Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

263 Teresa: Everything Is Siegfried's Fault!

While Kiyana was taking the make-up exam, St. Freya College mascot Teresa Apocalypse also received an invitation to sit on the Hyperion because of unhealed injuries, as the last commander to monitor Sky City. Wuliangta Jizi's warning.

Seeing that the communication indicator light on the desk was on, Teresa put down the Hom comic book in her hand, tidied up her appearance, and then pressed the connect button.

"What's the matter, Major Himeko!?"

Teresa tried her best to make her voice sound serious and majestic, but when she uttered it, it was a loli voice, just like the navigation of a German map.

"Cough, just now the Ministry of Science reported that Changkong City had just detected a huge Honkai energy fluctuation..."

Hearing Jizi's words, Teresa frowned and interrupted, "Is it the new Honkai Beast!?"

At any rate, having experienced the second Honkai, Teresa still understands that after Herrscher appears, there will be a new type of Honkai beast that is stronger than ordinary Honkai beasts, and it seems that every Honkai beast that is accompanied by Herrscher is slightly different. There are different.

And the Houkai beast that is stronger than ordinary Houkai beasts, even the emperor-level Houkai beast, also appeared in the second Houkai beast, and it was the dragon-shaped Houkai beast.

"It shouldn't be......"

"The wave is much stronger than the Honkai Beast. "Two Six Seven"....So people in the Science Department suspect that this is..."

"The Wave of the Herrscher!"

"Hey... Teresa, Teresa, are you listening!?"

After Teresa came back to her senses, she hurriedly retorted, "It's impossible! What do people from the Science Department think!?"

"Every time Honkai happens, only one Herrscher will be born. This is common sense! The records of human beings in the previous generation found by Destiny also prove this point!"

"What's more, isn't the Third Herrscher already under our surveillance!?"

Teresa wanted to scold people. According to the people in the Ministry of Science, after they eliminated the second herrscher, a new herrscher would be born in Siberia immediately?! But is there!? Why didn't these people say The will of Houkai came, because they captured the Third Herrscher and came to redeem people!?

"Don't get excited, Teresa, listen to me, things are not as simple as you think!"

"The Ministry of Science said that the fluctuations detected this time are indeed weaker than those of the Third Herrscher, but they are also much stronger than the Honkai Beast, surpassing the judgment-level dragon-type Honkai Beast of the second Honkai. to a certain extent, so we unanimously suspect……………”

"Because Changkong City lost the Herrscher in command, it is not impossible for the remaining Honkai to gather and try to give birth to new Herrschers, because the third Herrscher appeared for too short a time, and even It cannot be regarded as a complete body, just like the dynasty of the human empire, the Third Herrscher could only be regarded as the crown prince who was about to ascend the throne at the time, and we took the crown prince away just before she ascended the throne, which caused... .."

"The third Honkai had to temporarily elect a new heir!"

"This, this..." Teresa wanted to say it was ridiculous, but this guess was so reasonable, especially the example Jizi used as a metaphor, there was absolutely no logical problem at all, and De Li After Lisa thought about it, she also found that Mei Raiden, who still retained her human consciousness and personality, was indeed not a perfect Herrscher.

Not to mention that the third herrscher, who is behind the second herrscher, should not be much worse than the second herrscher, but they captured him easily, which explains a lot of problems up.

Perhaps Raiden Mei can only be considered as one of the candidates for the Third Herrscher!

"However, there is good news, that is, people from the Science Department believe that although the current residual Houkai energy concentration is very high, it is far from enough to form the core of a new Herrscher, and the formation of Herrscher will be very slow, so We still have time to destroy it before a new Herrscher is born, and the remaining Houkai energy is not enough to try to give birth to a new Herrscher again, Teresa, we have to hurry up."

Seeing that there was no voice from Teresa, Wuliangta Jizi continued, "If Teresa still doesn't plan to contact the headquarters to dispatch S-rank female soldiers this time, let me clean it up!?"

Himeko this guy......

Teresa bit her lower lip and said, "No, I'll go this time, I'm also an S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny, don't forget!"

Does this guy want to die that much!? With Ji Zi’s body, if she continues to fight, she won’t be able to live for two years. Now she is asked to be a teacher and handle clerical work, why don’t you understand!?

Damn it, where are the natural unowned stigmata!?

The burden of artificial stigmata on Jizi is too heavy. Even if she doesn't participate in the battle now, Jizi won't live for two years. Theresa is naturally anxious, but she has nothing to do about it. There may be new results from the Ministry.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the irritability in her heart, Teresa looked at the huge cross standing beside her, the oath of Judas, the key of God, and said seriously, "Leave it to me this time, I alone will be more than enough , Humph, after I finish dealing with the affairs of Changkong City, I will invite Qiyana and the others to have a dinner together. I will go and return soon, so I will congratulate Qiyana on passing the make-up exam by the way..."

