Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

466 Erica: It's Wrong For The Hero To Save The Beauty And Walk Away, Wang!

"Reinhardt, give the Iron Lion a mission. Tear, pierce, and crush! Knock down, annihilate, win! I entrust you to this battlefield."

The girl's immature and firm voice sounded in the forest, and the sword in her hand turned into a huge silver-white lion, biting and killing those indescribable monsters with claws and teeth.

Erica also took advantage of the moment when the lion and the monsters were fighting to catch their breath.

But the eyes kept watching the surroundings, guarding against any accidents.

Yiziqing saw the battle clearly in the sky through the actinic slime, and his brows became more and more wrinkled in the deep mountains of Lushan Mountain. Erica's monsters confuse him.

In fact, at the beginning, Yiziqing was the same as Erica [treating these enemies as divine servants of a certain god of disobedience or as a skeleton army like the god of disobedience in the army.

However, the flesh cut open by Erica's sword was not bloody, but granulated tentacles emerging from the wound. The weirdness and absurdity made people feel physically and mentally uncomfortable even after looking at it, but it was different from this world. The description of the disobedient god is different in any mythological system.

As far as ancient Greek mythology is concerned, the gods we are most familiar with are the third-generation gods like Zeus, and the second-generation gods of "Nine Zero Three" are Titan gods. These gods can also be said to be giant gods, while the first-generation gods God is a primitive man, although in the description he devours his own children and husband, and the ethical relationship is so chaotic that people cannot bear to look at it, but in fact it is the earth becoming spirit, the sky becoming spirit and so on.

So in general, even the most primitive gods are caused by the fact that in ancient times, people had little understanding of the world and deified the fear of nature.

Worship is based on awe. The relationship between gods and humans is actually very difficult to explain clearly, just like the chicken or the egg.

But if these creatures in front of us are really followers of gods or relatives, then they will violate the relationship principle of coexistence and coexistence between gods and humans.

This kind of existence cannot be related to the origin of human creation, and at the same time, it is impossible for human beings to actively worship it out of ignorance.

This has gone against common sense.

"Isn't this a product of this world..." Yiziqing murmured to himself. As a person with another so-called "previous life" memory, he felt that these monsters were similar to those in the Cthulhu myth The monster described is very similar.

Of course, there are also differences, that is, the ability to fall into madness without being directly looked at by people, and then turn into a monster. Maybe this is not the main body or the "God" that appeared, or there are other reasons that make this The danger is weakened.

Of course, these are just speculations, but Yiziqing also put away the previous relaxation, watched the battle on Erica's side cautiously, and was ready to save the field at any time.

As long as Erica is exhausted or gives up, he will come out and save her.

At the same time, Yiziqing also focused on two things, paying attention to the situation on Liliana's side. Seeing her side without any surprises, he was a little relieved.

"It's just where did these monsters come from!?"

Yiziqing is very aware of how strict the guards are on Xiaguo's side. It is impossible for this kind of monster to hide for such a long time without being discovered. Heads up, predictably, these will definitely not be all.

There are such a large number of monsters, but they are still cannibal monsters that are harmful to people. Even if xggf is really corrupted, it is impossible to hide the news of the owner with some fat and oily tg inside. Now it is the information age, and a little incident will happen , will be sent to w, even if you suppress it in g, but can you still control the outer w!? So this is very strange.

At this time, Erica once again swung Reinhardt who had turned into a rapier back to a monster that took the opportunity to slay him, panting heavily, while watching solemnly that the monster was clearly divided into two by her, but Wriggling granulation sprouts from the incision in the blink of an eye, bringing the body back together.

It is equivalent to saying that no matter how profitable Erica's attack is, there is nothing to do with these monsters, unless they are blasted into scum in an instant, no, it is best not to leave even scum.

However, it is a pity that, not to mention that Erica has not mastered this powerful skill, even if she has, her current state and situation cannot allow her to cast it.

At present, she can only hope that the reinforcements will arrive soon. Her "bodyguards" must be in danger, and Xia Guo officials will definitely notice. It's just a matter of time. The only thing to worry about now The question is, when will the reinforcements arrive!?

And once Xia Guo officials found out that something had happened, they would definitely notify the Incompetent King.

With the speed of the godslayer, maybe he will be the first to save himself. Is this considered a hero saving the beauty!? Erica thought bitterly in her heart.

