A duel of good vs evil.

The final result is that the evil human beings have won, but perhaps in Jack the Ripper's heart he lost, to the male god who finally gave him the embrace of love.

Looking at Jack the Ripper at the exit below, letting the gods and humans scold and throw stones at him, Luo Tianyi put his hands on the ground behind him, turned sideways and looked at Brunhilde next to him , although the sad expression on her face quickly retracted, but what hadn't escaped her eyes, the ecstatic and crazy look was more like a disguise.

"Allah, have you ever regretted it, little Hilde!?"

"What are you talking about, why should I regret it!? I'm super happy now, okay!? Now take this victory, we already have 3 victories, we only need 4 more victories to win, how can I Maybe not happy!?" Brunhilde clenched his hands into fists, his mouth parted in a wide grin.

...Really!? But all I see is that you are crying now...."

Luo Tianyi glanced at Grey, who had already been lying on the ground with tears and snot flowing, crying so hard, and said not too concerned.

It means that it doesn't matter if you lie to me, after all, it's not me who is sad.

Brunhilde restrained the joyful expression on his face, looked at Luo Tianyi and Grey in silence, and said: "The origin of Valkyrie's name is [Women who choose the dead in battle]

For us, emotion is meaningless..."

"In order to save mankind, we can only do what we should do."

"Sorrow is such a thing, wait for us to come back to 20 when we are defeated..."

After finishing speaking, Brunhilde turned around and left directly. Luo Tianyi looked at the blood dripping from her clenched hands, couldn't help but shook her head, and said badly, "It's really dishonest..."

Zhang Qing didn't care about Brunhilde, she looked at the old man who suddenly fell from the sky below, and turned the whole fog into rubble and rubble with a slap, and the three young people who followed him down, said, "This old, weak, sick and disabled is Are you a god!? I feel really inferior..."

To tell the truth, even the gods who don't obey in the godslayer world seem to be more powerful than these gods. The previous Poseidon looked full of power and claimed to be the god of the sea, but the result was only salty fish stabbing from the beginning to the end. , changing tricks, as far as the power of God is not revealed at all.

To be honest, in the world that Zhang Qing knows so far, gods are the least like gods, and more like the existence of life forms with a higher life level than ordinary humans. Generally speaking, they are just powerful creatures, and in the true sense the gods.

In a sense, like the Asgardian gods in the Marvel world, they are just aliens.

Luo Tianyi said indifferently, "Ah... I think this is logical, otherwise, if it is a regular god, it will not care whether human beings destroy the environment at all, but only care about human beliefs. As for the extermination of human beings, if all human beings are gone, they will lose their source of belief, and it is impossible to do so...."

In the general sense, gods are gods of faith. As for the gods of law that do not rely on faith, that kind of existence is generally created by the world at the beginning of the birth of the world, in order to manage the world more conveniently, improve the world, and make the world operate normally. Administrators, when the world doesn't need them, they will naturally have to be recycled.

It is belief in gods, which is bound to human beings and can be passed on. However, as human beings grow stronger and do not want to be restrained by gods, there will eventually be a war between humans and gods. means of the gods.

So the enemy of the gods has never been human beings, but the world itself.

It is precisely because the gods themselves are not free that there is such an alternative existence as the God of Disobedience in the Godslayer World. They do not obey the myths, but only for alternatives to escape from the shackles.

People are seeking to survive, and so are gods.

"What's the matter, what is the old man looking at!?" Loki sat on the edge of the ring, noticing that the thin old man Zeus suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction in a daze, he couldn't help asking

Ares and Hermes also woke up from the mood of mourning, and turned to look at Zeus.

However, Zeus touched the beard on his chin, his eyes drooped, and he said without any emotion, "The human female doll in the last scene looked at us without a trace of awe.

What do you think it's because of!?"

"The last game..." Ares looked around in the direction Zeus was looking at just now, and soon found the figure sitting in the corridor on the top auditorium.

The girl in the imperial robe didn't have any expression, her expression was indifferent, but the gray-haired girl who defeated Sol was smiling and waving at them at this moment, as if seeing an old friend, which stunned Ares for a moment.

Of course Hermes and Loki also noticed, and they were silent at this moment.

It's not just that they don't have the slightest awe, they simply don't take them seriously. The word god has no power at all to the other party, just like a cat or a dog.

