is a noble ice phoenix, not your carrier pigeon, don't let me deliver letters every time, next time If this continues, I will turn you into an ice sculpture! Hmph!"

Joshua didn't care about the other party's threat either. Anyway, they had signed a contract. If Lily hurt him, she would have a hard time. Moreover, now Lily really couldn't be his opponent. To play, she is at most just scraping.

There is no need to pay attention to this arrogant bird.

And don't let her deliver the letter, why wait for those guys to deliver the letter slowly!? In the era when there were no telephones here, I'm afraid it would take two or three days to go back and forth. Although Joshua didn't always owl, he was still very fortunate The one I summoned was a bird, at least it could fly, its intelligence was not bad, and it could recognize the way.

You have to know that when he was in the 20th grade of Torristine Academy of Magic, he was almost as nervous as the heroine Louise when he was summoned by the familiar. He was afraid that someone would be summoned like the other party. Xiuya felt that he was still very special, no worse than a Void Magician at all.

If a human being is really summoned, Joshua wants to die, and women can barely accept it, but if a male familiar like Hiraga Saito

I feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Fortunately, although God is unfair, she is a girl, but at least she takes good care of him, and if he doesn't make a big mess, there will be birds, it's better than a big man and himself

To know the contract in this world, you have to go through kissing. The relationship between yourself and the monster is enough to challenge the psychological limit, and you have to come with a man. Joshua promises that he will kill the other party on the spot, and then summon him again. Louise compromised like that.

What can only be summoned once, who cares about this kind of rule!? If it is not allowed, then simply don’t.

It is also possible to find a water elf in this world to make a contract, and it doesn't have to be a familiar from another world.

Of course, it is said to be a familiar summoning, but it is actually a companion summoning and a companion contract in essence. Otherwise, it would be impossible to admit a human being as a familiar. When humans came out of the earth, he really missed his hometown "but never thought of missing it in this way!?

"Joshua, do I think you are disrespecting me more and more!?" Lily squinted her eyes and stared at Joshua unkindly.

After Joshua put on his casual clothes, he smiled and said, "How could it be!? I have always respected Miss Lily very much. Look, my mother has never stood on my head!"

As he spoke, he put the ice bird that could only be enlarged and reduced on his head, and the icy coolness immediately reached the sky, even Joshua's physical fitness couldn't help but tremble.

I said in my heart: If I was not afraid of your troubles, I would have used you as a refrigerator long ago. How could I let you just be a carrier pigeon!? Naive Lily.

"You want to go out!?" Lily let the other party play, nesting on Joshua's head also made her very happy, and she felt that she was the master [to Joshua is her Queen Lily's


"Yes, I have to add some material." As long as it is suddenly opened, in addition to gaining powerful power, there is also a lot of knowledge from other worlds. Joshua intends to see if it can be used for him. His Potion production has also been stuck in a bottleneck for a long time, it's time to break it.

My little fiancée is still waiting for me to treat her!

"Are you making potions again!? I didn't say you, Joshua, you are really a dead straight man who only cares about potions. If you don't have a marriage contract, you will never have a potion like Cateria in your life." With such a good wife, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life..." Lily pecked Joshua's head and commented unceremoniously.

"Impossible, I am tall and handsome, and my family is not short of money!" Joshua shook his head, negating Lily's unrealistic vicious guess. His conditions were not so bad. Girls and children sent him love letters, but he rejected them all.

"It's impossible, if I hadn't prepared some small gifts for you, you idiot, you never thought of preparing gifts for Cateria, and you would simply reply every time, you straight man of steel, say You idiot, still don't believe it!?" Lily punctured Joshua's pride unceremoniously, and put the bloody reality in front of him.

"Cough..." Joshua was also a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Didn’t it turn out that you just need to reply to the letter!? No one told him, so it shouldn’t be his fault!,

Anyway, Joshua felt that his EQ was still good.

"Besides, you guy, you don't clean yourself well every time, and you smell strange all day long, so you are a Caterian, otherwise you would have been chased away long ago." Lily continued to scold.

