Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

473 Saya: If I Don't See Miss Irena Again, I Will Die From Lack Of Oxygen!

"Ah~~~~~~~ So boring..."

Lying on the table of the Magic Unity Association, the vitality girl Charcoal Witch from the distant eastern country is looking like a salted fish at the moment.

The others silently pretended not to see it, but her master, the night witch Sheila, who was dressed in a white magic attire but was full of bad girlish temperament, had her feet on the table and was turning the smoke wood bin with one hand, blowing smoke rings from her mouth, He is completely indifferent to the natural moans of his stupid disciples.

"Ah, Miss Irena, I haven't replenished Irena's elements for a long time, and I can't support it any longer..." Saya felt that she had completely lost her motivation

"If you don't feel comfortable on vacation, I still have a lot of tasks that need to be done." Sheila couldn't bear the perverted declaration of her perverted disciple, and threatened directly.

All day Irena is long, and Irena is short. I immediately feel that this disciple is about to forget the name of his master.

"Ah, no, I'm too tired. I just came back from the mission and want to take a rest." Saya immediately stopped moaning and said hastily.

Sheila sneered, "But I don't think you think so in your heart."

Saya immediately turned her head to the side and whistled, planning to pass the test by being cute.

Seeing that the sneer on the corner of Sheila's mouth deepened, Shaye suddenly pouted and said, "What can I do, I'm on vacation today, but Mina went out to do a task, and I'm so lonely... ..."

"I remember you are the older sister, right!?" Sheila rubbed her brows, wondering if it was really okay for her to accept this pair of perverted sisters. The older sister is a childish Irena who needs to be taken care of by the younger sister. The younger sister What's more, it's the sister control directly, and it's her who is the master who is often speechless and unresponsive.

"Hey, I'm just young, but I'm indeed a big sister. Master, you can't forget." Saya said triumphantly, covering her face with her hands.

"I didn't praise you, forget it, it's useless to tell you this, by the way, did Mina get the results of the investigation!?" Sheila, who didn't intend to continue to pay attention to her stupid disciple, turned her head to look at the man who was busy working with her head down. asked a female employee of the association.

The female employee was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "This, not yet, it should be still under investigation, not so soon."

Sheila took a sip of the smoke wood bin mouth and said, "It's really worrying, I hope there will be no accidents like last time..."

The last time Sheila talked about was the Antique Hall incident. Mina’s task was also to investigate, but in the end, Irena and Saya were killed halfway, so that her task ended without a problem, and she almost made a mistake by being tricked. , can be described as a bit unlucky.

This time, the other party took the initiative to ask Ying to take over the task, which made Sheila feel a little uneasy.

However, considering that Mina is able to complete the task well at ordinary times, I also suppressed the worry in my heart, and then I won’t fall twice in the same place!?

"Well, why didn't Mina let me go too!" "?" Saya began to feel frustrated again at this time, obviously a little sad because her sister refused to go with her before.

Sheila raised her eyebrows and complained in her heart: If you go with me, I'm sure this task will not be successfully completed.

The main reason is that Mina's attention will be on Saya. If two people act together, the efficiency and effect will not be as good as when one is alone.

Ignoring her stupid disciple, Sheila took out the task list and looked at it, "I'm afraid it was done by that wayward witch again. Really, can't these people keep their own way!? They made ten things here. All nine things are related to them."

Regarding Sheila's complaints, the employees of the association who were bowing their heads and pretending to be working hard also complained in their hearts: You are not much better.

"Ah Choo—!"

On the other end, Mina, who felt that Zhang Qing's words were very reasonable, was about to turn around and go back to find out about the situation with the job applicant, when suddenly the one who didn't come sneezed a lot. red.

"It's kind of cold in here..." she explained.

Zhang Qing nodded, and didn't bother too much about this matter. He changed the subject and said, "I'll ask someone here. If that's the case, you don't need to make another trip. I'll come back here to gather later." , Let’s exchange the information we got!?”

Mina wanted to refuse, but she really didn't want to run around in the rain, so she finally nodded and thanked, "Please..."

"You're welcome, I'm also curious about who did it. I feel that if it's just raining here, the reason is very curious. Of course, if it rains all the time, I won't be able to receive the mission easily. Now my wallet is empty." .” Zhang Qing shrugged.

Mina pursed her lips tightly, glanced at Zhang Qing and nodded, without saying anything else, she turned her head and flew away on a broom.

