Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

512 Owl Bear: Gm, I'm Reporting, This Human Is Cheating!

"If you want to blame, blame you for coming to a place you shouldn't be..."

Walking in the forest to the north of Zoltan, Mora easily found the figure of the big guy. He also has the knowledge and ability to survive in the wild, not because he also has all the general skills like Red They are all proficient, but because as an experienced "elder", he knows that if he only knows how to fight like everyone else, then he is not far from death, especially when he has no companions to assist him.

Take Albert as an example. If someone in his team has a little knowledge of wild hunting or tracking, there is actually no need to go back to the town to find a guide.

Yes, it is a guide, not the kind of professional who is responsible for tracking. There is no way. People in this world rely too much on the so-called "God's protection". Under the environment where everything is determined by protection, no one will go to Study knowledge, because these have been bestowed by God at the moment of awakening protection.

Working hard to learn is a bit thankless.

Think about it, just like the ability to identify herbs, like Reid, he doesn't need to memorize it at all, he just needs to acquire this general skill, but other people can only hone it a little bit, and they don't know how to "guidance". With such a powerful protection, why would some people think it is useless, and would rather cut off their own logistics, and let him be expelled from the team.

Well, that's what "Sage" did, so it's okay, because everyone knows "Sage" has cerebral palsy.

It's not a curse, but a fact, because [Sage] is the existence of the upper 20th level of [Magician]. Just because he is the big brother among magicians doesn't mean he has made achievements in non-magic fields, especially in a world where everyone relies on "protection"

More so.

In a world with a clear division of labor, the job of a "sage" is to serve as magical support and a fortress at certain times, but it turns out that he has to go to show off command, which is not something that can be brought about by "protection". IQ is born with protection. It can't be saved, so the "sage" who has been fighting for the command position has cerebral palsy, and he is right.

In another world, the normal Western Fantasy world, being able to be hailed as a "sage" means that this magician indeed has a head, and his wisdom is superb, but this human being is like a so-called "god". In the captive world, it can only be said that the name does not match the reality.

Some people may say that this is not right, it is a strong word, so let’s give an example, there are still born mentally handicapped children in this world, but if someone tells you that he has become a "magician", would you believe it!? It is impossible in other worlds The thing happened in this world because of the "protection", but even so, this mentally retarded child is still mentally retarded, and has not changed at all, but has mastered the ability to cast spells and has become more dangerous.

So Albert went to the town to find someone, unless he found a guy with the protection of [Hunter], otherwise, ordinary townspeople can only act as guides, so that Albert's team can return to Zoltan without getting lost, yes, Just don't get lost, the cliffs on both sides of Zoltan's northeast are this dangerous existence.

Turn the camera back to where Mora is.

After searching for a while based on the footprints and the direction in which other small animals escaped, Mo La found the Owlbear lying on the grass, which seemed to be sleeping.

This kind of big guy with a body like a bear and a head like an owl is truly a "Owl Bear". Bears are as their name suggests, and when they see each other, it is basically impossible to mistake them. They are so recognizable

Don't look at it when it is sleeping, it looks peaceful and peaceful, but after waking up, a fierce guy like owl bear is not restless at all, and has a strong aggressiveness towards all living things, and will take the initiative to kill Attack, even if it is not because of hunger, bloodthirsty and ferocious is the inherent impression of it.

The reason why the town of Zoltan was so nervous when it knew that there was an owl bear nearby, and even blocked the entrance and exit, was precisely because this kind of beast would attack human settlements. As for its temperament, most people think that it became like this because it was contaminated with the breath of the demon world a long time ago and evolved towards the direction of monsters.

So to be precise, the owl bear can only be regarded as a half-warcraft.

Guys like those tauren warriors in the Demon King’s Army are the real creatures of the Demon Realm. How do you judge!? It’s very simple, it depends on whether there is wisdom.

Mo La picked up the long wooden warehouse and walked towards the owl bear. She didn't hide her footsteps, because anyone who knew a little about this kind of beast would know that the owl bear is cruel and irrational in people's inherent impression. , but it is actually a very cunning creature.

Attacking from behind, killing the hunter who hunted it is not once or twice, let alone pretending to be dead, waiting for the hunter to get close to launch an attack.

So if you were careless when dealing with the owl bear, thinking that you had won, if you let your guard down, you would definitely die a miserable death.

The owlbear in front of Mora had obviously discovered his existence early in the morning. With the owlbear's sense of smell, he might have been discovered as soon as Mora showed up. Can't hide it from the other party.