Joshua sniffed himself somewhat unnaturally, and found that there was no peculiar smell, "Lily, it's not good to lie, I don't have any strange smell on my body, and I insist on taking a bath every day, so don't wrong a good person.

Lily rolled her eyes, "You can't smell it yourself, it doesn't mean you don't have it. You deal with those weird things all day long. How can it be possible that you don't have a strange smell!?"

Joshua protested, "What a strange thing, that is the potion material, potion making is a very important branch of alchemy, and it is also the theory that human beings regain control of their own life and death instead of handing over life and death to gods and fate. "

You must know that before this, there was no special theory of potions in this world, and it was basically classified as a part of alchemy. It was because of Joshua's excellence and hard work that this theory was separated and became a As a separate subject, it can be said that in the entire continent, only the Torristine Academy of Magic has a potion class.

"But, does it really smell strange!?"

Even though he said so, Joshua was still very concerned about whether he smelled strange "He doesn't want Kateria to think that he is a very sloppy person.

"What do you mean, use your head full of potions to recall carefully, every time you get along with Kateria, does the other party cough and look a little unnatural!?" Lily patted He patted Joshua on the head and asked.

Joshua recalled it for a while, and found that it seemed, maybe, probably, maybe..... There was such a thing. He thought it was Cateria's normal reaction. After all, it was not a day since the other party was weak. It's been two days.


so terrible.

"Why didn't you remind me earlier!?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "I didn't know you would never find out, and Kateria doesn't want me to tell you, idiot Joshua!"

"I...I........." Joshua was speechless. Could it be that he is really so dull!? No, he obviously has a high EQ, and his IQ is not a problem.

"Wait, where did you get the money to prepare a gift for Cateria!?" Joshua immediately reacted, and asked the big bird on his head, he didn't remember that he gave the other party money!?

And a bird doesn’t need money, does it!?

He has all the food prepared.

Lily can say that she has no worries about food and clothing, and there is nothing she needs in the human world!

Lily opened her beak and revealed a wicked smile, "Guess!?"

Joshua couldn't see it, otherwise he would definitely say, you are a bird, this smile is too evil, he rubbed his chin and guessed, "You stole money!?"

"Hehe..." Lily replied with the word Joshua, asking 860 to order him.

The claws had already grabbed Joshua's hair and pulled it out, "It's an idiot to make you look bald.

However, Lily found that today's Joshua's hair was so strong that it couldn't be pulled out at all.

Joshua was complacent, and then guessed again, "Cateria must have secretly given it to you, I will definitely tell her about it next time, don't spoil the bird too much.

Seeing that she couldn't pull it out, Lily gave up, spat out a mouthful of ice scum and landed on Joshua's head, and said, "You are really a villain, but you still guessed wrong, this lady doesn't need any pocket money from Kateria at all. Qian, I have my own little brother to respect!"

Joshua let out an "oh", then turned around and walked into a shop specializing in alchemy materials. There were everything in it, and there was a strange smell that came out of many things, making Lily fly away obediently with her wings flapping , landed on the eaves of the opposite house outside, and stared at Joshua dissatisfied.

He still muttered, "Look at it, I told you it smells weird, don't you believe me!?"

There is no way that alchemy covers too much. The materials used include minerals, animal skins, animal claws, nails, bones, plants and some strange liquids. If these are still dead things, some are living things. For example, snails and toads, not to mention the feces of other creatures are also considered as materials for alchemy, which is a relatively advanced type.

Therefore, the general alchemist has a strange smell, which is very easy to understand.

As for potion, it was still a part of alchemy before, but everything is inseparable from it, and you still have to deal with these things, so naturally it is impossible to have a very good smell.

Joshua didn't care about Lily's repulsion, anyway, every time he came in, Lily would fly away by herself, "Just wait outside, I'll be fine soon, don't run around

Lily rolled her eyes, "Do you think Miss Ben is a human cub!?"

"Got it, let's go!"

Joshua sighed, coming to another world, and having to be angry with a bird, it is really terrible. .

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