Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

398 The Incompetent King Arrives In Xia Country!

10:30. In Xiaguo XX International Airlines Airport, because of the appearance of a group of bigwigs in formal clothes, there was no movement. However, because they were refused to take pictures, there was no news on the Internet for a while. Discussions are also limited to a small area. However, such a grand airport pick-up scene still caused many people to speculate whether some important figures had come here, especially when many people noticed that among those people were provincial officials, they were even more shocked and inexplicable. What surprised the public even more was that there were many military vehicles parked outside the airport, all of which were heavily armed soldiers. I'm afraid the weight of the upcoming big man is a bit scary.

"Cut! Wow everyone!"

"That's right, Han Zhe Oppa is coming soon, these stinky guys are making such a big fight, do they think they can steal Oppa's limelight, bah! Even Oppa's leg hair can't match!

"That's right! Why do you let us make way? This is a public place!" Of course, the most indispensable thing in this world is people with mental disorders. A voice of dissatisfaction was vented. If the eyes can kill, these crazy "crazy men and women" are afraid that they will directly kill the official personnel who hinder them from chasing stars, so "507" will not care about the identity of the other party. In the eyes of these people, even the biological parents Not as good as their Ouba! Several guards who stopped these people from making trouble could not help frowning when they heard their gossip. Although they don't quite understand why their chief is so laborious in the early morning, but as a soldier, obedience is a bounden duty, and they don't understand it in their hearts, but they don't show any resistance. And seeing this kind of situation, even bigwigs from the political circles who usually don't see them have come out, as long as they are not fools, they will know that the number of people greeted this time can be described as terrifying, and it will be a blockbuster for the whole country. Going to be as confused as these dim-witted fellows. Of course, their curiosity was also aroused at this time. Who is it that can have such great energy? As a Xia country person, I know very well that it is impossible for someone to be respected to such an extent. Yes, even the president of the beautiful country, the largest country in the world, is not qualified to come here in person, so that Zhenguo is so interested. In short, it is absolutely impossible to be a non-national. But, is there such a heaven-defying person in Xia Kingdom!? Could it be the one in Kyoto!? No, no, it's impossible. So, who is it!? Just as these guards were guessing in their hearts, there was a commotion nearby, which made them nervous. Those fans of a certain Bangzi country star were jumping and screaming one by one at this time , like a job card.

"Quiet!" The guards really didn't expect that these people would dare to break through the encirclement, knowing who they were and holding the wooden warehouse in their hands. Could it be that a mere boy from Bangzi Country has such a great charm!?

"If you don't go back, we will open the wooden warehouse! Warning for the first time!"

"Go away! Ugly! We just don't want to go back, open the wooden warehouse if you have the guts! Come, come! Let's stand here, open it! You bastard!"

"Don't pay attention to him, these big soldiers are like this, they are jealous of our brother! Hehe!

"Ouba, Ouba, look here! I love you, Ouba, like a mouse loves rice!"

"What's going on over there!?" Zhu Long, the leader of Province X, and Xia Rong, the head of the military region, frowned, a little annoyed at the people who attacked the guards. Thirty percent of Xia Guo's inner world power comes from Luo Hao, the other 60% belongs to the country, and the remaining 10% is either absolutely neutral retail investors, or some cultists trying to change the world. As high-level officials in the country, people like Zhu Long and Xia Rong don't want others to be ignorant of the outside world. Now that they see those fans looking crazy, they can't help but think of those cultists who always want to cause damage. Yes, in fact, it was too early for Yiziqing to leave Xiaguo, otherwise he would know the situation in Xiaguo's inner world. In fact, other countries don't know how, but Xiaguo knows that there are such a group of heretics They exist, but no one thinks how capable they are, and even thinks that the evil god worshiped by the other party is due to a god who does not obey, so although Xia Guo will attack them, they don't pay much attention to them. After all, no one thought that someone would be so crazy that they would drag the whole world to die together.

