Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

390 Pandora: You Are Finally Here, My Child. Mom Has Been Waiting So Hard For You, Woohoo! ~

On a certain training field, a girl with blond hair and red training clothes is doing basic swordsmanship training hard.

The girl's forehead was unknowingly soaked with crystal sweat.

"Miss Erica, take a break!" A girl of a similar age wearing a maid's attire came forward to persuade her with a snow-white towel in both hands.

The blond girl named Erica bit her lower lip tightly when she heard the words. Although she was exhausted and out of breath, her eyes were still firm, or in other words, she had an unyielding courage.

"No! I can...persist..." Aliya clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, slowly raised the long sword above her head, and said reluctantly.

The little maid Ariana Hayama Ali Arudy was also very helpless, and her persuasion failed again.

"Liliana... if you can... I can... drink it too!"

Erica Brantley's blue eyes are full of determination, she doesn't want to lose to Liliana, even if she and Liliana are best friends!

Ariana looked helplessly at the head maid in the distance, shook her head, expressing that she was helpless, and the older head maid also let out a long sigh.

Since she was rejected by the incompetent Wang Yiziqing last time, her own lady has been fighting against herself.

One of the YDL twin stars, Liliana Krannichar, who has always been on equal footing with her, was able to follow the Incompetent King, but Erica, a genius who was on par with her, was turned away. It is impossible to accept it, but that is the will of the incompetent king, and no one else can control it.

The king's will cannot be questioned!

Maybe it's just that the Incompetent King doesn't want too many people to disturb his purity, but for Erica, who was young and lived under the praise of others, it was a huge blow, like being tied for the first place in the class The two of them had the same scores in the college entrance examination, and they were both recruited by two famous schools in Qingbei. As a result, because there was only one place left, one of them was given up. Can that person accept it!?

No matter what the reason is, it is impossible to simply accept it, especially for a proud person.

"Are you training again!?" At this moment, a middle-aged knight whose figure could be compared to a statue of David stood beside the head maid at some point, watching from a distance The small figure asked with complicated eyes.

"Master Paul, you're here!? I'll have someone prepare it for you...

"No, I just came to see Erica, I have to go back soon!" Paul Brantley raised his hand to stop the old maid from moving, and put his index finger in front of his mouth

Made a booing gesture. 1

Then he quietly watched the situation on Erica's side.

On the other side, one of the protagonists, "Sword" and "King" Salvatore Toni, who has attracted the attention of almost all the major forces in the magic world, is being captured by his good friend and his confidant at the moment. Cavalier Andre Rivera scolded.

"You idiot, why are you eager to challenge the [Incompetent King] as soon as you come up, can't you be patient for a while and develop for a while!? I'm so mad at you!"

It was too late for Andre to stop him. This sword maniac has nothing in his mind except the sword, and his words don't pass through his brain. He is also a veteran godslayer, although he is only a year or two earlier than Tony.

But a senior is a senior, especially the other party is still among the many godslayers, the one who kills the most disobedient gods, no matter how you think about it, he is the one with the most power, maybe he can come from behind and keep pace with the Marquis of Vauban and the leader of Luo Hao Yes, in terms of comprehensive strength.

So no matter how you look at it, Salvatore Tony, the new godslayer, can't compete with him at all. Andre is different from other people who are optimistic about Tony. On the contrary, he thinks that Tony's winning rate is very low.

It might be different if we wait for a while longer, when Tony kills more Gods of Disobedience and gains more powers, but at present, it is almost impossible for Tony to defeat the opponent.

You must know that after killing the disobedient gods, in addition to the usurped power, there is also curse power. The more you kill the disobedient gods, the greater the curse power you have in your body. Take the game as an example, the incompetent king kills With so many monsters, the level must be higher than Tony, who only has one level.

Even if the power possessed by the kinetic energy endows him with strong aggressiveness, if the difference in the four-dimensional attributes is too great, it is impossible to make a comeback.

Even a godslayer has to pay attention to the basic law.

Of course, the further you get to the back, the less you will improve, not as big as it was at the beginning, otherwise the Marquis of Vauban would be able to overwhelm other godslayers, precisely because no matter how many gods of disobedience you kill at the end

The increase in mana power is not great, only more power can be obtained, and the difference in strength between the godslayer and the previous one will not be too great.

