Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

539 Yotsuya Seeko: Have I Also Returned To My Ancestors! ? So What Is A Half-Demon! ?

Because of something on his mind, Jianzi finally declined the invitation to stay and finish the meal.

Walking on the street, seeing people passing by from time to time, unable to tell whether it was a human or a ghost, Yotsuya Miko sighed helplessly, took out his hand and sent a text message to Zhang Qing

Zhang Qing didn't quite understand what happened to Yotsuya Miko, why he suddenly kept silent, just when he wanted to say something to dispel the strange silent atmosphere

The phone in his pocket rang.

It was the cute voice of a little girl, "Here we come~~!"

Immediately, Zhang Qing touched his nose, feeling very embarrassed.

Yotsuya Miko was also speechless, turned to look at Zhang Qing, but said, "Look at the text message!"

Zhang Qing was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yotsuya Miko's cell phone, and realized that it should be a text message sent by the other party. I had to send a text message, but I obediently took out my phone and opened it to read it.

Sure enough, the sender was Yotsuya Miko.

It's just that the content sent by the other party is to tell myself not to speak.

Zhang Qing was a little confused at once, could it be that he made the other party angry, this is turning to the cold war!?

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Jianzi, only to find that the other person lowered his head and started typing again.

Then there was another cute little girl's "Here we come~~~!" voice sounded.

Zhang Qing saw the second text message from Yotsuya Miko arrived.

Click on it right away.

The above content is: Did you see it, you can see those things too!? If yes, just nod your head.

Zhang Qing looked at the content of the text message above with some confusion, then looked up and stared at him and saw Yotsuya Miko, should he nod or shake his head!?

What exactly does the other party want to ask!?

867 Yoshitani Seeing Zhang Qing's confused look, she simply put down her phone and said, "That's the one, the one at the old grandma's house just now...

Zhang Qing froze for a moment, then recalled what happened just now, and then looked at Yotsuya Miko in surprise, " can see Miko too!?"

Zhang Qing can't figure it out, there is such a coincidence in the world, what he thought was Muggle's little girlfriend turned out to be not, so

"Jianzi, have you received the admission notice!?"

"????" Yoshitani Miko looked at Zhang Qing in a daze, not understanding what the hell he was talking about!?

"What admission notice!?"

Zhang Qing scratched the back of his head and said, "The admission notice of Li World School, you should have seen "Hallelujah", it's the same one..."

Yotsuya Miko:

"We are high school students now, don't you imagine!?"

Yotsuya Miko looked at Zhang Qing in disbelief, not quite understanding his brain circuit, even if age is not mentioned, they are now in Sakura Country, where did they come from the magic school!?

"It's not really Hogwarts, I want to say that it's similar to that one, we can't just see it, it's useless, there should be a special place to teach us how to deal with these things, you think Think about it, the two of us are not the only ones in this world who can see these existences, there must be someone who has studied how to deal with them over the years, and then teaching newcomers is not a matter of course......"

Zhang Qing explained.

Yotsuya Miko didn't expect that Zhang Qing didn't just suffer from the second-year illness, but really thought clearly, but she said with some distress, "The problem is that I (cabc) have been like this for a long time, and I haven't I see someone looking for me, and I don't want to go to some strange place to study......"

Zhang Qing took her hand and said, "It's okay, I will go together. I was worried about what to do if I had to transfer to another school and I couldn't continue to contact you. Now I don't have to worry about it. If you don't want to go, I Go alone, come back after learning, teach you, so that you don't have to think about it because I left suddenly."

Yotsuya sees a black line all over his head, I didn't expect you to think so long.

So, before the relationship, you still want to leave without saying goodbye!? Or find a reason to deceive yourself, and then there is no news!?

After thinking about it, Yotsuya Miko stared at Zhang Qing with a murderous expression.

Zhang Qing coughed and explained, "Aren't I afraid that the people there will hurt you!? Really..."

Yotsuya Miko was still a little angry when she heard the words, but she forgave Zhang Qing to some extent, because she also recalled the setting of "Hallelujah", for Muggles who accidentally discovered the wizarding world

It's the easiest to just send [One Forget All Empty] directly, and it doesn't matter whether Muggles have any problems with their brains because of this.

Seeing that his little girlfriend finally stopped staring at him with a murderous look, Zhang Qing was also relieved. He didn't expect Jianzi, who was angry, to have such a terrifying aura.

"Which Jianzi has the ability to awaken!? In my case, the blood has returned to the ancestors. One of my ancestors should be a cat demon..."

Yotsuya Miko opened her mouth and said blankly, "Cat!?"

"Yes, it is a cat, but to be precise, it is a cat demon, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to combine with humans and give birth to offspring, you see! Now I can change between humans and cats, and I can also control parts of my body to change into cats. feature."