"Report! These people are fans who have come to pick up a certain male star from a certain Bangzi country!" the chief asked, and of course someone soon came to explain the ins and outs of the incident. Zhu Long and Xia Rong frowned after listening. Wrinkles deepened, "Nonsense! What are these people thinking!? Our country spends so much on education every year, is it just to teach this kind of rubbish!?" The word is green, but because the godslayers themselves are not to be offended, and they come here more to prevent fools from colliding with each other. You must know that once the godslayer king makes a fuss, it may be a catastrophe for ordinary people. A world-class disaster. If one is not cleaned up well, a certain city may be wiped off the map. Can this not be taken seriously!? If the commander didn't understand Luo Hao, the true empress of the Xia Kingdom, the officials of the Xia Kingdom would have wanted the king to deal with the king. After all, they are all godslayers. Whatever, you have to worry about the mood of the Great Hierarch Luo Hao who is beside you. However, Luo Hao's big killer is simply a super big house girl who lives a retired life hiding in the deep mountains and old forests all day long. Xia Guo has nothing to do with her. However, although Luo Hao is not very good and has a weird temper, he is obviously much better than the other godslayers, so Xia Guo officials respect him very much. Otherwise, he would not call the other party the "Empress" in secret! It can be said that if he wanted to fight for Yiziqing back then, he would actually face the same situation as Tony the King of Swords now. In the kingdom of Xia, it is an official one-word speech, and there will be no one at all. Choose Yiziqing here. The old king was not wrong, and he worked hard, so a fool would choose the new king!

"Old Zhu! It's time to take care of the entertainment industry, it's too shameful!" Xia Rong put his hands behind his back, and clenched his fists when he saw the fans who dared to beat the guards. If he didn't know the consequences of the impulse, he would have ordered the shooting directly. Too ignorant of these people. Can a small foreign star make them forget everything!? If the younger generation of the country is full of such people, the country will perish! Zhu Long is also very angry. How much is the country today? People work hard day and night!? What a story of blood and tears!? All the efforts of the older generation are to enable the new generation to live a happy life with their chests upright, and the rewards are these things!? It seems that now It is no longer time to focus on economic development, education is very important! For those foreign friends who want to come to Xia to make money, we must take good care of them..0

"Huh! Write it down, write down these people, and then throw them all directly into the prison, and they will be charged with treason!"

"Yes!" On the other end, Yiziqing got off the plane with four little lolitas. As for the luggage, it was just a small suitcase in the hands of two maids.

"Actually, Wang, you should have chosen a special plane before!" Erica said angrily as she walked beside Yiziqing. Liliana was also a little angry, because on the plane just now, she met some very rude guys, leading a group of men in black to make a fuss, and kept thinking that they were his fans. , to sign for them. That's not enough, but he also said something rude to Yiziqing, saying something like "let Yiziqing send the four little sisters to sit with him" and so on. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Erica would have pierced through it with the holy sword Reinhardt. A little sissy in the Bangzi Kingdom, who gave him the courage to offend and think he was the king!?

"No need, I don't want to be too high-profile!" Yi Ziqing patted the heads of the two angry little girls. In fact, both the Bronze Black Cross and the Red Copper Black Cross had arranged special planes for him, but Yiziqing refused because it would be too high-profile to do so. Moreover, Yiziqing had always been in the civilian class before, so naturally he didn't plan to change. Yiziqing just thought it was unlucky to meet a fool this time. In fact, under normal circumstances, those celebrities and the like would not choose ordinary civil aviation and sit with ordinary people. This time it can be called an accident.

..." Erica was speechless, low-key, you are the king of gods, and ordinary people don't know it. Forget it, she also hypnotized that garbage just now, and now, she should be wearing leather tights at the airport Run wildly! For this kind of clown, the reputation is ruined, and the career is also ruined. Erica thinks that this punishment is the greatest punishment for him, and it is more cruel than killing the other party. After walking a certain distance, Erica noticed The person 1.3 who picked up the plane not far away said a little funny, "Wang, is this what you said to be low-key!?" I am afraid that a company of soldiers has come! Yiziqing is also a little speechless, how can he remember the plot? No matter which country Usakusanagi Godou went to, he didn’t make too much noise, and no official personnel came forward to greet him!? Did he make a mistake!? In fact, godslayers are very important!? Not all Ziqing thinks that the godslayers don’t need to be taken seriously, but in his heart, he feels that since alchemists and magicians are all hidden, it naturally means that they don’t want ordinary people to know the existence of the inner world. So it is only necessary to send a It is enough for two people to receive the Godslayer, there is no need for such a big battle. In this way, it will only make people wonder about his identity, which is contradictory to the hidden world. However, all these are because Yiziqing has forgotten Xia The national conditions of the country, the Xia country is different from other countries, no matter whether Yiziqing is a god killer or not, he is a part of the Xia country, naturally worthy of attention, worthy of a big gift. And it is said to be hidden, but the people have always had There are rumors of special departments in the government, so the world in Xia Kingdom can only be regarded as semi-public.

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