Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

436 Zhang Qing And Luo Tianyi: The World Has Become Dirty Again....

"Is it really okay not to go back!?"

Regardless of what those Valkyries were doing or saying, Luo Tianyi played with posting for a while, and then let go of the helpless Zhang Qing and asked. Luo Tianyi could feel that Zhang Qing's situation was different from hers, it seemed that his body had descended.

Zhang Qing also saw that Luo Tianyi was a doppelganger, and sighed, "Is this the summoning you mentioned earlier!? I pulled it here forcibly, and there was no chance of a reaction at all."

There was a bit of helplessness in Zhang Qing's tone. She had heard about Luo Tianyi's experiences and plans before in the foggy space. Even if you can't refuse directly, at least you can follow suit and send someone's body to explode...cough, the clone is here~.

"For my side, let's just do it for now. You have to give some people some time to prepare. There's no rush..."

Of course Luo Tianyi is not in a hurry, she knows that unless there are really some superhumans who surpass Zhang Qing, whoever dares to make trouble will have no good fruit to eat, unless they can leave the earth, otherwise they can live on the earth There is really nothing to be afraid of the god-like existence that controls everything.

Of course, this is also the ability brought by the little broken ball, allowing them to become the will of the planet, but because of the example of the little broken ball, no one has done this until now, completely sealing this part ability.

After all, feeling that my body is full of pests like humans, it is somewhat impossible to be comfortable.

In other words, Zhang Qing has absolute strength to suppress all dissatisfaction and turmoil, and it is a matter of physical action. Suddenly, I feel a little pitiful for those guys who think that the empress is missing and can do whatever they want. I am afraid that after Zhang Qing returns, there will be no scum left. .

"However, Xiao Qingqing, you have to find a reason!? Some people must be wondering where you have been during this time!"

Zhang Qing didn't say anything to tell Luo Tianyi not to call her "Xiao Qingqing", because knowing it was useless, to be honest, Zhang Qing still couldn't believe that these guys with all kinds of strange personalities and experiences would be another self, but It's just a different experience from the moment of reincarnation.

However, she was not too obsessed with this matter. Zhang Jing showed a proud and domineering smile and said, "There is no need to explain, let them guess. As for the records in future history, whether they were captured by aliens or taken away by immortals , or escaped from the underworld, that is a matter for future generations, as long as I am still alive, no one dares to ask!"

Luo Tianyi burst out laughing when she heard the words, "Ah, I didn't expect that Xiao Qingqing would have such a bad day. I'm sorry for those scholars of later generations. I'm afraid they have turned all kinds of official history and unofficial history to find out the truth." ."

Zhang et al didn't care too much, "Don't forget there are still people looking for my tomb, I'll put some interesting things in it when the time comes."

Speaking of Zhang Qing's involuntary smile, it can be regarded as a reward for the headache and baldness of future generations! After all, she is working so hard now to let future generations live in hardship, and the people who live in the happy age will naturally Gotta give her some fun, too.

"Wow, I'm so envious all of a sudden. I want to do this too, but it's a pity..." Luo Tianyi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and a lot of ghost ideas popped up in his mind, but he had to give up in the end because She is just an unknown little singer idol. Even if she becomes famous in the future and was born in modern times, no one will plan to dig her grave. The most important thing is that the world she lives in has undergone great changes. The ability to live longer, but given the opportunity, I am afraid that some people rely on their own efforts "There is no problem in living longer.

"But Xiao Qingqing, have you decided to hide your name after a hundred years!?"

Zhang Qing gave a soft "hmm" and admitted Luo Tianyi's conjecture, "The world over there is just an ordinary world without demons, and even internal strength is very difficult to develop. In the stage of moving blood, the future will definitely be based on technology. Maybe because of martial arts, some people's lifespan will be extended, but it will not exceed 200 years old, usually around 110 years old, I am sure it is impossible Let the world know that you can live forever, otherwise the world will be in chaos."

"Actually, I have been worrying about the successor for a while before. Of course I know what the consequences will be if the royal family is really passed on. The dynasties of the past have proved that this kind of luck depends on whether there is a descendant with extraordinary talent. How unreliable the practice is, but with the constraints of my time, no matter whether it is a constitutional monarchy or others, it is unrealistic, and you know the reason, so I don’t need to explain it.”

Knowing what the future generations are like, they certainly know that the modern system is better and more perfect than the ancient ones, but other people who were born in the ancient times don't know, they can't see so far away, no matter how beautiful you describe it, they I can't even imagine it, after all, the span is nearly 1,000 years, which is too difficult for people of this era.

