Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

365 Kazami Yuka: Something Is Wrong With This Idiot Goblin Today!

[Reincarnation into a spider:  ….

【Fallen Saint Black Cat:......】

【Master Mori:......】

【Benzina: …………】

[Reincarnated as a slime: Don't drive the kindergarten car at this time, and Xiao Bu, what have you been watching recently, I think I need to have a good chat with your brother. 】

[Ganwumei: Hey, wait, I don't mean anything else, it's just pure curiosity, really. 】

[Fallen Saint Black Cat: Alright, little boy, stop talking. 】

[Monster idler: Allah, although I really want to talk to you more, but something is really wrong here, can someone help!? It is also possible to provide a solution~!]

【Sakura is the cutest: I'm sorry, Sister Zi, I don't know. 】

【Sakura is the cutest: However, I think at this time, you can ask Mr. System. 】

[Uncle Nine: Yes, at a time like this, @集系统[is there!?]

[Group system: Dear, you are here!]

[Group system: Dear! I am actually a young lady, so don’t call me Mr. I heard that the system is more popular with girls, dear!]

【Strike while the iron is hot: ……………… I think I need to check Jarvis later, what do you think!】

[Reincarnated Spider: Don't talk about this, hurry up and find a solution! Really, I said before that "abnormality" is not difficult to solve. In the initial stage, you finally told us how to solve the problem with a few holes in the sky!?】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: That's right! Black face.jpg】

[Group system: dear! It’s not difficult to solve, but this system didn’t say it was easy to solve, dear!】

[Group system: In this case, if we can find the real host of the "abnormality" that pretends to be a chat group, with everyone's strength, the fact is not difficult to solve. There is a saying, "We can't solve the problem, but People who can solve the problem that created it” is the reason, although it is the quickest and most effective way to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. 】

[Monster idler: I understand the truth! The problem is that even if I can go through the hole, there are four passages, and I’m not sure which one is the right one. And after the chat group leader is solved, how should I reply? To my own world!?】

Yakumo Zi is not an idiot either. After listening to the system, she also understands that at this time, it is the fastest and most effective to directly kill the host of the fake chat group. The problem is that the other party is not in her own world at all, otherwise Yakumo There is no need for Zi to be so troubled.

As for the problem that the hole is too small to get through, please, she is a big monster who has the power of the realm, even if the road is blocked, she can still go unimpeded, but the shuttle between other worlds is a bit difficult, under normal circumstances, Yakumo Violet can't do it right now.

But now that there is a ready-made passage between the two worlds, it can be said that the difficulty is infinitely close to nothing.

The only worry is that after I go, there is no way to come back. If Gensokyo is not controlled by Yakumo Zi, I am afraid that it will explode on the spot in a short time. After all, it is basically full of restless and arbitrary masters.

[Group system: Dear! Don’t worry, although under normal circumstances, if you travel to another world without going through the normal procedures, the world itself will destroy the outsider humanely, unless the traverser is too powerful or possesses some kind of treasure, but Dear, you are members of the chat group. In most worlds, you have the initial ten points of favorability, and the world itself can recognize that you are a member of the chat group, and will send you back instead of sent directly for destruction. 】

【Ganwumei: Just now, did the system say something terrible!?】

【Master Mori: No, I think it's just bragging about how awesome the chat group is. 】

[Falling Heaven Holy Black Cat: Alright, don't be so crooked. @团系统, that is to say, after passing through the hole, even if the passage disappears, it doesn’t matter!?】

[Group system: Yes, dear! Because this chat group is bound, it means that there is a coordinate provided to the world itself, so repatriation is very simple. 】

[Monster Idler: If this is the case, there is no problem in person, but just now you mentioned that "most of" the world is divided into the system, what about the rest!]

[Group system: Dear, you have to understand that not all human beings are good people, the world itself is the same, some unfriendly worlds also exist, but rest assured, most "abnormal" will not choose this kind of world Let's start, after all, in this kind of world, all living beings are suffering, maybe you just choose one person, and you will get a lunch box soon after. 】

[Reincarnation into a spider: Is this another kind of "good people being bullied"!?]

[Monster Idler: Thank you, the concubine is no longer a problem, by the way, if I let other people in my world pass along the passage, will they be sent back safe and sound!?]

[Group system: Dear! It’s best not to, because that’s tantamount to declaring war with the world you traversed, and it will turn into a war between the two worlds. 】

【Monster Idler: Well, then there is no problem with me personally, I will deal with this matter now, goodbye! 】

"Hey! Purple old lady, do you have any idea? Don't just stand here in a daze...Ah! Why are you hitting me!?" Lingmeng was stunned after Yakumo Zi arrived, not knowing what to think. He couldn't help urging him, but he was slapped on the head by Zi Yakumo just after he finished speaking.

