Just when Li Qingluo and Zhang Qing caused commotion and attracted more and more people around to watch, dozens of "Walnut" cosplayers slowly surrounded them in a certain direction in an orderly manner.

At this time, the guards of the venue also focused a large part of their attention on the crowd of onlookers to prevent sudden accidents, but they did not go to chase them away, because in comic exhibitions, such things that attract a large number of people together are not uncommon. As long as there are no bad things, generally no staff will step forward to evacuate.

Zhang Qing is a little embarrassed, he doesn't know whether Li Yaonv is real or fake, there are many women's dramas, and the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will lie, this is what one of his ancestors' mother said, It cannot be faked.

Without seeing Zhang Qing, I can't tell whether Li Qingluo is acting or pretending at the moment!?

Zhang Qing can even guess that after tonight, it will definitely be on the hot searches. The first one is "77 walnuts hunt down Qiqi at the Y City comic exhibition venue", and the second one is "The love between two cosplayers" Hate, shocked!"!

Sure enough, I shouldn't have agreed to the other party's unreasonable request in the first place. The mere 500 yuan appearance fee almost lost all my integrity. I guess even if I made achievements later, the 57 University would be ashamed to say that I was trained by them. One of the outstanding graduates who came out.

"Let's go to the side first and then talk..."

"No, I have to make it clear here, do you not love me anymore!?"

"Don't talk, I know, sure enough, woo woo..."

Zhang Qing's scalp is numb, those are the lines copied from that TV series, miss, stop playing, don't talk about love or not, our relationship is very pure!

Also, if you want to cry, at least shed some tears, don’t cover your face, just make a “woo woo” sound, your eyes are exposed between your fingers, you’re lying!?

Sigh, still sigh.

Sure enough, it was the sand sculpture I knew. It is estimated that those ministers who bowed under her pomegranate skirt in the school back then would be numb when they saw this side of the goddess in their minds.

However, being teased by the other party is not once or twice. Zhang Qing is also used to it, or has developed resistance, so he immediately grabs the other party's hand and drags him out of the crowd regardless of the other party's reaction.

Seeing that those people were planning to chase after them to watch and eat melons, Zhang Qing simply turned against Senior Sand Sculpture and picked them up and ran away.

After finally getting rid of those members of the Longguo Melon Eating Committee, Zhang Qing put down Li Qingluo, who was blushing as if drunk.

"I didn't expect that, Ah Qing, you did a good job......" After landing, Li Yaonv stretched her salty pig hand to Zhang Qing's chest, human fleshly checking Zhang Qing's muscles, and suddenly turned pale, "Huh!? How is it soft!?"

Zhang Qing opened the opponent's evil hand, gave the perverted look angrily, and said, "That's the cotton ball you stuffed in my chest before, what do you think?!"

"Oh..." Li Qingluo withdrew her hand regretfully, then changed the subject and said, "It's almost time, let's go buy some peripherals..."

"Give me the bag later!"

"Don't make a decision on your own..." Zhang Qing was speechless, at least apologize for what happened just now, don't change the subject bluntly.

"That girl Qingluo did a good job!"

A tall slender lady who also cosplays as a walnut said with a smile as she looked at the glass ball wrapped in golden runes in her hand.

Then he didn't mind throwing the glass ball to the hand of another slightly shorter Walnut who followed behind him, "Okay! The serial number Huang-957 has been successfully sealed! We can call it a day.

However, Walnut, who caught the glass ball in a panic, was furious, "Captain! Be careful, if you break it, something big will happen here."

"Unbreakable, unbreakable, do you think these sealed items are still of the original material!? And even if they are useless, how can the seal on mine be cracked so easily! ?”

Just kidding, if it can be cracked by brute force, how dare the headquarters put these dangerous items in it!?

Chu Yue pinched the cute face of Xiao Mao's subordinate with some amusement.

Jiang Xiaobai slapped the opponent's big hand away, and said angrily, "Even if this is the case, you should be more careful, because you are always messy, that's why the minister


Chu Yue shrugged, "That old thing just loves to worry, well, let him come out quickly, really, he doesn't even have a cosplayer, what's wrong with people nowadays!?"

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, "If you can put away the gloating smile on your face, I will believe it more.

"The minister is already in his fifties, you let him dress up as a woman, and he cosplays, what kind of wickedness is it? Our Y city branch has lost all face, damn it, why did the minister agree to it?" !?"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand very much.

"By the way, what about Luo!? Are you really asking people to join us!?"

