Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Episode 496: The World About To Be Revived!

"You damn girl, now that everyone is dead, do you still plan to be a widow for a dead man!? Haven't you ever thought about your parents!? Is a boyfriend more important than your parents!?"

"you you you…

In the high-end villa, a lady looked at the mobile phone that was actively hung up by the opposite party, she was obviously furious, but she did not directly smash the mobile phone in her hand, but called again, but unexpectedly , the other side seems to have pulled her into the blacklist, and it is impossible to get through.

In the end, the lady threw her mobile phone on the table, and she directly threw it on the high-end sofa, with one hand on her forehead, as if she didn't want to move or talk.

The other majestic middle-aged man sitting beside him was frowning, with a trace of displeasure and irritation on his face.

After a long time, the man opened his mouth and said, "Didn't you say that at most the person surnamed Zhang would be disabled!? Now that the person is dead, the nature is different. What if someone seriously investigates it!?"

"What should I do!? Blame me now!? Bai Yaodong, you agreed with my plan back then, and what are you afraid of? The person surnamed Zhang is an orphan. Who would investigate for an orphan!? This matter will only be "Three Ninety-seven "Accident, it can only be an accident." The lady sat up straight with a wave of her hands, and looked at the middle-aged man beside her with a ferocious look and roared.

At this moment, she is not as graceful and calm as before, more like a crazy woman.

The middle-aged man named Bai Yaodong was a little displeased when his wife dared to speak to him like that, "No one would care about an orphan, but our 'good' daughter gave up her life in Ugly Country for a man. Over there for further study and development, it was hard for her to agree to study abroad and leave that little bastard at the beginning, but after a few years, they are still able to walk together. Our good daughter has identified that guy. Who do you think will do this for this matter? Investigate to the end!?"

"Yaodong, what are you afraid of!? I'm also a woman. Maybe that person surnamed Zhang could confuse our Ya'er when he was alive, but now that everyone is dead, we women are also very realistic. Unswerving love is only found in the scriptures, after a while Ya'er will figure it out." The lady's face regained her composure and even composure, she said with a confident smile, presumably things would go as she expected developed as expected.

"What are you going to do again!? The more you do at this time, the greater the risk of exposure, do you know that!?" Bai Yaodong was really afraid that this wife would secretly propose to do something again, this is not the first time she has done it Something irrational happened, Bai Yaodong even suspected that the large truck that broke into him was not an accident, but secretly arranged by his wife, she just wanted the man who abducted his daughter to die.

This is also what Bai Yaodong is worried about, the more he does, the more mistakes he will make, especially when the husband and wife are not communicating with each other, that is definitely a bad thing.

"Tell me, did you arrange the truck!? Su Yue!?"

"You doubt me!? I've said it many times, and it has nothing to do with me. I just arranged for someone to tamper with that guy's car. At most, he will have a small accident and become disabled. It's a vegetable, why should I do so much!?" Su Yue, that is, the lady, looked angrily at her husband who didn't trust her.

"If it wasn't for that guy surnamed Zhang who doesn't know how to flatter, would I need to do such a dirty thing!? I've warned him and told him many times that Xiaoya's future will be delayed if I go with him. The student Zhang said Yes, I will consider it, but the result is that Xiaoya is hung up. I hired someone to use a beauty trick, but the bastard didn't know that he really identified Xiaoya. He still felt that he didn't want to show his true nature before taking Xiaoya and our Bai family completely. How can there be a man who doesn’t cheat when he’s not hooked!?” Su Yue snorted softly at Bai Yaodong beside him, making Yaodong’s face flush with heat.

"This is the best." Without too much entanglement on the topic of whether a man is stealing or not, Bai Yaodong heaved a sigh of relief after receiving his wife's assurance, as long as the truck that directly hit and killed the man surnamed Zhang was not made by his wife, then the problem will be all right. Not much, although with their Bai family's ability, they can suppress it, but paper can't wrap fire, and maybe it won't be able to hide it anytime soon.

Unless those who were bribed by them are also silenced, there is nothing that can be completely hidden. Unlike ancient times, it is not impossible to cover the sky and cross the sea with one hand, but it is difficult to do it. Even if it is done, Or it may be suddenly opened and exposed to the broad daylight a few years later, twenty years later.

After all, the officialdom is full of ups and downs, and no one knows that the person in that position will sell your face in the future, and any big family can have the height it is today, who can pat their chests and guarantee that they will have no problems at all, It is precisely because it has not been investigated that it is necessary to be careful, and try not to leave any clues in places that are not completely under your control.

Because of this, even if they are dissatisfied with the boyfriend their daughter found, they have always warned and advised him to give up voluntarily, or mainly do ideological work for their daughter.

