"Let's find a place to stay first......"

Although it is said to help each other, people are separated from each other. There is not much trust between everyone now, so the two teams have no intention of acting together. Seeing that the Xia Guo team is not enthusiastic, Tony Stark and the others are still sensible left.

Perhaps to find new teammates whose country might be teleported to a random corner of the map!?

After all, it is impossible for the three of them to die in the Bald Eagle Kingdom on the Blue Star in such a short period of time. The rules announced by the mysterious voice in the secret realm at the beginning will definitely fill in new players after the players die. The one who didn't appear next to the three of them can only be said to be on the next level. The two black brothers died at the right time. They received the lunch box almost a moment before the transmission. No one is lucky.

Of course, I didn't even expect that there would be such a disgusting monster disguised as a treasure chest.

After the three people from the "Women's Federation" left, Le Zhengling made a suggestion. To be honest, they haven't showered for several days. As girls, it's really uncomfortable. It's rare to meet a modern city. Although Le Zhengling I think it's weird here, but I still want to clean my body urgently.

As for the live broadcast, it can be temporarily closed. Otherwise, do you really have to solve various personal problems in front of countless people!? I am afraid that there will be no need for any monsters, and many people will solve themselves on their own. Time is scarier than anything.

The others have no objection either, otherwise they can't be really sloppy, and in this secret realm, if they get sick because of hygiene problems, it would be fatal.

"We still have to collect some medical supplies..." Luo Tianyi also reminded everyone that although it is difficult for her to get sick now, it is difficult for others to say, even Huang Yuan After all, people in the world of One Piece will get sick, not to mention that Huang Yuan is just a cosplayer, and his overall physical fitness is not as good as that of people in the world of One Piece.

Feng Baobao, like the charter woman, has a power system that is more inclined to martial arts, which means that they are still human beings with mortal bodies, and birth, old age, sickness and death cannot be exempted.

Not to mention Le Zhengling. Before entering the secret realm, she was just an ordinary person who was very talented in music, and she was still young. Once she fell ill in such an environment where medical treatment was difficult, she might have to survive on her own. up.

Huang Yuan also sighed. Indeed, their team lacked a nanny, or in other words, players from all countries lacked a nanny. After all, the chances of drawing a person with medical skills are too low. I have never heard of a word Is it!? There are very few people who really choose the path of doctors to persuade people to study medicine, and the number of doctors in the whole country is definitely the same as that of some card-drawing games to draw SSR.

What they can do is indeed to collect medicines as much as possible to deal with possible future situations. Of course, it would be even better if they can obtain healing-related abilities in this secret realm. It seems that this map is a bit weird, but It may be a rare good place for all the current players.

Huang Yuan glanced around and found that the place where they are now should be an old-fashioned commercial street in the city. There are no high-end shops, and they serve ordinary citizens. This kind of shop is basically on the first floor as a storefront. People live on it.

Now there is no one here, and there is no shortage of places for them to live.

"Let's go to the hotel. This is the place where the original residents lived. The conditions will not be very good. Let's find a hotel or something to stay in [Let's find more clothes and toiletries that fit before..."

In the end, Huang Yuan still suggested this. After all, who knows what the original resident did in his own bed!? If there is no choice, let it be. When there is a choice, Huang Yuan does not want to settle for it.

Le Zhengling looked at the street lights on the street. Although there was no one there, it seemed that the power supply was still on. She nodded, "Then let's find a hotel, huh!? Wait, speaking of which, since the If it is a modern city, can the Internet be used!?"

Huang Yuan was stunned for a moment, then slapped his thigh, "Yeah, why didn't I think of this, but who of you has a mobile phone or something like that!?"

The charter woman was speechless, "What kind of mobile phone are you looking for? Aren't there a lot of them here!? Anyway, no one cares about your money!"

Just say that she has been wearing this pajamas for so long, does she look like someone who can carry a mobile phone!?

Feng Baobao, Le Zhengling and Luo Tianyi did have belts, but it was a pity that they were either lost or damaged in the last desert secret realm. After all, mobile phones were carried on the body to fight, and it was not as hard as Luogia. Sometimes it can also be used as a magic machine to move bricks, so it is difficult not to go wrong.

Not to mention how many days it has been, even if the mobile phone is not broken, it has already run out of battery.

Luo Tianyi said, "This place looks like it was in 2012. I'm afraid that the mobile phone is still very backward, but some functions should still be available. Let's look for it first!"

After the decision was made, the five of them searched around. Even if they disappeared, there should be one or two mobile phones left behind. It is impossible for one or two of them to carry their mobile phones with them at all times, right? As for mobile phones Shop!? That new phone can be used as soon as it is turned on!? How can there be so many free WIFi in 2012!?

"found it!"

I have to say that the girl Feng Baobao looked dumbfounded, but she was an expert at finding things, and she came back with a mobile phone not long after.

The owner of the phone seems to be a girl, and the screen saver is a picture of her with scissors hands, and the snake face is a bit speechless.

"See if you can go online!?" Huang Yuan said.

"Yes!" Feng Baobao nodded and said after operating a bit.

Everyone couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. In modern times, there is nothing more convenient than having the Internet to find out what you need.

In the live broadcast room, after seeing Xia Guo's player's coquettish operation, some foreigners who stayed in Xia Guo's live broadcast room brought the news back to their own countries, and these countries quickly edited a message and sent it to the players in the secret realm. On the side of his own players who are like headless chickens.

