Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

530 Lily Chuanhua: I'm Sick, Really!

"Huh!? Have you met Kyousuke yet!? So when are you going to meet the parents!?"

When I was at school the next day, I heard Mitsuko Yotsuya talk about what happened yesterday, Lily Chuanhua looked at the two of them teasingly, and seemed to be very happy about it, and even regretted that she didn't follow yesterday, otherwise she would have been able to see that girl with her own eyes. It's a scene that must be very interesting.

There's no other way, I have to give this young couple some space between them, she's a good girlfriend, she's so considerate!

Yotsuya Miko rolled his eyes, "I'm telling you that Kyousuke is likely to enter the rebellious period, and now he doesn't go home immediately after school, so you pay attention to such an important matter!?"

Lily Chuanhua smiled and said, "Boys, aren't they all like this!? It's just that you are making a fuss too much. If you don't believe me, ask other students in the class if their brothers are similar!?"

Seeing that Yotsuya Miko was about to roll her eyes again, she changed the subject and said, "By the way, I don't know why, I eat a lot less recently, it's very strange, obviously I wouldn't feel full before eating such a small amount of food, you Do you want me to go to the hospital to see a doctor!?"

Yotsuya Jianzi heard the words with a black thread, "I don't think your appetite has decreased, at least you always put more in your stomach than me."

"I'm serious, I feel full very easily recently, and I don't feel hungry again after a while like before. My mother is much more relaxed, but she also seems to be in a hurry, saying that she will take me on the weekend Go see a doctor..." Biting her chopsticks, Lily Chuanhua talked about her experience during this time very distressed.

Zhang Qing looked at the other party's bento box twice as big as her own, and recalled that the other party was secretly eating when she was in class. Although she didn't quite understand how the amount of food in her mouth decreased, she still preferred to believe it. Yes, he asked with unbelievable concern, "Then when did you start to notice that your appetite suddenly decreased!?"

Yotsuya Miko also looked at Lily Chuanhua, although she didn't notice that the other party's appetite had decreased, but Yoshitani Miko and Lily Chuanhua have known each other for a long time, and she also knows that she is not a person who can make up nonsense, she is what she should be, No falsification.

After thinking for a while, Lily Chuanhua said, "It seems like it happened after buying Buddhist beads with Jianzi and you last time..."

Zhang Qing and Yotsuya Miko heard the words and couldn’t figure out why, did something happen that day!? The bracelet was broken and the beads fell all over the floor. I felt depressed because I couldn’t wear the same bracelet , so that the appetite will be greatly reduced!?

How is it possible, this guy is heartless, definitely not a person whose heart is so fragile.

Yoshitani Miko was thinking, could it be that the hanged ghost still followed Hua, or even went to Hua's house in the end!? So it affected Hua's health!? He couldn't help but look serious.

Zhang Qing couldn't figure out what the problem was, and asked, "Then do you feel uncomfortable!? For example, stomachache, or it came at the wrong time!?"

Which one is that!? Lily Chuanhua was a little confused, but she still replied, "There is really one place that is uncomfortable."

Zhang Qing nodded, "Very well, this may be the symptom."

Yotsuya Miko also looked at Lily Chuanhua, wanting to know where the discomfort was and whether it was really caused by the evil spirit.

Lily Chuanhua touched the thick fat at the heart, and sighed, "Angina, every time I see so many delicious food in front of me, but I can't eat it, it makes my heart ache."

Zhang Qing: "…………………

Yotsuya Miko: "...

"Jianzi, I think, if your brother is rebellious, you can buy some exercise books for him. As long as you don't have time to think about it, you won't go further and further on the road of rebellion." Lily Chuanhua in the shape of a "heart", turned around and chatted with Yotsuya Miko about the education of her brother-in-law.

Yotsuya Miko nodded, "Indeed, it is likely that Kyousuke has time to run around because of too little homework. He used to go home to play games."

"Hey! You guys are going too far, you don't care about others..." Baihe Chuanhua puffed up her cheeks and watched the two chatting on their own, ignoring her appearance, which was disgusting.

I am still worrying about it in vain! It is true that there are opposite sexes but no humanity.

"But we think you're doing fine now." Yoshitani Jianzi said quietly.

"That's not it, I'm not well at all now, maybe it's because I ate too much dog food.

"So you went to steal dog food, but isn't the apartment you live in not allowed to have pets!?"

"The dog food I'm talking about isn't that kind of dog food. Forget it, you really don't understand at all, Ah Qing, you must understand what I mean!?"

"No! I don't understand because I'm not a dog, thanks!"

"Woo~~~~~~~~ You all bully me!"

After lunch, while packing up the tableware, Lily Chuanhua suddenly suggested, "By the way, let's go to the movies this weekend. It just so happens that "Dragon Meow 2" is in theaters, let's go watch it together!"

