Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

521 Yotsuya Miko: I Don't Have To Feel Guilty At All!

"Well, although I don't know what happened, I will still support you.

Lily Chuanhua put her hands on her hips and assured, Yoshitani Miko put down her hands covering her face, looked up at Lily Chuanhua with a serious face, and said, "That's not necessary, I'm just pure and complicated, after a while... …………”

However, before Yotsuya Miko finished speaking, she saw someone passing by the window on the outside of the corridor from the corner of her eyes. She couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then asked stiffly, "That... Hua, this is the third floor Bar?!"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden!? This is of course the third floor. Did you just hit your head? It shouldn't be, my place should be very soft!?" Lily Chuanhua reached out and grabbed Grabbing his own slime, he stared at Jianzi's head suspiciously, as if he was looking for the injured place.

The corners of Yotsuya Miko's eyes twitched when she saw this, she always felt that this guy Hua was showing off.

In other words, why does Hua eat a lot and doesn't like to exercise? Why is she so good-looking, thin where she should be thin, and fat where she should be fat!? Is there something wrong with God? Or is Hua the other party's illegitimate child? female!?

Just when Yotsuya Jianzi couldn't help complaining, a head suddenly poked out of the window, went straight through the glass, and then turned the head strangely "027", grinning at Jianzi and said, " Good morning.

Yotsuya Miko has only one thought in mind at the moment: MMP.

Lily Chuanhua, who couldn't see the strange figure that suddenly appeared, found that Yotsuya Miko had been staring at her suddenly, without blinking her eyes. She couldn't help but shyly said, "What's the matter!? Why are you so stubborn?" Staring at people!?"

"You don't... you want to confess to me!? Hey, just kidding!"

Yotsuya Miko didn't listen to Lily Chuanhua's joke at all, she pretended to be blind until the strange figure thought she couldn't see it, and after slowly walking away through the wall, Yotsuya Miko dropped her heart that almost jumped out of her chest and let go tone.

So, as expected, I can still see that kind of thing!?

It's super bad!!!

"I said, flower, do you know where I can buy prayer beads!?"

"Prayer beads!? Tang Ji (Note: Don Quixote is a large supermarket in Sakura Country), there should be some there, but why do you suddenly want to buy this!?"

"On a whim."

"Ah!? Oh, is this the same as my sudden craving for donuts!? I get it. Speaking of which, I'm suddenly hungry, hehe."

"Did you just have breakfast!?"

"I'm just getting hungry faster.

The two of them walked slowly towards the classroom while talking, and when Yotsuya Miko came to the door, they happened to meet Zhang Qing who was sitting inside. open eyes.

Oops, I forgot about this one again.

Yotsuya Miko, you are a sinful woman.

Help, what should I do now!? Go up to say hello, and then explain that this morning was not intentional!? Or simply pretend that nothing happened, and treat the stupid things that happened yesterday as if they never happened!?

Seeing Yotsuya Miko look away, Zhang Qing pretended not to see him, and sighed in his heart again. He was mentally prepared, but he was not as concerned and upset as before, and there seemed to be no first class in the class. The two knew what happened yesterday, and Zhang Qing was relieved.

Although I don't know why the other party wants to play this kind of joke to tease me, but since only two people know about it, then forget it.

After withdrawing his gaze, Zhang Qing continued to play with the pen in his hand, waiting for the bell to ring for class.

"What's the matter!? Aren't you going in!?" Lily Chuanhanana Yotsuya Miko stood at the door and didn't enter the classroom, she seemed to be still in a daze, and she couldn't help but reminded aloud.

"Ah, um." Yoshitani Miko, who was awakened, tightened the strap of her schoolbag on her shoulders, then walked into the classroom, and sat down in her seat all the way, with her head lowered during the process.

Lily Chuanhua, who was sitting at the next table, tilted her head, "Jianzi, you are so weird today, did nothing really happen!?"

"Really not, I just didn't sleep well last night, and now I'm a little sleepy..."

"Is that so!? Why don't you tell the teacher later and go to the infirmary to sleep. Seeing that your complexion is indeed a bit pale, I thought it was an illusion just now."

Yotsuya Jianzi was a little moved when she heard the words, not to mention that she really wanted to sleep comfortably now, and also wanted to escape from the classroom, but when she thought of the outside of the classroom, that strange figure was still wandering in the corridor and greeted everyone Yotsuya hesitated when he saw Zizi.

If I go there now, it is very likely that I have thrown myself into a trap.

Compared to this, she would rather face the living, isn't it embarrassing!? As long as she doesn't feel embarrassed, then there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Yotsuya Miko bit her lower lip, as if she was making some kind of decision. After a long time, she stood up, walked towards the back of the classroom, and then came to the quiet classroom amidst the curious eyes of all the students. In front of the desks of foreign students.

