Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

441 Gray: Ah, So It's Not A Human Being, So It's Okay!

The arena once again changed back to the initial featureless, simple and plain arena.

Heimdall was still standing in the middle of the ring, holding his horn flute which was used as a microphone amplifier, and excitedly cheered up, feeling like he had completely let go of himself.

"1 win and 3 losses broke the arrogance of the gods. The fifth battle of God VS Human Final War is already very unfavorable to the gods. Will the pattern of millions of years be about to be broken!?"

"Could it be that the gods can no longer look down on humans!?"

"In any case, the gods can no longer lose, at this moment, draw the curtain!!!"

"Then...the time is almost up, first of all, I would like to invite the representative of the 5th God of War Ming Fang, [Warrior of the West is..."

With Heimdall's big hand waving, the sound of numerous giants galloping forward came from the entrance of the gladiator, and the slightly trembling ground proved that these giants were indeed huge.

"What could it be!?"

Many people turned their eyes to the entrance, wanting to find out, but it was dark inside, and because the auditorium was far away and above, except for those audiences whose seats were on both sides of the entrance, no one else could look at it. less than.

It's just that from the surprised expressions on the audience's faces, one can guess that something shocking seems to have happened.

But it didn't make everyone wait for too long. With the sound of the elephant's cry, everyone and God saw something rushing out of the passage.

It was a large herd of elephants, and the four-handed god sitting cross-legged on top of the last elephant.

Heimdall's voice increased a little, as if he wanted to overwhelm the neighing of the elephants, and he said loudly, "Yes, it is this male god!"

"Create the world for fun, and destroy it according to your mood. When it is done well, it will be broken, and if it is broken, it will be repaired. Is the world his playground!?"

"What the hell are you trying to do!?"

"Then ask this god directly!!!"

"No need to say too much! Don't speculate! If you don't like it, destroy it, destroy it, destroy it all!!!"

"That's right, this lord is [God of Destruction of the Universe] - Shiva!!!"

When the figure of Shiva jumped off the elephant and landed on the ring, many ragged and dark-skinned people in the human audience immediately knelt down on the ground and muttered words, their fear and awe were extremely similar See the Lord you honor.

Gray looked at the ugliness of those people, and said a little resentfully, "Have they forgotten, who advocated killing them, including their relatives!?"

Seeing these people wanting to lie down on the ground and kiss Shiva's toes, Gray was quite dissatisfied. Obviously, these Valkyries, who could have stayed out of the matter, were willing to gamble their lives for the survival of human beings. The poor wretches who are desperately saving, but still only have their gods in their hearts.

You must know that the blessings of gods to human beings are very few, and even some gods who are enshrined have never responded to his believers from the beginning to the end. After all, if you believe in him and offer tribute, the gods have to fulfill your wishes , the gods are too busy, and the sacrifices offered by human beings are almost like dirt to the gods, and even an equivalent exchange cannot be done, so why bother to bless human beings!?

Moreover, the gods in this world do not follow the system of belief in gods. The so-called human belief is really worthless to these superior gods. At most, it just makes them feel a little better.

Therefore, what the gods bestow on human beings is not a blessing, but a disaster! It is called "punishment" or "exercise" and so on.

This is what Gray most can't understand, what are these people trying to figure out!?

Luo Hao sneered, and didn't comment too much on this. She was used to this kind of thing, and she herself was a person of her own. How others did and planned to do these were other people's business. She From the beginning to the end, I only care about how to continue to become stronger.

Otherwise, no matter how much you hate technology, you won’t use [Huang Liang Yi Cooking Dream], a feng shui power that can make the surrounding human civilization and technology develop rapidly. You must know that this omnipotence can make the surrounding markets prosperous, the land will inevitably have a bumper harvest, economically, industry and commerce will develop greatly, the residents of the city will become lucky, and the law and order will also be stable. It can be called cheating in strategic games. The ultimate halo.

Zhang Qing doesn't comment on this, because you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. For these foreigners, when they are in a desperate situation, they will only pray to God, worship Buddha and call God, instead of trying to rely on self-reliance to struggle and struggle. , she has nothing to say, Zhang Qing is also an extremely selfish person, her patience and kindness can be given to the people of Shenzhou, but she is too lazy to care about the life and death of the barbarians abroad, and she does not want to care about it. Some people are willing to be the Holy Mother, That's someone else's business, she doesn't have such a broad mind.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Luo Tianyi patted Grey's little head, and said, "You are so stupid, little Grey, of course it's because..."

"Because, because...why!?" Although Luo Tianyi was a little apprehensive, Gray's curiosity barely prevailed at the moment, and she wanted to hear what Luo Tianyi thought of it.