Sure enough, when Mora was holding the long wooden warehouse and was about to get to know each other, the owl bear suddenly jumped up, its huge body jumped into the air, raised its claws high, and came down with the pressure of Mount Tai. If Mora insisted on continuing the barrel In other words, not to mention whether the owl bear will die, Mora is likely to be torn apart by the other party and die in the next moment.

"Well, it's really troublesome..." Of course, Mo La couldn't continue to choose head-to-head confrontation. With his left foot as a foothold, he made a circular motion with a compass, avoiding the berserk attack of the owl bear in the nick of time. Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent hit the ground, he sent Chang Mu Cang over with his backhand, and instantly pierced the owl's head from the position of the ear.

Owl Xiong's scarlet eyes trembled suddenly, with a little confusion, and then slowly lost his divine light. When Mora pulled back to the long wooden warehouse, the squatting Owl Xiong fell to the ground instantly, blood gushed out All over the ground, the grass was dyed red.

Mo La didn't look at the owl bear who lost her breath, but sighed and looked at her hands, "It's not good, it's getting stronger again..."

Apparently, Mora didn't get rusty due to lack of exercise as others thought, and her strength declined. On the contrary, she was stronger than the last time he did it. This is exactly what Mora felt uneasy about.

There is a price for getting something for nothing. The sky never drops pies for no reason. If there is any, it must be "poisonous".

"It seems that we can't take chances..."

He has to find out the truth about "protection", although the church has been publicizing that "protection" is bestowed by God on all beings, and it is God's mercy and love for human beings.

But whether this is really the case, no one knows, and I haven't heard of any miracles or oracles for so many years. Those gods are more like fabricated ones that only existed in stories in the previous life.

Maybe the church has the truth about "protection", but Mora can't ask for it, and can't get in. Think about it and you will know that this kind of truth is likely to shake the status of the church. It is impossible for any church member to be able to Knowing, it must be a minority of the core.

The strength and heritage of the church is even stronger. The believers are all over the entire continent. There is no kingdom on the mainland that can resist. If Mora chooses to sneak in, she will be courting death.

If it is discovered, it is very likely that everyone in the small town of Zoltan will be affected, and they will be cleaned up as a party.

Not to mention that Mora didn't master the hidden skills such as [Thief] or [Assassin], so she couldn't get in without anyone noticing, and it was even more unrealistic to disguise herself as a member of the church. Yes, everything in this world is determined by 【Guardian】.

The members of the church are basically all the owners of those few types of [Protection], and they cannot pretend at all. Others can only be regarded as believers. The status of believers is the lowest, and they can only be regarded as peripheral members forever. From this point, we can See, any pretense is self-deception.

"Since that's the case, the only way left is to go to some ancient relics..." Mora didn't want to waste her limited time on confronting the church

If 69 alone can solve the church, then the kings of those kingdoms have done so long ago. The power of the king is in conflict. The church is a monster that suppresses the power of the king. Method.

So if Mora insisted on looking for answers in the church, then it is very likely that he would still find nothing on the day he died of old age.

And when it comes to the ancient ruins that still exist and have not been taken over and cleaned up by the church, then there is only one place left.

Mora looked into the depths of the forest, as if she was looking at something.

That's right, in the mountains to the northeast of the small town of Zoltan, which is known as the [Wall at the End of the World], there are likely to be relics that have not been destroyed or disturbed by man. There are not only many fierce beasts along the way, but also Some ancient mysterious races live, such as elemental life, such as dragons, such as real monsters.

Some people may wonder, since it is so dangerous, shouldn’t it be a paradise for adventurers!? Why is the nearby town of Zoltan so deserted, not very prosperous, and completely half a country!?

Quite simply, interest.

In the environment where protection exists, coming here to fight against these dangers, pay and benefits are unequal, unless you send a large army to suppress the situation, or if it is just a small group of adventurers, even if you get in, you will not be able to bring it out. There are too many dangers, and you need to experience it again when you look back.

Mora decided to go inside to find the existence of the ruins after a while, but not now, he was not ready yet, and he had to find an excuse to deal with Meglia's questioning, Meglia's Xinyi, Mo La is not really blind or deaf, so she naturally feels that, otherwise, there is no need to take care of it to such a degree if she is just making small connections.

Mora naturally can't worry her [so there must be a valid reason for it.

"I'll think about it later. Now it's important to bring this big guy back." Looking at the owl bear's body, Mora felt a little worried. It would be troublesome to bring such a huge beast back. .

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