Gray looked at the inexplicable names on the list. For some reason, she always felt terrified. It seemed that just describing them in words was taboo.

Big horror, definitely big horror.

"Didn't Sister Hilde change it when you were drowsy!?" Gray swallowed, pressing her beating heart and asking.

She very much hoped that this was a joke made by Brunhilde, not someone's conspiracy, or a supernatural event.

You must know that this is the heaven, if there is a supernatural event, it will definitely be a super big problem.

Brunhilde didn't answer this stupid question from her own stupid sister. How could she make a mistake about the 13 people who killed the gods? You must know that this was finally selected after her careful consideration. It is what she knows and her judgment The one who might defeat the gods.

Who made the move!?

Brunhilde thought about this question with some unease.

I feel like things are getting out of control now, and I don’t know what will happen in the end!?


At the same time, Hermes also received the news of the approval, and the list was also sent to his mobile phone.

"Master Zeus, the players on the human side have been confirmed..."

"Oh!? Show me the old man, um...this is really, Kuhuhu......."

"The little girls in Valkyrie are really unexpected, interesting, interesting..."

After Zeus read the list of players on the human side, he showed a confident smile that seemed to be unpredictable, but also as if he was planning a strategy.

After being silent for a while, Hermes asked, "Master Zeus, do you know what this Empress Dalan and Emperor Ruthless are!?"

He can be sure that he has never heard of it. If it is a famous human being, even the gods have heard of it. Put on a disdainful and superior attitude, but secretly care about human beings very much.

Otherwise, human beings would not be extinct because of such trivial things as human beings destroying the environment.

Yes, it may be a big deal in the eyes of humans and Valkyrie, but for the gods who have great power, especially those powerful main gods, the recovery of the earth's environment is nothing more than a troublesome little thing, saying that it is destroying the environment. In fact, in the eyes of the gods, humans are more like dirtying the environment.

To use a metaphor, the Erha who was raised at home demolished the house, and you were annoyed at seeing it, so you simply stewed the dog directly.

The corner of Zeus' mouth twitched, "Shut up!"

Isn’t the old man just pretending to be aggressive!? Why do you ask so many questions!? You don’t have any vision at all. Who knows where that little girl Brunhilde found these guys!?


"The final battle between gods and humans who bet on the survival of mankind, the first stop!!!"

"Thunder God Thor VS Wu... Cough, the battle of singer Luo Tianyi finally ushered in the final moment at this moment, Thor will use his full power to draw an end to this battle, now let us look forward to what Luo Tianyi will do Against Thor's strongest form!.||?"

Heimdall said loudly excitedly, seeing that Sol still had his hole cards, he couldn't help crying with joy. To be honest, although as the host he needs to maintain absolute neutrality, he still longs for Sol to win the final battle.

"Hey! Little Sol's full strength!? It's the first time I've seen it..." Shiva stood up with great interest and came to the stands, watching expectantly.

Although the human girl behaved a little beyond imagination before and didn't live like a human being, Shiva still didn't think that humans could defeat the gods, thinking that it was just caused by Thor's rival in love.

What's more, the little human girl is indeed a little ignorant of martial arts.

"Plop, plop—!"

Thor's hammer held high by Thor's hands still sounded the heart-pounding pulse beating sound, "Don't die."

After Sol reminded, he threw the round Mjolnir towards Luo Tianyi, and the huge and strange hammer was thrown over like a meteorite, bringing a strong wind.

Both gods and humans in the auditorium were shocked by Sol's unreasonable size at the moment.

"Why did you throw Mjolnir away!?" Many people showed puzzled looks. Could it be that this artifact is used to throw it to hit people after awakening!? But won't the opponent avoid it! ?


Under the unsurprising eyes of the crowd and the gods, Lu Tianyi simply bowed his head and avoided it.

The huge whirling thunder hammer just passed over the head of the gray-haired girl, flying farther and farther with the sound of whistling wind.

Facing everyone's strange and puzzled gazes, Suoer stood there indifferently, and was not surprised that Luo Tianyi easily avoided this throwing blow.

Luo Tianyi rubbed her stomach, "It's almost time for dinner......"

As he spoke, he raised his head and met Sol, who was standing far away from each other.

Then, under Sol's unclear gaze, Luo Tianyi smiled, stretched out his hand and grabbed at the back, "Sorry, I hate working overtime, you can leave...