At this moment, Teresa was like a general on the stage, with flags planted behind her.

It's a pity that neither Teresa nor Wuliangta Jizi on the other end of the phone understood the pre-war taboos on the Shenzhou side, otherwise Jizi would have stopped this boss who was milking her from going out.

Seeing Wuliangta Jizi at the other end, he sighed and laughed at himself, "Okay, I wish you the best of luck, Minister!"

As a Valkyrie, Wuliangta Jizi has already realized that she may have reached the point where she has to be disabled and retired, even if Teresa and the others hide it best, as the master of this body, how could Jizi not realize that Time is numbered.

To be honest, when the countdown of life began, she realized that she would also be afraid of death, so she kept getting herself drunk, and only after she passed out would she not be afraid.

I just tested Teresa just now, but I didn't expect to get the answer she guessed. Jizi's expression was a little gloomy, but he still pretended to be calm, and joked, "However, what Kiyana said, that girl is too stupid. Now, maybe when you come back, you may hear the news that she failed the make-up exam and re-takes the make-up exam again."

"Really, why would there be a Valkyrie with such an incomprehensible mind!"

Teresa was a little guilty, and said haha, "It's okay, I believe that Qiyana can do it......"

Although Teresa wanted to say that she might not be able to pass the exam by herself, she still had to save face and not let her subordinates know that her boss was also an idiot.

Kiyana is indeed her niece, which is like her, oh no, it must be that Siegfried has bad genes, and Cecilia should have been prevented from marrying that bastard in the first place.

"My poor Kiana, it must be Siegfried's fault that you are so stupid..." Theresa secretly dumped the blame on Siegfried in her heart, and Cecilia was perfect in Theresa's heart , so all the bad things can only be caused by that bastard Siegfried..0

"Then during my absence, St. Freya College and the Far East Branch will be temporarily handed over to you, Jizi!"

"Oh.....I will, really, don't leave all the work to me, I'm still a sick person now..."

"It's a lot of work for those who can." Teresa smiled and turned off the communication, then came to the window, looked at the St. Freya College below, and sighed, "Don't really treat me as an S-class girl." Valkyrie, you bastards..."

On the other hand, because the subjects that Qiyana needs to take make-up exams basically only need to take written exams, so for three days in a row, she has to come to a special empty exam to answer the questions by herself. Exam finished.

Every day, Qiyana feels her head swell, and what's even more disgusting is that Teacher Yang is the invigilator for every exam. As a history teacher, is she so free!?

Now that Qiyana sees the other party, she can't help but think of the fact that this guy held up her zero-point test paper and let everyone know, it's too inappropriate.

Hmph, this guy must think that Miss Ben is not the person she was a week ago!?

Hahaha, it's a pity, this lady is not what it used to be, it's just a mere history exam, let me get a perfect score.

In the space of consciousness, Sirin saw her answer through Kiyana's eyes, and the corner of her mouth twitched, "Hey, hey! This question is wrong, did you really review it seriously!? 11

"Still with full marks!? Thank God if you pass, okay..."

"Wait, you bastard even made a typo, how did you review it!?"

Sirin was speechless, this guy made her unable to satisfy her appetite for a week, and now it seems that it may be a long way from getting her baby back.

What's even worse is that the invigilator is still First Herrscher, which makes Xilin have to give up her idea of ​​secretly helping to answer the questions.

Really, is there a need for a lawyer to invigilate the exam!? Such an overqualified person is sick!

At this moment, Sirin forgot that even her 4.8 Herrscher wanted to cheat in the exam, and the 4.8 Herrscher was just an invigilator, so it was no big deal.

"Hey, I wrote it wrong." Seemingly hearing Sirin's voice, Qiyana froze for a moment, then turned around and found that she had chosen the wrong answer just now, picked up a pen to cross out the previous answer, and changed the correct answer to it .

And Walter Yang, who was sitting at the front of the classroom, drinking the water soaked in goji berries, glanced at Qiyana inexplicably, and always felt that there was so much malice just now, was it an illusion!?

After thinking about it, this guy Yang guessed that it must be the little girl Qiyana who complained to him, she was really like a child, she didn't grow up! Obviously, he was doing it for her own good.

Yang shook his head in his heart, but he still took a little look at Qiyana's answers through his strong eyesight, should I put it, she was right a lot, although not all of them were right, but she was better than the last exam. A duck egg is much better, the only problem is that the rolled noodles are too untidy, it is a big black mess, and the handwriting is even crooked.

After watching for a while, Yang felt his eyes hurt.

Did Siegfried teach his daughter well!? I really want him to be illiterate for the rest of his life!?

Walter Young wanted to curse for the first time. .

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