Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

446 The Current Hidden Dangers In The Foggy Space!

Foggy space.

"Mysterious, what are they doing recently!?" Joshua from Zero World pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked Zhang Qing from Nanke World next to him.

Nanke Zhang Qing shrugged, and said helplessly, "I've said it many times, although my world is indeed the world of elementary school students of death, but I am an entrepreneur, an ordinary entrepreneur, not a detective. , and have no interest in playing detective games...."

Can you stop asking yourself what to do if you have nothing to do? What do you think!?

Lao Tzu is not Yuan Fang, how many times do I need to repeat - to understand!?

Zhang Qing from Nanke World, even though he knew that the world he was in was the world where the Shinigami pupils lived, he still didn’t become a detective. As long as there are three points: First, the police have solved the problems in Xia Guo, and outsiders can’t intervene. The role of this is probably only to find cats and dogs, or to get a green photo to give people a divorce.

Second, Nan Ke Zhang Qing, as a big entrepreneur, has a huge wealth in his hands, so there is no need to condescend to play detective games, even if the winery is not deeply involved with his little girlfriend, he would not bother to deal with it. After all, no matter how powerful the winery is, it has nothing to do with Xia Guo. Only foreigners are injured, and their own officials don’t care. Why should an outsider, Nanke Zhang Qing, be the savior? He is not sick!?

Third, the washing machine shuts the door of the country to carry out human eradication operations, killing all the unqualified little people, and leaving some high-quality human beings, what will he do!? Restrict the personal freedom of the death elementary school student?! Otherwise, he will be too busy , At least one person dies a day, this detective, will you go or not!? Collided with Mori Kogoro in the same case, you steal the limelight

Or pretend to be deaf and blind!?

In short, it is very troublesome, and compared to detectives, in Nan Ke Zhang Qing's opinion, it is best to hand over the case to the authorities, otherwise the country will be in chaos sooner or later. So in addition to the above three points

In fact, the hidden fourth reason is the key. As long as the officials are not stupid, it is impossible to tolerate Nanke Zhang Qing, an outsider, making troubles in their own country and damaging JC's credibility.

At that time, maybe, the company factory just established in Xiaori Country will be suppressed, and Nanke Zhang Qing's reputation will be damaged internationally. At that time, other countries will also be wary of him. After all, the detective is too showy. Moreover, if the people of a country praise detectives too much, it means that the official agencies are incompetent. It is conceivable that for Nan Ke Zhang Qing, this is definitely a huge loss that is not worth the candle, unless he intends to go all the way to the black on the road of detectives. .

But he is a rich generation, not a rich second generation, this way of playing is not suitable for him at all.

Not to mention, he didn't have any enjoyment at all to solve the case. He could just read the magic with just one thought, and he didn't even need to reason. No, the strength lies there. The emotional changes of ordinary people are too obvious in his perception, and he can't hide it at all. Once he comes up, he can lock the murderer. Think about it, is it really interesting to be a detective like this!?

Zero Messenger Joshua laughed, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Who made you come from that world, and your clothes always make people suspect that you are a detective."

Nanke Zhang Qing rolled his eyes and said: "Please, I am a high-end custom suit. As an entrepreneur, you must pay attention to your image. If you dress casually, I will be underestimated at my age, and how on earth can you guess? Those who wear suits must be detectives!? I remember that police officers like Takagi also wear suits.”

"No, you look like you're pretending to be a criminal when you wear it. How should I put it, yes, and this look, it seems that you can see through everything. If you say you are a detective, there is absolutely no sense of disobedience." Yes." After thinking for a while, Joshua gave an answer that made Nanke Zhang Qing frown.

Nanke Zhang Qing didn't expect the other party to give such an answer, but it doesn't matter whether it's true or not, anyway, he can't be a detective now, if he does it all over again without memory and cheats, maybe It's a little possible, for now, forget it.

"Let's not talk about it, let's take a guess. I always feel that Luo Tianyi and the others have been acting mysteriously lately, and they seem to be doing something big. Don't tell me you're not interested at all!?" Seeing that Nanke Zhang Qing didn't speak, Joshua I don't mind, just bring the topic back to the beginning.

Nanke Zhang Qing rubbed his chin, thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes! I'm not interested!"

Joshua was speechless this time, "You really have no interest at all, and I don't know how you have a girlfriend!?"

"I'm only interested in the things I'm interested in, but your character design is broken. Does your fiancee know that you are such a gossip!?" Nan Ke Zhang Qing complained.

Joshua spread his hands, "As long as it's boring, you know that because of my fiancée's health, her family members don't trust her to go out. Every time I meet, there are always several light bulbs by my side. I want to treat her. However, before the results can be made public, her family will not agree to my treatment. After all, I am too young to do it secretly.

