Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

421 Luo Tianyi: The Little Fresh Meat Nowadays Is Really Not Professional At All!

God may have stood at the end of human beings as soon as he was born, no, maybe human beings will not be able to reach the position in their lifetime.

This is why from the beginning to the end, no god thinks that humans can defeat the gods.

The reason why this final battle still occurs is not nonsense, because some of the main gods know that there is a reason why Brunhild made this ridiculous proposal.

This is also the uniqueness of Valkyries, the possibility they have had since their existence.

Valkyrie is generally called "Valkyrie" (Old Norse: Valkyrja) in Norse mythology, which means "women who choose the dead in battle". There are more than one Valkyrie. They are usually the daughters of the kings on the ground, or virgin warriors chosen by the gods to go to heaven after vowing to serve the gods. They are also called "Odin's maids".

The most famous Valkyrie is Brynhild, who kisses the dead on the battlefield and leads them to Valhalla. The purpose of doing this is to expand the strength of God's Domain to meet the needs of the battlefield before the twilight of the gods comes.

So the so-called Ragnarok War of Humans VS Gods is essentially Heroic Spirits VS Gods.

If it is true that human beings with mortal bodies are allowed to fight, then there is no possibility of victory from the very beginning, and mortals cannot stand in front of gods. qualifications".

The moment one sets foot on the Valhalla arena, the physical body will perish, and the ordinary soul will be unable to maintain and melt, let alone fight.

This itself is a duel based on inequality. It can be said that the gods are tolerant to allow human beings to fight with the body of heroic spirits. .

Unfortunately, besides the extraordinary body, the gods also have a second plug-in, which is the artifact that belongs to the system of the gods, corresponding to the weapons and equipment forged by the human world, that is, the human weapon, or What a shame.

Just like the human body, in the face of artifacts, human beings are as fragile as children's plastic toys when facing real knives and real wooden warehouses, or it is more appropriate to use tofu as a metaphor. , Human artifacts will also be broken into slag.

Perhaps the human soul chosen by the Valkyrie can be transformed into the body of a heroic spirit, which is infinitely close to the body of a god, but there is no such honor in weapons.

So Thor let go of Mjolnir before, not because of the arrogance of the gods, but also because he might want to fight as fair as possible, even if the opponent is a weak little girl, he will try to give the opponent an equal duel chance.

Of course, it also means that Sol really does face his opponent with a contemptuous attitude. He feels that Luo Tianyi is not worthy of him using the Meow Hammer.


In the auditorium of the gods, almost all the gods were swearing. The language was very sharp, and all the languages ​​​​of the world were mixed in. They greeted the innocent face in the arena below with a "kindness", and it seemed that they didn't understand Thor's words. Where did the little girl go.

As for the auditorium on the human side, many humans in Western countries are still in a state of aphasia.

"Three Kingdoms", as one of the four great Chinese classics, may actually be the most famous of the four great classics in the world. Journey to the West with Three Animals (cacb), or simply teach future generations to be bandits without a future, "Three Kingdoms" with historical value, military strategy, and storytelling is actually more likely to be read by people outside of China. The people of the country accept it.

Therefore, those Westerners who more or less knew little about the Three Kingdoms period were all dumbfounded.

"Leaving aside the fact that Lu Bu is a girl, who can tell me how terrible the Three Kingdoms period of China was? Can humans kill this kind of monster!?"

"It's scary, that mysterious eastern country is really scary, God, did you make a mistake when you created humans!?"

"Upstairs, God created Adam and Eve. It's useless to ask God about this, you have to ask these two human ancestors..."

"No, no, no, humans evolved from monkeys, who do you think I am!? Darwin, don't you know me!?"

Compared with the chaotic situation of the Western race, the Eastern country is much quieter. The Eastern people are thinking, where is this, who are we, and what happened!?

Especially those audiences during the Three Kingdoms period simply doubted that life was unnecessary.

It’s not that the original Lu Bu (male) was not strong, but the delicate girl standing on the arena at the moment is too powerful. When have you seen a woman so fierce!? Isn’t it all delicate? !?

After all, since the patriarchal society, the world has recognized that women are inherently weaker than men, so if you look at it this way, such a little girl is so powerful, then are men even more perverted? This is why everyone is shocked and their heads go blank the real reason.