"What a terrifying human being..." Loki suddenly laughed.

I just don’t know if the humans he is talking about are those two human girls or the entire human race, but one thing is certain is that when the humans win the battle and the score far surpasses the gods, Something terrible is secretly sprouting.

In other words, when the first god was killed by humans, that thing had already been buried in the soil unknowingly.

When Thor was killed, the seed was planted.

When Zeus was victorious, the sun fell on the soil.

When Poseidon was killed, rain fell, which encouraged the seeds to grow.

And now the death of Hercules provides nourishment in grief.

It won't take long for that thing to break through the ground.

Zeus saw that the audience in either audience were crying for Hercules, and his heart sank. Since when did a mere human being be moved to tears for a high-ranking god? Unknowingly Seeing that human beings have placed themselves on an equal footing with gods.

Ares didn't understand the meaning of Loki's words, and thought he said that the two god-slayer girls were terrible. A monster in a human maiden holster.

Ares didn't even know where Brunhilde found this monster, and it was able to be unknown before, which caught the gods by surprise.

Hermes understood Loki's words, so he remained silent.

This final battle deserves to be known as the "Twilight of the Gods" battle, it really lives up to the name! The original intention was: the main god gave the end of the twilight to human beings, but now it has evolved into a situation where the main god ushers in the twilight and sunset, really... .....Fate plays tricks.

I don’t know if the three goddesses of fate are playing tricks!? Well, no matter whether people or gods, when they are frustrated and unlucky, they will attribute their faults to fate, which is understandable.

However, fate never only cares about one person or one god. It is very fair and very unfair.

On the seat, Shiva also woke up from the shock and sentimentality when Zeus and other gods destroyed the fog. Now seeing Zeus and the other Greek gods looking angry and wanting to vent, he couldn't help stretching out one of his hands to grab it. Scratching his head, he muttered, "No way, no way, it's agreed for the last time, the old man won't want to renege on his debt!?"

After slapping Shiva on the left cheek, he slapped the right cheek again, and then slapped him on the right cheek with a backhand. Do you still want to round it up and slap the left cheek again!?

Shiva felt pain in his face.

As one of Asan's three supreme gods, the god of destruction and creation. Shiva felt that he was very faceless.

On the other side, noticing the gazes of Zeus and other gods, Luo Tianyi waved his hands more vigorously, with such a romantic look that day, it is hard to imagine that she just tore a powerful god with her hands before.

Seeing Zeus and the others glance at her, Luo Tianyi didn't plan to pay any attention to her, and suddenly lost interest, "Really, these gods are too shy, at least respond, what's wrong with turning around and leaving!?"

Zhang Qing had a black hair, she felt that it was right to ignore this guy, Zeus and the gods, otherwise he would only end up with a myocardial infarction.

"You can take it easy, if you get angry with them, the guy who will play in the next battle will have to suffer."

That's what I said, but there was no worry on Zhang Qing's face. First, he was not familiar with the other fighters, and he didn't even know who they were!? Second, if he was really weak, he could only say no. Self-restraint, death deserves it, but presumably Brunhilde will not be so pitiful.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's the gods who are behind now, the battle below will be fierce no matter what, but it has nothing to do with me!"

Luo Tianyi said with a smile, what he said was very reasonable.

Before Zhang Qing could say anything, Luo Tianyi saw that Grey was going to get up and leave, took her hand, shook her head and said, "Little Grey, don't bother your elder sister, give her some Personal time, as an older sister, if she cries in front of her younger sister, it would be too ugly, oh, did I say something I shouldn't have said!? Little Hilde will forgive me!?"

The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, "You, you really have a bad personality..."

Luo Tianyi smiled and said, "Same, same..."

Gray's face was stunned, did he hear something he couldn't wait for just now!?

Gray suddenly reacted, and hurriedly sat down again, not daring to go to Brunhilde at this time. Others don't know whether her sister feels ashamed when her sister sees her crying, but Gray knows that if she breaks through and sees If you see a scene that you shouldn't see, you will definitely be killed by Sister Hilde. At this time, it's better not to play dead.

Gray, who wanted to understand, looked at Luo Tianyi gratefully, savior......

【The author has something to say: After thinking about it, I decided to skip some of the content. Readers who haven’t read it can read the original work. If you write too much, you may be suspected of having too many words. 】.

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