Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Episode 550: The Shadow Of The Shrine Revisited Again!

"Isn't this normal!? After all, it's the teacher's class.

During the lunch break and eating together, after hearing what happened before, Ermutang Yulia said it as a matter of course, as if she had expected it a long time ago.

Yotsuya Miko looked at Ermutang Yulia in surprise, and asked, " know!?"

Ermutang Yulia didn't think there was anything wrong with Yotsuya Miko's question, she thought that Yotsuya Miko was testing her ability, so she nodded, "Yes, Hana has a huge life aura, but that If you can see what is attached to the teacher, if you stay near him, even Xiaohua will consume a lot of life energy to resist..."

"However, Hua's physique is very special. It seems that she can replenish the consumed life aura by eating a lot of food."

After Ermutang Yulia finished speaking, she found that the three of them were staring at her in a daze, she couldn't help but tilt her head, and asked, what's wrong with you? Am I wrong!?"

Lily Chuanhua blinked, "I feel hungry because I'm leaking air!?"

After she finished asking, she stood up and checked her body, trying to see where she was leaking air, but after searching, she found that there seemed to be many holes in her body, such as nostrils, ears and mouth, etc. ...

Compared with Lily Chuanka, who has a "perfect score" in comprehension, Yotsutani Miko looked at Yulia Ermutang in surprise, "Can you see the aura of life!?"

As for the existence of various "Qi" in people, Zhang Qing already mentioned it when Zhang Qing explained Xia Guo culture to her, and even those spells were activated based on the use of "Qi". It's just that the "Qi" in ordinary people is very little, and the recovery is very slow, so it's not that they can't be mobilized, but they can't be mobilized. Except for magicians who will unscrupulously mobilize the "Qi" in strangers, ordinary orthodox warlocks are- By means of dead things.

I also said before that everything in the world has a "spirit", so even the most common small stones on the side of the road actually contain "spiritual energy", but very few

Since ordinary people can't see these "Qi" intuitively, they can basically judge through perception, and this is a very test of a person's perception ability. People like Ermutang Yulia who directly see "Qi" can definitely be said to be unique. Of course, someone is willing to teach this, otherwise no matter how good the talent is, it will be useless.

Not to mention Yotsuya Miko, even Zhang Qing looked at this short and cute pseudo-loli in surprise, who didn't expect the other party to have such abilities.

After all, even Yotsuya Miko found that Yulia's eyes are limited. She can't see some stronger ghosts. .


Ermutang Yulia can see the "Qi" that they can't see, so the original ranking is a bit inaccurate. I can only say that in terms of hell, there is no problem with the ranking, but the directionality of the three is not the same. comparative.

"It's no use pinching your nose." After being amazed by Yulia's miraculous talent in Ermutang, Zhang Qing saw that Lily Chuanhua on the side had already started pinching her nose to prevent her body from leaking air, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Ha...ha...Little Yulia, did I leak air just now!?" Lily Chuanhua ignored Zhang Qing, let go of her hand and took a deep breath, then turned her head and asked the two Mutang Yulia got up.

Ermutang Yulia:

"No, but I don't think it's because you don't breathe..."

"Don't use 'bar', it's definitely not the reason." Yoshiko saw his forehead, and then arrived, "Isn't this very good, Hua, you like food so much, now that you have the ability to digest quickly, can't you Have you eaten more food!?"

Lily Chuanhua thought for a while, "Oh, it's really like this, it's great, but how can I make my digestion speed faster, so that the consumption of life spirit energy will be faster!?"

Zhang Qing:

Yotsuya Miko: "...

Ermutang Yulia:

Forget it, ignore this snack, Yoshitani Jianzi pulled Zhang Qing and asked in a low voice, "How, did you find anything wrong with Mr. Xuanye!?"

Yotsuya Miko knew that Zhang Qing was going to follow up and investigate after school to collect evidence.

However, when she went to school, she didn't say anything, which made Yotsuya Miko lose her temper and couldn't help asking.

Zhang Qing shook his head, "We all guessed wrong, Mr. Tono did not abuse cats at all, and on the contrary, he would take injured stray cats to rescue stations, and would patrol places where stray cats haunt to prevent abuse. Cat maniacs hurt stray cats."

"This...isn't it right, so how do you explain the cat spirit attached to Mr. Tono!?" Yotsuya Miko didn't expect Zhang Qing's investigation results to be like this, no wonder his sudden attitude towards Mr. Tono It's changed a lot, but Yotsuya Miko can't figure it out. If Tono-sensei is really a real cat lover, then the cat ghosts attached to him can't be explained.