However, this is useless for first-level Mengxin.

"This, hahaha...... I'm sorry, but I've said it all, and it's impossible to take it back!" Tony also scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "You know, I just want to be with my incompetent It's just fighting against the king, I also said at the time that I wanted to compete with the Marquis of Vauban and the king of martial arts, but I don't know why it became like this..."

Andri sighed, "It's all my fault that I didn't tell you to pretend to be dumb!"

Of course, Andri also knows that it is necessary to challenge the Incompetent King, because YDL is their hometown, there is no reason for them to leave YDL and establish themselves in a foreign country, but it will happen sooner or later, not so early!

"Fortunately, it will take some time to wait for the incompetent king's reply, and you have not agreed on a time for the duel, we still have room for manipulation, as long as we find one or two disobedient gods during this time, then you and The gap between the incompetent king will be very small. If the power is relatively good, it will be more perfect for a long time.

"You can arrange this, I listen to you [I just need to be able to fight." Dongdian smiled heartlessly and patted the side of his friend who was worrying about his affairs.

......" Andre wanted to curse, but he also knew that it would be useless to say more.

Andri waved his hand, wanting this man who would only upset him to get away, and when Tony was about to leave completely, he stopped him and told him, "Tony! Remember that!

Before the challenge has a result, don't easily accept the forces that show favor!"

Although it is very likely that before the result comes out, those people will not be brainless and put their chips in advance, and directly show that the chariots and horses are on their side, but just in case, if they encounter a stunned young man, no matter whether they win or lose, It will make them very troublesome.

If you lose, YDL will be severely damaged and disintegrated. If you win, how do you arrange for the one who turned to Tony first!? You can’t treat the other party too badly! But what about other forces!? Duanping is one problem, and Duanping is another problem.

Andri knows very well that the more they do now, the more difficult it will be in the future.

"Understood!" Tony smiled and waved his hands, and then walked out, not knowing where he wanted to go for a walk, just like a Erha without a rein, it was gone when he let go.

Andri rubbed the center of his brows, hoping that there will be no more problems......"

The deepest part of the Netherworld, a place where neither gods nor humans can enter.

A petite and cute girl with long purple ponytails and a white dress who looks like an elf is throwing herself on a young man with black shoulder-length hair with a look of excitement, tears streaming down her face.

"My child, you finally came to Mommy..."

As he spoke, tears and snot fell on the young man, making the young man frown.

Pandora was really excited. God knows how much headache Yiziqing refused to enter the god-slayer reincarnation technique. Just after Yiziqing killed the gods for the sixteenth time, Pandora discovered that the technique Shi Shi has reached the brink of collapse, and if she does it again, she won't have to stay here anymore.

This frightened Pandora, but she had never become a godslayer. Even if Pandora wanted to talk to the other party, there was nothing she could do.

Fortunately, fortunately, although the child was a bit naughty and mischievous, and loved to joke with her mother, it was not serious or serious, but it did not make a big mess after all. "It finally came.

As long as he accepts the transformation technique of the godslayer, the current problem can be solved.

While Pandora breathed a sigh of relief, she also blamed the sixth son for being mischievous (from Zhao), "Although mom really wants to talk to you more now, but the time is limited, mom will transform you into a god-killer first." Well, it hurts a bit, bear with it...."

In the end, she gave a fierce look and explained, "You have accumulated too much, remember not to do this next time, I know you are a bit special than your older brothers and sisters, but don't be too self-willed, Otherwise, mother will be angry, you know..."

Yiziqing: "........."

Pandora: "Don't pretend to be dumb, tell mom, remember?!"

With one word green and one black line, looking at this chattering loli who is as tall as Liliana, she nodded copingly.

Knowing that when I came here, I pretended to be dizzy, so I didn't have to face this loli "mother", Yi Ziqing suddenly felt a little regretful.

"Good boy, what a good child of mother!" Pandora was very satisfied with Yiziqing's cooperation, nodded, and then looked at the operation of the spell, "Let me see what powers are there...

[The author has something to say: Some places are different from the original work, and the author has changed them. I hope everyone can understand that there are bugs in many places in the harem.


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