Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

24 Luo Tianyi: I'm Sorry, I'm Really Screwed Up!

Le Zhengling took the little idiot's hand, and brought him to the other three teammates, "Let's introduce ourselves briefly first, and we need to support each other in the future. I hope we can get to know each other better. Of course, if you decide to act alone, it is also possible, although I don't agree with it..."

"Let me come first. My name is Le Zhengling. You can just call me Aling. I'm just an ordinary high school student, so I may not be able to help you a lot, but I promise I won't hold you back."

After Le Zhengling briefly introduced herself, she pointed to Luo Tianyi, who was being held back by her, and at this moment was still focused on sipping steamed buns, and said, "The little idiot next to me is called Luo Tianyi, it's me. classmate! I will keep an eye on her and not let her make trouble!"

Said, also sighed.

The other three did not show any signs of dislike. The slovenly woman with long hair covering her face seemed to come to her senses at this moment, and after looking at everyone, she said dully, "My name is Feng Baobao. , is a temporary worker... (PS: Please translate into a dialect accent yourself)"

Then, it's gone.

The aunt folded her arms and said, "Call me Xiaolongnv. My family rents out a house. As long as you don't default on the rent, you are welcome anytime!"

The young man in the yellow suit grinned and said, "In my case, I'm a police officer. You can call me Officer Huang Yuan! Happy cooperation!"

"With your appearance, you can be a bad guy!?" The aunt's eyes widened in shock, and she looked at this wretched-looking young man who was worse than her husband like a monster.

Huang Yuan lowered his face and said speechlessly, "What's wrong with me, you can still call me Xiaolongnv, why can't I be a policeman!?"

At the same time, seeing that the five of them had no intention of disbanding, all Xiaguo netizens couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were no such deadly guys in TV dramas or movies.

However, after listening to the self-introductions of several people, the netizens felt a bit chilled, and the identity of Huang Yuan, a policeman, gave everyone a glimmer of hope, but ah, once they stared at Huang Yuan's face, for some reason their hearts would It's getting colder and colder.

Huang Yuan's face gave people an unreliable feeling, and he always exuded an aura called "salted fish", even through the screen, everyone could clearly feel it.

"Ah, it's this old boy, it's over..." Huang Yuan's boss patted his forehead, and looked at Huang Yuan's overly old face on the screen with some despair. He was only twenty-five years old. , but looks older than him who is forty years old.

As Huang Yuan's boss, Bureau Lin was very aware of how lazy his subordinate was.

Besides, the police don't need to work hard these days. Of course, their physical fitness is not as good as that of the soldiers. Not much, not to mention that Huang Yuan is still wearing casual clothes now, and I'm afraid he doesn't have a gun on him.

What a deal! ?

But Le Zhengling's family members were all worried about their daughter (sister) at this time. They never thought that Xia Kingdom had a population of more than one billion, and they chose their own daughter. She was still a child!

And she was selected together with her classmates, what kind of luck is this! ? Is this really random! ?

If the right owner could not be found, Le Zhengling's parents would have wanted to complain.

And Yang Guo, a charterer, laughed heartily, not worried about his wife at all, and heartlessly opened a pack of spicy strips, "Come on, let's do our best to win glory for the country!"

Feng Baobao's acquaintance twitched at the corner of his mouth, "She still has a shovel in her hand, what was she doing before!?" Rather than worrying about Feng Baobao's safety, she was more worried about her work status.

As for Luo Tianyi, I'm sorry, she is an orphan in this life and has no family, oh, no, I can't say no, but they are all themselves in another world, you ask them if you are worried! ?

Oh, you should be more worried about other people!

At this time, in the room of Xiaguo's live broadcast platform, there were also many foreign users who climbed the wall, but they were basically gloating, but although the mysterious existence connected the situation of the forbidden land to the Blue Star webcast platform, but But there is no translation function.

So most of the netizens in Xia Kingdom basically don't know what these gringos are talking about, and some netizens who understand don't intend to bully these bird people, and the war of words is meaningless.

Now they are not in the same mood, because the countdown to wearing clothes is slowly returning to zero, and the safety protection period of the players on the forbidden area has also expired.

"Mission one, find the secret of this desert."

"Task two, survive!"

As the countdown reached zero, a cold and emotionless mechanical sound sounded, which could be clearly heard by everyone, whether in the forbidden area or on the blue star.

"The first thing to solve now is the problem of food and water. You heard what I said, don't eat it!" Seeing that no one else seemed to want to speak, Le Zhengling could only temporarily act as the team leader with a cheeky face. role.

There were obviously three adults present, but they never expected that they would be the kind of people who would not be able to take the initiative to take on important positions at such a time.

After confiscating the buns in Luo Tianyi's hand, Le Zhengling pointed out the current situation of herself and others.

"Although I don't know what dangers are here, we might as well find water and food first, and we don't know how long we will stay here, so we must first find enough supplies for our long-term survival, and we must try to avoid contact with other people. The people of the country come into contact with...."

After hearing Le Zhengling's words, several people nodded, and they didn't feel ashamed to be a monster just because the other party was an underage girl.

"I have no objection at all, little girl, you can decide!" Huang Yuan spread his hands, expressing his attitude directly.

"I just saw that you have a good brain, little girl, I believe you!" Xiaolongnv's renter also had no objection.

Feng Baobao was wandering in his mind from the beginning to the end, and he didn't know whether he was listening or not. At this moment, he felt that everyone was looking at him, so he nodded in a daze.

