Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

282 Li Qingluo's Mission Is Limited!

The life of the mortal executors is very ordinary, not as ups and downs as imagined, maybe because Zhang Qing is not the protagonist, he doesn't have that kind of disaster physique!?

Even though the serial numbers of the sealed items on the yellow book are almost four digits, in fact, the outbreaks of different spaces are not too frequent. These are after the founding of the country, and part of them inherited the legacy of [Heaven] and [Underworld] , assigned to various branches, and the other part was captured by seals one after another during the past hundred years.

Therefore, most of the time, the work in the world is very leisurely, and at the same time, there is no need for too many people! Of course, it may be possible here, many people will be very confused, why the power of the mysterious side is so strong, why is the Dragon Kingdom Just don't care about it, don't expand the scale, and add more earthly members!?

In fact, not only because the number of "seeds" is fixed, but also because there are only so many resources in the whole world. The shortage of resources on the mysterious side is even more serious than that on the technical side of the table world.

Moreover, every increase in strength is very difficult, and there is not much benefit to all human beings, it is only the strength of the self.

If it weren't for special events, maybe a special department would not be set up to waste resources.

Of course, the most important thing is that if you have it abroad, you must have it in your own country. Don’t suddenly jump out of a Western Thor to show off its power. What can you do to deal with it!? Unless you use the ultimate weapon in the superficial world, there is really nothing you can do about it.

At present, the strength of the technology side is still not as good as that of the mysterious side, so we cannot give up.

It is precisely because the Dragon Kingdom has the ties of the world that the current world can be stabilized and the mysterious side is not allowed to appear on the bright side. Otherwise, if the Dragon Kingdom has no strength, then this kind of rule, naturally people will not be ashamed. Do one thing.

Yes, the rules of the hidden world are set by the leader of the Dragon Kingdom, otherwise, with the western personality and style, they would have jumped out one by one, otherwise there would be no superhero movies!?

Why, to hide from the world!? I believe there must be some people who don't understand.

Then look at this issue from another direction. If one day you, as an ordinary person, knew the existence of the mysterious side and could become a god-like existence, what would you think? How do you feel about bringing human civilization to where it is today? What will the science and technology side think!? How will those scientists turn off!?

A large part of the reason for the prosperity of humanity is because science has changed the human world. Once the science side is hit, then the decline of humanity is certain, and then it is likely to go back to the age of mythology. For some people, Of course it is good, but for the vast majority of ordinary people, they have changed from masters of the world to captive two-legged beasts.

Therefore, on the bright side, the Dragon Kingdom will still vigorously crack down on feudal superstition. This is a matter of principle.

As for why some novels or TV dramas are not banned, it is because it is better to block than to block. Sometimes the more you ban, the more you have ghosts in your heart. Don’t treat the people as fools. Maybe you don’t believe in God. On the contrary, the people who talked about ghosts seem to have discovered some big secrets one by one, so maybe something else will happen at that time!

And just like using entertainment to guide the world into superstition, the difficulty is not realistic at all.

"Are there still a lot of tasks!?" Zhang Qing muttered after watching TV for a while [opened the mobile APP to check the tasks.

Li Qingluo hugged a little yellow duck as a pillow, and said, "They are all supernatural events, because when the cracks in the different space appear, they will also bring some breath of the different space into our world, most of which come from certain monsters or pollution. After becoming a sealed item, the remaining part of the aura floats in this world. Over time, some supernatural events will naturally occur. Most of the time, we do this, otherwise why pretend to be a funeral supplies company!? Just for a certain Sometimes they work part-time as fake Taoist priests and fake monks."

"Then don't we all do missions!?" After returning from that day, she has been nestled at home for several days. Li Qingluo just ate and drank, never went out to work at all, and even led Zhang Qing to live a useless life.

Looking at the large number of refreshed tasks listed above, Zhang Qing couldn't help asking questions.

Li Qingluo waved her hand, "Yes, but do you think we can be believed by the two of us!?"

As the saying goes, "you can't do things well without hair on your mouth", even if you want to pretend to be a Taoist monk or something, you have to be decent. The most important thing is that Li Qingluo is a woman, and she is a young and very beautiful woman. She wants to take Zhang Qing, a super cute newcomer, to do tasks, so she can only choose those who don't have to deal with people.

Otherwise, it will be another troublesome thing to be reported as a swindling liar. Ordinary officials don’t know about their [mortal world] at all, and of course it is impossible to know that they are colleagues. When the time comes, it will be very troublesome. , It also affects their superficial identities.

The more important thing is that Li Qingluo is too beautiful, and it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble when dealing with people. This is also the reason why she doesn't want to take on those tasks. Finding her at the door, sending flowers and being courteous, made her very annoyed, otherwise she would not have asked Zhang Qing to pretend to be her boyfriend when she was in 57 University.

Although Li Qingluo did have the idea of ​​making a fake show for real, it is a pity that perhaps the excuse she made at the beginning was too natural, but Zhang Qing didn't get her meaning at all, which made Li Qingluo very distressed, but this kind of thing, could it make her a girl? Shall I speak first!? I still need some noodles.

