Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

341 The Daily Life Of Five Watch Ruri!

Who has no friends!?

Wugeng Liuli, that is, the black cat, seemed to be said to have sore feet, a little hairy, and then saw his two younger sisters staring at him in a daze, especially Wugeng Hyuga, who was already in the fifth grade of elementary school, with that look Wu Geng Liuli couldn't help being a little embarrassed by the expression of "sister suddenly fell ill again".

"Ahem, I'm just a little tired after sitting for a long time." Wu Geng Liuli explained nonchalantly, then quickly sat back and started to sew the clothes again. Yes, all of Wu Geng Liuli's gothic loli costumes She sewed them all by herself. Although she is a second-year girl in the electric wave system, unexpectedly, her housework skills are almost full.

"Oh." Hinata nodded with a "I understand, sister, you don't need to explain, I won't say it" expression, and nodded to show that he really believed it.

Wu Gengzhuxi, who was very young, was eating watermelon, making his hands and mouth full of juice, and looked at his two older sisters in a daze.

Although Wugeng Liuli was a little angry at her younger sister Hinata, she still loved Li Ling very much. Seeing this, she hurriedly put down her work and took out a handkerchief for her youngest sister, Zhu Xi, to wipe it clean.

"Really, didn't I tell you to eat it slowly with a spoon!?"

"Hey." Zhu Xi smiled a little embarrassedly.

I don’t blame Xiao Zhuxi either. In fact, a small island country like Cherry Blossom Country is poor in resources. It is not enough to grow food for self-sufficiency, let alone grow fruits and vegetables, especially fruits are very expensive here. Only those few countries in the world can enjoy the benefits of cheap fruit.

Most of the fruits in small countries are compared to gold. Of course, this statement is a bit exaggerated, but it also shows that the fruit is expensive. It is impossible for an ordinary family with three children like Wugeng Liuli to live too well. Wealthy, if it is not a big festival or special circumstances, it is impossible for children to be so extravagant that they can eat whatever they want, especially watermelon.

However, because of the chat group, Wugeng Liuli did the same thing as Doma Buried, that is, exchanged some currencies that can be used in the current world to fill the household, and the excuses are similar, perhaps because Wugeng Liuli is usually more well-behaved. , the family did not suspect that she had done something bad.

Although, maybe at school, classmates and teachers think that Wugeng Liuli is a bit gloomy, not very gregarious person, and even goes home after school, and does not participate in any club activities, but in the eyes of his family, Wugeng Liuli takes care of his younger sister and does housework. Liuli is definitely a good and well-behaved daughter. If she hadn't seen her doing bad things with her own eyes, her parents would not want to suspect or distrust her.

Except for some secondary illnesses, Wugeng Liuli is very satisfying in the eyes of the family.

At the same time, because of this well-behaved, the parents sometimes feel very sorry for the eldest daughter. After all, if there are not three children in the family, which makes the family's not rich family worse, Wugeng Liuli probably wouldn't have to live so hard, even because of this. Being able to participate in club activities, the relationship with classmates has become sparse, so Wugeng Liuli usually turns a blind eye to the strange things that cosplayers do, and lets them go.

(PS: I read a fan novel before, the protagonist became a child adopted by Wugeng's family, and he was older than Wugeng Liuli, the author wanted to complain a little bit, are you serious!? Do you really think that someone's parents have a problem with their brains? !? Novels can be free from logic, and treat readers as if they have no brains. It’s not unrealistic to be cool. Daydreams at least talk about basic logic.)

"Elder sister, eat too." Zhu Xi sweetly said to Caad Li after her little hands and mouth were wiped clean.

Wu Geng Liuli was a little relieved, and pampered the little guy's head, and said, "No need, my sister has eaten it, you two can eat it."

Wugeng Liuli did not lie. Compared with the watermelons bought in the real world, she usually receives a lot of food from Asuna in the game. There are also watermelons. If it is not for the fear of the specialness of those foods being discovered, it is difficult to explain. , Wugeng Liuli actually wanted my sisters to try it.

Although the in-game food in the SAO world is not as powerful as some foods that contain aura in the world of cultivating immortals, many foods in the game world will have certain effects, and a certain attribute must be permanently +1. Of course, the most common one is Some aspects get a time-sensitive BUFF bonus for a period of time after consumption.

Wugeng Liuli herself is a middle school student at any rate, she is about to become a high school student, and her mind is relatively mature, but her two younger sisters are too young. Maybe the children from poor families have been in charge of the family early, but they have not reached this point early, especially With her capable older sister on top of her, the two of them are relatively naive and indifferent in some respects.

If I really ate those foods, I'm afraid that if I don't make any big troubles, it will be really super big troubles.

So Wugeng Liuli wanted to share it with his younger sisters very much, and he restrained himself, but Doma Buried didn't dare to give it to his brother Doma Taiping. With Doma Taiping's IQ, how can he not feel the body? The change will have to be explained clearly at that time, but once explained, Xiaobu will not be able to hide the chat group. The reason has been mentioned before, so Xiaobu has no idea of ​​sharing it with his family, at least for the time being.