Zhang Qing thought for a moment, "I don't know, maybe there are other reasons, don't you see more clearly!? Did you find anything wrong!?"

Yotsuya Jianzi smiled wryly when he heard the words, "How dare I look directly at them, you are too difficult for me... However, in retrospect, it is indeed quite strange, if Teacher Tono really killed those As for the prisoner of the cat, those vengeful spirits should want to hurt him and take revenge all the time. Looking back now, it seems that they live in peace, it is indeed not #*......"

"Then don't worry about it, the fake will not come true, the real will not be fake, time will slowly reveal the truth." Zhang Qing comforted.

"You guys are whispering again, what is it that we can't listen to together!?" Lily Chuanhua approached angrily and asked.

Ermutang Yulia thinks that the two must be discussing to solve a certain major event, or to disperse an evil spirit, so she is a little curious about the whispering between the two, but she resists and dare not go forward, for fear of being seen by Yotsuya again The master was strangled.

At this time, seeing Lily Chuanhua approaching and directly asking, she couldn't help pricking up her ears, intending to listen.

Zhang Qing and Yotsuya Miko looked at each other and said, "It's nothing, I'm just discussing whether to buy more basic exercise books for Kyousuke, you know he's almost done with the ones he bought last time

Yotsuya Miko: "...

The corners of Lily Chuanhua's mouth twitched, "Are you devils!? Brother Kyosuke is too pitiful, he's only in elementary school..."

0 for flowers

This kind of sister and brother-in-law really can't, or they will die on the homework pile.

Lily Chuanhua, who wanted to fight for Yotsuya Kyosuke, finally dispelled the two people's not-so-human thoughts with her three-inch tongue, afraid that the two would suddenly change their minds, and hurriedly changed the subject, "By the way, we The last time I got the shrine, many people on the Internet asked me where I was, and said I wanted to go and see it, but I searched for a long time and couldn’t find it on the map. It’s really strange. Do you have any records there!? When was it canceled!?"

Yotsuya Miko heard the news about that shrine again, and felt a little uncomfortable, which reminded her of what the big guy said at that time, what exactly does the so-called "three times" refer to!?

Remembering that the other party had indeed wiped out the ghost that followed Hua, Yoshitani Miko also hesitated whether to fulfill his wish and bring the tribute.

However, just as she was thinking wildly, following Lily Chuanhua's urging, she took out her mobile phone and planned to search for the shrine, but she also found that no matter how she searched, she found nothing, and even opened the previous historical records, and there was a Blank, like she hadn't done anything that day.


This made Yotsuya Miko's face even more dignified, which was so strange.

What made her even more concerned was that when searching for more effective shrines in the local area, instead of only showing that one shrine like last time, it gave a lot of choices, all of which were relatively famous shrines, even Jianzi had heard of them .

"What shrine!?" Yulia Ermutang asked curiously.

Hearing this, Lily Chuanhua took out her phone, and opened the previous photo for Ermutang Yulia to look at, "That's it, I can't find where it is now, I obviously said it was on XX Mountain, but someone After looking for it, they said that I was lying, and there was nothing there, so I wondered if I remembered it wrong...."

Ermutang Yulia looked at the ordinary background of the shrine in the photo, and was stunned, "I guess you remember wrongly, after all, you don't have a good memory.

"No, how could I remember wrongly, I'm not Tono-sensei!"

"And even if I remember it wrong, did Jianzi and Ah Qing also remember it wrong!?" Lily Chuanhua looked at Zhang Qing and Yotsuya Miko and asked.

Zhang Qing shook his head, "Maybe it just so happened that it was demolished not long after we went there. You have seen it too. It has been abandoned for a long time, and the wood is likely to rot. This is a dilapidated building. Maybe someone saw it. We have been there, and we are afraid that more people will die and die, and we are afraid of accidents, so we will immediately decide to demolish it.”

Zhang Qing was afraid that Lily Chuanhua would run to die in order to prove it, so he quickly thought of a reliable excuse to deal with it.

Although Yotsuya Miko looked a bit dignified, she nodded in cooperation and said, "Hua, didn't you say that you received a lot of likes on the Internet!? It must be because the people who steamed and rot saw it and were afraid of accidents." It’s been demolished, just explain it to people on the Internet, I think this is the reason why it can’t be found on the map.”

Having said that, Yoshitani Miko is clearly aware of the weirdness in this incident. Although she hasn't seen the big guy and the two fox girls since that day, Yotsuya Miko always feels that the other party's before There is something deep in the words, and she will definitely come to find herself. Although she doesn't understand the reason, she has this premonition. .

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