Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

54 Because The Secret Realm Lezheng Group Does Not Need To Go Bankrupt!

"So, you came back in such a disgruntled manner!?"

In the middle of the night, Zhang Qing looked at the four people who were in a panic outside the gate of Luvia's house, ignoring Illya's shy and bewildered look, watching Rin Tohsaka and Luvia having a forehead-to-brain physical exchange again, asked some speechless.

"Hey... that, that is too powerful..." Ilya drew circles on the ground with her little feet, and she felt a little ashamed to be in such a mess

Miyu was silent and didn't know what she was thinking, and secretly looked at Illya from time to time.

"Okay, stop arguing, you two, everyone is sleeping now!" Although Selah and the others promised to pretend that they didn't know anything and didn't find out for a while, but you made it so excessive, they still pretended to be dead If you don't know, it's too fake.

Zhang Qing quickly stopped the two "adults" who had already disregarded their image.

After Luvia realized that she seemed to have exposed such an embarrassing and rude side of herself in front of her "sweetheart", she couldn't help but want to find a hole in the ground to get in, and in the end she might have given up on herself, so she simply lowered her head and stood quietly aside up.

Zhang Qing rubbed his brows, and said to Tohsaka Rin, "I don't remember ever teaching you to be so brave, and you still took the two little ones without making any preparations, and you, Luvia, don't be so reckless in the future, you know!?"

Luvia nodded happily.

Rin Tohsaka crossed his arms, "I just didn't expect the other party to be prepared. After all, the intelligence said that these heroic spirits are irrational..."

"Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, I won't do it next time!" Tohsaka Rin wanted to defend himself a few words, but seeing Zhang Qing staring at him with a smile, "I can only admit that I was wrong.

"Train Ilya and Meiyu well. You can stop thinking that you are just watching from the sidelines. The protection of others will never be more secure than self-protection." Zhang Qing rubbed the two big girls The head warned as seriously as possible.

These two didn't want to train Illya and Miyu, they simply wanted to recover all the cards, and then they would have nothing to do with Illya and the others, and Illya and the others could return to a peaceful life of ordinary people. So naturally some knowledge of magic will not be handed over to Illya and the others.

It is completely relying on the ability of the magical girl transformed by Ruby and Sapphire to fight.

"You have also seen that it is not easy to recover these employment cards. If you can come back alive this time, what about the next time!?"

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia looked at each other, and regretted their contempt. This time they really realized how arrogant and ignorant they were.

"We will train Illya and Miyu well!"

Seeing that the two of them had really realized their mistakes, Zhang Qing didn't intend to continue to blame them. He turned to Ilya and the others and said, "You should be tired tonight, go to rest early, it's getting late!"

"Well, Brother Zhang Qing, I will`々. Illya nodded obediently.

Tohsaka Rin is a little speechless, who is your stinky girl called!? You still want to be my sister-in-law!? Tohsaka Rin rose in an instant, and tomorrow I will start to study Illya's sinister thoughts

Do one or both want to ride on her head!? She is so mad!!!!!

"Master Qing, I'm going back with Miyu too, goodbye!" Luvia said reluctantly, but she didn't do anything that was shameless.

At the same time, I looked at Rin Tohsaka with a bit of jealousy. Damn it, why didn’t I expect to be able to live in it before!? What kind of mansion to build!?

"What's wrong with you, Luvia!?" Miyu looked puzzled at Luvia who suddenly kept kicking the goal post.

On the other side, Guoyun World, the first secret desert core distance.

Huang Yuan has already begun to breathe a little bit, this beholder is really full of tricks, light attack, tentacle impact, sound wave attack, spiritual attack, etc. If they didn't plan to fight with it, they have always focused on dodging, I'm afraid it's too early Got it.

But after 10 minutes, Huang Yuan couldn't help but want to laugh out loud when he saw the figure of himself and the others gradually becoming unreal, and the beholder was baring its teeth and claws in a powerless and furious look.

But after relaxing, Huang Yuan looked back thoughtfully at Luo Tianyi who was chatting with Le Zhengling hand in hand.

He always felt that he had seen the other person's eyes turn golden before, and he had a feeling of palpitation, but when he wanted to see clearly, he found that the other person was still the original black with green color.

Did I read it wrong!?

Huang Yuan was a little unsure whether he had read it wrong in the panic before, or it was because the light of the beholder's light attack reflected golden light in Luo Tianyi's eyes!?

"What's the matter, Uncle Huang Yuan!?" Luo Tianyi asked with a smile on Huang Yuan who had been staring at her.

Le Zhengling frowned, and looked at Huang Yuan, "You don't want to do something to Tianyi, do you!?"