Under everyone's shocked eyes, the Thunder God's Hammer Mjolnir, who flew out in a whirl, had returned the same way at this moment, and with the whistling sound of the wind, it hit Luo Tianyi from behind without looking back. up.

However, without waiting for everyone to exclaim, the gray-haired girl suddenly stretched out her arm like a willow branch behind everyone, and if there is no accident, the next moment will be with the huge Thunder God. A close contact with the hammer will instantly crush the slender arms, and then the girl's body.

Sol frowned, he was a little confused about what this human girl was planning to do, did she want to commit suicide!?

No, it's impossible, with the strength shown by the opponent before, there is no reason to suddenly admit defeat at this time!

Could it be that I was hungry as I said earlier!?

What an absurd reason...

However, what Sol didn't know was how terrible it was to be a big foodie when he was hungry. If he was in the so-called state of full combat power at this moment, then the human girl standing opposite him was in starvation mode.

If the satiety continues to drop, he will further lose his sanity.

This is a very scary thing.


"how come!?"

"No, it must be an illusion, I don't believe it's real!"

Just when everyone thought that this human girl was going to die stupidly, they saw that the rapidly spinning Thor's Hammer was stopped by the weak and boneless little hand.

Just like that, it was firmly grasped by that small palm.

"Crack, click!"

In between, the gray-haired girl slightly exerted force on her palm, and the indestructible Thor's Hammer, Mjolnir, let out a shattering scream, and countless cracks began to appear on it, and liquid like blood flowed out and fell to the ground.

"You..." Sol turned pale with shock, the calmness that had always been on his face was completely broken.

Luo Tianyi's eyes were cold at this moment, and there was a golden light looming, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry......"

Speaking of increasing the intensity again, Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer, finally let out a painful and desperate scream, but struggling was useless, without waiting for everyone to react, even if it was Sol who was the closest, Just like that, Luo Tianyi grabbed Miaoernier forcefully, and it became a pile of fragments scattered on the ground.

Thor's eyes widened, and he was stunned in disbelief.

`If ​​you’re joking, it’s an artifact, how could it be possible……………” Shiva and other gods were also dumbfounded. For countless years, they have never heard of such a thing happening, which is simply unheard of.

It's not that artifacts haven't been destroyed, but they have always been destroyed by other more powerful artifacts, which is the so-called "defeating magic with magic".

However, who the hell can crush an artifact with bare hands!? Isn’t this a joke!?

Odin and Zeus looked at Luo Tianyi in amazement, always feeling that the girl who had been smiling all the time seemed to be a different person at this moment, giving off a very dangerous feeling.

"It's not right, it's very wrong...."

So cold eyes......

Saul looked at the gray-haired girl who was slowly walking towards him after pinching Mjolnir, his heart was beating violently for the first time, excited!? No, it was more...fear

Why are you afraid!?

Sol didn't understand, but a voice told him so, he was afraid at the moment.

Wait, were the eyes of this human girl golden before!?

While Sol was thinking about this question, a small palm kept enlarging in front of his eyes until it finally covered his face.


The sound of broken bones sounded, and consciousness slowly dissipated.

"Is this what defeat feels like..."

".....It's really unlikable......"

"No..(Zhao Hao)..! No, no, no, no! This is impossible!" The god of peace, Versetti, looked incredulously at Sol, who was kneeling and his head was crushed by the petite human girl. God, screamed in complete disbelief.

"Master Saul will not be defeated, he cannot be defeated..."

"What's going on!? Why didn't Sol make any resistance and let the other party approach!?" Many gods questioned. At this moment, they couldn't believe that Sol would be killed so easily.

Shiva's eyes widened, "Hey, this is not a joke, little Sol, when did you learn illusion, stop playing, come out quickly..."

Odin and his two crows are: "

"Just, what happened just now!?" Gray asked tremblingly.

"God Sol, he, he.......was he really killed!?"

Brynhildr didn't answer Grey's question, she was staring anxiously at the gray-haired girl who didn't say a word after killing Saul at the moment. The other party exuded a frightening aura, and Brynhildr was a little worried The other party will do something again! No?

The other party can kill Thor, the god of war, so easily, which means that if the other party wants to kill, it will be a disaster here. No one knows how much they can stop the other party, and how much it will cost to stop the other party!?

Renhilde knew nothing about this girl.

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