Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

28 Zhang Qing: I Wanted To Try Snapping My Fingers A Long Time Ago!

Before going to bed at night, Xirou came to the misty space and chatted with himself in other worlds for a while. After finding that no new people had arrived, he quickly returned to reality and went to sleep.

Not long after I closed my eyes, I heard rustling sounds in my ears.

In the darkness, Zhang Qing helplessly saw Jishen Qiusha who was lying on the bed sitting up, then got off the bed with bare feet, pulled off the quilt covering his body, and got in, sticking to Zhang Qing's side, His head also rested on Zhang Qing's pillow, touching Zhang Qing's head.

This is Hime Kami Akisa's so-called poor sleeping posture, rolling out of bed......

Zhang Qing is also used to it, so he simply let the other party hug him, sniffing the unique fragrance of the girl beside him, I don't know if it is the smell of shower gel or body fragrance, in short, it smells good, and he will not expose the other party, or remind the other party The fact that I haven't slept yet.

Snuggling together, to be honest, Zhang Qing took advantage of it, he is not Liu Xiahui, of course he will not refuse the closeness of the beautiful girl, but he will not make an overstepping move because of this, he enjoys being twisted and hugged by the beautiful girl , but will not hurt the other party just because of enjoyment.

In other words, he is a bit of a hypocrite, but he is also a human being, a normal man, and it is impossible for him to reach the heights of a gentleman and a saint.

As for how to face Ms. Fukiyoseri when school starts, that is the problem that I need to face in the future. Does it have anything to do with Mr. Zhang Qing at this moment! ?

At worst, just say that this is my "sister".

Even if he gets hit by a hatchet, he probably won't be able to die...! ?

Thinking so wildly, Zhang Qing suddenly opened his eyes, picked up Jishen Qiusha and jumped away from the balcony window. Zhang Qing couldn't help but frowned when he saw the woman who suddenly appeared on his balcony with a knife in his hand. frown.

Kanzaki Kaori, how did she find herself! ?

"Who...!?" Jigami Qiusha, who was awakened, found herself being held horizontally by Zhang Qing in the way of a princess, her face flushed red in the dark, and she quickly noticed the person in the room. There was something wrong with the atmosphere, and when I turned my head in the direction Zhang Qing was looking at, I found a very familiarly dressed woman standing on the fence of the balcony. Under the moonlight, Jishen Qiusha could easily see her face. appearance.

Kanzaki Kaori glanced at Hime Kami Akisa who was wearing thin white pajamas. If she read correctly, the two of them slept together twisted before. Are all children like this now! ?

But soon Kanzaki Kaori put these thoughts aside, she jumped off the fence, landed on the ground of the balcony, and said, "Young man, I don't mean anything malicious, I just ask you a question, my A companion, the situation is very critical now, but she was taken away by the hedgehog boy next door to you, we can't find her, so we can only visit rashly, I am very sorry for the bad influence on you at this moment, but I It's really the only way to do it..."

"It's unsubstantiated, and you're still carrying a knife, it's hard to believe, this big sister..." Of course Zhang Qing knows what the other party said is the truth, but if he just believes the other party's words, I'm afraid it's really a big problem, don't take Kanzaki Kaori really as an idiot, she will say that, but it doesn't mean that she has really thought that Zhang Qing will directly agree and trust her, otherwise she won't bring She came to the door with a knife, and she was afraid that after she finished her polite words, she went up to them and arrested them.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Qing's words, Kanzaki Kaori's expression didn't change a bit, but after saying "Sorry!" again, he drew his sword and slashed at the glass door that separated the bedroom and the balcony.

"What a terrifying female bandit..." Zhang Qing hugged Jigami Qiusha with great interest, and looked at Kanzaki Kaori who was about to slay him outside the glass door. He didn't panic at all, instead You Xianxin comforted Jigami Qiusha who was being held by him.

"Huh!?" Kanzaki Kaori saw in amazement that her knife fell through the air, and she didn't feel like it was cutting something. In fact, she also found that the glass door in front of her was unscathed.

What's going on! ?

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of explaining my abilities to others casually. Goodbye to this big sister who came late at night to seduce the boy."

As he spoke, Zhang Qing stretched out a hand and snapped his fingers.

With a crisp finger snap, Kanzaki Kaori found himself getting farther and farther away from the glass door, and in an instant he was no longer in sight of the glass door.

When he regained consciousness, Kanzaki Kaori found that he no longer knew where he was.

"Space... transfer?!"

"No, there is no such sense of displacement...."


Just as Kanzaki Kaori was thinking about what method the other party was using, suddenly there was a strange noise behind him, as if something had fallen into the river.

Kanzaki Kaori turned his head to look, and found that Stiyl was jumping out of the river, looking at Kanzaki Kaori on the bank, Stiyl wiped the water on his face and asked, "Kanzaki Kaori , What's going on here, I suddenly appeared here downstairs!?"

"......" Kanzaki Kaori glanced at the embarrassed Stil, and after a moment of silence, he analyzed, "That boy may not be as simple as we thought... ..”

