Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

444 Loki: What Do You Mean By Casting Magic! ? Use Your Fist!

Seeing Fu Hua put away the oil-paper umbrella, Cangxuanzhishu exclaimed, "Immortal, she is going to be serious, I haven't seen her for a long time..."

"What do you mean!?" Gray didn't understand the situation.

However, no one answered what she meant. On the ring stage, after closing the paper umbrella and carrying it behind his back, Fu Hua raised two fingers and put them in front of his mouth, and said in a deep voice, "Liangyifa

- Zeshui sleepy!"

Immediately, the ground under Shiva's feet turned into a black quagmire, and the strong suction force firmly sucked Shiva's feet, not only sucking them, but also pulling them down continuously.

Shiva was amazed, it was agreed to fight from fist to flesh, how could it be that when it came to Laozi, the opponent changed to Faye!?

"What's going on!? What is that thing? Why can it change the venue? Is it really an ancient oriental fairy law!?

"Is that girl really a fairy!?"

"But isn't that superstition!?"

Both gods and humans were shocked by this scene. You must know that in the previous few games, no matter how miraculous the players performed, they could actually be classified as hand-to-hand combat. Hercules gets a tattoo, and the waters part when Poseidon comes out.

When has there been any real spells!? Not even counter waves.

This style of painting suddenly became weird.

Just like in the middle of a boxing match, one of the contestants suddenly yelled "The Art of Fireball—!", and then a fireball spewed out of his mouth in half, wouldn't the audience and opponents be stunned!?

Luo Tianyi yawned and said, "Isn't it still a choice to hold back!? What a surprise, it's different from what I know..."

After complaining, Luo Tianyi looked at Cangxuan Zhishu who had never dared to approach her, and asked, "Did you encounter anything before you came here, or what happened!?"

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. For Fu Hua in this period, although she didn't want to be so paranoid when she was left alone because of the lack of energy in the Book of Cangxuan, but it didn't get much better.

The long time, when certain wills become firm as a rock, also wear away many things that are deeply rooted, the most obvious one is the memory, not to mention the relationship between Shenyin itself, Fu Hua must clear the memory regularly, With her way of exchanging her memory for a powerful blow, it is not easy not to become an idiot.

In the process of constantly forgetting what Honkai is, re-understanding Honkai, and fighting against Honkai, if the guardian of China is really a soft-hearted person, I am afraid that China will be in chaos long ago.

Cangxuan Zhishu frowned upon hearing this, "No, we were still enjoying the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival before, by the way, I still have some zongzi left here, do you want to try it!?"

Cangxuanzhishu decided to spend money to prevent disasters. The gluttonous eyes next to her looked very strange from time to time, as if it really wanted to bite her to taste the taste. Since Cangxuanzhishu was born, it has never been so speechless Pass.

"Of course, it has your little book on it, of course I want to taste it." Luo Tianyi took it bluntly, and said something very terrible.

Grey spat, "You're a bit of a freak"

Luo Hao was also speechless, and moved a step to the side by the way, away from Luo Tianyi, feeling that this girl seemed not so normal.

Zhang Qing raised his forehead, "If you say this, Le Zhengling will cry when she hears..."

With such another self, Zhang Qing felt that he couldn't bear it.

Luo Tianyi said nonchalantly, "Don't be like this, I just couldn't help it because the book of Cangxuan is so cute, there is no other meaning..."

No, no, do you want to have something else to say!?

Everyone felt something in their hearts that they couldn't vomit, but it seemed to be stuck in their throats, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey, what's going on here!?"

When the Valkyries sat in a row and ate rice dumplings, Luo Ji was not so calm, and this appearance on the ring made him unable to laugh.

In fact, I don’t know if it was a special setting by the author of the original book, or what. In short, the gods in this world are not strong enough, and there may be some problems with their brains. Take the battle between Sasaki Kojiro and Poseidon in the original book as an example. The majestic sea god, when he appeared on the stage, he was full of force, and the sea water parted to make way.

Coupled with the favorable battlefield, the result is that salty fish can only stab stabs, and the sea water around the ring is useless at all. Could it be that he ruled the sea by stabbing!? When there is a big wave, can Sasaki Kojiro survive! ?

