Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

346 Big Shit: Don't Try To Lie To Me, I've Already Seen Through All Of This!

After a few people came on stage in turn, finally let a third grader and an old antique from a certain age who can't be mentioned barely figure out the current situation, and by the way, let someone silently watch the screen, but sneered at everything everyone said The shit in the nose is big, and I learned about what this chat group is.

As for believing it or not, it's still the same sentence, no one is forcing you to believe it.

Just like Dan Shenggu Morixia before, no one bothered her all the time, forced her to believe, and became friends. Everyone has their own life in reality, and they are very busy. In fact, I can’t control too much about other people. After all, even in the penguin group, there are some friends who no longer use the registration channel, and they have never said a word. This is very normal, after all, the software forces you to add.

【White Tyrant: Is this the work of my world!?】

【White Tyrant: It turns out that this is the reason why I have been in a bad mood recently, Feite sauce...】

No one noticed that the eyes of Takamachi Nanoha, who was only nine years old at the moment, were shining. Although she had never met Feite, she still fell in love with him at a glance, "I want to make friends with him.

What should I do!? It seems that I am not a magical girl now, and I can't beat Feite in strength!?

Naye suddenly felt a little distressed.

I don't think there is any problem with the way I make friends at all, maybe this is the way the white tyrant (demon) makes friends.

【Sakura is the cutest: Nanoha-chan can still become a magical girl, but I have to work hard to help Sakura...】

Zhishi said enviously, she doesn't know when the Clow card will appear, but it shouldn't be too far away. If she is still an ordinary person by then, she will probably just have to read it like in the original book. , she also wanted to wear the same clothes as Sakura and fight side by side.

Although it is very important to capture every precious moment of Sakura, 013 is not there, which makes Tomoyo very unwilling.

[Master Mori: Don’t worry about knowing the world, @九叔, how about Jiushu, can we ask you how to practice!?]

[Uncle Nine: These cheats, hiss-! How should I put it, it really opened my eyes. The world here is in the end of the Dharma era, and many inheritances have also been cut off. Except for some places in Maoshan where I live, there are still some inheritances. , Many sects had to decline, even in Maoshan where I live, the ones that have been handed down are all incomplete...]

[Uncle Nine: Cough, I mean, with this, it is indeed equivalent to having a road to the sky. Don't worry, I dare not say anything else, but I am good at teaching apprentices! 】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat:......Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng are like that!?】

[Uncle Nine: Cough, that's a misunderstanding, believe me, it's definitely not that I don't know how to teach people. 】

Uncle Jiu thought about the plot about himself before, and he got a headache. He didn't expect his two unreliable apprentices to be so cheating, he couldn't see it.

"Master, what's wrong with him!?" Wen Cai murmured while dragging Qiu Sheng, and Lin Jiu suddenly turned his head and stared at them, both of them were very puzzled.

First, halfway through the walk, he stopped walking suddenly, then was in a daze, and now he continued walking suddenly, but suddenly turned around and stared at himself, both of them felt that Uncle Jiu might have cat cakes on his mind.

"Who knows, did you steal Master's money last night and was discovered!?"

"Impossible, I'm very careful, and I haven't noticed it every time."

The corners of Lin Jiu's mouth twitched, these two brats, do they really think his ears are bad!?

And he even stole money!? He said why the amount was always wrong, and he thought he had misremembered it, or lost it accidentally!

Go back and see how he deals with these two brats, hum!

In fact, the black cat is wrong to blame Uncle Jiu. It’s not that he doesn’t know how to teach, but in that era, the era of the end of the Dharma, it was difficult to learn these things, and it was still a broken family and country at that time. Most young people accepted foreign teaching. That set, I don’t believe in these things at all, Wencai and Qiusheng are actually similar, but they can only be cultivated if they believe in them. Those who have doubts in their hearts and are not firm can’t practice at all.

Even though they had seen many gods and ghosts with Uncle Jiu, Wencai and Wencai didn't pay more attention to this, and couldn't stand the hardship of cultivation, so they naturally became what they are now.

It's not that Lin Jiu is unwilling to teach, but that others are unwilling to learn seriously.

Probably also saw the decline of Taoism, Lin Jiu gave up after a long time, and let Wencai and the others go on like this.

It's no wonder that Uncle Jiu would give up on himself. In fact, you can see that Master Ren was unwilling to burn the coffin and corpse no matter how Uncle Jiu persuaded him. People in that era probably didn't trust people in his line of work more and more. Well, after all, the power of science and technology is visible to the naked eye. On the contrary, I don't see Uncle Jiu usually performing spells, and he still lives in Yizhuang.

As for the hell!? When we really ran into each other, everyone died, and no one proved it for Uncle Jiu.

In such a big environment, and my master obviously has real skills but it is so difficult, Wencai and Qiusheng naturally don't want to learn these things.