Kanzaki Kaori's heart is also a little heavy, she seems to have underestimated the strength of the superpowers in this city, and she, a saint, was expelled by the other party just now without even having time to react.

And more importantly, until now, I haven't been able to figure out what the other party has done, and what kind of ability is this! ?

Could it be that the other party is one of the seven LV5 superpowers! ?

It's scary that there are still 6 guys of this level on the science side.

If the other party wanted to kill him wholeheartedly, Kanzaki Kaori didn't know if he could stop it, because it was too weird.

On the other hand, Zhang Qing, who sent the two uninvited guests away, discovered what he lacks now, or the ability that all Zhang Qing lacks at present, that's right, perception ability. Naruto World has perception ninjas, but unfortunately The most important thing is that Naruto's Zhang Qing didn't develop this ability, it's not that the other party didn't know the benefits of perception ability.

It's just because most perception ninjas rely on talent or the ability inherited by bloodlines. There are few ways to practice in this area. Most ninjas can only rely on their intuition that they have accumulated over time, or if it is Chakrado. Consider spreading Chakra around, and someone will know it when they touch it. This is the same method that Nagato used in Urenin Village.

In the past, Hokage Zhang Qing was not a person who had no shortage of chakra. Naturally, there was no way to be so extravagant and wasteful. Coupled with limited energy, it is more important to be able to guarantee his ability to survive than to perceive the ability to find a suitable companion to replace him. So he put more energy on the research and development of attack skills.

The best defense is to attack, and this is especially evident in the world of Naruto.

Now Zhang Qing can only rely on a powerful soul to indirectly obtain a sensing ability similar to the sixth sense. However, the shortcoming is the same as before. Kanzaki Kaori only notices it when he gets close. Of course, this is because of Kanzaki Kaori. There was no malice or killing intent, otherwise Zhang Qing would have discovered the other party earlier.

Now Zhang Qing really hopes that there will be a newcomer with perception skills in the foggy space. For example, the world of One Piece is very good, and the knowledgeable domineering is high-level and can predict the future in a short time.

It's a pity that among the three major migrant manga, there is only one in the world of Naruto.

However, this matter cannot be rushed. After sending Kanzaki Kaori away, Zhang Qing discovered an embarrassing problem, that is, now he pretended not to let Himigami Qiusha go, and then the two went back to On their respective beds! ? Or simply stop cheating, anyway, the two of them knew each other well, so they simply slept together.

Cough cough... Is Ji Shen Qiusha's pajamas too thin...

"You have a nosebleed..." Ji Shen Qiusha couldn't help reminding Zhang Qing when he saw the scarlet liquid flowing from Zhang Qing's nostrils.

"Ahem... I've been on fire lately!" Zhang Qing explained with some embarrassment as he wiped his hands on hearing the words.

Isn't that right, taking someone to eat at the Golden Arch at noon, it's normal to get angry, isn't it! ?

If you analyze it in this way, you should believe it, you judges!

"I'll go to the bathroom to clean it..." Seeing blood stains on the back of his hand, Zhang Qing simply put Jishen Qiusha on the ground, and quickly walked towards the bathroom as if fleeing.

The corners of Ji Shen Qiusha's mouth were slightly curved, and he turned back to the floor until Zhang Qing's back disappeared from sight.

Zhang Qing was cleaning the nosebleed from his hands in the bathroom, while looking at himself in the mirror, "Hiss! This is terrible, if this continues, I can't help but make mistakes..."

Could it be that this is the conspiracy calculated by Aleister, he is planning to let him die of kidney deficiency! ? hiss--! What a man, it's horrible.

I must not let the other party's beauty trick succeed.

Maybe this time I really plan to do something. Tomorrow, the Disciplinary Committee will come to check the water meter. The Hanged Man is very likely to do this. Why do you say! ? Hehe, don't use common sense to understand that man, he can do anything.

See, in the original plot, Kamijou Touma is surrounded by various girls without interruption! ? If the Hanged Man hadn't arranged it secretly, would there really be so many coincidences! ?

So it is not unreasonable for Zhang Qing to be so skeptical.

It is even very possible that Kanzaki Kaori's visit tonight is also caused by the secret tricks of the hanging man, Aleister.

Thinking about it this way, Aleister is more like a pimping turtle than the big boss behind the schemer, what's going on! ?

In fact, Zhang Qing has always been very strange, what is the reason for Aleister, who has always misunderstood him as the person from Xia Guo's side. special.

From various arrangements, it can be seen that Zhang Qing is definitely the one who is treated specially, and he can't be the other party's illegitimate child! ? He is a foreigner, and he knows that it is impossible even if there is no problem in his brain. Is Aleister so brain-dead? ? Can't mixed-race and pure-bred orientals see it! ?

So it could only be that the other party mistakenly thought that he was someone with a special identity.

However, this is also unsolvable, it is impossible to ask the other party why! ? Similarly, if you are more negative, the other party will only be more positive.

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