Yakumo Zi smiled "kindly" and said, "Reimu, what did you call me just now!?"

Lingmeng pursed her lips and muttered softly, "You don't recognize your age when you're old, you're hypocritical!"

Yakumo Zi didn't bother to argue with this yellow-haired girl, and now she has to race against time to solve the problem, otherwise Gensokyo won't be able to delay for too long.

She said, "I'm going to solve the problem this time, you should stabilize the situation in Gensokyo here, you know!?"

After speaking, Yakumo Zi got into the gap and left.

"Hello!" Lingmeng was about to ask something, but Yakumo Zi really left, and suddenly she was speechless, complaining, "I'm the Hakurei Miko, why are you robbing me of my job, really, Although I also hate this kind of unpaid work, but I always feel that if someone robs me, I have no meaning of existence, trouble..."

Marisa tugged at Reimu, and asked, "Reimu, how do you think Zi will solve it? Is she going to get something to plug the hole!?"

Reimu was speechless: "Do you think this is a hole in the wall!?"

Zhang Qing shrugged and didn't say much, but Zhang Qing also guessed that Yakumo Zi would have to choose to trust the chat group of the heavens and the worlds under such pressure. Maybe there is a solution now. !?

Because entering the misty space means falling asleep, this process is actually just a moment in the real world, but Zhang Qing, who is flying in the air, does not want to verify whether it is really safe to return to reality, so now he is not at all. I know what Yakumo Zi said in the chat group.

You'll have to ask Samata later!

But looking up at the invisible hole in the sky, Zhang Qing felt an urge to throw something into it to see what would happen.

But thinking that there is another world on the opposite side, afraid that the effect of doing so may kill a few innocent passers-by, so I endured it.

If the opposite side is an unfriendly world, perhaps it is a very good idea to block the opening and fire a cannon towards the opposite side.

At this time, all the members of the villain chat group except Yakumo Zi, who had not come, shuddered, and felt a little cold on the back, as if something had released some kind of malice on them just now .

Seeing that he had nothing to do with himself at this time, Lingmeng came to Zhang Qing and asked, "Can you hold on now!? Why don't you give me energy instead!?"

Looking at Cirno who was very excited to continue to bring an early winter to Gensokyo, Reimu had to worry that Zhang Qing would be drawn out.

If the hole in the sky is not filled for a day, I am afraid that this matter will never end.

Although Lingmeng knew that the spiritual power in Zhang Qing's body was very majestic, but there was always time to run out, especially if it was continuously swayed like now, the golden mountains and silver mountains would also be empty.

Zhang Qing felt the situation in his body and shook his head, "No problem, I can still hold on."

In fact, Zhang Qing feels that there is no change at all. It feels like Cirnuo is pumping water in the sea. Up to now, the amount of water in the sea has not been reduced. I am afraid that Cirnuo is exhausted, and he has not been pumped. Dry.

"Let me tell you, at a time like this, there's no need to be brave." Lingmeng still didn't believe it.

At most, Lingmeng can only perceive the general situation of the spiritual power in Zhang Qing's body (Nuo Qian's), which is still very vague. In fact, she doesn't know whether she has clairvoyant eyes at all, and at the same time, she has no idea about Zhang Qing's situation. Accurate understanding, otherwise there will be no such worries.

Let's put it this way, Lingmeng roughly felt that the energy in Zhang Qing's body was enormous, but she didn't know exactly how much, so she could only compare it, which was more than her own.

However, there are actually many more. If Lingmeng were a lake, Zhang Qing would be an ocean.

Zhang Qing patted Lingmeng's head amusedly, "Don't worry, I'm really fine. If I can't hold on, I'll make you faint."

On the other side, the big goblin followed Cirnuo, watching Cirnuo with her hips akimbo continuously exhaling air-conditioning, extremely proud, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Qirunuo, I think it's not good for you to provoke other people like this..."

"Miso! I'm the strongest in Gensokyo!" Cirno raised her chin and said.

Kazami Youxiang on the sun flower field below couldn't help squinting at the idiot blue goblin in the sky, not knowing what the other party was doing all the time above his site, and his expression was very beating.

At the same time, Kazami Yuka was a little startled, that this weak little fairy could really change the world of Gensokyo with her own power.

Is a goblin so strong!? Yuka Kazami fell into deep thought. .

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