【Reincarnated as a Slime: Black Cat, do you want to say that you are Wencai and Qiusheng!?】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: Shut up! I didn't mean that. 】

[Falling Heaven Holy Black Cat: I'm sorry, Uncle Jiu, what I said just now was a bit wrong, I didn't mean anything else. 】

[Uncle Nine:'s okay, I'm used to it, but is it like this in future generations!? I've really opened my eyes. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the decline of Taoism. Maybe it's just the way it is? . 】

[Ganwumei: Uncle Jiu, don’t be discouraged, we are still waiting for you to teach! And since there are all heavens and worlds, the fairy world is not without it, doesn’t Uncle Jiu want to become a fairy!?]

【Ninth Uncle: Become, become a fairy!?】

Lin Jiu was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned red, and Wen Cai and the others were puzzled.

[Uncle Nine: Huh.......It's me, thank you, Miss Xiaobu. 】

[Jiu Shu: But from my observation of the world you live in, it seems that most of you don’t have aura (caba), if you practice [it probably won’t be very useful. 】

After all, cultivating immortals is different from practicing martial arts. Practicing martial arts is to transform the human body's energy and blood into internal strength, but cultivating immortals is to plunder the spiritual energy of the world to purify oneself, rebelling against the innate, and attaches great importance to the good fortune of the heavens and the earth. sublimation.

It's not that practicing martial arts is not as good as cultivating immortals, but practicing martial arts is too difficult, and those who are not great fighters can't persevere at all, and because they can't increase their lifespan as much as cultivating immortals in the early stage, they pay more attention to talent, otherwise they will reach the innate state after practicing At that time, he was about to die of old age, so what's the use of that.

Similarly, practicing martial arts also requires the aura of heaven and earth, because ordinary food can't satisfy the blood they need in the later stage, which is why most martial arts worlds only have that level.

No matter what kind of cultivation method, four elements are inseparable: Dharma couple wealth and land.

Even magic makes sense.

[Sister Qianwu: We know this, but Shamate can provide some creatures with magic power, which are actually similar to aura, but need additional transformation. Uncle Jiu, don't worry too much. 】

The food is convenient, and they exchange it with group points and Sama, not alms, so they are justifiable.

[Sakura is the cutest: On my side, it is easier to practice than in the world of Miss Bui and the others. After all, magic exists, but I don’t have the quality of magic. Naye-chan’s side should be easier, and Naye Afterwards, she was able to touch that aspect and become a magical girl. 】

[Sakura is the cutest: In the end, there is no problem with Sister Bai Zhi, she can follow the steps, and she knows how to practice, but she is not very good at teaching others. 】

Shamat is also a demon cultivator, and it belongs to another demon clan's kung fu, so Zhishi and the others never thought that she would teach them, nor did they think that the other party would know how to practice. After all, Shama Wu said before that he was an ordinary person before reincarnation coming.

Another part of the reason is that you don't want to rely too much on the other party.

【Master Mori: That's it, so Uncle Jiu doesn't have to worry. 】

[Uncle Nine: So magic power is similar to aura!? Forget it, as long as you can use it. 】

Shi Dake watched the screen silently, his face was full of "don't try to lie to me", for these guys who said in his mind that he was busy practicing, spells, etc., Shi Dake scoffed and didn't believe it at all .

I feel that these people are talking nonsense here, trying to deceive him into trusting, I really think too much.

He is Tony Stark, but he is the smartest person in the world. How could he believe in something that only children would believe, even magic!? Hehe, it would be better to say that he is an alien.

As for the video comics in the group files, Tony didn’t read any of them. He thought what these people said was ridiculous, and of course he wouldn’t take it seriously. Maybe there would be some trap to confuse his mind if he clicked on it!?

Want to hypnotize him, think too much.

After he leaves here, he will have a full body checkup when he returns.

But when he thought about how to get out of here, Tony looked gloomy. He didn't know when he would find his friend James Rhodes, and it was obvious that the terrorists would not give him too much time.

The damn thing is that there is one more thing in his chest, although it will kill him.


Of course, these didn’t make Tony uncomfortable anymore. When he recalled the soldiers who died before, and the weapons of Stark Industries used by these terrorists, he felt as if he was slapped on the face, burning hot the pain.

He turned out to be an executioner, and he was not contributing to peace at all.

This made Tony blame himself very much, thinking back to every happy day and night before, he felt ashamed, how many people died because of his weapons before he knew it!?

Tony couldn't imagine.

So he didn't want to make weapons for those terrorists at all, and he didn't want to make any more murders.

"Damn it, how long are you going to torment me......!?"

Looking at the chat group page where the text message in front of him hadn't stopped, Tony felt very irritated.

"I said before, this kind of little trick is useless to me, even if I kill me, I won't agree to you...".

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