Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Chapter 476: The Veil Is Gradually Revealed!

The two countries have always had business exchanges with each other. After all, there is only a forest between them. It is not a too steep obstacle. It is just that the road in the forest is not easy to walk. However, after many years of travel, the road has come out. is a beast.

So if you leave one of the countries, there is a high probability that you will go to the country on the other side of the forest. In fact, the so-called foreigners are businessmen from neighboring countries. Of course, it is not ruled out that there are further places. people.

"Can these people be cleared of their suspicions!?" On the way to find the legendary flower "Sunflower", the two also integrated the information on the two registers.

After reading it, Mina found that a large number of people who left country A went to country B, and those who arrived in country B were not counted as immigrants, which proved that these people were natives of country B.

Zhang Qing shook his head, "There are still suspicions, but it's not as big as it was at first, but if it's a man, it can basically be ruled out. If it's man-made, it can only be a woman, because witches can only appear among women..."

It's not that there are no male witches, but that there are too few of them, so few that they can basically be used as specimens of endangered species, and a male magician with this "ninety-nine" talent will become famous early on, after all, he is self-taught It is simply impossible. If you want to become a witch, the best way is to have a teacher with witch level.

Relying on a half-understood half-baked knowledge to reach the level of a witch is too time-consuming and energy-consuming. Even Zhang Qing can only touch it in terms of combat power, but it is definitely not up to the standard

After all, his teacher is not a witch.

Of course, relying on the knowledge of his previous life, Zhang Qing has also gone very far. Magic and science actually overlap in some places, so if he is in theory and knowledge, he is infinitely close to the level of a witch. If it becomes a female curse, it's okay for him to call himself a witch.

However, even if he is a man in two lives, he can't become a male witch at this age. Then it is extremely difficult for others. It can only be done when they are young. Of course, more people will die of old age and die.

So if it is a real magical event, male crimes can basically be ruled out in this world (PS: refers to large-scale magical events).

"Let's not talk about these, have you ever thought about how to find the magic plant named 'Scorching Sun' if it really exists!?" Zhang Qing did not forget who the person in charge of this investigation was, and he looked at the Mina asked in deep thought.

Mina shook her head and said, "There is too little useful information. Following the legend, it seems to bloom in the mud. If it is mud..."

Mina didn't continue to talk, but her consciousness was obvious, it was too general, and there was no direction for investigation at all, and she was undoubtedly stuck in a dead end now.

"Actually, the most likely place is in this forest. After all, it happens to be in the middle of the two countries. However, I have done a simple search with you before. It is not that there are no flowers, but there are flowers with magic power. No………………"

Seeing that it was already night, Mina was also a little tired, and her speech was not as energetic as it was at the beginning.

Although it has been raining heavily, there is not much difference between day and night, but searching and running in the rain is really tormenting physically and mentally. Zhang Qing looked at the sky and suggested, "Go back and investigate tomorrow, you I’m tired too, so I’ll take this opportunity to think about what I’ve missed.”

Mina sighed, nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, that's the only way."

The visibility around her was even worse, and even the Witch couldn't be said to be completely safe, not to mention, she was indeed very tired. After all, she had to maintain the magic that prevented the rain from falling on her body, which added to the burden.

It's just that Mina flew towards the town of country A for a distance of one or two meters, then suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Zhang Qing who was still standing still, and asked strangely, "Aren't you going!?"

Zhang Qing didn't expect Mina to be so tired, but he still remembered him. He wanted to wait for Mina to go back to his hut in the forest, and he suddenly said helplessly, "Ah, if this is the case, I plan to find a place I don’t have enough money to stay in a hotel…”

Mina was stunned, she didn't expect it to be like this, she didn't say anything, and after looking at Zhang Qing for a while, she said: "You helped me a lot today, I should give you a little reward BS... "

Speaking of which, Mina seems to have taken out her wallet to pay Zhang Qing, Zhang Qing quickly stopped, "No, no, I didn't help much, and I'm just interested, what I do, you It can be done as long as it takes a little time... well, well, I will accept it bluntly."

