Monarch Snake is a Pokémon with a long snake-like light green body.

Unlike the pre-evolved vine snake or ivy snake, the evolved monarch snake lost its hind limbs, its forelimbs were reduced to leaves, and three dark green leaves grew near the end of its tail.

It has yellow patterns on its body, like the noble lines of the royal family. The two rolled-up leaf vines near the neck are like the collar cuffs of a suit. The eyes of the Monarch Snake are red, giving people a noble and domineering feeling.

As its name suggests, it gives people an aura of dominance as soon as it appears on the stage, and weak Pokémon don't even dare to look at it.

King Yanwu is a bit like a wild boar.

Its neck is surrounded by raging flames, its two thick arms are black, and a circle of red around its wrists surrounds it. The explosive black tail, fat body and the main color orange on the body cannot be separated from the representative meanings of the fire attribute and the fighting attribute.

It looks exactly like Zhu Bajie in the Chinese mythology Journey to the West. There are several black patterns on the belly that seem to symbolize fighting, which is very similar to stir-fried pigs. The raised black eyebrows reveal a majestic and rough feeling.

It gives people a majestic and majestic feeling, and it is obvious that she is not superficial, she is also a good hand in close combat with a fighting attribute, and her huge body can often make her opponent feel a sense of oppression .

Compared with these two behemoths, Zhang Qing's pickpocket cat is really like a pocket kitten, small, cute and cute, the kind that can meow for a long time with a fist.

However, seeing the appearance of these two great gods, the pickpocket cat still licked its paws leisurely, and looked at Monarch Snake and King Yanwu with a hint of indifference.

Immediately offended the arrogant Monarch Snake and King Yanwu. You must know that these two Pokémon have stood on the highest stage of the Hezhong Regional League Competition. This is something that ordinary battles cannot give at all. Only those Pokémon who have come to the final stage of large-scale competitions and swayed their blood there can obtain a precious thing. Although it is invisible, it is a step towards the top Pokémon or Pokémon An indispensable treasure of the quasi-divine beast level.

In the wild, only those overlords who have included the entire forest into their territory have a chance to obtain it, and they still have to fight with other overlords continuously, and only after countless victories can they have it.

It is precisely because after being with a human trainer, you can have a shortcut, so there are so many Pokémon willing to follow the trainer, otherwise why would they give up their freedom to follow you!?

Obviously Monarch Snake and King Yanwu only need to continue to accumulate and settle down, and they will definitely be able to enter the top ranks in the future, but the required experience is still very lacking, which is why the alliance will agree to let Mei The reason for continuing to travel with Touzi is to let the two girls accumulate more experience.

The same is true in other regions. It is rare to prematurely restrain the outstanding talents of the younger generation, let them travel to other regions, and at the same time promote the strength of their own region. The best thing is to be able to attack geniuses in other regions.

On the contrary, if the two of them choose to stay in the Hezhong area obediently, the alliance will also lower their ratings.

After hearing the arrogant and proud words of the two women, Zhang Qing also had some slyness in his eyes, but he still kept his face paralyzed on the surface, and nodded, "It is indeed in line with the rules!"

Zhang Qing admits that Mei and Touzi are excellent trainers, Monarch Snake and King Yanwu have also been well trained by them, but unfortunately they are still too immature.

Moreover, the thinking is still at the level of common sense, and I don't want to break it in the past, but only modify and modify it on the existing basis.

To be honest, this kind of qualitative thinking is too easy to be used by Zhang Qing in reverse. This is why every time the two girls lose so badly, their thoughts are guessed, and naturally it is difficult to win.

It's like Zhang Qing opened the mind-reading plug-in. Zhang Qing can be regarded as letting the two girls see the strengths of those trainers with super powers in advance. Although compared with those trainers who can really read minds, Zhang Qing Qing is not far behind, but enough.

It's just that Zhang Qing is hiding it very well, or because he usually doesn't talk much, it seems that Mei and Touzi haven't realized that they have been "heart-reading" so far.

Sure enough, the beatings by the society are not enough!

The three of them looked at each other, raised their right hands one after another, and then waved them down together, "Then the battle begins!"

Although the two of them did not like each other for some reason before, but at any rate, they were very good sisters earlier, so there is no need for too much communication, even a simple look, and the two women have settled on a simple relationship. countermeasures.

I saw King Yanwu approaching the Monarch Snake, putting on a posture of being on guard, ready to strike at any time, but he did not look at the pickpocket cat, but closed his eyes and raised his ears to pay attention to the surrounding layers.

The Monarch Snake rolled up a storm all over its body. Countless finely shattered pointed leaves, Su Zi and the storm were flying, forming a wall of storm around the two Pokémon.

"Is it a flying leaf storm from the very beginning!? And it's even more meticulously controlled..." Zhang Qing was a little surprised when he saw this scene. Mei has indeed improved a lot, and she is one of the heroines. Talent is really beyond words.