To be honest, no one really thought of asking for help from the Internet. People in these countries are a little speechless. How could Xia Guo players think of it, but I didn't think of it at all. I would only be like those brave men in rpg games. People rummaged through the homes of the residents!?

It's probably not Shi Lezhi.

Tony Stark, who parted with Luo Tianyi and the other five before, was also a little speechless, especially when his two teammates stared at him with mocking eyes, he couldn't help but blush a little.

Usually, I always brag about how smart I am, and I’m still a technology player, but when I get here, I forget that I can still rely on technology, and others forget it. "He is Iron Man!?


"Tony, let's forget about the captain. After all, he just woke up not long ago. Your words are a little..." Natasha looked at the angry Tony with a funny look.

Tony scolded, "Damn it, who knew that this secret realm would play cards unreasonably..."

"Okay, let's find a mobile phone or a computer!" Although Steve also thought it was funny, he still smoothed things over and took the opportunity to give Tony a step up.

"However, fortunately we can speak Chinese, otherwise...

Steve is also a little lucky, otherwise it would be useless if he knew it. If you can’t read Chinese, it’s useless even if you know computer skills. Presumably there are many players from other countries who are catching blind now.

"What Chinese? It was given to the people of Xia by the ancestors of our country. They are shameful thieves who forget their roots..."

Some Bangzi people who came to the live broadcast room of Bald Eagle Kingdom popularized their theory of the origin of the world of Bangzi Kingdom to the people in the live broadcast room.

In the end, they were kicked out of the live broadcast room. That's right, all the live broadcast rooms except Bangzi kicked these idiots out.

Because these idiots are short of saying, they are the fathers of everyone in the world.

0 for flowers... 0

I don't know why these idiots who have died batch after batch of contestants can still dance like this. Now that the situation in their own country is not very good, they still have the leisure to come to the live broadcast rooms of other countries. Players from their own country cheer up, although it is useless.

After all, a bunch of sissy oppas, all of their abilities are fake, and they are blown out, and they can be broken with a single poke.

Many countries really have no choice but to waste messages of only 300 words per week to teach their players how to operate their mobile phones. Fortunately, mobile phones can also convert languages, but they don’t really need to translate everything, otherwise they would have to Crazy.

There are also some idiots who say on the Internet that they blame Xia Guo. English is the common language of the world. Why don’t they use English as their mother tongue? If something happens to a player from their country, it must be Xia Guo’s fault. Say it, or start a war or something.

Seeing this, many netizens in Xiaguo are furious. What kind of brain-dead thinking is this!? You are poor and blame your mother for not finding you a rich father!? Finding a rich father can still give birth to your brain-dead mind! ?

This time I couldn't bear it anymore, but the Internet was full of gunpowder. Xia Guo netizens showed their excellent qualities and cultural literacy, greeted the other party's ancestors for eighteen generations, and paid special attention to the other party's parents. They were polite, civilized and kind.


Xia Guo's officials are even more straightforward, just one word, "War!"

I don't even bother to condemn these idiots. Smart people can see that with the continuation of the secret realm, the world pattern will undergo earth-shaking changes. If Xia Guo continues to maintain its current advantage, sooner or later the world will still be enemies. It is useless to say good things now, because there are already many countries that have suffered serious problems due to their fortunes falling again and again. How can the Xia Kingdom, the only beneficiary, not be envied by others!?

Similarly, if something happens to Xia Guo players in the future, and Xia Guo declines because of this, I am afraid that any international friends will come up and step on it. The friendship between countries is not reliable, especially now that there is an opportunity to overtake in a corner , almost all backward and weak countries can't help but have a gambler's mentality, what a good brother, that is, when you are stronger than him

Only then.

So Xia Guo changed his previous tolerance and low-key, and became tough.

Of course, this is also because with the continuous increase of the national fortune, the progress of many of their scientific research technologies has given them this confidence.

Presumably many countries have also benefited from the increase in national luck.

Not to mention that if Xia Guo's players are focused on hunting players from other countries, they can easily do it. If Xia Guo is in a hurry, they may not have to go to war. Que was destroyed, so when Xia Guo became tougher, even the Bald Eagle Kingdom didn't dare to slap the table and say "Fight, fight!" at this time.

Although they believe in Tony and the others, this is not the real Marvel world after all. Even if it is, the timeline is at most between Iron Man 1 and 2.

Take the confidence of a hammer to go to the other side Xia Guo's superpowers, yes, in the eyes of the people of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, that is not kung fu but superpowers, and even scolded on the Internet for this, Xia Guo secretly researched superpowers. Ability, but also require disclosure, all human beings benefit, or Feng Baobao and the others are mutants and other alien life forms, requesting to send themselves

The people of the country went to the country of Xia to kill these aliens and so on.

In short, this is why even Huang Yuan knew what Natasha and the others said were right, but they didn't talk enthusiastically, because the problems between countries have not been resolved.

Why let them hand over their backs to you!?


No one is a fool, maybe you will turn around and send a message from your country secretly, and you will be stabbed. It is true that the secret realm is now a problem facing all mankind, but it does not hinder

Some people want to profit from it and become the hegemon of the world!

Unless it is really the time when human beings are about to perish on Blue Planet, no matter how eloquent they can be, no one will really form an alliance. The question remains, "Why should we trust each other! Just?".

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