Seeing Le Zhengling's vigilant look, and Feng Baobao's and the renter's contemptuous eyes, Huang Yuan touched his nose, not knowing how to explain it for a while, so he could only smile awkwardly and wave his hands, "No, I I just saw a black spot on Xiao Tianyi's face just now, but it's gone now, hahaha, maybe I misread it......"

Seeing everyone's disbelief, Huang Yuan was also a little helpless, looked around and said, it seems that he has arrived at a new map. "

Although they knew that Huang Yuan changed the subject at this time, everyone also realized that they and others were no longer in the desert. This time, it seemed that they had arrived in a very normal city, where the sky was dark and there was no one on the street. look.

Le Zhengling picked up a newspaper that had just blown to her feet, spread it out, and noticed the date at first glance, "2012!?"

The charter woman soon saw a convenience store, went in, took a soft Zhonghua and walked out.

After he finally lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, he said, "It seems that there were people here not long ago, but now there is no one here, so strange...

Seeing Le Zhengling and the others looking at an unopened pack of cigarettes in their hands, the charter lady calmly explained, "Don't worry, I've left the money.

The corner of Huang Yuan's mouth twitched, thinking that it would be strange if you were rich in pajamas, but he was also addicted to cigarettes, so he went in and packed a few cigarettes, grinning at the crowd and explaining, " I also gave the money, don't worry!"

The viewers who watched the live broadcast outside were all a little speechless, don’t we know if we will get there without paying!?

"But is this level a welfare level, to replenish supplies and rest for all players!?"

Many viewers saw that players from other countries were also teleported into this dungeon map. This time, it is very likely that they will meet players from other countries. Although Huang Yuan and the others are very strong, they did not know other players in the previous level. How many abilities and weapons people have acquired, so Xia Guo's audience is still somewhat worried.

Not to mention that Le Zhengling and Luo Tianyi are the five scum of war, white and tender, soft and weak.

"Wasteland, you have to protect the girls in our country! Otherwise, I will still call you a waste man in the future."

"Upstairs, does the charter woman still need protection!?"

"Why don't you use it!? What did Sister Feng look like before? Don't you have a B number? Those foreigners still call her a peerless beauty! Who knows what those foreign devils think, but even the aunt is our Xia country's aunt, so I can't help those foreign devils. presumptuous!"

"...`Yes yes!!!"

I don't know that there are endless debates outside about whether foreign players will fall in love with Aunt Xia Guo. The charter woman followed the crowd to search for clues with a cigarette in her mouth, but she found several places.

But there really was no one there, even in some people's homes, the instant noodles were covered with water and it was warm, but there was no one there.

It seems that everyone suddenly disappeared at a certain moment.

Le Zhengling looked up at the pitch-black sky, but couldn't tell whether it was day or night, "There is no system notification sound, or tasks..."

She also didn't understand what she wanted them to do this time!?

"Don't think so much, Ah Ling! Let's clean it up. There is as much food here as I want, so I can be full!" Just as everyone was thinking about the intention of the system.

Luo Tianyi took Le Zhengling's hand, happily planning to make no grass grow here.

In the desert before, she worked very hard to be able to bear it. Otherwise, the little food would not be enough for her to eat freely.

It is precisely because of such a big appetite that the orphanage agreed to her moving out because they couldn't afford it.

At the same time, because of this, Luo Tianyi did not earn enough money from online songs, and had to work part-time.

Now in short, she can completely let go of the shackles and eat, Luo Tianyi doesn't care where those people go!? She can't wait to get rid of all the food (to Li's).

Seeing the happy little girl, Huang Yuan scratched his head, could it be that he really thought too much, no matter how you look at it, she is a naive and optimistic little girl, how could it be possible to have such indifferent and heartless eyes that belittle all beings!?

He hurriedly shook his head to get those suspicions out of his head, and Huang Yuan followed behind the two little girls who took the lead.

Le Zhengling was dragged away by Luo Tianyi, a little helpless, but she didn't resist.

"Go slowly, those things can't run long, and don't stuff everything into your mouth, Tianyi..."

Putting aside all worries about this weird place, Le Zhengling tried to persuade Luo Tianyi, but at the same time had to deal with the food stuffed into her mouth. Not long after, Le Zhengling touched her swollen belly, Somewhat worried.

Over there, Luo Tianyi was still eating, and...that stomach didn't hold up!? Where did all the food go!?

Feng Baobao stared blankly at Luo Tianyi, then at himself, "I lost...

The renter has already started to calculate in her heart how much it will cost to raise such a Luo Tianyi a month, and after calculating, she suddenly feels that even the richest man in Xia Kingdom may go bankrupt.

Thinking of Le Zhengling's surname, the charterer suddenly felt a little strange and glanced at Le Zhengling who was unaware.

Fortunately, the appearance of the forbidden secret realm has saved the richest man in Xia Kingdom! .

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