Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

484 Iris Viel's Great Deception!

Just when Zhang Qing's family was exhorting thousands of people about Wei Gong's family, the Wei Gong family, the protagonist of the topic, was also jubilant, at least on the surface.

For example, Illya and Chloe were obviously very happy when they saw their mother, Irisviel, and sister Fujimaru Tachika back home after school. After staying at home and no longer going out, the two little ones were even happier.

"Hey, sister, what does it feel like to have a magic seal!?" Illya stopped watching cartoons, and instead came to Fujimaru Tachika's side with a curious face, her eyes were full of damn curiosity.

Before Fujimaru Tachika could answer, the ruby ​​flew out of Illya's schoolbag, "Illya-chan, if you want to know something, you can actually ask me, I know everything, as long as Illya-chan you I want to know..."

"No!" However, before the ruby ​​had more BBs, Ilya ruthlessly refused, with a disgusted expression on her face.

"Why is this so!?" Ruby was extremely disappointed.

Illya doesn't care about this lolicon mentally retarded thing anymore, who wants to hear the perverted remarks about private affairs in this magic wand, Illya who has been cheated a few times has also become smarter, it is impossible to believe what is said in Ruby's "knowledge class" of any content.

At this time, Chloe, who finally broke free from Irisviel's warm embrace, also ran to Fujimaru Tachika's side, wanting to see what happened to this "sister" who inherited the magic seal inherited from the "father" family , Although she has instilled knowledge of sizing magic in her mind, and even Einzbern's technology about artificial humans, it doesn't mean that Chloe has lost the thing of "curiosity".

Theoretical knowledge is only theoretical knowledge if you don’t practice it. Even if she has been watching Illya’s life, when Illya is in class, she follows the class, but it doesn’t mean she is a top student. The same life (housework and cooking skills, etc.) is also hard work, not even as good as Illya, the only thing better than Illya is that she has a complete magic knowledge base.

But that thing, that is, Illya is unwilling or Irisviel does not want to open the seal for the time being, otherwise this advantage will be wiped out in an instant.

So it was also the first time for Chloe to see the living successor of the magic seal. Looking at Fujimaru Tatsuka, the "sister", she was full of freshness.

"How do you feel!? But I don't feel anything at all. If I have to say it, I have an extra tattoo that can be revealed at any time..." Fujimaru Lixiang was stared at by two younger sisters, thinking Tell them more about this matter, after all, it seems that the magic engraving inherited from the mother's family will also need to be passed on to them in the future

Uh, it seems that only Illya's.

I almost forgot that the other sister is a very special existence.

"It's amazing." Seeing the glowing lines suddenly appearing on Fujimaru Tachika's small arm, Ilya couldn't help but exclaimed, and reached out to touch it tentatively.

Chloe also probed to observe, but after looking at it for a while, she asked a little strangely, "Sister, don't you feel uncomfortable!?"

Chloe, who is not a novice in magic, looked at Fujimaru Tachika who looked normal, and suddenly remembered the part of the record about inheriting the magic seal, and asked in surprise.

It stands to reason that Fujimaru Tachika should still be in the adaptation period at this time, not to mention that he can only lie on the bed, even if he can get out of bed, it is impossible to be so like an ordinary person. The transplant of the magic seal can be said to be a major operation. The patient after surgery is so alive!?

"Xiao Hei, what are you talking about!?" Illya looked strangely at Chloe who suddenly said something strange.

"Illya, please don't interrupt. I am concerned about my sister's physical condition. After all, my sister's current situation does not match the knowledge I remember." Chloe couldn't help but shift her gaze to the girl who was quietly smiling. Looking at the mother of the three of them, Alice Faier, I want to hear her explanation.

"Ala, Ala, does little Chloe miss her mom!? Come on, mom can hug you anytime." Alice Fel faced her daughter's gaze with a calm expression, and opened her arms, indicating that Chloe could join in. In her arms.

"Tsk..." Chloe was suddenly very powerless. My mother is really a master at pretending to be stupid. As long as I don't point out the problem and don't have a tough attitude, I really won't reveal the truth. of.

Fujimaru Tachika, who didn't understand the confrontation between Xiao Hei and Irisviel at all, scratched the back of her head and said, "I don't feel uncomfortable!? After I got there, my mother gave me a cup of tea and went to sleep. After a short while, wake up and tell me it’s okay. If you guys are really interested in this, Illya, it’s better to ask your mother.

"Oh!?" Illya was surprised by Fujimaru Tachika's words, "Is it all right to just take a nap!?"

Chloe's face became more serious, while Ruby was rare and silent.

"Mom, do you need to explain, magic engraving transplantation is not that simple.