Zhang Qing and Yotsuya Miko looked at each other and said, "We are fine, but didn't you say that your mother will take you to the hospital to see a doctor on weekends!?"

"This, hey, I forgot, but it doesn't matter, after we finish watching the movie, it won't be too late again." Lily Chuanhua stuck out her tongue and said.

"Hey, you bastard, don't just forget such an important world!!!" Yotsuya Miko looked at this girlfriend very helplessly, it was so uneasy.

"Okay, see mother, your baby flower will remember." Lily Chuanhua joked.

"Don't call me mom. I don't want a daughter like you. Auntie is exhausted just cooking for you every day. I don't want to do that at all." Yotsuya Miko said badly, and heard someone shout Her own "mother", she also felt horrified, after all, the scene of the ghost baby hiding in her bed before was still fresh in her memory.

"Ah, Dad Ah Qing, seeing Zi's mother doesn't want me anymore." Lily Chuanhua threw herself into Zhang Qing's arms and started crying.

The corners of Yotsuya Miko's mouth twitched, and Zhang Qing also helplessly raised his hands to show his innocence. This is why some people think that the real reason why Yotsuya Miko and Lily Chuanhua share a boyfriend is not that Zhang Qing is in two boats, but But this pair of girlfriends is a bit unusual.

Especially Yotsuya Miko was not angry seeing this, which made many boys envy and hate Zhang Qing.

Now in the class and the class next door, there are many boys who suddenly wear glasses, obviously not nearsighted. This incident baffles many teachers, because when they enter the classroom, the eyes of almost everyone in the class are shining (note: the glasses reflect light) .

Ask for flowers 00

Therefore, I also specifically asked everyone to pay attention when reading books. First of all, ensure that the light is bright, and don’t get too close to read.

As for whether those imitators have achieved the effect they want, whether they have successfully handed over a girlfriend, or two girlfriends, only they know.

Soon it was Saturday again.

Because of the experience of the previous date, Zhang Qing didn't mean to go to the meeting place in a foolish way, and went directly to Yotsuya Miko's house to pick him up. Because of Yotsuya Kyosuke, Zhang Qing also met Mitsuko's family, and also I know the way.

"Ah!? What you said is something, you want to go to the movies with this guy!?" Yotsuya Kyosuke still looked at Zhang Qing, his eyes were not eyes, his nose was not his nose, and he was obviously very upset that Zhang Qing came to his home.

"What is this guy!? Gongsuke, please speak up!" Jianzi's mother blamed her son, who was controlled by her sister, and looked helplessly.

Zhang Qing bent down and touched the little guy's head, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I have a good relationship with Kyosuke, he's just playing with me, by the way, have you finished Kyosuke's workbook yet! ? After finishing it, my brother will buy it for you, maybe you can get into a good university after working hard!"


Yotsuya Kyosuke gritted his teeth and looked at this future "brother-in-law". It was so disgusting and despicable. It was this guy who coaxed his sister to buy him those exercise books, so that he had to spend a lot of time every day to complete them, even playing games. time is running out.

It's so hateful.

He will never admit to this brother-in-law, absolutely!

"Mom, let's go out." Seeing that Zhang Qing and Kyousuke had such a good relationship, Yotsuya Miko was also very happy, and after saying something to his mother who was standing there dumbfounded, he dragged Zhang Qing out.

"Sure enough, you boys understand boys. I don't know how to get along with Kyousuke now. When boys grow up, they become less kissable than before..." Yotsuya Miko sighed.

Zhang Qing rubbed his nose, and really wanted to ask which eye of yours saw their relationship!?

But in the end, I still didn’t ask, but nodded, and said, “Of course, after all, I came from that age. As a person who has been here, I know very well what Kyosuke likes and is interested in at this age. Don’t worry, there will be more in the future.” If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me, and I can help you solve your problems at any time.”

For how to fool people, Zhang Qing is very knowledgeable and guarantees to satisfy the other party.


Perhaps because of the open relationship with his family, now Jianzi has gradually accepted some intimate actions with Zhang Qing. For example, when holding hands, it is more natural, and he will not feel shy. Most of the time, he is even proactive. that one.

Although she kept saying in her heart that they were not real boyfriend and girlfriend, she obviously thought that Zhang Qing was already her boyfriend.

Maybe it comes from time and time again, the hero Zhang Qing doesn't know save the beauty!

[The author has something to say: The day and night have been reversed for the past two days, I can't sleep at night, and my spirits are a little weak, alas...

By the way, this article is based on comics. The content of the animation is different from the comic in some places. The author is more inclined to the comics, because there are no animations at station B, and the animation updates are slower. zero】.

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