Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

44 Rin Tosaka: Ruby, I'm Going To Kill You!

"By the way, what are you two doing here!?"

Rin Tohsaka looked speechlessly at Sakura who was following behind him holding Zhang Qing's arm. He was anxiously looking for the Ruby who abandoned his master and ran away from home. It turned out that the two people who came to help were not behind. He followed unhurriedly, not at all looking like he wanted to help.

And is my younger sister too close to Uncle Zhang!?

Although they are father and daughter in name, but Sakura is so old, this is not good!? No matter how young Uncle Zhang looks, he is still the same age as his father.

Tohsaka Rin decided to wait for an opportunity to have a good chat with Sakura in the future. Not only can a girl not take a bath with her father and brother when she grows up, but she can't be too close. The elder sister is like a mother, and Tohsaka Rin feels that she I have an obligation to teach my sister well.

In order to prevent Xiao Ying from being gossiped by outsiders, I am afraid that Xiao Ying will be very sad at that time.

"But, sister doesn't know where she is!? It's useless to be so anxious!" Sakura smiled softly as if she didn't see Rin Tohsaka staring at her and Zhang Qing. analyzed.

"It's been a long time since we went out for a walk at night together, doesn't my sister feel very nostalgic!?"

"This......" Tohsaka Rin heard Sakura's question, and remembered that there was such a thing a long time ago. Tohsaka Tokiomi would not take the two of them out for a walk at night. , Tohsaka Tokiomi is a somewhat rigid and unreasonable father, he has his own set of rules for when and what to do, and will never allow exceptions.

It's just that they were picked up by Zhang Qing to take care of them later, and they had the life experience of normal people. Although Zhang Qing is also a magician, he lived more like an ordinary person than following the magician's routine. Seeing it with my own eyes, it was hard to believe that such a person would be a magician hidden in the secular world, or a young crowned magician.

At that time, Rin Tohsaka, who had just died of her father, was indeed depressed for a long time. After all, she was chosen by Tohsaka Tokiomi as the heir of the Tohsaka family. Long, the relationship is naturally deeper, perhaps because she is the heir, Tohsaka Tokiomi did not have the indifference when facing Sakura and the others.

That's why Tosaka Tokiomi's death made Tohsaka Rin sad. If it was Sakura, she didn't feel too sad at all. Perhaps at the moment they were abandoned, both parties no longer regarded them as relatives.

That is to say, at that time, Zhang Qing would take Tohsaka Rin and Sakura for a walk in Fuyuki City after having dinner with Aoi Tohsaka every night. , joy, anger, sorrow and joy, as time goes by, Tohsaka Rin also slowly walked out of sadness.

It's just that when everyone grew up, or didn't need the company of adults anymore, this habit gradually disappeared.

Let’s talk about nostalgia, I really miss it very much. Sometimes, Tohsaka Rin feels that maybe they are a family like this, like when they were in the Tohsaka house, it seems to be a very distant memory, a little vague, a little strange To be honest, the only impression of Tohsaka Tokiomi is that he is rigid and unreasonable, treating his mother with respect like a guest, and every day is like a repeated cycle of drama.

"Then, call mom next time, let's go together... um...々"

However, before Tohsaka Rin's proposal was finished, Sakura refused with a cold face, "No!"


Tohsaka Rin looked at her sister in confusion, didn't she say she missed it just now!? Why did she refuse!?

Sakura may also feel that it is not good for her sudden cold face, the expression on her face softened, but there was no smile, she looked at Tohsaka Rin and said patiently, "Sister, we have grown up, we can't open our mouths and shut our mouths like mother Yes! You have to learn to be independent!"

Rin Tohsaka looked strangely at Sakura who told her the truth,..."

Zhang Qing has not spoken, what can he say!? He is just dumb!

So Rin, it's useless for you to look at me, I can't even protect myself.

Just when Tohsaka Rin was a little confused, under the night, suddenly a golden magic torrent of light that only magicians could see rose into the sky.

It is like a lighthouse in the night, guiding all the lost people.

"It must be the ruby ​​guy, what is this guy doing!? Did he really find the owner again!?" Tohsaka Rin's face was very bad, and she didn't care to think about the weirdness of her sister. Now she wants to find the ruby, Take it apart and rebuild it.

What did that idiot wand think!? Apart from their family, there is only that disgusting old worm's family left in Fuyuki City. Although Uncle Zhang said that he had killed the old worm and explained why he did it, but far Saka Rin and the others still feel disgusted by this old neighbor who is one of the three Fuyuki royal families alongside her Tohsaka family.