At this time, Wu Gengyang looked at the wall clock on the wall and reminded, "Sister Liuli, don't you have an appointment to go out!? It's almost time!"

Wugeng Liuli was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that she had indeed made an appointment with the administrator of the chat room "Saori Bajina" and the others. That offline meeting happened.

However, Wugeng Liuli, apart from being dissatisfied with what happened to her in the plot, did not reject getting acquainted with Kirino and Saori, but she didn’t intend to like Kirino’s older brother Kyosuke, and she even didn’t understand why she was in the plot. Could it be because I fell in love with the other party because I have little contact with men!?

It's already summer vacation now, so it's better for a group of people to play together during the summer vacation, but although Wugeng Liuli agreed, she still hesitates to go. After all, her parents were at home on vacation today, but they had something to do at temporary work. After leaving, there were only two very young sisters left in the family, so Wugeng Liuli was naturally worried, so she already planned to tell Saori that she couldn't go there.

"This, I intend to decline."

Wu Geng Hinata sighed, "Really, my sister should think more about herself sometimes, don't worry, before my mother left, I asked brother Zhang Qing next door to take care of us."

"And I'm already in the fifth grade, so I can take care of myself and little Zhuxi."

At this time, Xiao Zhuxi also straightened her body, saying: "I can also take care of myself."

Wu Geng Liuli was moved and couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, my sister understands, but please tell me if Brother Zhang Qing is a little too sorry, after all, Brother Zhang Qing is not a novelist

Usually should be very busy. "

Regarding the light novel writer next door who stays at home all day and writes novels, and sometimes goes out for a walk to collect "inspiration", Wugeng Liuli is actually quite curious about what kind of novels the other party writes, but every time he wants to ask, the other party hesitates He refused to say, Wu Geng Liuli thought that the other party must be a deadbeat over time, and he was afraid that his grades were very bad, so he was unwilling to tell others.

For this neighbor, Wugeng Liuli never doubted that he should not appear. After all, the perspective of the original book is basically on the side of the male protagonist Kyosuke Kosaka, and Wugeng Liuli himself is just a simple description. In fact, the pen and ink will not be too much Many, after all, the titles are all "sisters", and have little to do with Wugeng Liuli.

And because of having a good neighbor, it also explained why Wugeng Liuli was relieved to let the two younger sisters stay at home in the original book.

Xiao Hinata shrugged, "No, I heard that the other party just finished a book, and now there is no new inspiration, so I am very busy."

Wugeng Liuli looked at her younger sister Hinata unexpectedly, do you know what novel Brother Zhang Qing is writing!?"

Xiao Hinata smiled "hee hee" when she heard the words, "I know, although Brother Zhang Qing has been hiding it, but when his editor came to press for the manuscript, I just ran into him.

Seeing the smirk on her younger sister's face, Wu Geng Liuli could not help but touch her forehead, "Don't make fun of brother Zhang Qing!"

Thinking of how her younger sister, who is a little ghost, played tricks on Kyosuke Takasaka in the plot, Wugeng Liuli felt a little worried. Although Zhang Qing has been a neighbor for many years, her younger sister is not simple.

"It's not, and my sister doesn't want to know!?" Wu Gengri pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

Of course Wugeng Liuli wanted to know, and the fact that he was able to be urged by the editor proved that the other party was not the unknown writer who hit the streets as he imagined. Curious and excited, if someone taught me, maybe she wouldn't be able to write a work that no one could understand like in the original book, and that guy Kirino would definitely not be able to laugh at her.

"It's "Blank Diary". It's currently the most popular love light novel list. It ranks first. Many people think that the author is a woman."

The smile on Hinata's face became even brighter, especially after seeing her sister's incredible big mouth.

Although Wugeng Liuli is not the type that Wugeng Liuli likes, but Wugeng Liuli has heard of it more or less, "Is it the "Blank Diary" by the author Ying Yu?!"

Hiss———! Is that the beautiful girl writer that many people call!? Thinking of Zhang Qing next door who often forgets to shave and hides at home to grow mushrooms, Wugeng Liuli will be able to rely on it. If those readers and fans know The author is different from what they imagined. If it's not a woman or a dead nerd, I'm afraid it will be disillusioned.

Of course, this kind of otaku is not the kind of otaku who stays at home watching anime and studying handicrafts of beautiful girls, but a man who stays at home and creates a little rough.

"Ahem..." At this moment, there was a familiar but somewhat embarrassing coughing sound outside the door of Wugeng's house, and it was obvious that the protagonist mentioned had arrived.

Wu Geng Liuli and Wu Geng Hinata looked at each other in blank dismay, both a little embarrassed.

"Go and open the door..." Wu Geng Liuli instructed Hinata.

Xiao Hinata was a little at a loss, "Why don't you go as a sister...",

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