But those monsters would not stop there, or give Erica too much time to breathe, they rushed towards Erica with a brain, and grew disgusting long tentacles on their bodies, attacking where Erica was.

Seeing the viscous and unknown liquid continuously dripping from these tentacles, Erica felt terrified and kept backing away, but not to mention that her physical strength was almost at the limit at the moment, as far as her speed was concerned, it was impossible for her to be faster than those of these monsters. .

"It's die..."

Erica bit her lower lip tightly, watching this dangerous scene, but she did not give up. Her brain was running at high speed at this moment, and her body was tense, ready to make the next move at any time.

The incantations I learned at the Red Copper Black Cross --- I skipped it in my mind, but seeing the horrible and disgusting tentacles getting closer and closer to me, Erica began to sweat continuously on her forehead.

"It's useless, and this one is useless..."

If one-on-one, Erica has a hundred ways to deal with these monsters, but unfortunately the enemy doesn't speak martial arts, even against her, a big loli who just graduated from primary school, they are shamelessly gang-fighting and besieging her. response to the current crisis.

If one of these monsters' body attributes was weaker than hers, she wouldn't be so distressed. After all, she can run if she can't beat her. The problem is that she can't run unless she can teleport, but the problem is that she doesn't have such a ability.


I don't know if it's an illusion, but when Erica looked desperately at the tentacles getting closer to her, she heard a familiar sigh.

Then a huge palm made of light descended from the sky, directly covering a large area in front of Erica's eyes, and then with a "bang—" it directly suppressed the strong light that was emanating and even made Erica feel helpless. Keep your eyes open without closing your eyes.


When Erica opened her eyes because she didn't hear any other movement and didn't send a warning from her danger perception, she was shocked by the scene in front of her..0

I saw that the ground in front of her sank directly to a depth of 10 meters, and a huge palm print with a length of 100 meters and a width of about 50 meters appeared there. The phenomenon of carbonization has appeared, and thick smoke is coming out. If it is not dealt with, there may be a forest fire in the near future.


Erica was stunned for a while before looking around. She suddenly realized that the voice she heard just now was from the king she was following!?

However, Erica searched for a long time, but she couldn't find Yiziqing at all, so she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, "My lord, how can there be a hero who saves the beauty and leaves without a word?"

You can't find a wife like this..."

She wanted to give her king a passionate kiss, but the plan fell through.

However, before Erica had to worry too much about her Wang Future's marriage, because of the huge movement just now, the support team sent by the Xia Kingdom officials did not have to search for Erica's traces all over the mountains and plains. When they arrived, they were all stunned at the spectacle in front of them.

"That...Miss Browntree... May I ask that you caused this!?"

An officer who obviously had an unusual status and status was the first to come back to his senses. He swallowed, stepped forward with a little awe and asked Erica who was looking up at the sky, not knowing what she was looking at.

Erica looked away after hearing the sound, and was a little annoyed that she didn't find a figure with a green face, but she still responded to the officer's inquiry, she shook her head and said: "How is it possible, I have this kind of ability to use Gotta escape here!? That's what the king did."

As she spoke, she puffed out her chest proudly, as if she was satisfied with the shocked expressions on these people's faces.

Who said that the incompetent king is worse than the old godslayer, hehe, look, be terrified!

"Your Majesty the Incompetent Crown.....!? I see, yes, can you ask Miss Brauntree to go back with us for 4.6 times, we are very interested in everything that happened here, and I think Miss Browntree must also be interested in the identities of these guys, I think with your help, it will be easier for us to obtain enough information, you see!?"

The officer's words made Erica, who wanted to refuse, hesitate. After thinking about it, she finally nodded and agreed.

"Well, I am indeed very interested in the information about these monsters, I hope the information I provide will be useful to you.


The officer breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and smiled, but when he thought that all his colleagues who came to "protect" this little lady were killed, his mood suddenly became unhappy, but he did not blame Ai Lika, this matter has nothing to do with the other party, even if it is hatred, it is right to hate those monsters.

Taking Erica into a car, the officer left a team of people to deal with the matter here and then left.

[The author has something to say: Speechless, I just logged into QQ yesterday to find an editor, but today my computer was poisoned and I couldn’t access the Internet. It happens every time. Is this a chat software or a virus database!?].

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