Before Zhang Qing could finish speaking, Mina stubbornly stuffed a small bag of silver coins into his hand.

"Let's go!" Mina said blankly after seeing Zhang Qing accept the money bag, and flew in the direction of country A.

Zhang Qing weighed the money bag in his hand and found that it was quite a lot. He shook his head, put it in his arms, and followed Mina towards the city. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain why he had money Sleeping in the wild.

What a cold-hearted girl.

At night, the Magic Unity Association is still brightly lit. In order to cope with special situations, the working hours are often 24 hours a day. I am afraid that this is the place where the earliest day shift and night shift system was used.

"Your Excellency the Night Witch, yes, there is news from Miss Mina!"

Because it was only around seven o'clock in the evening, and Sheila hadn't gone back to rest. After all, one of her disciples hadn't reported her safety at this time, so she couldn't just go back like this no matter how heartless she was.

On the other hand, Saya had already fallen asleep lying on the table, making a slight snoring sound.

Seeing this, Sheila stood up and asked, "What's the matter, isn't there any accident over there!?"

"You should read it yourself, this is the message from Miss Mina." The female staff handed over a piece of paper with handwriting on it.

As the largest extraordinary organization, the Magic Unity Association, of course, not only has one station, but actually has offices in every region, but there are no witches staying behind, and its general role is not to directly solve local problems. , is just a place where you can borrow magic props and get in touch with the headquarters..0

The specific function of magic props is similar to telegrams or telephones. If it weren't for this, the Magic Unity Association is probably only tens of millions of miles away from many kingdoms. Just walk over with your feet!? Obviously impossible.

It is precisely because of the existence of so many magic props that it is difficult to develop technology to a certain extent.

After Sheila took it, she looked at it, her brows gradually deepened, and she murmured, "Sunflower? You have to check the internal information of the association before going..."

Sheila is also hearing this name for the first time. If it is really a kind of magic plant, even if it must be a kind of magic plant that has disappeared for a long time, no one will mention it for a long time, and this will happen. Then it proves that it is considered extinct.

The magic plant that disappeared in the long river of history reappeared, and I don't know whether it is true or not!?

"But things are getting interesting..." Especially after seeing how Mina brought herself to the local area, Sheila had a premonition that this incident was not simple.

Sheila thinks that she should also look in the association to see if there are any older records about that area. After all, most of the magic plants that will become extinct, except for some that are artificially eradicated because they are too harmful, the rest are caused by the environment. It is no longer suitable for them to continue to survive, so they have to go to extinction.

It can be seen that this type of magic plant has high requirements for the environment. Sheila can basically be artificial, because it is too vague to simply rely on the accidental factors of nature to reproduce a certain environment. If it is artificially reproduced, it is more likely .

Mina seems to have the same view on this point, which makes Sheila feel very relieved.

"Okay, don't sleep, go to the library to find materials!" Sheila, who had an idea, kept Saya 1.1 and woke her up.

"Ah, ah!? Library!?" Saya opened her eyes in a daze, and felt her feet hanging in the air. After her eyes met Sheila's, she couldn't help but rubbed and asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, you've had enough sleep, go help." Sheila didn't intend to explain anything at all, and walked in a more internal direction with Saya.


[The author has something to say: I have a fever, and it has been raining heavily. Could it be that the author’s writing can affect reality!? When I was dreaming today, I also dreamed about things that happened a long time ago. It's just the consequences of not cherishing it...

But the strange thing is that a person with some impression appeared in the dream today. The dream said that he was a tour guide for a certain trip, but the author, I don’t remember that I have the memory of traveling in XX in the past!? Strange, there is an impression , but I have never been there, this has surpassed the level of thinking day by day and dreaming at night, I feel that there are too many things about dreams that modern science cannot explain. 】.

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