Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

428 Gray: Make Friends, No, I'm Not Worthy, Go Away! ! !

Not long after closing her eyes and resting, Luo Tianyi was woken up by the noise outside, sighed, got out of bed, and opened the door of the room.

"Guest..." A maid in a maid outfit guarding the door was taken aback by Luo Tianyi's sudden push to open the door. After realizing it, she hurried forward with a panicked expression. But before she could say more, Luo Tianyi waved his hand and interrupted the next words.

"It's okay, I'm just curious about what happened outside, and I don't mean to blame you."

What's the use of blaming a maid like this, and it has nothing to do with this maid, it's obviously because the sound insulation in this place is too bad, or Luo Tianyi's hearing is too good, these have nothing to do with other maids.

After hearing Luo Tianyi's words, the maid carefully looked at the expression on Luo Tianyi's face, and found that she didn't look really angry, she breathed a sigh of relief, and explained, "There should be a result at the arena. , want me to inquire about it!?"

As low-status servants, they are naturally not qualified to go to the arena to watch directly. After all, the contestants on the field have high-ranking gods, and those servants who can tolerate them, who are usually disdainful, look at monkeys on top of them." "Zero Eight Zero" drama!?

They were afraid that if they were really asked to go, they would not dare to go, maybe they would be silenced or executed just to take a look.

This is also the reason why the Valkyries dare not sit in the auditorium openly, and can only hide in the corner to watch secretly. In this heaven, although Brunhilde and the others are known as "Valkyrie", there is a "Valkyrie" The word "God", but in fact the status is higher than these servants of God.

So even scumbags of weak gods can yell at them, not to mention that Brunhilde and the others are clearly on the human side, and now in the heavens, their situation is even more embarrassing .

No matter what the final result is, it is not a good thing for Valkyrie, that is, the Valkyries.

Perhaps after winning the Ragnarok final battle between humans and gods, the human side will be able to survive, but the Valkyries who slapped the gods in the face may not really be worthless, and being suppressed is for sure of.

Not to mention, in these 13 duels, at least 7 Valkyries had to be sacrificed. It can be said that the Valkyries paid the most in this final stand.

"No, you can prepare some food for me to carry. I can go there by myself, and I can watch a good show." Luo Tianyi smiled and rejected the other party's kindness, mainly because there was no need to go, because Standing outside, she had basically heard the content of the noise over there.

Dad!? Adam!?

Luo Tianyi didn't take it seriously, as an authentic Xia Guoren, Luo Tianyi never thought that his ancestors would be Adam and Eve, in fact, even thinking about it, he knew it was impossible, if the ancestors of all human beings were really these two people, No matter how they are born, it is impossible for black and yellow races to appear. Unless Eve cheated and sold a lot of green hats to go home to Adam, otherwise this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen.

For these guys who mistakenly recognized their ancestors, Luo Tianyi looked down upon them, perhaps because they were born with soft bones.

But these are other people's affairs, and she doesn't bother to care about them.

"Yes, dear guest, please wait a moment, I will be back soon, allow me to prepare for you, and leave for a while."

"Well, let's go, don't worry too much."

Seeing the back of the maid leaving in a hurry, Luo Tianyi shook her head and stopped persuading her.

She came to the fence on the outside of the corridor and stood there looking at the scenery outside. I have to say that this heaven is quite big, and it retains a classical atmosphere. It is not full of tall buildings and big summers like modern society. It is serious industrial pollution.

Of course, perhaps most of the gods here are based on the Western mythology system, at most there are some Indian gods, so the overall style is still biased towards Western style.

It's not that it's not good-looking, but Luo Tianyi still prefers Xia Guo's classical style architecture, maybe it's his preference.

Without making Luo Tianyi wait too long, the maid who left in a hurry came back with a basket full of various pastries and snacks, and covered it with a white cloth.

After Luo Tianyi smiled and thanked, he took it and left.

Because Luo Tianyi came from the arena before, Luo Tianyi knows the way, and it's not too far from the arena, otherwise he wouldn't have heard the noise over there.

The closer to the arena, the clearer the noisy voices, especially the mournful crying.

", please go in!"

Noticing that someone was approaching the entrance of the Valhalla Colosseum, the heavenly guards guarding the entrance just wanted to step forward to block it, and scolded the person for his audacity. You must know that all the prominent figures in the heavenly realm have already watched inside, those who Those who cannot enter are not qualified, so it is naturally impossible for the guards to let these little people enter and disturb the entertainment of the adults inside.