After the other party had gone away, Zhang Qing held down the moving peaked hat and said, "Don't move around, the hat will fall off."

"I'm suffocating, at least make a hole, it's not breathable at all." Ellie the goblin poked her head out to breathe, and complained at the same time.

Zhang Qing didn't care about her, seeing that the hat didn't fall off, she turned her head and flew in the other direction.

During the flight, his sight also fell on the forest below, "Does the problem really come from this forest!?"

On this point, Zhang Qing puts a big question mark, after all, he lives in the forest, if this is really the problem, there is no reason why he would not be aware of it at all.

"Forget it, let's find out if there are any foreigners coming recently. I really don't know what the other party is up to!?"

Shaking his head, Zhang Qing went straight forward at full speed, flying away in the blink of an eye.

It's just that Zhang Qing doesn't know how to evaluate the Magic Coordination Association. This kind of thing is obviously going to happen to the previous witch. Isn't it a bit arrogant to let Mina come here alone!? Really? Are the members of the association stronger than the wild witches outside!?

Even if she just came to investigate, if it was really done by a witch, Mina might have fallen into the sight of the other party as soon as she arrived, maybe she is still watching Mina's every move at this moment.

But it may be due to lack of manpower. After all, when I watched animation in my previous life, I remembered that it mentioned that the association has always been understaffed.

"Outsiders before the rain!? That's a lot, I will hand over the register to you, I hope it can help you!?"

"Ah, outsiders still staying in the city!? Let me think about it. If you have, you can go to XX and ask."

"Strange person, I think everyone is very strange, including me, by the way, brother, would you like to join us? There will be a performance here tonight! Well, you must come next time!"

"The girl who came back to visit relatives!? No, we have been living here all the time, and rarely leave, let alone come back suddenly after many years. If there is, we must know, I Very confident, yes, I answered the number of Chenghui."


Zhang Qing not only questioned the king, officials, guards, but also all kinds of common people, but found no suspicious person, which is strange.

All of a sudden, Zhang Qing couldn't help but doubt whether his previous reasoning was correct.

At this time, Ellie pulled Zhang Qing's hair, and after drawing Zhang Qing's attention, she said, since the other party's purpose is to make it rain here, if we just let the rain stop, the other party will have to come out soon!? "

Zhang Qing:

Can he say Ellie makes sense!?

Zhang Qing finally agreed with Ellie's plan, "You are right, but this matter still has to be left to Mina to decide, after all, this is her task.

"Before again, I'll continue to find more people to ask, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

"It's so boring, human life doesn't seem to be interesting at all." Ellie pouted.

Zhang Qing glanced at the streets where every family was hiding inside and few people were walking outside, and explained, "When it rains, everyone doesn't want to go out. Of course it's boring. On weekdays, it's still quite lively. Next time, come and see Check it out, I promise you won't be bored."

Although there is no Internet or mobile phones in this world, it cannot be said that there is no entertainment at all.

In fact, because of peace, there are still more entertainment. After all, even the witch has written a novel and published a book, so you know how outrageous this world is.

Not to mention ordinary people, magic makes these extraordinary people even more entertaining, such as broom racing, water polo and water fights, magic auto chess, etc., only you can't think of it (maybe Zhao), there is nothing impossible.

It’s okay if you stay at home for a day or two, and you can still play cards, but after a long time, you will get tired of it. Now it’s obvious that the people are tired of doing nothing and don’t want to play.

"By the way, won't your people come out to look for you!?" Zhang Qing turned around and asked.

Ellie lay flat, with her face facing the sky, watching the rain fall on the invisible transparent cover and splashing, she said indifferently, "It's okay, they won't come to me, because once you keep telling me to leave, There is no way to go back, this is the family rule."

It is precisely because of such strict rules that the goblins have gradually faded out of human sight, and are considered to be a race that does not exist in fiction, otherwise they might be targeted by people and harassed constantly.

To be honest, probably from the eyes of the goblin ancestors, they never thought that humans would win in the end. After all, races like elves are inherently stronger than weak humans. It stands to reason that it is impossible for humans to pick the fruits of victory in the end. However, the result was so unexpected.

Ellie came out because she was curious about why human beings became overlords. She wanted to understand human beings, instead of always hiding and thinking she was safe.

..." Zhang Qing could hear something, but he didn't intend to delve into it.

Everyone has their own life and choices, there is no need to point fingers, because you are not him.

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