"In addition, before Louise entered the academy, life in the academy was relatively peaceful. Do you know how boring I am!? There is no Internet or mobile phone in that world... If you don't have some fun to pass the time, you will sooner or later Crazy."

"It's more than that, you guessed that Luo Tianyi and the others might be able to meet offline, so you're so concerned!" Nan Ke Zhang Qing pointed out the main reason straightforwardly.

Joshua curled his lips into a smile, "Sure enough, you're a good detective, what a waste!"

"They didn't hide it either..." Nan Ke Zhang Qing rolled his eyes again, it was too obvious that Luo Tianyi and the others could get together because they had the same thing, just think about it .

Nanke Zhang Qing felt a little sympathetic to that world, I don’t know which unlucky world, let these guys go in together!? It’s okay in your own world, but in other people’s world, if there is no other self, that world is really may become a playground.

It’s the same reason that many people like to go abroad. The domestic control is too strict, and there are many acquaintances, especially when the elders are there, it’s really not so free, so many people especially like to go abroad, of course some of them It's because of admiration of foreigners, but what's more, when you go to a foreign country, it's like a runaway Erha. That kind of happiness may be addictive

As for their meeting offline, it's only a matter of time. After all, the chat group on Shamate's side has already confirmed the feasibility. The most recent time is that Shamate and herself in the world of Gensokyo met through the Internet.

To be honest, Nanke Zhang Qing is not like meeting other selves offline. I believe many of them are the same. After all, even if they used to be the same person, they are not the same person now. If the other party appears in his own world, Maybe they won't be as peaceful as they are in their own world. No one dares to bet on this possibility.

That's why, I said before that if it wasn't for the special and restrictions of the foggy space, I'm afraid that Sirin would clean them up as soon as she saw them. Appeared unexpectedly.

0 looking for flowers......

Compared with those time-travelers, reborns, etc., for Zhang Qing, other selves are the biggest threat. It is hard to guarantee that there will not be a crazy self who only wants to destroy the world.

"Instead of worrying here, you might as well openly and honestly let everyone get together and talk about it!"

Joshua put away the gossipy smile on his face and said, "Look, I said that it would be a loss if you didn't become a detective, and I guessed my thoughts, yes, I do have this kind of worry

After all, we may have been the same person in the previous life, but now, it is more like one of the multiple personalities born in a human body. Naturally, it can be said that we are all related strangers. Brothers can quarrel and fight over small things. Get up, let alone us, you should understand!?"

"No, it has nothing to do with whether I have detective talent or not. It's just that you suddenly pulled me and said that these intentions are too obvious." Nan Ke Zhang Qing shook his head and said.

"Is it really so obvious!? Forget it, maybe it's because I haven't studied this aspect..." When Nanke Zhang Qing said this, Joshua didn't doubt it. After all, he was only interested in studying magic before. , and he is not an official or an actor, so naturally he has been slapped a bit too much.

"Not to mention that you are right, it is time for everyone to make an agreement on three chapters together. Although doing so will hurt your feelings somewhat, and it is not good-looking, but in fact, it is the best way to talk about it. I am afraid this time It’s time to be this villain, you guys are really annoying, you just love to bully honest people..."

Joshua didn't believe that he was the only one who had this kind of worry, it was just that the others didn't want to stand up and point it out, so he was looking for suffering, and he was too impatient

Nan Ke Zhang Qing calmly said, "You think too much, Luo Tianyi just looks out of tune, but her thoughts are clear, this time they gathered together, it's definitely not just for fun, just think about how suddenly you can Get together, we have no way to safely reach our respective worlds so far, we can only rely on external forces"

"And the current situation is that there are many other us in any world, and no one has stepped forward in the foggy space. The only possibility is that the current self in that world has not entered the foggy space. Luo Tianyi and the others are probably I want to see if the self who has not entered the foggy space is also special. We are just waiting for their verification, not what you think."

"It's just that your worry is also true. We really need to agree on three chapters. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if we really become hostile to each other in the future."

After all, other personalities have become various due to the environment after reincarnation. I don’t know if the current harmony will change with the number of people. The current loose management is definitely not enough. Now, the best solution is to get together to form a guild-like existence and set rules.

In this way, even in the future, even if the out-of-group and degenerated self does appear, there are ways to deal with it, instead of looking forward and backward, worrying about other self's opposition, etc.

There is no rule without rules, even in the foggy space.

[The author has something to say: The air conditioner has failed at its regular time, and I caught a cold after blowing it all night, I am wronged~~~~~7].

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