Brunhilde also shut her mouth. Originally, she wanted to teach her naive, romantic and ignorant younger sister a good lesson. After all, if she had to play in the end, it is very likely that there will be few Now that the Valkyrie can guide Grey, Brunhilde knows that her younger sisters can actually grow up more or less happily, and they are more or less dependent on her. Once she is gone, I am afraid

They are all half-grown children, and it is impossible to teach a child like Grey well.

Moreover, Brunhild also wants to hear how Luo Tianyi, a human girl full of mysteries, thinks about this kind of thing. Yes, Brunhild is also very curious at the moment.

Luo Tianyi didn't mean to be too condescending, she smiled and said, "Of course it's because they are not human anymore."

Luo Hao: "

Zhang Qing: "

The Book of Cangxuan:

Brunhild: ""

Good guy, really good guy, is this going to be expulsion directly!?

"No...not a human!?" Gray was even more confused, why is he not a human!? That is obviously a human!

"Of course, do you know how the word 'person' is written!? Do you think they look like people!? How do they look like people except for their appearance!?" Luo Tianyi still had a friendly smile on his face, Without hesitation, he pointed at those kneeling people and said.

It's like talking about a normal thing.

This kind of "Z" and "一" shaped person is indeed very different from the "person". Gray compared it and found that it is indeed the case.

Just when the little idiot was about to nod, Brunhilde, who couldn't bear it any longer, put one hand on Grey's little head and said, "Okay, don't think about it, those people are just used to being humble, compared to gods, Human survival itself is not easy..."


"It's just that there is no one to guide and guide them..." Cangxuan Zhishu whispered.

This is not the case in their Shenzhou. The elm head and its own creator have always guided human beings well and silently guarded human beings. They have never destroyed human homeland as a playground.

Luo Hao and Zhang Qing sneered inaudibly at the same time, noncommittal.

In fact, they all felt that Luo Tianyi's statement was too gentle and euphemistic. It would be fine to talk directly about the relationship between the slave owner and the slave. To talk so much is completely off topic.

From the point of view of people like Luo Hao and Zhang Qing, whoever has the biggest fist is right, and if they refuse to accept it, they will be beaten to the ground. Knowledge is learned, not for talking.

Maybe this is the king and the emperor.

Heimdall, who had no idea that a debate about people was going on here, after introducing Shiva, changed his hand to hold the horn flute, waved his free hand, and pointed to the entrance passage on the other side.

"Next, the person who will be playing is the representative of the human side of the 5th battle!"

"She claims to be a person who is not worthy of leaving a name, but someone (Book of Cangxuan) calls it a person!"

"She said that she had never done anything, and maybe what she did was not worth mentioning, but someone will always remember her, commemorate her, and kneel down and pray in front of her clay statue."

"She said these were just an agreement with someone, but there were many people who disagreed!"

"Deng Deng Deng, this is the immortal who has run through the entire civilization of China for thousands of years. All immortal legends are based on her..."

"Red Kite Immortal—Fu Hua!"

Following Heimdall's self-contained introduction, a woman with long hair who was as light as smoke and dust, holding a paper umbrella and wearing a Taoist robe slowly walked out of the entrance. The temperament of countless years is more like an ancient tree with thousands of years.

This young Taoist priest looks like a fairy walking out of the ink painting.

There is no need to describe too much, but if there is a fairy, maybe it is probably such an image.

However, the reason why Heimdall is talking about himself is because none of the human audience present knew this girl. This strange feeling once again shrouded everyone's hearts, making them unable to understand, so for a while I don’t know what to say!?

There are also quite a few Westerners or people from neighboring countries who cast questioning glances at the heads of the Xia Kingdom beside them, and the meaning in those eyes probably was: Damn, what is going on with your Xia Kingdom? Why are there so many of them? For those who are not recorded in the history books, I have heard that your country of Xia is patriarchal and oppresses women a lot, but there is no need to do it so badly, it is not even mentioned in the history books, it is too much!

Xia Guo audience is also confused: We don't know either!?

[The author has something to say:

(Note: The author actually made some changes to the setting of the artifact forging and other places. If there is no deadlock, why don’t these Valkyries keep playing!? They have to be replaced!? This doesn’t make sense! There are many BUGs in the original book, Moreover, the original author does not seem to have attended a formal nine-year compulsory education, and many places are completely private. The understanding of the mythology systems of various countries or the ancients is completely one-sided, or wrong, which makes the author's brain hurt. If you modify a part, you can’t write it at all.) What?].

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