Chu Yue spread her hands when she heard the words, "Why not!? The minister also agreed to this matter!"

"But is it really good to just pull people in so simply!?" Jiang Xiaobai still felt very inappropriate, not because she had any opinion on Li Qingluo, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Qingluo had a pretty good relationship in the branch, maybe Because they were all newcomers who joined at about the same time, and they were all women among the newcomers at that time, so they naturally formed a group.

Chu Yue patted Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder and said, "You, you think too much about us [earthly world], have you forgotten!? You also joined without knowing anything. Compared with qualifications and status, etc., I pay more attention to a 'fate'!"

"Also, don't worry, we don't really accept everyone, otherwise the people at the top wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye to it. There must be some requirements, and the assessment has already begun when the candidates are selected. As for the content, When you become my position, you will naturally know."

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai staring at her, Chu Yue smiled and said, "Alright, alright, let me tell you a little bit, that is..."

"Exactly!?" Jiang Xiaobai repeated.

"Isn't it important not to have a heart attack!?" Seeing Jiang Xiaobai pricking up his ears and listening carefully, Chu Yue couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Jiang Xiaobai immediately glared, "Are you kidding me again!?"

"No, no, it's true. If you think about it, if you don't have a strong heart, you can't do our job. Although we also have secret methods and other methods to make people look like normal people, heart disease is nothing. But it is of course the best if you don't have this kind of disease..." Chu Yue rubbed the head of the angry Jiang Xiaobai and explained.

"Okay, don't inquire any more. You can find out when it's time for you. Or are you like that girl Qingluo, who wants to be recruited by a lover!? If it's true, mom won't agree. You haven't..."

"Qingluo and I are the same age, not too young!" Jiang Xiaobai gritted her teeth, she just has young teeth, she can only be considered childlike, and her figure is about the same as that of ordinary people of the same age.

"And I have no beau!"

Chu Yue looked at her with a half-smile, "Really!?"

"Wait! You took advantage of me just now, you old woman!" Jiang Xiaobai realized what was blowing his hair again, and rushed forward to tear this bad woman apart.

A few walnuts not far away shook their heads, "The relationship between Captain and Xiaobai is so good..."

An old member sighed, "It's been a long time since I saw the captain so happy, since that incident..."

"What's up!?"

"Don't inquire, these things are not good for you, so do things well!"

"Really, all of them are mysterious..."

"Nest Grass!!!"

"Nest Grass!!!!"

"I am..."

On the big stage in the center of the venue, after several coser girls sang and danced, under the expectant eyes of the audience, a muscular hunk, wearing a cute little zombie costume, seemed to want to dress up as "Qiqi" in Yuanshenli ",But.………………

Needless to say, many people threw up.

Zhang Qing carried a big bag and small bag, followed behind Li Qingluo, on the periphery of the crowd, looked at the Super Sevens bouncing on the stage, turned to look at Li Qingluo, "Is this the boss of your company!? He really has a personality... ..."

Li Qingluo smiled awkwardly, "Actually, we didn't think he would really do this..."

Looking at the "cute" minister dancing the house dance on the stage, Li Qingluo couldn't believe that this was the unsmiling and dignified minister she knew well.

This is clearly a pervert......

In fact, Li Qingluo thought at the beginning that if there is really no Qiqi in the comic exhibition venue, the minister will hire someone to cosplay when he arrives (Li De's), but he didn't expect that he would actually come to the stage by himself, and he looked so skilled , making Li Qingluo's face turn pale.

"Ah Qing, it's okay to exercise normally, but it's fine to train like the captain of country M..."

Looking at Li Qingluo's earnest expression, Zhang Qing's hair was covered with black lines, why did he train like this when he had nothing to do!?

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

On the other side, the faces of Mi Huyou's staff at the venue were all blue, and there was only one word in their hearts, "It's over!"

After July 7, the image in the players' minds is over.

"Bastard, is this revenge for the family?!"

"What does it look like... I don't know where it is the most... I don't know why... I don't know..."

This lovely Qiqi was still holding her throat and reciting a certain line, which made many players feel sick.

A group of walnuts carrying plastic shovels looked at each other outside.

"Are we still going to catch him!?"

"No, no, I don't want to be known to know each other."


"A colleague in City D asked me if I would like to change jobs. I was hesitant at first, but now I will reply to him."

"Wait, the minister is actually very manly, you see, he at least gives people a sense of security, doesn't he!?"

"Don't talk about it, if you don't look for it later, you will be surrounded by fans, which will cause public outrage!".

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