As for later, he placed people in the company surnamed Zhang to cause trouble for his career, and then sent beautiful women to seduce him, or found some unscrupulous local hooligans to harass him, it was also because the other party understood the consequences of not letting go.

Unexpectedly, it made the relationship between the two of them stronger, and the more frustrated they became, the more courageous they became. It meant that real gold is not afraid of fire, so they had no choice but to use ruthless hands, just to make each other useless. Bai Chong's daughter can accept a useless person who can only lie on the bed, and she is responsible for eating and drinking.

You said to hire someone to take care of them. They have already frozen their daughter’s credit card. If they want to find a job in China, who would dare to let her go to work with the advice of their husband and wife!? Doctoral students are not popular, especially in Longguo, here Pay more attention to "humanity".

As for the game company surnamed Zhang left behind, it doesn’t match her daughter’s professional direction. Although her daughter is smart, she knows how to manage a company and game design!?

In the end, it will only cause the small company to go bankrupt completely, and at that time, you will be able to completely cut off your thoughts. Without financial support, love is not something that can be satisfied by drinking water just by wishful thinking.

It was planned well at first, but the final result was unexpected, the person died directly, and this matter became bigger, and the weight of a dead person would be infinitely magnified, this is what the couple do not want to see, they are afraid My own daughter got deeper and deeper, unable to get out.

Otherwise, they would have thousands of ways to make that person surnamed Zhang meet Hades, instead of such an extremely arrogant method. public loss.

It is precisely because the matter is too big that the two of them will discuss countermeasures at home at this time, and confess to each other by the way, to see if there are any mistakes or omissions..0

In the end, the two were relieved that the person who tampered with the car surnamed Zhang was not an outsider, but their youngest daughter, Hui Ting. Even Xiaoya would never have imagined that the younger sister whom she regarded as one of her own and supported her with Zhang Qing was the undercover agent sent by her parents, and she opposed her sister and her boyfriend together, and even didn't even look at her. If I don't like Zhang Qing, I think he is a toad.

It can be said that the members of the Bai family are very smart, knowing that Yimei's objection may only arouse Xiaoya's rebellious psychology, so they arranged for Hui Ting, a younger sister, to go there. For nothing.

In fact, the proposal of tampering with Zhang Qing's car was also proposed by Hui Ting's younger sister, who was persuaded by her and agreed.

Thinking of this, Bai Yaodong asked, "Is there anything wrong with Hui Ting!?"

Su Yue showed a reassuring smile, "Just put your mind at ease, that girl Hui Ting is smart, and who would doubt a junior high school student!? Not to mention that the little broken car was smashed to pieces, I don’t believe anyone else can see what’s coming!?”

Bai Yaodong was completely relieved when he heard this, but he didn't see the worry hidden in his wife's eyes at the moment, she was indeed not lying, the truck had nothing to do with her, but it was because of this that she was worried, she She is a smart woman, although she is very realistic, but because of reality, she sees very clearly.

The truck was obviously going to kill the man surnamed Zhang directly. From the surveillance screen, it can be seen that this is an uncontrollable factor. She doesn't know who it came from, but it will definitely implicated them.

If she hadn't secretly asked Hui Ting if she had told other people about the incident, and had been assured that there was no one else except the three of them, she would have been even more disturbed. Because of something, because the timing was too good, just when the car surnamed Zhang couldn't avoid it because it was out of control, it directly killed him, if it was a coincidence, it's okay, if it wasn't, it means someone knew about them The little girl did things too.

This is a ticking time bomb, 5.8 But she dare not tell Bai Yaodong about this, otherwise this cat who might already have an illegitimate child outside will divorce her directly and get out of trouble.

Su Yue knows her man very well. As far as the matter of Xiaoya is concerned, from the beginning to the end, this guy just talked about it and didn't touch his hands at all. He left everything to her wife to solve it. It can be seen that this The guy just wants to be a "good guy". If anything goes wrong, this guy will definitely be the first to run and throw all the mistakes on her head.

Although the reason why she chose this man at the beginning was because the other party only had interests in her heart and would not pursue any love, but in the end Su Yue found that this kind of wishful man was not as perfect as she imagined. He did not believe in love, but still Knowing how to steal, he didn't even try to cover it up. Apart from not bringing people home, he never thought about not being discovered.

It's okay, anyway, I don't really love him, as long as no illegitimate children come out to make trouble, it's fine, there is an agreement, the family property will never be distributed to illegitimate children, so Su Yue keeps turning a blind eye only eye.

It is enough to maintain the beauty of the surface.


Maybe it's better to choose a man who loves me......

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