"Huang Yuan——!!!" Outside the screen, Huang Yuan's boss, Bureau Lin, wanted to go through and grab him by the collar and ask him if he was serious. He was so mad, is this guy still a human being! ?

"Okay, then let's go, but everyone try to pay attention to our feet." Seeing that everyone had no objections, Le Zhengling casually pointed in a direction, signaling them to set off.

"What about me, what about me! Ah Ling, why don't you ask me!?" Luo Tianyi protested dissatisfied.

Le Zhengling sighed, "Then what do you think, Tianyi!?"

Luo Tianyi smiled and said, "I listen to Ah Ling!"

Le Zhengling: "......"

Huang Yuan: "..."

Little Dragon Girl: "......"

Feng Baobao: "......"

So, what the hell are you dissatisfied with! ? Le Zhengling couldn't do anything about being a good friend of her own, so she still had to keep a close eye on her, otherwise there would be surprises.


"No, do you really choose a direction at random!? Don't think about it!?"

"Upstairs, how do you choose!? Do you know which direction has what!? In this case, it is basically luck."

"No, I'm the only one who thinks it's unreliable to have a little girl as the captain!?"

"So what if it's unreliable, and haven't you heard a word!? Don't bully the young and poor, don't you think those three adults are reliable!?"

"Yeah, so what about the seniors, I haven't seen the novel animation, the protagonists are all students, don't look down on the students!"

"I just came to Climb the Wall and went to a foreign country to take a look. There are players from several countries with guns. Although not all of them are soldiers, they are much better than ours."

"No way, our country bans guns, it's usually nothing, but when it comes to this kind of time, it's at a disadvantage."

"By the way, what are these bird people mumbling about, what are they doing here if they don't come to the live broadcast room in their own country!?"

"What do you do with them? Anyway, it won't be a good word. The more you care about this kind of person, the more proud he will be, and it's impossible to learn the language of their country just to scold them. Are they arrogant!?"

"Yes! People who understand, don't translate, let them make fun of themselves!"

"Laughing to death, these guys use a translator, but the translated words are ridiculous. I suggest that they spend money to find a professional translator."

Not knowing the outside situation at all, Le Zhengling led the four of them stepping on the sand, walking forward step by step. The dunes were full of sand dunes, like endless hills, and the sun above their heads was also very vicious.

Not to mention that after the sand got into the shoes, it was very uncomfortable.

But the only good news is that Le Zhengling and Luo Tianyi are both wearing school uniforms, not that kind of skirts, so they can bear it.

But the aunt in her pajamas might get sunburned.

As for Sister Bao'er and Uncle Huang Yuan, Le Zhengling finally came to his senses and asked, "Aren't you two hot!?"

Feng Baobao shook his head, "It's okay!"

Huang Yuan took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, but did not light it, "My clothes are warm in winter and cool in summer, this girl doesn't have to worry about the old man."

"Yes....Really!?" Le Zhengling said in her heart that these guys were shameless, and honestly admitted that it's not good to take off their coats, and what to do when they get heatstroke! ?

But since everyone refused, she can't force others to take off their clothes.

I can only pray in my heart to find the water source soon.

After walking for a while, Le Zhengling already felt a little thirsty, but she didn't bring any water, or she never thought that she would be so lucky to be chosen.

As for the others, Le Zhengling looked around, and they were worse than her.

"Aling, do you want to drink water!?" Luo Tianyi saw Le Zhengling sticking out her small tongue to lick her upper and lower lips, blinked and asked.

"Well...don't talk too much, or you'll be unbearable soon!" After Le Zhengling responded, she was afraid that Luo Tianyi didn't have common sense, so she reminded her.

Luo Tianyi rolled her eyes when she heard this, and said with a smile, "I brought water!"

Le Zhengling shook her head when she heard the words, "I can still bear it, now is not the time to waste, and..."

How much can Luo Tianyi bring! ? It was definitely not enough for so many people. Le Zhengling even worried that there would be civil unrest after a while. After all, everyone had no water before, but now one person has it. When it comes to survival, human nature simply cannot afford to gamble.

"Don't worry, Ah Ling, it's enough for all of us to drink for a long time!" Luo Tianyi took out a water bottle from his schoolbag, shook it, and after hearing the sound of water inside, he explained with a smile, "The water in this bottle After drinking the water, it will be replenished after a while, so you don't have to worry about it."

Of course, this is not some black technology, it's just that Luo Tianyi used a little ability.

"Come and drink..."

"This..." Le Zhengling saw that Luo Tianyi had already handed the cup to her lips, but she was still very hesitant.

She still knows Luo Tianyi's family situation, it is impossible to afford such an awesome high-tech product, not to mention that she has never heard of such a water cup! ?

"It's true, look..."


"It's full!"

Seeing that Le Zhengling didn't believe it, Luo Tianyi poured out some of the water in the cup and it fell on the sand. Le Zhengling didn't have time to stop it, but Luo Tianyi raised the cup in front of her again at this time, motioning her to look at it. inside.

"This... is actually true!?" Le Zhengling saw that the inside was full of water, and she couldn't help but rubbed her eyes, afraid that she might have misread it.

Luo Tianyi proudly said, "I won't lie to Ah Ling!"

At this moment, the other three couldn't help looking at Luo Tianyi, who they thought was an ordinary girl who was a little confused at first.

"This girl is not simple..." Huang Yuan whispered.

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