No wonder Uncle Kariya never came back after leaving Fuyuki City, he must not be able to bear such a home! Tohsaka Rin still remembers Matou Kariya whom they met a long time ago when they were very young.

It was a gentle man with a sadness in his eyes that they couldn't understand.

It seems to be my mother's hair, but it's because when his family is mentioned, I'm irritable. I heard from my mother that it's because when I was young, I thought of his family as a guest. After all, it's normal between friends, but I didn't expect Kariya to say something very If you are unkind, say that you are not regarded as a friend at all, and say that you should not come to his house and you are not welcome.

Originally, the Zencheng family behind Aoi Tohsaka wanted her to be with Kariya at the beginning. After all, the Matou family is one of the three royal families, and magic has been passed down for a long time. Although these generations are not very good, some have declined. There are signs, but at least it has the inheritance of the magic engraving. Compared with the giants of the Tosaka family, the Matou family is of course easier to get close to, and the youngest son of the Matou family seems to like Aoi very much, so there is a meaning to match the two of.

But I didn't expect that Jiantong Yanye would be so unfeeling, and cut off all contact if he said so, so that the Chancheng family had no choice but to give up.

Fortunately, I later heard that Tosaka Tokiomi wanted to find an excellent mother, and that's how I got everything later.

In Kariya’s words, after he and Aoi Tosaka decided to associate with each other, he left Fuyuki City alone. Many years later, Rin Tosaka and the others came back when they were five or six years old. They gave some gifts to the two of them. Aoi exchanged a few words and left again, and never came back.

It was only after Zhang Qing told Tohsaka Aoi the true face of the Tong family that Tohsaka Aoi realized that Kariya was actually protecting her, but it had been so many years and the past had passed

Feelings can only be buried deep in the past.

Kariya should have his own life too......

So there are only two people in the world in Fuyuki City. Could it be that Ruby is going to find Shinji or Shirou from the Matou family!? They are all men, is it possible!?

So Tohsaka Rin was very angry, because this Ruby guy involved ordinary people, do you know that it is dangerous to recycle the job card!

*`That's the direction of our home, sister......" Xiao Sakura looked at the position of the golden beam of light and said.

Sakura's face was a bit ugly, thinking of seeing Rin Tohsaka at the airport in a lolita outfit with cat ears and a short skirt, such a coquettish dress, Sakura couldn't laugh anymore, mom wouldn't refuse it like that face!?

Could it be that they are so unscrupulous in order to seduce Brother Zhang Qing!?

As for the danger!? Although I don't know what the direct card in my sister's mouth is, but she must not lose in this love game!

"Sister, I want to become a magical girl too!"

"Even if you say that, I can't help it. This is a task item given to me by the master. It is related to the assessment results..." Tohsaka Rin couldn't care less about breaking up with Sakura, so he hurried back Run in the direction of home.

But Rin Tohsaka doesn't think it will be Aoi Tohsaka. After all, Ruby's character is disgusting even for a young girl who is only over sixteen years old. How could she fall in love with her mother, an old woman in her thirties!?

Although Aoi Tohsaka does appear to be in her early twenties, she is not included in Ruby's XP.

As for Luvia’s sapphire!? Hehe, with such a bad older sister as Ruby, what kind of a good bird can a younger sister be!? Don’t you know that a barking dog doesn’t bite people!?

So Tohsaka Rinjue (good king good) must be the child of one of his unlucky neighbors who is being missed!

This made Tohsaka Rin's brain swell. This not only means that children are involved in a dangerous vortex, but also exposes the magic world. She won't be held accountable by the Magic Association for this!?

Big bad!

Ruby, you better not really do this, or I will definitely remake you!

Although the current Tohsaka Rin has preserved the family business and inheritance left by Tosaka Tokiomi because of Zhang Qing's protection, she doesn't want to use a gem as in the original plot, but it doesn't mean that she just wants to use it. Don't worry about money! Plan?

Gem magic is a rich and expensive thing that consumes a lot of money, and not all gems can be effective, it must be high-quality gems that can hold magic power well, and these are often those precious gems.

If he was fined, Tohsaka Rin would probably have to borrow money from Zhang Qing. This made Tohsaka Rin who always considered himself an adult and the head of the Tohsaka family unacceptable. It was equivalent to telling others that he was really It was a failure, and it made her feel ten thousand times worse than killing her.

Of course, in addition to fines, there are likely to be more serious punishments aimed at the magician himself.


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