It seems that among the protagonists in the past, only the idiot is a scumbag, and every time he goes to other regions, he becomes a whiteboard trumpet again.

"But this consumes a lot of energy and stamina." It is indeed very effective against the pickpocket cat, which is good at speed. You must know that no matter how Zhang Qing trains the opponent, the small pickpocket cat cannot become a Tyrannosaurus rex. Once the pickpocket cat hits this kind of wind barrier, it will be swept away and cut by countless blades.

However, this invincible defensive wall is effective, but to maintain it requires constant consumption of stamina, which is almost useless in the battle, anyway, it doesn't take a few seconds, the opponent waits aside is enough.

"Of course I know." After hearing Zhang Qing's words, Mei laughed instead.

After all, she is the runner-up in the Hezhong region this year, so of course it is impossible for her to make such a small mistake, and she must have her own ideas.

The flying leaf storm didn't stop, but it tended to grow stronger. The three of them couldn't help but stretch out their arms to block their eyes.

It is almost equivalent to a small typhoon.

"Large-scale clearing!?" Indeed, this is not good for pickpocket cats with small stature, and this is on a cruise ship, there is no way to drill holes, and there are no good obstacles to cover

Under normal circumstances, the pickpocket cat will definitely lose.


The corner of Zhang Qing's mouth curled up, "The pickpocket cat took the blood!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the purple cat who was sitting quietly on the field just now slowly dissipated, but a "meow" sound came from the sky above the center of the storm.

"Remnant image!?" Mei was a little surprised. She didn't expect the pickpocket cat to be so fast and cunning. It is estimated that when the battle started, it would have already come to her Monarch Snake, because the Monarch Snake needs to control Feiye Because of the storm, the vigilance of the surroundings has dropped a lot.


Mei Yi looked at Touzi who was beside her, and after seeing Touzi nodded, Mei Yi was no longer so worried.

Of course, I also guessed that it would not be so easy to take down Zhang Qing's pickpocket cat. After losing so many times, she will naturally make more arrangements for the second hand, and she is not fighting alone now.

Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to let Monarch Snake do this.


A pillar of fire rose into the sky.

This is the move "Jet Flame"!

It can be said that in this narrow space, there is no need to aim.

"Did you succeed!?" Touzi stared at the center of the battlefield tightly. The storm and flames also blocked her sight as a command trainer, making it difficult for her to judge the real-time situation of the battlefield.


However, the figure of the pickpocket cat appeared behind King Yanwu, and quickly performed a cat-mao fist.

"How is it possible!?" Touzi was very surprised. Firstly, how did the other party quickly come behind King Yanwu from the air? You must know that pickpocket cats can't fly. Second, why King Yanwu, who has the fighting attribute, reacts so slowly, etc. The pickpocket cat was almost done attacking before he realized it, which made Touzi very puzzled.

Mei bit her lower lip tightly, "The cry just now should be the move 'scream'!"

The move "Scream" is a move that makes the opponent hear a cute cry, distracts them from their attention, and reduces the opponent's attack.

Of course, these are the settings of the 180 game. In reality, it becomes a short-lived absence.

However, King Yanwu has thick skin and thick flesh, so it is really difficult to break through the pickpocket cat's attack. Mei can't understand why Zhang Qing's pickpocket cat didn't attack her Monarch Snake

On the contrary, it is Touzi's Yanwu King, which is very unreasonable.

It was useless for Mei Ya to secretly ask Monarch Snake to do the arrangement before. They didn't attack Monarch Snake at all, and missed a chance to catch the pickpocket cat, which made Yai yell it's a pity.

After being reminded by Mei, Touzi also realized the reason, and was speechless immediately. Who would have thought that the ordinary meowing sound would be a skill move, really cunning.

However, King Yanwu's absence was also very short, and he had already recovered. He turned around and punched the kitten behind him. Loaded away, like a heavy tank.

But I saw the pickpocket cat flicked its tail, and then King Yanwu's huge body swung lightly behind it, and then kicked off with his hind legs, allowing King Yanwu to hit the monarch snake.

The little cat showed a wicked smile.

As a small Pokémon, its lack of attack power is its disadvantage, but it doesn't have to face two big guys head-on, that's unnecessary.

Existence is reasonable. Since all kinds of Pokémon can exist now, they naturally have their own way of survival. It is impossible to require every one to be a physical tank. Petite has a petite way of life, and people are humane , Rats have their own way of life, and cats have their own way of survival.

What's more, compared with those opponents encountered in the Hezhong Regional League Competition, Monarch Snake and King Yanwu are still far behind!

"Damn...!" The two women didn't expect this kitten to be so difficult.

It was beyond their expectations.

Obviously, he hadn't seen how Zhang Qing practiced his Pokémon's skills and moves, but when he actually fought, he realized that the connection was so flexible and light.

Didn't he just do basic physical exercises all the time!?

So abnormal!.

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