But when he raised his head to see the face of the visitor clearly, he was taken aback for a moment, and then broke out in cold sweat.

The beauty of this human girl, even many famous goddesses in the heavens, may not be comparable, but this is not the reason why the guards were stunned, but because these evil stars who killed God Sol with their bare hands are peerless murderers, so I don’t think so. Blame the guard for breaking out in a cold sweat.

In fact, the other guards didn't dare to show their air at this time, and they all looked at this human girl who had gone and returned in horror.

Of course the guards who reacted did not dare to stop them. Instead, they respectfully used "please" and even wore a flattering smile on their faces. If the situation did not allow it, they all wanted to bring a red carpet over to let Luo Tian Yi stepped in.

"Don't you need to buy tickets!?" Luo Tianyi didn't go in right away, but asked curiously.

The guards suddenly smiled wryly, "No, no need..."

In fact, even if they need it, they don’t dare to accept it. How can these human beings have the currency of the heavens!? If they really accept it, maybe they will give them a "sound" directly. Maybe they didn’t think that humans could do it to them before. or something, but for now...  

Sol died, and Zeus was beaten so hard that he couldn't take care of himself just now, and was carried away for treatment.

Who said that human beings are nothing to worry about? How do you feel that human beings are actually a very terrifying race!?

These guards all complained in their hearts.

"Is that so!? That's okay, you guys can do your work, I can go in by myself..." After Luo Tianyi nodded, he walked towards the entrance while declining the escort of these people ,0010407420 Feilu 134202570]

"It seems that the situation in the second battle is not one-sided, otherwise these people's attitudes would not be so humble..."

Luo Tianyi is not an idiot either, and quickly realized what was the reason. If the second battle was dominated by the gods, it would be absolutely impossible for this situation to happen, even if she killed Thor. , A mere victory is not worth changing the attitude of these celestial beings.

I'm afraid it's the second battle, the gods won, but it was a miserable victory.

"I underestimated that Adam..."

It seems that this Western human ancestor, Luo Tianyi, who indeed has the ability to rival the gods, regrets that he didn't watch the game just now.

Competing with the gods is indeed very interesting. The only pity is that Luo Tianyi feels that the gods here are a bit too weak, making her unable to even warm up. She obviously planned to play around, but in the end It's like coming to the kindergarten to kick the hall.

It's not that Luo Tianyi is arrogant and arrogant, has lost his sense of proportion, and is no longer flirting.

But now she is just a doppelgänger, who originally wanted to come over to act as a humanoid one-time bomb, but unexpectedly, she came here for a 1vs1 duel, and the opponent was still a guy with no technical content at all.

Yes, in Luo Tianyi's view, the methods used by these gods to use power are too rough, that is, relying on the advantages of life level. If they are of the same rank, any warrior among human beings can beat these gods to doubt the gods. .

Like a child who has gained great power.

"Forget it, let's treat it as a trip..."

When Luo Tianyi came to the interior of the Valhalla arena, he found that the plain and unpretentious arena had changed drastically. The space for players to stand had become smaller, and the surrounding area was filled with sea water, like a Small islands in the sea are average.

What's even more exaggerated is that there are seagulls flying, and the salty smell of the sea can be smelled from a long distance.

Luo Tianyi was not surprised by this change. She was looking for a seat now, but after scanning around, she found that the seat was already full of 5.7 people.

Shaking his head, Luo Tianyi also gave up on taking a seat, but saw the beautiful figures of two women standing on the corridor at the top.

Luo Tianyi suddenly smiled, and walked over there with a small basket, it had no other meaning, she just likes to make more friends.

As long as these two people have the same aura as the microphone that suddenly appeared on his body, they must be insiders. Luo Tianyi still wants to find out about the situation in this world

Yes, Luo Tianyi doesn't know this world. As long as she was reincarnated a little early, she hasn't watched the anime that came out later, otherwise she wouldn't be disgusted by the awakened appearance of the meow hammer.

"Yo~ what do you call the two of you!? Can you make friends!?"

Soon, Luo Tianyi came up to the top and got close to the two Valkyrie ladies, with that deceptive "friendly" smile on his face as always.

"Wow!" Gray was taken aback. After seeing clearly that it was Luo Tian, ​​his face became even paler and his legs were trembling.

"Sister... Sister Hilde, she, she..."


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