"I'm sorry when I was at the school gate before, I really didn't notice you at that time, and what happened yesterday, that... I'm serious."

Just finished speaking, Jianzi wanted to cover his face in an instant, and he was talking nonsense again, didn't he all muster up his courage!? Why didn't he explain clearly in the end, and still have to talk nonsense seriously "What, are you an idiot? !?

Woohoo, oh my god, this time I jumped into the Yellow River completely and couldn't wash it off.

Zhang Qing stared at the other party dumbfounded. The inverted signature pen in his hand fell to the table and rolled up, making a "da da da" sound.

The other students couldn't help being stunned, and after looking back and forth between Jianzi and Zhang Qing several times, they seemed to find something.

Lily Chuanhua couldn't help opening her mouth, "So did I miss something!?"

The other students were not much better. Hearing the meaning of Yotsuya Miko’s words just now, it seems that she took the initiative to confess, but why didn’t they realize that Yotsuya Miko was interesting to Zhang Qing at all before!? Are they all too dull! ? Shouldn't it!?

And that Zhang Qing looks ordinary, and he didn't hide at all that he likes the second dimension. Apart from his good grades, it seems that he has no advantages!? How could Yotsuya Miko fall in love with each other!?

"Sour smell, sour smell, bad sour smell..."

Just when the classroom suddenly fell silent, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded, and a horrifying figure wearing the girls' school uniform of this school came out from the back wall. She was tall and thin, with very long hands and feet. The girl's school uniform was covered with dried black blood, and the most frightening thing was that the other party's head was folded 90% at the moment and placed flat on the brow H.0

"She" just stared at Jianzi and Zhang Qing, as if she was getting angry, her hair was fluttering, like countless tentacles, stretching towards them.

Yotsugu Jianzi was a little speechless, still coming!? But she didn't dare to move, she didn't even dare to look at the strange figure that suddenly appeared, and even pretended not to hear the other person's angry words.

Zhang Qing turned his head and looked over there strangely. He always felt that someone was staring at him over there, but when he turned his head, he found that it was just a wall. How could anyone be there!?

Immediately, I felt that I was too suspicious.

However, only Yotsuya Miko saw the scene that shocked her. When Zhang Qing turned his head to look over there, the "dirty thing" that wanted to stick out its hair to wrap around the two of them suddenly let out a piercing scream, He turned his head and fled in the same direction as when he came and went, the speed was so fast that Yotsuya Miko didn't even come back to his senses.

After the figure of the other party disappeared completely, Yotsuya Miko looked at Zhang Qing in shock, "You, you..."

Zhang Qing rubbed his nose and said, "That class is about to start, let's talk about our affairs later, and everyone should take a look, look..."

Yotsuya Miko was reminded by Zhang Qing, only to realize that she was still in the class at the moment, and also noticed that the eyes of the classmates were all on them, her face became hot and flushed instantly, "Okay, then I will go back to my seat first ……”

After Yotsuya Miko returned to her seat and sat down again, she lay down on the table and pretended to be dead, "Don't talk, I just want to be quiet now."

Lily Chuanhua also shut her mouth immediately, suppressing her curiosity.

But she didn't bother Yotsuya Miko, but turned her head and stared at Zhang Qing behind him, as if she was studying something, and sized him up from head to toe.

As for the other students who were aroused by gossip and curiosity, they were also looking at Zhang Qing, but they were not as bold as Lily Chuanhua, and they just took a sneak peek.

"It's completely finished..." Yotsuya Miko buried her face in 4.8's arms, and she knew what was going on in the class without looking at her.

This is the second time, if I tell the other party now that I was just joking, I will definitely be beaten, I will definitely.

Blame those strange things, otherwise how could I make such a fortune!?

Sure enough, I have to buy Buddhist beads after school, so I can't delay.

But thinking of the Buddha beads, Yoshitani Jianzi thought of the scene just now, and suddenly thought in his heart, should he ask Zhang Qing, if there is any method for the opponent's things in Xia Guo, or he is wearing a talisman or something Yes, you can buy one for yourself!?

Recalling the scenes of yesterday and just now, Yotsuya Miko also found that Zhang Qing should not be able to see those existences, so it can only be explained that the other party has something like an amulet on his body, which makes those things so afraid of not approaching.

Thinking of the mysterious oriental country next door, Jianzi felt that this might really be the case.

"If you don't wait to ask, it's like this anyway, and it's not an option to avoid it, and didn't Zhang Qing say it yesterday, getting along as friends for a while, doesn't mean becoming a boyfriend and girlfriend all at once, yes, I don't need it at all Sorry, it's just a normal friendship..."

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