Heimdall picked up the horn flute that fell on the ground again, and looked in the direction of the rubble pile where Thor was a little embarrassed.

He was also beating drums in his heart. Although he didn't believe that humans could defeat the gods, the human just now held one of the most powerful artifacts, Mjolnir. One of the most powerful artifacts among the artifacts, of course it was Possesses the ability to harm the gods.

If even artifacts can't harm or kill gods, why do gods need artifacts as weapons!?

It is precisely because of this awareness that the audience at the Gods' Party were so excited, scolding human beings for being shameless and despicable.

To be honest, as a member of the gods, Heimdall is also very angry. He also feels that this Lu... No, Luo Tianyi is very disrespectful of martial arts and not a son of man, but as the host and referee, his duty Don't let him be unfair, standing here, he does not belong to the side of God, or the side of man, he is neutral.

If this is violated, then he will be the first to die.

On this point, the gods obey the contract rules more than humans. Even the gods of deception are only exploiting loopholes under the permission of the rules, and they do not actually break the rules. Much more free.

Sometimes being weak is not a bad thing. Of course, most of the time being weak itself means that you cannot dominate your life.

At this moment, Heimdall hugged his 【Horned Flute of the End】 for fear that it would be snatched away by this harmless girl, just like just taking away the Meow Hammer without authorization and giving its original owner a face Kiss in general.

Heimdall said that his weak body could not afford such a warm greeting.

"Alas!? Where did the little red-haired brother who was invited to this stage like me before go? Why did he disappear in the blink of an eye!?" Luo Tianyi seemed to really not understand what happened, Looking around, he was still muttering where did Saul go!?

…………………" Heimdall secretly wiped the sweat from his brow.

The swearing from the auditorium was so loud, did you not hear it in a daze!?

If it weren't for his short stature, he might have been swept away by Meow Meow's hammer just now. No, maybe he didn't even have the qualifications to be swept away, and he would have turned into a puddle of meat paste and soy sauce sticking to it.

Heimdall wants to swear, yes, he swears!

"Could it be that he went to the toilet? Really, as an idol, he obviously doesn't need to eat and drink to go to the toilet. That little red-haired brother is really unqualified. The little fresh meat these days is really not dedicated at all... ...."

Seeing that no one answered her question, Luo Tianyi shook her head and began to criticize Sol. She seemed to have found the most reasonable rationale for Sol's absence.

God damn go to the toilet......

When humans and the gods heard the words, they vomited in their hearts in an incomparable tacit understanding.

And idols don’t have to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom, so are they still human!? No, real fairies can’t do that either!?

And little fresh meat....

I always feel that this girl seems to have misunderstood something!?

And at the moment, in the special seat on the high platform, a handsome young man in a tuxedo asked the weak old man sitting in front of him, "Master Zeus! Are you worried about Lord Saul!?"

"I don't think Master Saul who has Yan Glippel (Iron Glove) will not be defeated so easily."

Mjolnir (Thunder Hammer) is one of the strongest artifacts capable of crushing the earth, but its mighty power and the scorching heat of lava will also destroy the user. ) to protect his hands. ——Excerpted from "Eda" in Kobe, North Europe.

Therefore, the iron gauntlet that can defend against [the strongest weapon in the heavens] is naturally the [the strongest armor in the heavens].

Hermes, as the eleventh pillar of the Twelve Gods of Olympus, naturally knew that Thor had more than just one artifact. He didn't think that Thor would be hammered by Meow Meow, or that he would be hammered by others.

The waving Meowsleep kills in one hit.

Divine artifacts have spirits, even if humans can pick them up, it does not mean that they can drive their divine power. In human hands, divine artifacts are just solid weapons.

The old man Zeus ignored Hermes' words. He touched his chin, showed a wretched smile, and said, "No, no, didn't you notice that the little human girl down there looks pretty good!? Hehehe... It's a pity Yes, I knew that the old man was here, and it was in vain to take advantage of Sol’s iron tower who doesn’t know how to pity and cherish jade, tsk tsk..."

"If you grow up a bit, maybe you'll be more attractive. It's a face that even the gods are jealous of..."

As he said that, he glanced at Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, who is also one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. That girl showed a very interesting expression at the moment!

"Interesting, interesting...".

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