In the early morning of Gensokyo, the air quality is very good. Obviously the outside world has entered the 21st century, and the industrial pollution is serious, but Gensokyo is like an independent small world

Hakurei Reimu is leisurely tasting the sweetness of the new tea, quietly enjoying this rare peaceful state of mind.

With the summer breeze and the shade of the big trees, it seems that it is not so hot and dry.

Zhang Qing was lying on the side, fiddling with the mobile phone that had turned into a brick. It is obvious that the Hakurei Shrine was built on the border of Gensokyo, which is supposed to be the closest place to the outside world. Unfortunately, there is still no mobile phone Signal, now the phone is almost completely useless except as an alarm clock.

You said charging!? Have you heard of solar chargers!?

At that time, Tu freshly bought a solar charger, but I didn’t expect it to work. The only disadvantage is that there must be sunlight to charge it, but what about the weather in Gensokyo!? It depends entirely on the mood of certain gods or monsters. of.

Of course, this also follows the rules of the four seasons of the year, otherwise it will become a "mutation" and will be resolved by Hakurei Miko.

The ferocious Hakurei Miko's methods of solving problems are often very cruel, especially in Gensokyo, where the Hakurei Miko is an invincible existence, and being targeted by her may not be a simple beating .

Perhaps it is also because of preventing the maiden of Hakurei Shrine from killing the restless monsters with heavy shots, so Gensokyo has a "spell card" battle mechanism over time, which means that you can fight if you want to, but you must abide by the rules Even Hakurei Miko must abide by the rules of card battles.

It is also since there are 20 spell card battle mechanisms, Gensokyo has become a lot more peaceful, and gods and monsters are much less afraid of the administrator (jailor) Hakurei Miko.

Reimu put down the teacup, annoyed by the slight noise beside her, complained: "What are you doing all day long, don't disturb my peace of mind at such a time!"

"Really, I feel so hot again, why is summer in Gensokyo so hot!?".

"You know it's hot, but you still drink hot tea!?" Zhang Qing scoffed at Lingmeng, and then explained, "Didn't I just want to see if I could receive the signal!? Really, the call bill was for nothing

As a result, when I arrived in Gensokyo, I couldn’t use it at all, and I still wanted to play games to pass the time!”

The bad thing is that there are no stand-alone games in the current mobile phones, and you have to download them yourself in advance, but Gensokyo is more closed than a certain Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft.

After playing with it for a while, it was found to be useless, so Zhang Qing had to put away the phone, looked at Reimu who was covered with fine beads of sweat, and said, "At this time, you have to catch the ice goblin and come back. You want to rely on the so-called "The mind is calm and naturally cool" is completely self-deceiving."

As long as the Hakurei Shrine is built on the mountain, the mountain is not very high. Under the sunshine, the inside of the Hakurei Shrine is very hot, and it is even worse in winter. "It's really cold and dead.

"That's right! Why didn't I expect it to be like this!?" Reimu felt as if he had just awakened from a dream, as if he had been "awakened by a single word".

Staring at Zhang Qing with sparkling eyes, his face was full of joy, "I didn't expect you to be quite smart!"

When it comes to fairies of the ice type, one has to think of Gensokyo's "strongest combat power" Cirno.

Hakurei Reimu still has an impression of a certain stupid goblin. The main reason is that if you go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, you have to pass through the lake of fog next to it, and the lake of fog is a place where a goblin often stays. In the Dungeon Dungeon, Hong Meiling is not the boss of the first level, Qi Lunuo is!

Reimu didn't expect that he had met the other party several times, and never once thought that the idiot goblin could have such a use. Could it be that he is really so stupid!?

In this regard, Zhang Qing can understand. Who made Hakurei Reimu live in Gensokyo from childhood, in the Hakurei Shrine far away from human habitation, and as the guardian, Yakumo Zi is an unreliable monster. The most important thing is that she is a monster, and her way of thinking and three views are very different from human beings, not to mention that Yakumo Zi is also an outlier among the monsters. You can be very grateful for your own talent if you don't become a fool.

"Then... let's go now!" After suspecting life for less than three seconds, Reimu stopped thinking about that question, stood up directly, turned into a thick hemp rope from nowhere, and said impatiently.

Zhang Qing has black hair, and his mobility is really high. He doesn't seem to hesitate at all, and he probably takes kidnapping for granted.