Saying that, Zhang Qing asked Jianzi to look into his eyes, which had turned into cat's eyes at this moment.

Yotsuya Miko was taken aback, and then leaned closer to look at it, and sighed, "It's amazing, then I can suddenly see those existences, should it be the awakening of the bloodline returning to the ancestors!? But I can't transform! ?”

Yotsuya Miko retracted her gaze, looked at her hands, and asked in confusion.

Zhang Qing rubbed his chin, "Maybe your return to the ancestors is not complete, you were stimulated by something, and you suddenly awakened, your blood is not strong enough, or...

"Is there or what!?" Yotsuya Miko asked curiously.

Zhang Qing didn't make a fool of himself, and explained, "Take "Hallelujah" as an example. In addition to wizards, there are also some half-blood wizards who have a quarter of Veela blood like Fu Rong!? I If it’s this, you’re like an ordinary wizard.”

Yotsuya Miko nodded, she also understood Zhang Qing's metaphor, indeed, there is such a possibility.

Of course, all of this has to be based on the fact that the inner world of this world is the same as that of "Hallelujah".

In fact, Zhang Qing would like to use the setting of Xia Guo's cultivating novels to explain, but as a person from the Sakura Kingdom, Yotsuya Miko probably has never heard of it, and she can't understand it at all, that is, "Hallelujah" Speaking of which, of course this is the title of the book in this world, the world in the previous life was not called this.

So if you travel to a parallel world, search for the name of the work on the Internet, and then find that there is no one, and go directly to be a copywriter, then reality will soon teach you how to be a human being.

"Then besides being able to become a cat, do you have any other abilities!?" Yotsuya Miko asked enviously, unlike her, except that she was able to see those existences and frighten her to death, she had nothing to gain at all.

Zhang Qing scratched his face, "Isn't this enough!? My physical fitness has doubled now. Not only have my eyesight and hearing been enhanced, but my body balance has also become superhuman. My strength has also become greater, not to mention my responsiveness. It's..."

Hearing this, Yotsuya became even more envious, this is indeed very good, even if he doesn't have the ability to add 50 cents special effects like those animation characters in cartoons, but this is already very strong.

"By the way, did you also discover the things that exist that dare not approach you!?" After sighing, Yotsuya Miko asked again thinking of this matter.

Zhang Qing nodded, "I found it, but I think it should be the effect of the evil spirit in my body!"

(Fat Orange: Hell, the demonic spirit, this Tmall has always been an ordinary pastoral cat!)

"I see!"

"That's right, that's it."

The next day, Lily Chuan came to the school in high spirits. As soon as she came up, she put her hands on Zhang Qing's desk, glaring fiercely at him and Miko Yoshitani beside her.

"You are too much, I have been waiting for your message all night, do you know!?

"It's clearly agreed. After returning home, each of you will send a message to report that you are safe. You are going too far..."

Cup and Chuanhua looked at them very aggrieved and asked.

Zhang Qing and Yotsuya Jianzi immediately looked at each other when they heard the words, and they showed embarrassed smiles.

There is no way, after finding out that they are not ordinary people last night, even when they got home, the two kept chatting on their mobile phones, and they really forgot about Lily Chuanhua.

By the way, why didn't Lily send a message to remind me!?

Thinking of this, Yotsuya Miko just asked.

"Hua, why don't you remind me that when we came home, we met a lost grandma. After helping her find her home, it was already late, so I forgot. I'm sorry, but you should remind us."

Lily Chuanhua, who was first sued by the villain, felt even more aggrieved, "But, am I afraid of disturbing your date!? Later, I am afraid that you are already asleep. Is it my fault!?"

Zhang Qing and Yotsuya Miko suddenly felt even more embarrassed.

"Dating or something, nothing." Yotsuya Miko said shyly.

Zhang Qing also hurriedly said, "Don't forget, we just came out of that store last night, with that thing, how could we go on a date!?"

It's late at night, two high school students are dating, it's easy to make people think wrongly, Zhang Qing is afraid that if he doesn't explain the situation, new rumors will spread in the school again.

"That's true, but I obviously created opportunities for you, but I didn't seize them, and went to do good deeds, you two are really..." Lily Chuanhua thought about it, and carried the bag containing the newly bought underwear , I'm afraid it's not convenient to date, but Lily Chuanhua still strongly condemns the two of them for wasting her kindness.

"No matter what, you made me wait all night for nothing, and after school, you have to treat me to donuts, and I want donuts from Mrs Donut's.

"Understood, I'll let you eat as much as you want." Zhang Qing reluctantly agreed to the other party's blackmail. Anyway, it's only a small amount of money. His family is quite rich in this life. Nor will it flatten his wallet.

"That's a good deal, don't let me go, or I will be really angry, hum!".

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