Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

543 An Old Man With A Bad Taste, Zhang Qing Who Died In Society!

After passing through the tunnel, following the throne, you will reach the top of Huling Mountain.

The scenery here is really good, and Ermutang Yulia is not completely deceiving. The only pity is that the four people who have reached the top of the mountain feel a little absent-minded. Even Lily Chuanhua, who has always been full of energy, rarely looks preoccupied.

The last few people took a few photos and planned to take the bus back home. Seeing that they were not motivated, Zhang Qing suggested to go to Maesai Donuts to buy some desserts, so that the three girls could feel better Then some, mainly because Lily Chuanhua swept away the previous "stagnation" and revived again with full blood.

Sure enough, for snacks, there is nothing that cannot be handled by food.

With the "help" of some pistachio Lily Chuanhua, the other two were easily captured. Even Ermutang Yulia, who was inexplicably looking down on herself, did not continue to be depressed.

At night, Zhang Qing once again dreamed of a strange place full of mist, and he couldn't wait to see his ancestor, Mr. Orange Cat. In his opinion, this may be a sign of further awakening of blood.

However, he looked left and right, and even turned around to look for it, but he didn't see those big fat orange cats he saw in his dream last time, so he couldn't help being taken aback, "Where's my cat ancestor!?"

"What cat patriarch!?"

"It's that orange cat that's as fat as a pig...Wait, who are you!?" Zhang Qing suddenly heard someone ask a question, and answered without thinking, but only realized halfway through the sentence , This is not right, I suddenly turned my head and looked in the direction of the questioning voice, and found that it was a guy wearing a suit-style high school uniform. He looked at himself with a smile.

"Me!? Of course I'm you!?" After the man heard Zhang Qing's question, the weird smile on his face became even weirder.

"I'm not lying, of course I'm you. My name is Zhang Qing, and your name is Zhang Qing too, isn't it!?" The boy in the Aegis High School uniform called himself "Zhang Qing" under Zhang Qing's slightly surprised eyes , and then pointed to him and said, "You are also Zhang Qing".

Zhang Qing, who could see the world, was stunned. The fact that the other party knew his name was already weird enough, but the other party even claimed to be "Zhang Qing", which is simply...

Wait, could it be that this is actually Zanpakutō's mind-bright world!? This guy with a weird smile in front of him is actually a sword spirit, or is it the same existence as Shiro Ichigo!?

On the opposite side, the Aegis high school boy who claimed to be Zhang Qing couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw Zhang Qing's eyes full of wisdom and light, especially his eyes with the message "understand" when he looked at himself.

This newcomer is a bit interesting, or there is something wrong with his mind.

However, it is necessary to fool around, and it is also what old seniors like them should do to let the newcomers leave an indelible black history.

"Yes, it is what you imagine now, I am you, but I am not you...

"So that's how it turned out... I had been thinking wrong all along. I thought that the world I was in was a hidden world of immortal cultivators. Didn't I expect it to be the world of death, one of the three famous migrant manga? !?" Zhang Qing, who could see the world, suddenly realized.

Then the reason why I became a cat is actually because my Zhanshen Dao, Dao Ling is actually an orange cat, and the guy in front of me claims to be me. In fact, it is the virtual self that is close to

The only thing I can't figure out is why I suddenly have my own Zanpakuto. I obviously remember that I haven't touched any shallow swords. This is a bit confusing to Zhang Qing who can see the world.

If you don't understand, just ask directly.

Zhang Qing, who could see the world, looked directly at the boy opposite and asked, "Can you tell me, when did I come into contact with Zanpakuto!?"

Zhang Qing of World Defenders said: "...

What and what, how did the other party come to such a conclusion!? And is this newcomer too calm, obviously coming to a strange place, but why is there no normal reaction at all!?

You must know that many of them, seniors, were full of vigilance when they first arrived, and they were full of doubts about everyone who appeared in front of them. Fortunately, this guy skipped the step of self-certification.

He also inexplicably said something like Zanpakuto Shinigami.