"Why are you so dazed, hurry up, I've had enough of this damn summer, really, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to dress so tightly!" After complaining about Xia, Reimu whispered muttering something.

Although the voice is very low, but who told Zhang Qing to hang up, now he really can't hear and see well, naturally he can clearly hear what Lingmeng is muttering "I can't help but ten heads

Is this armpits-exposed priestess costume really well-preserved!? Why can't he see it.

Although I know that Reimu is a bit surprised by the defense of men and women, but first of all, whether there are some misunderstandings or common-sense mistakes in it, as far as Reimu's clothes are concerned, Zhang Qing feels that they are already very exposed, so it is better than Three-point swimsuits are better.

And from the meaning of Lingmeng's words, it seems that in previous years, she wanted to be cool......

Zhang Qing couldn't help covering her nose, afraid that the nosebleed would come out, it's too exciting, isn't it!?

Zhang Qing suddenly felt a little regretful about mentioning that Rashizi Qi Lunuo, otherwise, maybe it won't be long before Lingmeng can't bear the hot summer and will give out more benefits

Zhang Qing suddenly wanted to slap himself, and regretted that he had talked too much.

Even if you dig a swimming pool behind the Hakurei Shrine!


"You look like the sky is falling, what are you doing, hurry up! Otherwise, it will be bad if you are preempted by others." Reimu is also very anxious, after all, there is a distance from the lake of fog in the Hakurei Shrine, and the Scarlet Devil Mansion is. God knows if the people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion will also have a flash of inspiration and think of Cirnuo, a natural air conditioner.

As there are not many ice-type fairies in Gensokyo, in fact, there is basically only one like Cirno. When there are too many monks and too little food, Reimu is of course very anxious.

That idiot goblin is easy to be deceived, if you can't delay, maybe you will be deceived away.

Zhang Qing sighed, he really wished that Qi Lunuo would be the first to get there first, but he couldn't say it, otherwise his dirty thoughts would be known by Reimu, and it would not end well at that time.

"Ahem, come here, come here."

"Really, a big man is so grumpy, let's go!" Lingmeng might be really anxious, so he directly pulled Zhang Qing and flew in the direction of the lake of fog.

"Wait, we don't have any shoes on!" Zhang Qing shouted.

Lingmeng said without turning her head, "What shoes are you wearing!? We'll tie each other up later and come back. There's no need to land."

Zhang Qing Khan, really is a man of action, he didn't even bother to spend time and effort in tricking that idiot goblin into his own home, so he just started tying people up.

"That's the site of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, isn't it good to do this!?" Zhang Qing wanted to remind the witch who was already too hot to lose her mind. Doing so would probably cause disputes.

Although Qi Lunuo is not exactly a member of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but because he is a close neighbor, it is impossible for the Scarlet Devil Mansion to allow other people to attack him, which is also a matter of face.

"Ah, you are so annoying, I just want 940 to cool down now!"


When the two of Hakurei Shrine went to kidnap Cirno, in the cute hut in the magic forest, where clothes, books and other large and small objects were scattered in the room, a blond girl was lying weakly on the floor.

Marisa was wearing a thin white pajamas, sticking out her tongue, "It's so hot..."

Because the weather is too hot, Marisa is too lazy to move. She didn't even eat. Now she feels very hungry, but she doesn't want to move. At this moment, Marisa even regrets why she didn't stay in Hakurei Shrine before. In that case, There is no need to be hungry.

"Why is it so hot all of a sudden, it hasn't been like this in previous years..."

Marisa felt the sweat constantly overflowing from her body, and her pajamas were soaked through, and it was even more uncomfortable to cling to her skin, but she was very puzzled by the heat at the moment.

Marisa could even see smoke rising from the big trees outside through the window. If it wasn't for the large amount of water in the magic forest, there might have been a forest fire by now.

It's so strange, Marisa has been living in the Magic Forest for several years, and this is the first time she has encountered such a situation.

Because it is a forest, the magic forest is still very cool in summer in previous years. After all, there are more shades. The only bad thing is that there are more snakes, insects, rats and ants at this time. At this time in previous years, they basically tolerated mosquitoes. annoyance.

But now, Marisa found that even the mosquitoes were too hot to lie down, oh, lying not far from her side, motionless.

"Is this a mutation!?"

This thought flashed through Marisa's mind, and then she sat up, "Hey!? If you think about it this way, it's really possible, no, I have to go find Reimu!".

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