Li Qingluo sighed secretly, and looked at Zhang Qing with some resentment, why is she just like a piece of wood, isn't she a beauty!? Didn't she feel tempted at all!?

Zhang Qing didn't know this, she was a little puzzled by Li Qingluo's resentful eyes, as long as they were too familiar, their relationship was actually more like "buddies" in college, and Zhang Qing also knew the girl hidden by Li Qingluo's cold goddess On the nervous side, so of course there are fewer fantasies.

How do you know that this "buddy" really wants to fuck him!?

However, after listening to Li Qingluo's explanation, Zhang Qing checked the introduction of the task content, and found that all of them had to be in contact with people. As a liar, he couldn't help but nodded.

The most important thing is that the tasks in Y City are likely to be seen by your acquaintances. You must know that Li Qingluo and he have not graduated from 57 University for a long time. Some of them live in Y city, and it will be a troublesome thing to be seen by these "acquaintances". Looking at it this way, it is understandable for Li Qingluo not to choose these tasks.

As for cultivation, this is the benefit of the prosperity of the human way. Li Qingluo, who is an executor of the human way, will naturally become stronger. Cultivator.

If you have accumulated enough, it will be a matter of course since it is time to advance. After surviving the humanitarian catastrophe, you will naturally go ten steps further.

Li Qingluo, who has been an executor for a year, also survived the first catastrophe in her life, and now she is considered a "strong person" in the catastrophe, which is why she is confident that she can protect Zhang Qing, although among the executors, basically Not considered a strong person, but she is definitely very powerful as a sword fairy at the same level. On the premise that the existence above her can't hide her breath and enter the city without anyone noticing, anyone below the second calamity, as long as they are not too Many people besieged, but Li Qingluo couldn't help it.

0 looking for flowers...‥

Moreover, the number of "seeds (godheads)" is fixed, and it is unrealistic to think of besieging them.

After a while, after Li Qingluo survived the second catastrophe, she was no longer afraid.

Unlike Zhang Qing, who wants to cross the catastrophe, it must be a catastrophe, or the kind that God wants to take his life. Perhaps Zhang Qing, who has just become an executor, is similar in strength to an executor of a catastrophe. After all, he is an executor of the way of heaven. It is natural for Zhang Qing to be stronger than a humane executor, but it is difficult for Zhang Qing to go further, so he will soon be used by Li Qingluo.

"Ding dong!"

Suddenly a mobile phone notification sounded, and Zhang Qing couldn't help but look at Li Qingluo, because it came from Li Qingluo's mobile phone on the table.

Li Qingluo was also taken aback, then picked up the phone and looked it up, "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, there is a mission suitable for us!"

Li Qingluo shook the mobile phone in her hand and said to Zhang Qing.

"I set up the function of sending out reminders when there are tasks that meet my requirements, so I don't need to browse the taskbar all the time, which is not suitable for me to do anyway.

When Zhang Qing took her mobile phone and looked at the task content, Li Qingluo explained her situation by the way.


"There seems to be a suspected supernatural event in the unfinished building in the west of the city. I don't know if it's true or not. However, a live broadcast accident happened to an anchor. Now the person is missing. The bureau has already intervened in the investigation, but the search has found no trace. After that, the higher authorities sent us to intervene in the investigation."

Zhang Qing listened to Li Qingluo's words, and it seemed that the mission introduction, which also explained these contents in detail, was not much different from what Li Qingluo said, but

"It's not just us who have accepted the mission, can multiple people accept it together!?"

Hearing Zhang Qing's question, Li Qingluo didn't feel too surprised, "Yes, this is also to prevent some solo travelers from accepting the mission, but they can't complete the delay, so unless there is a limit to the upper limit of the mission, otherwise it is anyone If you want to take it, you can take it..."

"If you think about it, I'm not the only woman in the branch. Of course, there are some people who are definitely not willing to get in touch with others, so it's impossible for me to accept this kind of task alone. As for when the time comes Whether to cooperate or each to do its own thing, it depends on the situation.”

"By the way, after accepting the task, if you are worried that you are not strong enough, you can invite other people to join you. It doesn't mean that you have to complete it after accepting the task. As long as the task is completed, the process is not important, and the use of contacts is also important. Your skill."

The most important thing is that most of them are white workers, and at most they just harvest some leftovers by chance, so there is no big problem of profit distribution.

Of course, this is also because this is a low-level task. If it is a more advanced task, there will naturally be very attractive benefits in it, but the precious materials are the top ten


You need to know why it is so difficult to apply for sealed items above the yellow level, not only because of its danger, but also because of the need to use the points in the world, where do you get the points if you don’t do tasks!? Da Baigong just said that there is no money involved, it’s not true There is no gain at all.

That is to say, too few low-level task points are given, otherwise they would have been taken over by high-level powerhouses, so how could they get the bottom-level members!?

It is also because of the small number of points that there is no limit to the number of people who can accept tasks. Of course, the premise is that you must participate in person, otherwise all tasks will be marked as accepted by yourself, and then just wait for others to complete them. Why is it so troublesome!? Of course the world It is impossible to allow this kind of loophole to appear, so every time the task is completed, it will be verified, and the bastard will not be allowed to take advantage of the loophole. .

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