So it's no wonder that Loki was shocked. After all, all the gods in this heaven are fighting hand to hand. Wouldn't it be shocking for a magic master to come suddenly!?

"Calm down." Odin reminded from the side.

Loki said a little madly, "Can this be calm!? That guy Shiva is probably going to lose."

As a fighting expert, if you can't stand on the ground, how can you fight!? Although Shiva is always talking about dancing, isn't it the same!?

This is the magic of the gods here, they can't fly.

No wonder Luo Hao would say that the gods here are not even as good as the God of Disobedience, because no matter how you look at them, they are deformed monsters rather than gods.


Odin clenched his fists with both hands. How could he not know that if he continued, Shiva would probably lose. No matter how tough his will was, if the opponent didn't fight him face to face, the so-called God of Destroyer would have nothing to do with him. .

The gods in this world are such strange creatures. To use a metaphor, they are all Misaka Mikoto, who have awakened superpowers, but instead of developing and using them, they focus on how to exercise their physique and fighting skills.

Seeing a normal person now, “Of course it would be incredible.

Although this normal person in their eyes is also a master who loves to talk with his fists, he just put a little bit of water in it now.

Otherwise, if you hit Cun Jin · Opening the Sky on the spot, Shiva would have been left with no scum.

Not to mention Odin and the others were worried, and it was rare for Zeus to say nothing with his hands behind his back.

In this final battle, whoever wins 7 games first will win. If they continue to lose like this, the face of the gods will be completely lost.

Looking down on human beings for so many years, suddenly the chickens and ducks raised at home turned over to be the masters, how could Zeus tolerate such a result.

If the gap between humans and the gods was not as big as it is now, he might still be able to calm down, but now...

It seems that the idea of ​​letting Sakyamuni play in the next game has changed.

After putting away the cynical performance of the old urchin, Zeus would never allow a god like Sakyamuni who has serious suspicions to play, not to mention that Zeus didn't know that Sakyamuni would jump back at this moment, just thinking about it When it comes to the possibility of Shakyamuni releasing water on humans, it is impossible for him to let the opponent play.

At the same time, Zeus is also looking at the list of fighters from the gods side. He wonders if there are other youngsters in it. After all, this list is not the result of his selection, but because there are only a few gods who volunteered to sign up. That's all.

Don't look at the fact that many gods in the council shouted fiercely when they voted to eliminate humans, but when they were asked to fight to the death in the arena, all of them either disdain to be treated as a monkey show, or they shirk for various reasons, even like Luo Ki, a god with a bad personality, joked that he could represent human beings.

Of course, Loki doesn't like humans very much, but rather than fighting ants like humans, he is more like teasing or defeating other gods in a fair manner, no matter whether the opponent is Thor or Odin.

So seeing this unfavorable situation now, Loki also regrets it very much. He knew that the gods on his side were so unreliable, so he went up by himself. There is no way to change the list or add to it anymore.

As soon as you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive, which is true.

Zeus's big brother Hades, Hades, appeared behind Zeus at this time, looked at the situation on the ring, and said: This situation is really bad..."

Ares and Hermes were shocked, "You, did you come here!?"

Seeing that Zeus didn't speak, Hades said lightly, "One of my younger brothers died, shouldn't I, as an older brother, come here!?"

Saying this, Hades looked across the ring, came to the outside corridor above the auditorium on the other side (Qian Zhaozhao), stared at the dragon robe girl who was bored watching the duel, with a sharp light in her eyes .

Obviously this Pluto came with anger and hatred.

Zeus felt the flames of anger and hatred from the big brother behind him, so he turned around with his hands behind his back, "Calm down, you can't do this now, anger will make you weak.

Some people may think that anger will make a person burst out with amazing power, but in fact it is just to let oneself forget the fear. In high-level battles, it is actually more important to keep rational at all times, because once the mind is dazed, it means Not far from death.

Like novels and comics where anger erupts, that is, the author is just making a big fuss. If in reality, there would be no enemies who would foolishly give you a chance to recall and explode, they are not stupid, and like this In the world, it is normal for there to be taboo cards for suicidal outbreaks. There will be no enemies who have not considered this situation, so there will be no careless turn of the situation at all.

Hearing this, the handsome Hades took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and said, "Zeus, don't lose again. I can't stand such an ugly situation..."


[The author has something to say: Something has delayed it. 】.

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