No matter how you look at it, this guy's dress doesn't look like he's traveled to that world. He doesn't even have a Death Overlord suit. Knowing that the current geography of that world is actually a bit strange, reincarnated in that world, just look at the world map and learn some place names in Sakura Country, and you will basically not be able to recognize them.

For example, Fuyuki City in Xingyue World, seeing this place name, it is impossible not to know what kind of world you are in.

However, knowing that the other party might have misunderstood something, the defender Zhang Qing did not intend to explain clearly to the other party at this time, but nodded with a smile, "Zanpakuto, it depends on how you understand it, Zanpakuto is not In the general sense of the knife, it is not limited to the shape of the knife, but it can be a finger sleeve, it can be a lantern, or it can be other... I can only say these things, it is up to you to find it yourself OK...."

"Now, let's have a happy fight. The winner will be the 'Zhang Qing' who will dominate the body in the future. The loser will stay in this world forever. How about this!? Isn't it very Excited and excited!?"

Zhang Qing who can see the world: “………….”

Dividing line……………

In the real world, not long after Zhang Qing closed his eyes and fell asleep, he opened them suddenly and sat up from the bed, embarrassment written all over his face.

After being teased by the self in the world of the defenders, after figuring out the truth of the misty space, Zhang Qing realized that the fat orange cat he thought was his ancestor was also himself in another world. The last time I got the opponent's panel for some reason and then left, plus the cat's life, there is nothing to see "so nothing at all is equivalent to being a little Mengxin who doesn't understand anything.

It’s all right now, I made a super big joke, I’m afraid that those seniors will laugh at themselves for a long time, Zhang Qing thinks so, and wants to destroy the world

It's just too frustrating.

"Those guys are too wicked, they are all me, so is it necessary to do this!?"

After complaining about those unreliable selves in other worlds, Zhang Qing remembered what he thought he had said to Yotsuya Miko before, and now he wants to die even more.

Sure enough, the second disease must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise the retribution will come one day, and it is strange when it is embarrassing to die!

Shaking his head, he didn't think about these things anymore.

After Zhang Qing got out of bed and got himself a glass of water, he held it with his hand, and there was a cyan ring in his eyes that was spinning. The boiling water that was still exuding steam a moment ago, froze in the blink of an eye. As the ring rotates in the opposite direction, the ice water in the water glass melts instantly and boils again.

Is this the power of the door? It's a bit powerful..."

After the experiment, Zhang Qing did not continue, because he had actually practiced for a long time in the foggy space before, but he was worried that it would be different after returning to reality, so he planned to try it and experience it to see if there was any difference.

Since there is no problem, no more tossing.

After putting down the cup, Zhang Qing didn't immediately go back to bed to sleep, he turned around and came to the window, opened the curtains, and looked outside.

"Sure enough...before I could only see a cloud of black mist, but now I can see the outline..."

At this moment, in Zhang Qing's eyes, those existences that ordinary people can't see are like watching through a low-resolution lens. There are already outlines of some people, but the details are not clear, like a mosaic of human figures.

I believe that if I get the superposition of one or two other world's own attributes, it should not be like looking through frosted glass like now.

Although it is still unclear, Zhang Qing also guessed that these monsters, which he has always regarded as invaders from different spaces, are probably so-called "ghosts" from the fact that these guys are in human form.

And the phenomenon that the other party can be seen almost everywhere also shows that this world is absolutely impossible to be the world of the god of death, "otherwise, the god of death would have sent him to the other world for funeral.

However, just because this is not the world of God of Death, Zhang Qing's complexion is also very bad. Before, I always thought that these were monsters and didn't care.

God knows if there are perverts and ordinary people can't see themselves, and they can't do something they like to see.

Although Yotsuya Miko said to himself last time that the jade pendant he gave can resist the approach of those things, but if it doesn't happen directly, it doesn't mean that he can't do other things. Thinking of this, Zhang Qing's face turns green.

"In this hellish world, isn't there a place like hell to control these wandering ghosts!?" Zhang Qing cursed angrily.

[The author has something to say: I feel a little uncomfortable, I probably didn't sleep well, this chapter is a bit messy, please forgive me, my throat hurts a bit, oh [

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