It was not a question sentence, but an affirmative sentence. Chloe stared at Irisviel without blinking, and there was already some suspicion in her eyes.

"Little Chloe's gaze made my mother sad..."

"Mom! At this time, don't continue to pretend to be stupid. If you want to be cute, you're not too young."

"How is it possible, I'm a real girl!" Alice Viel blinked and said.

At this moment, even the corners of Fujimaru Tachika's mouth twitched, her adoptive mother called herself a girl, so what is she!?

However, what Irisviel said was the truth. It can be said that what Emiya Kiritsugu did was actually a crime no matter which country he was in.

"You guys, really, are so suspicious of mom. I didn't intend to tell you. After all, it would be better if you don't know anything about the crime of being pregnant. But if you all want to know (caac) Tao, mom won't tell you." It's not that I can't tell you." Irisviel sighed and stood up.

Sierra, who had been silent on the side, suddenly said unexpectedly, "Ma'am!?"

Irisviel knew what Sera was worried about, and it was nothing more than Emiya Kiritsugu's matter. Of course, it was impossible for Irisviel to tell the children that their father might have passed away. For the children, the blow was not ordinary, especially for Lixiang, who would blame herself very much. Although it was not her intention, she really killed her adoptive father.

After Alice gave Sera a comforting look, she looked at the three of Lixiang and said, "This is when the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City still existed more than ten years ago. I think you still remember what I said before." , the Einzbern family I belong to is one of the initiators and creators of the Holy Grail War, and it is listed as one of the three royal families of Fuyuki City along with the Tohsaka family and the Matou family

"The so-called 'Holy Grail War' was originally a decisive battle magic used to save the world of primates. Seven heroic spirits standing at the apex of the seven attributes——Grand servants will appear The catastrophe that hindered the development of the primate world was destroyed. And the summoning system that humans [reduced this magic] for their own convenience is the Holy Grail War.”

"Approximately once every sixty years, the spiritual power in the leylines of Fuyuki City will accumulate enough to support the Holy Grail's descent into the world, so the Holy Grail with the power to immediately fulfill any wish will appear in Fuyuki City."

"However, only a group of Masters and Servants can get this power. Therefore, an unwritten covenant was made, and seven magicians, leading the heroic spirits they summoned, fought a battle for the ownership of the Holy Grail. The surviving victor will take ownership of the Holy Grail-this is Fuyuki City's Holy Grail War V

Fujimaru Tachika, who was finally able to hear what the full version of the Holy Grail War was, and the three of them were a little dazed. Of course, Chloe knew about this a long time ago, but she didn't expect her mother, Irisviel, to suddenly mention this, and she was a little confused That's all, I don't know how the matter of Fujimaru Tachika has something to do with the Holy Grail War.

As if seeing Chloe's doubts, Irisviel smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will say this, it must be related, little Chloe may as well be patient, and let Lixiang and the others not Both eyes are smeared black.

Chloe looked back at her older sister and "sister", seeing that they were indeed ignorant, she could only nod her head in agreement.

"To put it simply, it is to summon seven heroic spirits to assist the magician, and then compete on the stage of Fuyuki City. The victor will get the Holy Grail that fulfills all wishes." Irisviel concluded in the end.

"I always feel like a lot of things are skipped in the middle." Ilya complained, and Lixiang also nodded in agreement.

"Okay, okay, I really want to tell you everything. I can't finish talking about days and nights. Mom just skipped some unimportant parts. If you want to know later, just explain it in detail. We Let’s talk about why Lixiang was able to inherit the magic seal so easily." Irisviel smiled and calmed down, and continued after the children calmed down.

"During the entire process of the Holy Grail War, it is essential to summon servants of heroic spirits, but if the summoning ceremony is used directly, then luck is very important. Under normal circumstances, heroic spirits who are very compatible with themselves will be summoned, that is, It is said that the master has the simplest trust and secret agreement, but the comprehensive strength of this kind of servant fluctuates greatly, and there is no guarantee that a powerful heroic spirit will be summoned. Instead, we took a trick and stopped letting the summoner Direct summoning, but using the holy relic as a medium to summon the designated heroic spirit."

Chloe seemed to think of something, and exclaimed, could it be that!?"

Irisviel smiled and nodded, "It seems that little Chloe guessed it, and it is confirmed that it is the holy relic prepared by the Einzbern family, the scabbard of the legendary King Arthur's vowed victory sword [distant Utopia】, Chloe-chan must also know the ability of this treasure.”

Unlike other holy relics, this treasure is not some junk, but a creation that truly possesses magical abilities. It can be said that from this point alone, the Einzbern family is really arrogant. .

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