I'm afraid that Zhang Qing really proposed this kind of system. No one dared to say anything when she was alive, but once she abdicates and becomes the new emperor, whether it can be carried out will be a problem. After all, in just a few decades, there will be no success , You said it’s impossible!? How is it impossible? Decades are simply not enough time for the promotion of the overall technology industry. Before that, Zhang Qing has to manage Dalan’s domestic affairs well. In terms of scientific research, and research and development can not see the results in a short period of time, unless Zhang Qing pulls the seedlings and encourages them to take over the achievements of later generations, but that is tantamount to harming people in this world, and she will not do this.

So when she was alive, when she was in power, she would try her best to set up the framework so that it wouldn't mess up.

But the successor has also become a problem. Will the latecomer really be a good emperor!? We can't wait for her to rebel again, since she will have retired by then, okay?

So Zhang Qing thought of a way.

After thinking for a while, Luo Tianyi asked with a smile, "Is it an artificial human or an autonomous robot!?"

Luo Tianyi can think of these two methods that can completely carry out Zhang Qing's will, but even if there are these two methods, Luo Tianyi still doesn't know what Zhang Qing plans to do. Will the child come out!? But in that case, it will still be a feudal monarchy. There will be nothing in the early stage. Later, there will be a situation where the class will solidify and the room for advancement will be controlled by the aristocratic family. After all, the emperor has been sitting for decades, so it will naturally form a fixed circle.

The emperor can't do it all the time, and the ministers should change a batch every two or three years. It's unrealistic, and it's a bit desperate.

This is the most important reason why the system of succession to the throne will be eliminated in later generations. It is the ultimate selfishness. There is no problem in the backward ancient times, because people do not kill themselves, but the whole world will not stop moving because of you. Wait until It will be a catastrophe when countries beyond the ocean overtake, or invaders from beyond the planet come with more advanced weapons.

0 for flowers...

The system of succession to the throne will limit the progress of science and technology, because the people's lives are too good, and the emperor's life is not good. Whether it is universal education or no worries about food and clothing, it will further make the people lose their awe of imperial power, so I want to take the technological route , then the feudal and backward system is an obstacle.

Zhang Qing didn't explain too much, she smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I already have a good idea."

Don't forget, she is also a black-bellied master, which one of her brothers and sisters has not endured the pain that shouldn't be endured at that age!?

Zhang Qing, who didn't intend to talk too much about the business affairs in his own world, changed the subject and said, "What's going on in this world, how much do you know!?"

Zhang Qing was driven to a duel with Poseidon as soon as he came here. He really didn't know much about the situation in this world, but he always felt weird.

Luo Tianyi shrugged, "I know a little more than you. I said that the gods planned to destroy human beings, and then the Valkyrie proposed a test, that is, the duel between humans and gods that you saw, to the final duel." Whether to continue to keep all human beings alive is probably the same thing!?"

Zhang Qing frowned, "Nuwa can agree to this kind of thing, and those gods seem to be too weak. According to the records of Nuwa in the myth, I'm afraid they will die if they exhale. Is there any shameless thing in the West here? Erlao and Hongjun can't intervene!?"

"This is not a prehistoric world..." Luo Tianyi was also speechless by Zhang Qing's words. If it was really a prehistoric world, she would blow herself up directly. Can this be done!? Wait for her to develop for a while , It is definitely impossible now, although Luo Tianyi is skinny, he is not arrogant and has no brains, and he is very clear about how much strength he has.

"And it seems that there is no Chinese god system here, at least I haven't seen it!"

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes and asked, "Then why do these western gods decide the life and death of my eastern people!? What are they!?"

Zhang Qing's tone suddenly turned cold. She had seen many people dressed in the ancient costumes of the Xia Kingdom in the auditorium before. They must be the people of the Xia Kingdom in this world. These foreign gods dared to judge the people of the Xia Kingdom. In Zhang Zhu's heart, he had already decided what would happen to these so-called gods.

Luo Tianyi didn't care, "I'm going to play first, and if the humans lose in the end, I'll kill all the gods in the heaven, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

In fact, Luo Tianyi's thoughts are similar to Zhang Qing's. The reason why she doesn't do anything is because she doesn't want to go back so soon. Oh, she is a clone, and it doesn't matter whether she goes back or not.

"By the way, before you came, the contestants in the second round had Adam who claimed to be the father of all mankind. To be honest, when I heard that those guys believed that this was their ancestor, I wanted to directly compare them to everyone else. Let the gods blow up together..." Luo Tianyi is quite dissatisfied with the Xia people in this world, if he is clear-headed, he will know that it is impossible for two white people to give birth to a black person and a yellow person. Luo Tianyi was quite dissatisfied with his behavior.

Zhang Qing pouted, "I'm used to it, some people's bones are naturally soft, and it's just a matter of begging to clean them up."

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